TheoremHideShift.hs revision 54a0a1e10bd93721cf52dbd9b816c8f108997ec0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
theorem hide shift proof in development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
module Proofs.TheoremHideShift (theoremHideShift) where
import Data.List(partition)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
{- | returns the sentence list of the given node -}
getSignature :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> Maybe G_sign
getSignature libEnv dgraph node =
if isDGRef nodeLab
then case Map.lookup (dgn_libname nodeLab) libEnv of
Just (_,_,refDgraph) ->
getSignature libEnv refDgraph (dgn_node nodeLab)
Nothing -> Nothing
else Just (dgn_sign nodeLab)
where nodeLab = lab' $ safeContext
"Proofs.TheoremHideShift.getSignature" dgraph node
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- theorem hide shift
-- ----------------------------------------------
theoremHideShift :: ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
theoremHideShift proofStatus@(ln,_,_) =
let (nonLeaves,leaves)
= partition (hasIngoingHidingDef proofStatus ln) $
nodes $ lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
auxProofstatus = handleLeaves (prepareProofStatus proofStatus) leaves
finalProofstatus = handleNonLeaves auxProofstatus nonLeaves
in reviseProofStatus finalProofstatus
-- bei DGRefs auch ueber lib-Grenze hinaus suchen?
{- | returns True, if the given node has at least one directely or
indirectely (ie via an ingoing path of GlobalDef edges)
ingoing HidingDef edge. returns False otherwise
hasIngoingHidingDef :: ProofStatus -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> Bool
hasIngoingHidingDef proofstatus@(_,libEnv,_) ln node =
not (null hidingDefEdges)
|| or [hasIngoingHidingDef proofstatus ln' nod| (ln',nod) <- next]
inGoingEdges = getAllIngoingEdges libEnv (ln,node)
hidingDefEdges = [tuple| tuple <- inGoingEdges, isHidingDef (snd tuple)]
globalDefEdges = [tuple| tuple <- inGoingEdges, isGlobalDef (snd tuple)]
next = [ (l,getSourceNode e) | (l,e) <- globalDefEdges ]
{- | handles all nodes that are leaves
(ie nodes that have no ingoing edges of type HidingDef) -}
handleLeaves :: ProofStatus -> [Node] -> ProofStatus
handleLeaves = foldl convertToNf
{- | converts the given node to its own normal form -}
convertToNf :: ProofStatus -> Node -> ProofStatus
convertToNf proofstatus@(ln, _, _) node =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatus
nodelab = lab' $ safeContext
"Proofs.TheoremHideShift.convertToNf" dgraph node
in case dgn_nf nodelab of
Just _ -> proofstatus
Nothing ->
let newNode = getNewNode dgraph
proofstatusAux = mkNfNodeForLeave node newNode proofstatus
auxGraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatusAux
(finalGraph, changes) = adoptEdges auxGraph node newNode
finalChanges = changes ++ [DeleteNode (node,nodelab)]
in updateProofStatus ln (delNode node finalGraph)
finalChanges proofstatusAux
{- | creates and inserts a normal form node from the given input -}
mkNfNodeForLeave :: Node -> Node -> ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
mkNfNodeForLeave node newNode proofstatus@(ln,_,_) =
let nodelab = lab' $ safeContext "Proofs.TheoremHideShift.mkNfNodeForLeave"
(lookupDGraph ln proofstatus) node
in case isDGRef nodelab of
True -> mkDGRefNfNode nodelab newNode True proofstatus
False -> mkDGNodeNfNode nodelab newNode Nothing proofstatus
{- | creates and inserts a normal form node of type DGNode:
if the given nonLeaveValues is Nothing, ie the original node is a leave,
the original node is copied and the dgn_sigma is the identity;
if not, dgn_sign and dgn_sigma are taken from the nonLeaveValues and
the remaining values are copied from the original node;
in both cases the normal form node ist its own normal form -}
