TheoremHideShift.hs revision 6ae0172643ea2f9bdda30073557523c61c9a502b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
module Proofs.TheoremHideShift
( theoremHideShift
, theoremHideShiftFromList
, convertToNf
, hasIngoingHidingDef
, computeTheory
, computeLocalTheory
, theoremsToAxioms
) where
import Data.List (partition)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.WACocone(GDiagram)
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Proofs.ComputeColimit
import Control.Monad
import Data.List(nub, sortBy)
import Proofs.SimpleTheoremHideShift(getInComingGlobalUnprovenEdges)
-- normal forms
{- | converts the given node to its own normal form -}
convertToNf :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node -> Result LibEnv
convertToNf ln proofstatus node = do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatus
nodelab = labDG dgraph node
case dgn_nf nodelab of
-- here checks if it's already been computed
Just _ -> return proofstatus
Nothing ->
case isDGRef nodelab of
True -> -- proofstatus
-- the normal form of the node
-- is a reference to the normal form of the node it references
-- careful: here not refNf, but a new Node which references refNf
pfs' <- convertToNf (dgn_libname nodelab) proofstatus
(dgn_node nodelab)
refGraph' = lookupDGraph (dgn_libname nodelab) pfs'
Just refNf = dgn_nf $ labDG refGraph' $ dgn_node nodelab
-- the normal form just computed ^
refNodelab = labDG refGraph' refNf
-- the label of the normal form ^
nfNode = getNewNodeDG dgraph
-- the new reference node in the old graph ^
refLab = DGNodeLab{
dgn_name = emptyNodeName,
dgn_theory = dgn_theory $ refNodelab,
dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = Just $ ide $ dgn_sign refNodelab,
nodeInfo = DGRef{ref_libname = dgn_libname nodelab,
ref_node = refNf},
dgn_lock = Nothing
newLab = nodelab{
dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = dgn_sigma $ labDG refGraph' $ dgn_node nodelab
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
changes = [InsertNode (nfNode,refLab), chLab]
(newGraph, changes') = updateWithChanges changes dgraph
-- i should also collect the changes made in the referenced graph
-- for undo
allChanges = [([NormalForm],changes')]
newProofStatus = mkResultProofStatus ln pfs' newGraph
(concatMap fst allChanges, concatMap snd allChanges)
return newProofStatus
False -> case (hasIngoingHidingDef proofstatus ln node) of
False -> -- no hiding, nf is the node itself
-- we need to update the fields
-- dgn_sign and dgn_nf of node
let (sign, mor) = (dgn_theory nodelab, Just $ ide $ dgn_sign nodelab)
newLab = (newNodeLab (dgn_name nodelab) DGProof sign){
dgn_nf = Just node,
dgn_sigma = mor}
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
changes = [([NormalForm],[chLab])]
newGraph = changeDG dgraph chLab
return $ mkResultProofStatus ln proofstatus newGraph
(concatMap fst changes, concatMap snd changes)
True -> do
auxProofstatus <- createNfsForPredecessors ln proofstatus node
let (diagram, g) = computeDiagram ln auxProofstatus node
let Result _ds res = gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone diagram
case res of
Nothing -> -- do sequence $ map (putStrLn . show) diags
-- trace "amalgamability test failed" $
-- handleNonLeaves ln auxProofstatus list
error "convert to normal form: can't compute cocone"
Just (sign, mmap) -> do
-- the new node which will contain the normal form
nfNode = getNewNodeDG dgraph --auxGraph
-- the label of the new node
nfLabel = DGNodeLab{
dgn_name = emptyNodeName,
dgn_theory = sign,
dgn_nf = Just nfNode, -- is its own nf
dgn_sigma = Just $ ide $ signOf sign, -- id morphism
nodeInfo = DGNode{
node_origin = DGProof,
node_cons_status = Nothing
dgn_lock = Nothing
-- the new label for node
newLab = (newNodeLab (dgn_name nodelab) DGProof
(dgn_theory nodelab))
{ dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = Just $ mmap Map.! (g Map.! node)
-- add the nf to the label of node
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
-- insert the new node and add edges from the predecessors
insNNF = InsertNode (nfNode, nfLabel)
makeEdge src tgt m = (src, tgt, DGLink { dgl_morphism = m
, dgl_type = GlobalDef
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof
, dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
insStrMor = map (\(x, f) -> InsertEdge $ makeEdge x
nfNode f) $ nub $
map (\(x,y) -> (g Map.! x, y)) $ Map.toList mmap
allChanges = chLab:insNNF:insStrMor
(newGraph, changes') = updateWithChanges allChanges dgraph
newHistory = [([NormalForm],changes')]
hist = newHistory -- see if its fine
return $ mkResultProofStatus ln proofstatus newGraph
(concatMap fst hist, concatMap snd hist)
{- | creates the normal forms of the predecessors of the given node
createNfsForPredecessors :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node -> Result LibEnv
createNfsForPredecessors ln proofstatus node =
foldM (convertToNf ln) proofstatus predecessors
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatus
defInEdges = [edge| edge@(src,_,_) <- innDG dgraph node,
liftE (liftOr isGlobalDef isHidingDef) edge
&& node /= src]
predecessors = [src| (src,_,_) <- defInEdges]
computeDiagram :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv
-> Node
-> (GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node) -- (D, G)
computeDiagram ln libEnv node =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
defInEdges = [edge| edge@(src,_,_) <- innDG dgraph node,
liftE (liftOr isGlobalDef isHidingDef) edge
&& node /= src]
--careful, local links not added yet!
