TheoremHideShift.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
module Proofs.TheoremHideShift
( theoremHideShift
, theoremHideShiftFromList
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.SimpleTheoremHideShift
(thmHideShift, getInComingGlobalUnprovenEdges)
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
{- ----------------------------------------------
Theorem hide shift and auxiliaries
--------------------------------------------- -}
theoremHideShift :: LibName -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShift ln = return .
Map.adjust (\ dg -> theoremHideShiftAux (labNodesDG dg) dg) ln
{- | assume that the normal forms a commputed already.
return Nothing if nothing changed -}
theoremHideShiftAux :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph
theoremHideShiftAux ns dg = let
nodesWHiding = map fst $ filter
(\ (_, lbl) -> labelHasHiding lbl && isJust (dgn_nf lbl)
&& isJust (dgn_sigma lbl)) ns
{- all nodes with incoming hiding links
all the theorem links entering these nodes
have to replaced by theorem links with the same origin
but pointing to the normal form of the former target node -}
ingoingEdges = concatMap (getInComingGlobalUnprovenEdges dg) nodesWHiding
in foldl theoremHideShiftForEdge dg ingoingEdges
theoremHideShiftForEdge :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph
theoremHideShiftForEdge dg edge@(source, target, edgeLab) =
case maybeResult $ theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux dg edge of
Nothing -> error "theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux"
Just (dg', pbasis) -> let
provenEdge = (source, target, edgeLab
{ dgl_type = setProof (Proven thmHideShift pbasis) $ dgl_type edgeLab
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof
, dgl_id = defaultEdgeId })
in insertDGLEdge provenEdge $ changeDGH dg' $ DeleteEdge edge
theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (DGraph, ProofBasis)
theoremHideShiftForEdgeAux dg (sn, tn, llab) = do
let tlab = labDG dg tn
Just nfNode = dgn_nf tlab
phi = dgl_morphism llab
Just muN = dgn_sigma tlab
cmor <- comp phi muN
let newEdge = (sn, nfNode, defDGLink cmor globalThm DGLinkProof)
case tryToGetEdge newEdge dg of
Nothing -> let
newGraph = changeDGH dg $ InsertEdge newEdge
finalEdge = case getLastChange newGraph of
InsertEdge final_e -> final_e
_ -> error "Proofs.Global.globDecompForOneEdgeAux"
in return
(newGraph, addEdgeId emptyProofBasis $ getEdgeId finalEdge)
Just e -> return (dg, addEdgeId emptyProofBasis $ getEdgeId e)
theoremHideShiftFromList :: LibName -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> LibEnv
-> Result LibEnv
theoremHideShiftFromList ln ls =
return . Map.adjust (theoremHideShiftAux ls) ln