Conservativity.hs revision 602537decb7c714fbf6da6caa024ab3f10805276
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : ConservativityChecker for propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
THe QBF solver sKizzo is used for conservativity checking. This is the
code connecting it to Hets
module Propositional.Conservativity (conserCheck) where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Consistency
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- Propositional Stuff
import Propositional.Sign
import Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional
import Propositional.Morphism
import Propositional.Conversions
import Propositional.Fold
proverName :: String
proverName = "sKizzo"
defOptions :: String
defOptions = "-timeout 60"
-- | Conservativity Check for Propositional Logic
conserCheck :: (Sign, [Named FORMULA]) -- ^ Initial sign and formulas
-> Morphism -- ^ morhpism between specs
-> [Named FORMULA] -- ^ Formulas of extended spec
-> IO (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA])))
conserCheck (_, inSens) mor cForms = do
let inSig = source mor
cSig = target mor
case mapM (mapSentence mor) $ getFormulas inSens of
Result ds Nothing -> return $ Result ds Nothing
Result _ (Just inFormsM) -> do
let checkForm = Implication
(Conjunction inFormsM nullRange)
(Conjunction cForms nullRange)
doConservCheck inSig cSig checkForm
-- | Extraction of needed formulas, removes all Theorems and Annotations
getFormulas :: [Named FORMULA] -> [FORMULA]
getFormulas = map sentence . filter isAxiom
doConservCheck :: Sign -- ^ Initial Sign
-> Sign -- ^ Extended Sign
-> FORMULA -- ^ QBF Formula to Prove
-> IO (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA])))
doConservCheck inSig oSig form = do
let iMap = createSignMap oSig 1 Map.empty
iSym = items inSig
eSym = items oSig `Set.difference` iSym
fs = getConj $ cnf form
qdim = showQDimacs iSym eSym iMap fs
-- exclude the trivial case that makes sKizzo fail
if null fs then return $ return $ Just (Cons, []) else do
res <- runSKizzo qdim
return $ return $ Just (res, [])
-- | Printer for QDimacs Format
showQDimacs :: Set.Set Id -- ^ Symbols of initial Sign
-> Set.Set Id -- ^ New symbols of extended Sign
-> Map.Map Token Integer -- ^ Map of Symbols
-> [FORMULA] -- ^ Formulas to Translate
-> String
showQDimacs inSym exSym sigMap fforms =
let numVars = Set.size inSym + Set.size exSym
fct sym str = show (Map.findWithDefault 0 (id2SimpleId sym) sigMap)
++ " " ++ str
in "c Conservativity Problem Created by Hets \n" ++
"p cnf " ++ show numVars ++ " " ++
show (length fforms) ++ "\n" ++
"a " ++ Set.fold fct "" inSym ++ "0\n" ++
"e " ++ Set.fold fct "" exSym ++ "0\n" ++
case fforms of
[] -> ""
_ -> "c Axioms\n" ++ concatMap (`mapClause` sigMap)
-- | Runs sKizzo that has to reside in your path
runSKizzo :: String -- ^ File in qdimacs syntax
-> IO Conservativity
runSKizzo qd = do
path <- getTempFile qd "sKizzoTemp.qdimacs"
(exCode, out, err1) <- executeProcess proverName
(words defOptions ++ [path]) ""
let err = out ++ err1
removeFile path
return $ case exCode of
ExitFailure n -> case n of
10 -> Cons
20 -> Inconsistent
_ -> Unknown $ case n of
30 -> "Timeout"
40 -> "unable to decide"
127 -> err
250 -> "Out of memory"
251 -> "sKizzo crashed"
254 -> "File not found"
-1 -> "sKizzo internal error"
-2 -> "I/O error or unexisting file"
-3 -> "commandline parse error"
-4 -> "DIMACS parse error"
-5 -> "sKizzo SIGBUS/SIGSEV crash"
-6 -> "unmanaged out of memory"
_ -> "Unkown, exit was: " ++ show n
++ if null err then "" else ' ' : err
_ -> Unknown "Unkown, but successful exit."