morphEdge n (_, _, labl) = if isHidingDef $ dgl_type labl
then (node,n,(x, dgl_morphism labl))
else (n,node,(x, dgl_morphism labl))
where EdgeId x = dgl_id labl
gd = insNode (node, dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph node) empty :: GDiagram
addNodes = zip (newNodes (length defInEdges) gd) defInEdges
-- for each edge, add a new node
g' = Map.insert node node $
Map.fromList $ map (\(x, (y, _,_)) -> (x,y)) addNodes
-- each new node nn has the signature of the node g(nn)
newLNodes = map (\n -> (n, dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph $ g' Map.! n))
$ map fst addNodes
-- if the node g(nn) is its own normal form, do nothing
-- otherwise add to the graph the normal from and the
-- structural morphism
newLEdges = map (\(n, e) -> morphEdge n e) addNodes
getNfNodes nflist gf nlist =
case nlist of
[] -> (nflist, gf)
n : nlist' ->
let nlab = labDG dgraph $ g' Map.! n in
case dgn_nf nlab of
Nothing -> getNfNodes nflist gf nlist'
-- nfs computed, so dont enter here
Just n' ->
if (g' Map.! n) == n' then
-- node is its own normal form, add nothing
getNfNodes nflist gf nlist'
--we have to insert the normal form in D as a new node
let nn = node + (length defInEdges) + length nflist + 1
-- awful hack, have to fix it
Just mor = dgn_sigma nlab
gf' = Map.insert nn n' gf
in getNfNodes (((nn, dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph n'),
--new node, fails for DGRef^
(n, nn, (1, mor))
-- the edge from node to the nf^
):nflist) gf' nlist'
(nfChanges, g'') = getNfNodes [] Map.empty $ map fst newLNodes
g = Map.union g'' g'
allNodes = newLNodes ++ (map fst nfChanges)
allEdges = newLEdges ++ (map snd nfChanges)
gd' = insEdges allEdges $ insNodes allNodes gd
in (gd',g)
-- theorem hide shift
theoremHideShift :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShift ln proofStatus =
theoremHideShiftAux ln proofStatus $ nodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
theoremHideShiftAux :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> [Node] -> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShiftAux ln proofStatus nodeList = do
auxProofstatus <- foldM (convertToNf ln) proofStatus $
nodesDG $ lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
oldGraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
oldHistory = proofHistory oldGraph
auxGraph = lookupDGraph ln auxProofstatus
auxHistory = proofHistory auxGraph
nfHistory = take (length auxHistory - length oldHistory) auxHistory
(nodesWHiding, _) = partition (hasIngoingHidingDef proofStatus ln) nodeList
-- all nodes with incoming hiding links
-- all the theorem links entering these nodes
-- have to replaced by theorem links with the same origin
-- but pointing to the normal form of the former target node
ingoingEdges = concat $
map (getInComingGlobalUnprovenEdges auxGraph) nodesWHiding
(_graph, changesTHS) = foldl theoremHideShiftForEdge (auxGraph, [])
changes = (concat $ map snd $ reverse nfHistory) ++ changesTHS
(newGraph, changes') = updateWithChanges changes oldGraph
newHistory = [([TheoremHideShift], changes')]
newProofStatus = mkResultProofStatus ln proofStatus newGraph
(concatMap fst newHistory, concatMap snd newHistory)
return newProofStatus
theoremHideShiftForEdge :: (DGraph, [DGChange]) -> LEdge DGLinkLab ->
(DGraph, [DGChange])
theoremHideShiftForEdge (dg, chList) edge@(source, target, edgeLab) =
case maybeResult $ theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux dg edge of
Nothing -> error "theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux"
Just ((dg', pbasis),changes) -> let
GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus = dgl_type edgeLab
provenEdge = (source, target, edgeLab
{ dgl_type = GlobalThm (Proven TheoremHideShift pbasis)
conservativity conservStatus
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof })
(dg2, insC) = updateWithChanges [DeleteEdge edge, InsertEdge provenEdge]
in (dg2, chList ++ changes ++ insC)
theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab ->
Result ((DGraph, ProofBasis), [DGChange])
theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux dg (sn, tn, llab) = do
let tlab = labDG dg tn
Just nfNode = dgn_nf tlab
phi = dgl_morphism llab
Just muN = dgn_sigma tlab
cmor <- comp phi muN
let newEdge =(sn, nfNode, DGLink{
