TheoremHideShift.hs revision f3e815e0f960f2c002904b18ad75c149a3827d9f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
module Proofs.TheoremHideShift
( theoremHideShift
, theoremHideShiftFromList
, convertToNf
, convertNodesToNf
, hasIngoingHidingDef
, computeTheory
, theoremsToAxioms
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.WACocone
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.ComputeColimit
import Proofs.SimpleTheoremHideShift
(thmHideShift, getInComingGlobalUnprovenEdges)
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (nub, sortBy)
import Control.Monad
normalFormRule :: DGRule
normalFormRule = DGRule "NormalForm"
convertNodesToNf :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
convertNodesToNf ln libEnv = do
libEnv' <- foldM (convertToNf ln) libEnv $
nodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
let oldGraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
newGraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv'
return $ Map.insert ln
(groupHistory oldGraph thmHideShift newGraph) libEnv'
{- | converts the given node to its own normal form -}
convertToNf :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node -> Result LibEnv
convertToNf ln libEnv node = do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
nodelab = labDG dgraph node
case dgn_nf nodelab of
-- here checks if it's already been computed
Just _ -> return libEnv
Nothing ->
case hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln node of
False -> -- no hiding, nf is the node itself
-- we need to update the fields
-- dgn_sign and dgn_nf of node
let (sign, mor) = (dgn_theory nodelab, Just $ ide $ dgn_sign nodelab)
newLab = (newNodeLab (dgn_name nodelab) DGProof sign){
dgn_nf = Just node,
dgn_sigma = mor,
nodeInfo = nodeInfo nodelab}
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
newGraph = changeDGH dgraph chLab
return $ Map.insert ln
(groupHistory dgraph normalFormRule newGraph) libEnv
True -> case isDGRef nodelab of
True -> do
-- the normal form of the node
-- is a reference to the normal form of the node it references
-- careful: here not refNf, but a new Node which references refN
let refLib = dgn_libname nodelab
refNode = dgn_node nodelab
libEnv' <- convertToNf refLib libEnv refNode
refGraph' = lookupDGraph refLib libEnv'
refLbl = labDG refGraph' refNode
Just refNf = dgn_nf refLbl
-- the normal form just computed ^
refNodelab = labDG refGraph' refNf
-- the label of the normal form ^
nfNode = getNewNodeDG dgraph
-- the new reference node in the old graph ^
NodeName tt _ss _ii = dgn_name nodelab
nfName = mkSimpleId $ "NormalForm" ++ show tt ++ show node
refLab = refNodelab {
dgn_name = NodeName nfName (show nfName) 0,
dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = Just $ ide $ dgn_sign refNodelab,
nodeInfo = newRefInfo refLib refNf,
dgn_lock = Nothing
newLab = nodelab{
dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = dgn_sigma refLbl
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
changes = [InsertNode (nfNode, refLab), chLab]
newGraph = changesDGH dgraph changes
return $ Map.insert ln
(groupHistory dgraph normalFormRule newGraph) libEnv'
False -> do
auxProofstatus <- createNfsForPredecessors ln libEnv node
(diagram, g) <- computeDiagram ln auxProofstatus node
let Result _ds res = gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone diagram
case res of
Nothing -> fail "convert to normal form: can't compute cocone"
Just (sign, mmap) -> do
-- the new node which will contain the normal form
auxGraph = lookupDGraph ln auxProofstatus
nfNode = getNewNodeDG auxGraph
-- the label of the new node
NodeName tt ss _ii = dgn_name nodelab
nfName = mkSimpleId $ "NormalForm" ++ show tt ++ show node
nfLabel = (newNodeLab (NodeName nfName ss 0) DGProof sign)
{ dgn_nf = Just nfNode, -- is its own nf
dgn_sigma = Just $ ide $ signOf sign -- id morphism
-- the new label for node
newLab = nodelab
{ dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = Just $ mmap Map.! (g Map.! node)
-- add the nf to the label of node
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
-- insert the new node and add edges from the predecessors
insNNF = InsertNode (nfNode, nfLabel)
makeEdge src tgt m = (src, tgt, DGLink { dgl_morphism = m
, dgl_type = GlobalDef
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof
, dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
insStrMor = map (\ (x, f) -> InsertEdge $ makeEdge x nfNode f)