mkDGNodeNfNode :: DGNodeLab -> Node -> Maybe (G_theory, Maybe GMorphism)
-> ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
mkDGNodeNfNode nodelab newNode nonLeaveValues proofstatus =
let (th,sigma) = case nonLeaveValues of
Nothing -> (dgn_theory nodelab,
Just (ide Grothendieck (dgn_sign nodelab)))
Just x -> x
lnode = (newNode,
DGNode {dgn_name = dgn_name nodelab,
dgn_theory = th,
dgn_nf = Just newNode,
dgn_sigma = sigma,
dgn_origin = DGProof,
dgn_cons = None,
dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
in insertNfNode proofstatus lnode
{- | creates and inserts a normal form node of type DGRef:
if the given corresponding node is a leave, the normal form node
of the referenced node is referenced and its values copied;
if not, the original node is copied and the dgn_sigma is the identiy;
in both cases the normal form node is its own normal form -}
mkDGRefNfNode :: DGNodeLab -> Node -> Bool -> ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
mkDGRefNfNode nodelab newNode isLeave proofstatus@(ln,_,_) =
let auxProofstatus@(_,auxLibEnv,_) = theoremHideShift
(changeCurrentLibName (dgn_libname nodelab) proofstatus)
refGraph = lookupDGraph (dgn_libname nodelab) proofstatus
(Just refNf) = dgn_nf $ lab' $ safeContext
refGraph $ dgn_node nodelab
refNodelab = lab' (safeContext
refGraph refNf)
(renamed, libname, sigma) =
if isLeave
then (dgn_name nodelab, dgn_libname nodelab,
case getSignature auxLibEnv refGraph refNf of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sign -> Just (ide Grothendieck sign)
else (dgn_name refNodelab, dgn_libname refNodelab,
dgn_sigma refNodelab)
lnode = (newNode,
DGRef {dgn_name = renamed,
dgn_libname = libname,
dgn_node = refNf,
dgn_theory = error "mkDGRefNfNode",
dgn_nf = Just newNode,
dgn_sigma = sigma
in insertNfNode (changeCurrentLibName ln auxProofstatus) lnode
{- | inserts the given node into the development graph belonging
to the given library name and updates the proofstatus -}
insertNfNode :: ProofStatus -> LNode DGNodeLab -> ProofStatus
insertNfNode proofstatus@(ln,_,_) dgnode =
updateProofStatus ln
(insNode dgnode (lookupDGraph ln proofstatus))
[InsertNode dgnode]
{- | handles all nodes that are no leaves
(ie nodes that have ingoing edges of type HidingDef) -}
handleNonLeaves :: ProofStatus -> [Node] -> ProofStatus
handleNonLeaves proofstatus [] = proofstatus
handleNonLeaves proofstatus@(ln,_,_) (node:list) =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatus
nodelab = lab' (safeContext "Proofs.TheoremHideShift.handleNonLeaves"
dgraph node)
in case dgn_nf nodelab of
Just _ -> handleNonLeaves proofstatus list
Nothing ->
case isDGRef nodelab of
True ->
let nfNode = getNewNode dgraph
auxProofstatus' = mkDGRefNfNode nodelab nfNode False proofstatus
(auxGraph, changes) = setNfOfNode dgraph node nfNode
finalProofstatus = updateProofStatus ln auxGraph changes
in handleNonLeaves finalProofstatus list
False ->
let auxProofstatus = createNfsForPredecessors proofstatus node
auxGraph = lookupDGraph ln auxProofstatus
defInEdges = [edge| edge <- inn auxGraph node,
isGlobalDef edge || isHidingDef edge]
predecessors = [src| (src,_,_) <- defInEdges]
diagram = makeDiagram auxGraph (node:predecessors) defInEdges
Result _ds res = gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone diagram
in case res of
Nothing -> -- do sequence $ map (putStrLn . show) diags
handleNonLeaves auxProofstatus list
Just (sign, mmap) ->
let nfNode = getNewNode auxGraph
sigma = Map.lookup node mmap
auxProofstatus' = mkDGNodeNfNode nodelab nfNode
(Just (sign,sigma)) auxProofstatus
-- use this line until gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone is defined:
-- (Just (dgn_sign nodelab,sigma))
finalProofstatus = linkNfNode node nfNode mmap
in handleNonLeaves finalProofstatus list
{- | creates the normal forms of the predecessors of the given node
