AS_BASIC_Propositional.hs revision cf04ba46b9eb495d334466e24e082e391055ca7b
{-# LINE 1 "Propositional/AS_BASIC_Propositional.der.hs" #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for propositional logic
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Uni Bremen 2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of abstract syntax for propositional logic
module Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional where
import Common.Id
-- DrIFT command
{-! global: UpPos !-}
data Formula f = Negation (Formula f) Range
-- pos: not
| Conjunction [Formula f] Range
-- pos: "/\"s
| Disjunction [Formula f] Range
-- pos: "\/"s
| Implication (Formula f) (Formula f) Bool Range
-- pos: "=>"
| Equivalence (Formula f) (Formula f) Bool Range
-- pos: "<=>"
| True_atom Range
-- pos: "True"
| False_atom Range
-- pos: "False
| Predication Common.Id.Id
-- pos: Propositional Identifiers
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- True is always true -P
is_True_atom :: Formula f -> Bool
is_True_atom (True_atom _) = True
is_True_atom _ = False
-- and False if always false
is_False_atom :: Formula f -> Bool
is_False_atom (False_atom _) = False
is_False_atom _ = False
{- ? Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. ? -}
instance PosItem f => PosItem (Formula f) where
getRange (Negation _ p) = p
getRange (Conjunction _ p) = p
getRange (Disjunction _ p) = p
getRange (Implication _ _ _ p) = p
getRange (Equivalence _ _ _ p) = p
getRange (True_atom p) = p
getRange (False_atom p) = p
getRange (Predication _) = nullRange
-- Imported from other files :-