$ nub $ map (\ (x, y) -> (g Map.! x, y))
$ Map.toList mmap
allChanges = chLab : insNNF : insStrMor
newGraph = changesDGH auxGraph allChanges
return $ Map.insert ln
(groupHistory auxGraph normalFormRule newGraph)
{- computes the diagram associated to a node N in a development graph,
adding common origins for multiple occurences of nodes, whenever
computeDiagram :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node ->
Result (GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node) -- (D,G)
computeDiagram ln libEnv node =
unfoldedGraph ln libEnv node
-- as described in the paper for now
unfoldedGraph :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node ->
Result (GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node)
unfoldedGraph ln libEnv node = do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
gd = insNode (node, dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph node) empty
g = Map.fromList [(node,node)]
unfoldedGraphAux ln libEnv [node] node (gd, g)
unfoldedGraphAux :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> [Node] -> Node ->
(GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node) ->
Result (GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node)
unfoldedGraphAux ln libEnv nodeList node (gd,g) =
case nodeList of
[] -> return (gd,g)
_ -> do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
-- defInEdges is list of pairs (n, edges of target g(n))
defInEdges = map (\n -> (n,filter (\e@(s,t,_) -> s /= t &&
liftE (liftOr isGlobalDef isHidingDef) e) $
innDG dgraph $ g Map.! n)) nodeList
-- TO DO: no local links, and why edges with s=t are removed
-- add normal form nodes
-- sources of each edge must be added as new nodes
nodeIds = zip (newNodes (length $ concat $ map snd defInEdges) gd)
$ concatMap (\(n,l) -> map (\x -> (n,x)) l ) defInEdges
newLNodes = zip (map fst nodeIds) $
map (\ (s,_,_) -> dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph s) $
concat $ map snd defInEdges
g0 = Map.fromList $
map (\ (newS, (_newT, (s,_t, _))) -> (newS,s)) nodeIds
morphEdge (n1,(n2, (_, _, el))) =
if isHidingDef $ dgl_type el
then (n2,n1,(x, dgl_morphism el))
else (n1,n2,(x, dgl_morphism el))
where EdgeId x = dgl_id el
newLEdges = map morphEdge nodeIds
gd' = insEdges newLEdges $ insNodes newLNodes gd
g' = Map.union g g0
unfoldedGraphAux ln libEnv (map fst nodeIds) node (gd', g')
{- | creates the normal forms of the predecessors of the given node
createNfsForPredecessors :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node -> Result LibEnv
createNfsForPredecessors ln proofstatus node =
foldM (convertToNf ln) proofstatus predecessors
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatus
defInEdges = filter ( \e@(s,_,_) ->
liftE (liftOr isGlobalDef isHidingDef) e
&& node /= s) $ innDG dgraph node
predecessors = map (\ (src,_,_) -> src) defInEdges
{- | returns True, if the given node has at least one directly or
indirectly (ie via an ingoing path of GlobalDef edges)
ingoing HidingDef edge. returns False otherwise
hasIngoingHidingDef :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> Bool
hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln node =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
nodelab = labDG dgraph node
ingoingEdges = innDG dgraph node
hidingDefEdges = filter (liftE isHidingDef ) ingoingEdges
globalDefEdges = filter (liftE isGlobalDef) ingoingEdges
next = map (\ (s, _, _) -> s) globalDefEdges
if isDGRef nodelab then
-- if the referenced node has incoming hiding links
-- then the reference is also treated as with hiding
let DGRef refLib refNode = nodeInfo nodelab
in hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv refLib refNode
not (null hidingDefEdges)
|| or (map (hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln) next)
-- Theorem hide shift and auxiliaries
theoremHideShift :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShift ln proofStatus =
theoremHideShiftAux ln proofStatus $ nodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
theoremHideShiftAux :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> [Node] -> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShiftAux ln proofStatus nodeList = do
auxProofstatus <- foldM (convertToNf ln) proofStatus $
nodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
auxGraph = lookupDGraph ln auxProofstatus
nodesWHiding = filter
(\n -> hasIngoingHidingDef proofStatus ln n
&& (not $ isNormalFormNode auxGraph n)) nodeList
