Conversions.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Helper functions for proofs in propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Helper functions for printing of Theories in DIMACS-CNF Format
module Propositional.Conversions
( showDIMACSProblem
, goalDIMACSProblem
, createSignMap
, mapClause
) where
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import Common.DocUtils
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional as AS
import qualified Propositional.ProverState as PState
import qualified Propositional.Sign as Sig
import Propositional.Fold
-- | make a DIMACS Problem for SAT-Solvers
goalDIMACSProblem :: String -- ^ name of the theory
-> PState.PropProverState -- ^ initial Prover state
-> AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA -- ^ goal to prove
-> [String] -- ^ Options (ignored)
-> IO String
goalDIMACSProblem thName pState conjec _ = do
let sign = PState.initialSignature pState
axs = PState.initialAxioms pState
showDIMACSProblem thName sign axs $ Just conjec
-- | Translation of a Propositional Formula to a String in DIMACS Format
showDIMACSProblem :: String -- ^ name of the theory
-> Sig.Sign -- ^ Signature
-> [AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA] -- ^ Axioms
-> Maybe (AS_Anno.Named AS.FORMULA) -- ^ Conjectures
-> IO String -- ^ Output
showDIMACSProblem name fSig axs mcons = do
let negatedCons = case mcons of
Nothing -> []
Just cons -> [AS_Anno.mapNamed (negForm Id.nullRange) cons]
tAxs = map (AS_Anno.mapNamed cnf) axs
tCon = fmap (AS_Anno.mapNamed cnf) negatedCons
flatSens = getConj . flip mkConj Id.nullRange . map AS_Anno.sentence
tfAxs = flatSens tAxs
tfCon = flatSens tCon
numVars = Set.size $ Sig.items fSig
numClauses = length tfAxs + length tfCon
sigMap = createSignMap fSig 1 Map.empty
fct = map (++ " 0") . concatMap (`mapClauseAux` sigMap)
return $ unlines $
[ "c " ++ name, "p cnf " ++ show numVars ++ " " ++ show numClauses]
++ (if null tfAxs then [] else "c Axioms" : fct tfAxs)
++ if null tfCon || isNothing mcons then []
else "c Conjectures" : fct tfCon
-- | Create signature map
createSignMap :: Sig.Sign
-> Integer -- ^ Starting number of the variables
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
createSignMap sig inNum inMap =
let it = Sig.items sig
minL = Set.findMin it
nSig = Sig.Sign {Sig.items = Set.deleteMin it}
in if Set.null it then inMap else
createSignMap nSig (inNum + 1)
(Map.insert (Sig.id2SimpleId minL) inNum inMap)
-- | Mapping of a single Clause
mapClause :: AS.FORMULA
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> String
mapClause form = unlines . map (++ " 0") . mapClauseAux form
-- | Mapping of a single Clause
mapClauseAux :: AS.FORMULA
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> [String]
mapClauseAux form mapL = case form of
-- unused case: AS.Conjunction ts _ -> map (`mapLiteral` mapL) ts
AS.True_atom _ -> []
AS.False_atom _ -> ["-1", "1"]
_ -> [mapLiteral form mapL]
-- | Mapping of a single literal
mapLiteral :: AS.FORMULA
-> Map.Map Id.Token Integer
-> String
mapLiteral f mapL = case f of
AS.Disjunction ts _ -> unwords $ map (`mapLiteral` mapL) ts
AS.Negation n _ ->
'-' : mapLiteral n mapL
AS.Predication tok -> show (Map.findWithDefault 0 tok mapL)
_ -> error $ "Impossible clause case: " ++ showDoc f ""