StatusUtils.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : the proof status with manipulating functions
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
the proof status with manipulating functions
module Proofs.StatusUtils where
import Static.DevGraph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Common.Utils
proof status = (DG0,[(R1,DG1),...,(Rn,DGn)])
DG0 is the development graph resulting from the static analysis
Ri is a list of rules that transforms DGi-1 to DGi
With the list of intermediate proof states, one can easily implement
an undo operation
-- -------------------------------
-- methods used in several proofs
-- -------------------------------
{- returns the history that belongs to the given library name-}
lookupHistory :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> ProofHistory
lookupHistory ln = proofHistory . lookupGlobalContext ln
mkResultProofStatus :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> DGraph
-> ([DGRule], [DGChange]) -> LibEnv
mkResultProofStatus ln ps dgraph (dgrules, dgchanges) =
let c = lookupGlobalContext ln ps
historyElem = (dgrules,removeContraryChanges dgchanges)
in Map.insert ln (c { devGraph = dgraph
, proofHistory = historyElem : proofHistory c })
$ prepareResultProofHistory ps
mapProofHistory :: (ProofHistory -> ProofHistory) -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
mapProofHistory f = ( \ c -> c { proofHistory = f $ proofHistory c } )
prepareResultProofHistory :: LibEnv -> LibEnv
prepareResultProofHistory = mapProofHistory (emptyHistory :)
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- prepare, revise, lookup, update on proofstatus and its components
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
{- prepares the all histories of the proof history of the given proofstatus -}
prepareProofStatus :: LibEnv -> LibEnv
prepareProofStatus = mapProofHistory prepareHistory
{- prepares the given history for the rule application by appending
an empty list tuple to the front of it, if there is not already one
with an empty change list-}
prepareHistory :: ProofHistory -> ProofHistory
prepareHistory [] = [emptyHistory]
prepareHistory history@((_,[]):_) = history
prepareHistory history = emptyHistory : history
{- revises the history of the given proofstatus -}
reviseProofStatus :: LibEnv -> LibEnv
reviseProofStatus = mapProofHistory reviseHistory
{- removes the contrary changes form the given history and adds the name
of the proof method (TheoremHideShift) -}
reviseHistory :: ProofHistory -> ProofHistory
reviseHistory [] = []
reviseHistory ((_,changes) : history) =
([TheoremHideShift], removeContraryChanges changes) : history
{- updates the library environment and the proof history of the given
proofstatus for the given library name-}
updateProofStatus :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> [DGChange] -> LibEnv
-> LibEnv
updateProofStatus ln dgraph changes =
Map.update (\ c -> Just c
{ devGraph = dgraph
, proofHistory = addChanges changes $ proofHistory c}) ln
{- adds the given changes to the given history -}
addChanges :: [DGChange] -> [([DGRule],[DGChange])] -> [([DGRule],[DGChange])]
addChanges changes [] = [([],changes)]
addChanges changes (hElem:history) = (fst hElem, (snd hElem)++changes):history
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- debug methods to print a list of changes
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
showChanges :: [DGChange] -> String
showChanges [] = ""
showChanges (change:changes) =
case change of
InsertEdge edge -> "InsertEdge " ++ (showEdgeChange edge)
++ (showChanges changes)
DeleteEdge edge -> "DeleteEdge " ++ (showEdgeChange edge)
++ (showChanges changes)
InsertNode node -> "InsertNode " ++ (showNodeChange node)
++ (showChanges changes)
DeleteNode node -> "DeleteNode " ++ (showNodeChange node)
++ (showChanges changes)
SetNodeLab (node, newLab) -> "SetNodeLab of node "++(show node)++" with new lab: "++ (show newLab)
showEdgeChange :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
showEdgeChange (src,tgt,edgelab) =
" from " ++ (show src) ++ " to " ++ (show tgt)
++ " and of type " ++ showDoc (dgl_type edgelab) "\n\n"
showNodeChange :: LNode DGNodeLab -> String
showNodeChange (descr, nodelab) =
(show descr) ++ " with name " ++ (show (dgn_name nodelab)) ++ "\n\n"
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- methods that keep the change list clean
-- ----------------------------------------------
removeContraryChanges :: [DGChange] -> [DGChange]
removeContraryChanges [] = []
removeContraryChanges (change:changes) =
case contraryChange of
Just c -> removeContraryChanges (removeChange c changes)
Nothing -> change:(removeContraryChanges changes)
contraryChange =
case getContraryChange change of
Just c -> if c `elem` changes then Just c else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
getContraryChange :: DGChange -> Maybe DGChange
getContraryChange change = case change of
InsertEdge edge -> Just $ DeleteEdge edge
-- re-insertion of deleted edge may be useful if node has changed
InsertNode node -> Just $ DeleteNode node
-- re-insertion of deleted node may be useful if node has changed
-- ... although this should be recognized ... a bit strange ...
DeleteEdge _ -> Nothing
DeleteNode _ -> Nothing -- Just $ InsertNode node
SetNodeLab _ -> Nothing
removeChange :: DGChange -> [DGChange] -> [DGChange]
removeChange _ [] = []
removeChange c1 (c2:rest) | c1==c2 = rest
-- when a node is removed afterwards, throw away all edge operations
-- refering to that node that are encountered on the way
removeChange c1@(DeleteNode (n,_)) (c2:rest) =
if case c2 of
InsertEdge (n1,n2,_) -> n==n1 || n==n2
DeleteEdge (n1,n2,_) -> n==n1 || n==n2
_ -> False
then removeChange c1 rest
else c2:removeChange c1 rest
removeChange c1 (c2:rest) = c2:removeChange c1 rest
isIdentityEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> LibEnv -> DGraph -> Bool
isIdentityEdge (src,tgt,edgeLab) ps dgraph =
if isDGRef nodeLab then
let dg = lookupDGraph (dgn_libname nodeLab) ps in
isIdentityEdge (dgn_node nodeLab,tgt,edgeLab) ps dg
else src == tgt &&
dgl_morphism edgeLab == ide Grothendieck (dgn_sign nodeLab)
where nodeLab = lab' $ safeContext "Proofs.EdgeUtils.isIdentityEdge"
dgraph src