dgl_morphism = cmor,
dgl_type = GlobalThm LeftOpen None LeftOpen,
dgl_origin = DGLinkProof,
dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
case tryToGetEdge newEdge dg of
Nothing -> let
(newGraph, newChange) =
updateWithOneChange (InsertEdge newEdge) dg
finalEdge = case newChange of
[InsertEdge final_e] -> final_e
_ -> error "Proofs.Global.globDecompForOneEdgeAux"
in return
((newGraph, addEdgeId emptyProofBasis $ getEdgeId finalEdge)
, newChange)
Just e -> return ((dg, addEdgeId emptyProofBasis $ getEdgeId e), [])
theoremHideShiftFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShiftFromList ln ls proofStatus =
theoremHideShiftAux ln proofStatus $ map fst ls
{- | returns True, if the given node has at least one directely or
indirectely (ie via an ingoing path of GlobalDef edges)
ingoing HidingDef edge. returns False otherwise
hasIngoingHidingDef :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> Bool
hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln node =
not (null hidingDefEdges)
|| or [hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln' nod | (ln',nod) <- next]
inGoingEdges = getAllIngoingEdges libEnv ln node
-- check for DGRef
hidingDefEdges = [tuple| tuple@(_, n) <- inGoingEdges, liftE isHidingDef n]
globalDefEdges = [tuple| tuple@(_, n) <- inGoingEdges, liftE isGlobalDef n]
next = [ (l, s) | (l, (s, _, _)) <- globalDefEdges ]
-- TO DO: check if this is enough ^
getAllIngoingEdges :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node
-> [(LIB_NAME, LEdge DGLinkLab)]
getAllIngoingEdges libEnv ln node =
case isDGRef nodelab of
False -> inEdgesInThisGraph
True -> inEdgesInThisGraph ++ inEdgesInRefGraph
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
nodelab = labDG dgraph node
inEdgesInThisGraph = [(ln,inEdge)| inEdge <- innDG dgraph node]
refLn = dgn_libname nodelab
refGraph = lookupDGraph refLn libEnv
refNode = dgn_node nodelab
inEdgesInRefGraph = [(refLn,inEdge)| inEdge <- innDG refGraph refNode]
-- | Compute the theory of a node (CASL Reference Manual, p. 294, Def. 4.9)
-- changed
computeTheory :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> Result (LibEnv, G_theory)
computeTheory libEnv ln n =
let dg = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
nodeLab = labDG dg n
inEdges = filter (liftE $ liftOr isLocalDef isGlobalDef) $ innDG dg n
localTh = dgn_theory nodeLab
in if (isDGRef nodeLab)
then let refLn = dgn_libname nodeLab in do
(libEnv', refTh) <- computeTheory libEnv refLn $ dgn_node nodeLab
gTh' <- flatG_sentences localTh [theoremsToAxioms $ refTh]
return (libEnv', gTh')
{- if (hasIngoingHidingDef libEnv ln n) then do
case dgn_nf nodeLab of
Nothing -> computeTheoryNf ln libEnv n
Just n' -> if (n /= n') then computeTheoryNf ln libEnv n
else computeTheoryReg ln libEnv inEdges localTh
else -} computeTheoryReg ln libEnv inEdges localTh
computeTheoryNf :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Node -> Result (LibEnv, G_theory)
computeTheoryNf ln libEnv n = do
libEnv' <- convertToNf ln libEnv n
let dg' = lookupDGraph ln libEnv'
nodelab = labDG dg' n
Just nfN = dgn_nf nodelab
computeTheory libEnv' ln nfN
computeTheoryReg :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> G_theory ->
Result (LibEnv, G_theory)
computeTheoryReg ln libEnv inEdges localTh= do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
(libEnv',ths) <- foldM (\ (x,l) e -> do
(x', t) <- computePathTheory x ln e
return (x', t:l)) (libEnv, [])$
sortBy (\ (_, _, l1) (_, _, l2) -> compare (dgl_id l2) $ dgl_id l1)
$ filter (\(sn, tn, _) -> (dgn_nf $ labDG dgraph sn) /= Just tn)
gTh <- flatG_sentences localTh $ reverse ths
return (libEnv', gTh)
computePathTheory :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> LEdge DGLinkLab ->
Result (LibEnv, G_theory)
computePathTheory libEnv ln e@(src, _, link) = do
(libEnv', th) <- if liftE isLocalDef e then do
gth <- computeLocalTheory libEnv ln src
return (libEnv, gth)
else computeTheory libEnv ln src
-- translate theory and turn all imported theorems into axioms
th' <- translateG_theory (dgl_morphism link) $ theoremsToAxioms th
return (libEnv', th')
theoremsToAxioms :: G_theory -> G_theory
theoremsToAxioms (G_theory lid sign ind1 sens ind2) =
G_theory lid sign ind1 (markAsAxiom True sens) ind2