-- all nodes with incoming hiding links
-- all the theorem links entering these nodes
-- have to replaced by theorem links with the same origin
-- but pointing to the normal form of the former target node
ingoingEdges = concat $
map (getInComingGlobalUnprovenEdges auxGraph) nodesWHiding
newGraph = foldl theoremHideShiftForEdge auxGraph ingoingEdges
return $ Map.insert ln
(groupHistory auxGraph thmHideShift newGraph)
theoremHideShiftForEdge :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph
theoremHideShiftForEdge dg edge@(source, target, edgeLab) =
case maybeResult $ theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux dg edge of
Nothing -> error "theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux"
Just (dg', pbasis) -> let
GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus = dgl_type edgeLab
provenEdge = (source, target, edgeLab
{ dgl_type = GlobalThm (Proven thmHideShift pbasis)
conservativity conservStatus
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof })
in changesDGH dg' [DeleteEdge edge, InsertEdge provenEdge]
theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (DGraph, ProofBasis)
theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux dg (sn, tn, llab) = do
let tlab = labDG dg tn
Just nfNode = dgn_nf tlab
phi = dgl_morphism llab
Just muN = dgn_sigma tlab
cmor <- comp phi muN
let newEdge =(sn, nfNode, DGLink{
dgl_morphism = cmor,
dgl_type = GlobalThm LeftOpen None LeftOpen,
dgl_origin = DGLinkProof,
dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
case tryToGetEdge newEdge dg of
Nothing -> let
newGraph = changeDGH dg $ InsertEdge newEdge
finalEdge = case getLastChange newGraph of
InsertEdge final_e -> final_e
_ -> error "Proofs.Global.globDecompForOneEdgeAux"
in return
(newGraph, addEdgeId emptyProofBasis $ getEdgeId finalEdge)
Just e -> return (dg, addEdgeId emptyProofBasis $ getEdgeId e)
theoremHideShiftFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> LibEnv
-> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShiftFromList ln ls proofStatus =
theoremHideShiftAux ln proofStatus $ map fst ls
{- compute the theory of a node, using normal forms when available -}
computeTheory :: Bool -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node ->
Result (LibEnv, G_theory)
computeTheory useNf libEnv ln n =
let dg = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
nodelab = labDG dg n
isDefLink = liftOr isGlobalDef $ liftOr isLocalDef
$ liftOr isFreeEdge isCofreeEdge
inEdges = filter (liftE isDefLink) $ innDG dg n
localTh = dgn_theory nodelab
if isDGRef nodelab then do
let refLn = dgn_libname nodelab
refNode = dgn_node nodelab
(libEnv', refTh) <- computeTheory useNf libEnv refLn refNode
-- local sentences have to be mapped along dgn_sigma if refNode has hiding
localTh' <- if useNf && hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv' refLn refNode then
let dg' = lookupDGraph refLn libEnv'
newLab = labDG dg' refNode
in case dgn_sigma newLab of
Nothing -> return localTh
-- normal form computation failed
Just phi -> translateG_theory phi localTh
else return localTh
joinTh <- joinG_sentences (theoremsToAxioms refTh) localTh'
return (libEnv', joinTh)
if useNf && hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln n then do
let libEnvRes = convertToNf ln libEnv n
case maybeResult libEnvRes of
Nothing -> computeTheory False libEnv ln n
-- if it fails or colimits are not implemented,
-- use old version
Just libEnv' -> do
let dg' = lookupDGraph ln libEnv'
nodelab' = labDG dg' n
Just nfN = dgn_nf nodelab'
computeTheory False libEnv' ln nfN
-- set flag to False, so compute without checking hiding
-- for normal form node
else do
ths <- mapM (computePathTheory libEnv ln) $ sortBy
(\ (_, _, l1) (_, _, l2) -> compare (dgl_id l2) $ dgl_id l1) inEdges
ths' <- flatG_sentences localTh ths
return (libEnv, ths')
computePathTheory :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Result G_theory
computePathTheory libEnv ln e@(src, _, link) = do
th <- if liftE isLocalDef e then computeLocalTheory libEnv ln src
else do
(_, th') <- computeTheory False libEnv ln src
-- because this function is called only when flag is False
return th'
-- translate theory and turn all imported theorems into axioms
translateG_theory (dgl_morphism link) $ theoremsToAxioms th
theoremsToAxioms :: G_theory -> G_theory
theoremsToAxioms (G_theory lid sign ind1 sens ind2) =
G_theory lid sign ind1 (markAsAxiom True sens) ind2