note: as this method it is called after the normal forms of the leave nodes
have already been defined, only handleNonLeaves is called here -}
createNfsForPredecessors :: ProofStatus -> Node -> ProofStatus
createNfsForPredecessors proofstatus@(ln,_,_) node =
handleNonLeaves proofstatus predecessors
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofstatus
defInEdges = [edge| edge@(src,_,_) <- inn dgraph node,
(isGlobalDef edge || isHidingDef edge)
&& node /= src]
predecessors = [src| (src,_,_) <- defInEdges]
{- | creates an GDiagram with the signatures of the given nodes as nodes
and the morphisms of the given edges as edges -}
makeDiagram :: DGraph -> [Node] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> GDiagram
makeDiagram = makeDiagramAux empty
{- | auxiliary method for makeDiagram: first translates all nodes then
all edges, the descriptors of the nodes are kept in order to make
retranslation easier -}
makeDiagramAux :: GDiagram -> DGraph -> [Node] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> GDiagram
makeDiagramAux diagram _ [] [] = diagram
makeDiagramAux diagram dgraph [] (edge@(src,tgt,labl):list) =
makeDiagramAux (insEdge morphEdge diagram) dgraph [] list
where morphEdge = if isHidingDef edge then (tgt,src,dgl_morphism labl)
else (src,tgt,dgl_morphism labl)
makeDiagramAux diagram dgraph (node:list) es =
makeDiagramAux (insNode sigNode diagram) dgraph list es
where sigNode = (node, dgn_theory $ lab' $ safeContext
"Proofs.TheoremHideShift.makeDiagramAux" dgraph node)
{- | sets the normal form of the first given node to the second one and
insert the edges to the normal form node according to the given map -}
linkNfNode :: Node -> Node -> Map.Map Node GMorphism -> ProofStatus
-> ProofStatus
linkNfNode node nfNode mmap proofstatus@(ln,_,_) =
let (auxGraph, changes) =
setNfOfNode (lookupDGraph ln proofstatus) node nfNode
(finalGraph,changes') = insertEdgesToNf auxGraph nfNode mmap
in updateProofStatus ln finalGraph (changes ++ changes') proofstatus
{- | sets the normal form of the first node to the second one -}
setNfOfNode :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> (DGraph,[DGChange])
setNfOfNode dgraph node nf_node =
let (finalGraph,changes) = adoptEdges auxGraph node newNode
in (delNode node finalGraph,
InsertNode newLNode : changes ++ [DeleteNode oldLNode])
nodeCtx = safeContext "Proofs.TheoremHideShift.setNfOfNode" dgraph node
nodeLab = lab' nodeCtx
oldLNode = labNode' nodeCtx
newNode = getNewNode dgraph
newLNode = case isDGRef nodeLab of
True -> (newNode, DGRef {dgn_name = dgn_name nodeLab,
dgn_libname = dgn_libname nodeLab,
dgn_node = dgn_node nodeLab,
dgn_theory = error "setNfOfNode",
-- dgn_theory nodeLab, -- ?
dgn_nf = Just nf_node,
dgn_sigma = dgn_sigma nodeLab
False -> (newNode, DGNode {dgn_name = dgn_name nodeLab,
dgn_theory = dgn_theory nodeLab,
dgn_nf = Just nf_node,
dgn_sigma = dgn_sigma nodeLab,
dgn_origin = DGProof,
dgn_cons = None,
dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
auxGraph = insNode newLNode dgraph
{- | inserts GlobalDef edges to the given node from each node in the map
with the corresponding morphism -}
insertEdgesToNf :: DGraph -> Node -> Map.Map Node GMorphism
-> (DGraph,[DGChange])
insertEdgesToNf dgraph nfNode mmap =
insertEdgesToNfAux dgraph nfNode $ Map.toList mmap
{- | auxiliary method for insertEdgesToNf -}
insertEdgesToNfAux :: DGraph -> Node -> [(Node,GMorphism)]
-> (DGraph,[DGChange])
insertEdgesToNfAux dgraph _ [] = (dgraph,[])
insertEdgesToNfAux dgraph nfNode ((node,morph):list) =
(finalGraph, (InsertEdge ledge):changes)
ledge = (node, nfNode, DGLink {dgl_morphism = morph,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGProof
auxGraph = insEdge ledge dgraph
(finalGraph,changes) = insertEdgesToNfAux auxGraph nfNode list