QualifyNames.hs revision 60bf7f52638962c93ec43da9aad8cafc9f09c318
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : qualify all names in the nodes of development graphs
Copyright : (c) Igor Stassiy, C.Maeder DFKI Bremen 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
qualify and disambiguate all names in the nodes of a development graph for
OMDoc output or for writing out multiple theories for Isabelle or VSE. Note
however that signature will be always be complete, i.e. imported entities
will be repeated.
module Proofs.QualifyNames where
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
mapWithKeyM :: (Ord k, Monad m) => (k -> a -> m b) -> Map.Map k a
-> m (Map.Map k b)
mapWithKeyM f = foldM (\ m (k, a) -> do
b <- f k a
return $ Map.insert k b m) Map.empty . Map.toList
qualifyLibEnv :: LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
qualifyLibEnv = mapWithKeyM qualifyDGraph
qualifyDGraph :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> Result DGraph
qualifyDGraph ln dg =
addErrorDiag "qualification failed for" (getLIB_ID ln)
$ do
let es = map (\ (_, _, lb) -> dgl_id lb) $ labEdgesDG dg
unless (Set.size (Set.fromList es) == length es) $
fail $ "inkonsistent graph for library " ++ showDoc ln ""
dg1 <- foldM (qualifyLabNode ln) dg $ topsortedNodes dg
return $ groupHistory dg (DGRule "Qualified-Names") dg1
-- consider that loops are part of innDG and outDG that should not be handled
-- twice
constructUnion :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
lid -> morphism -> [morphism] -> morphism
constructUnion lid hd l = case l of
[] -> hd
sd : tl -> case maybeResult $ morphism_union lid hd sd of
Just m -> constructUnion lid m tl
Nothing -> constructUnion lid sd tl
qualifyLabNode :: LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> Result DGraph
qualifyLabNode ln dg (n, lb) = let
noLoop (x, y, _) = x /= y
inss = filter noLoop $ innDG dg n
allOuts = outDG dg n in
case dgn_theory lb of
G_theory lid (ExtSign sig _) _ sens _ -> do
hins <- foldM (\ l (GMorphism cid _ _ mor _) ->
if isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) && language_name lid ==
language_name (targetLogic cid) then do
hmor <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) lid
"qualifyLabNode" mor
return $ hmor : l
else return l) [] $ map (\ (_, _, ld) -> dgl_morphism ld) inss
let revHins = mapMaybe (maybeResult . inverse) hins
m = case revHins of
[] -> ide sig
hd : tl -> constructUnion lid hd tl
(m1, osens) <- qualify lid (mkSimpleId $ getDGNodeName lb)
(getLIB_ID ln) m sig
rm <- inverse m1
nThSens <- mapThSensValueM (map_sen lid m1) sens
let nlb = lb { dgn_theory = G_theory lid
(makeExtSign lid (cod m1)) startSigId
(joinSens nThSens $ toThSens osens) startThId }
gm1 <- return $ gEmbed $ G_morphism lid m1 startMorId
grm <- return $ gEmbed $ G_morphism lid rm startMorId
nAllouts <- mapM (composeWithMorphism False gm1 grm) allOuts
let (nouts, nloops) = partition noLoop nAllouts
nAllinss <- mapM (composeWithMorphism True gm1 grm) $ nloops ++ inss
return $ changesDGH dg $ map DeleteEdge (allOuts ++ inss)
++ SetNodeLab lb (n, nlb) : map InsertEdge (nAllinss ++ nouts)
-- consider that hiding edges have a reverse morphism
composeWithMorphism :: Bool -> GMorphism -> GMorphism -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> Result (LEdge DGLinkLab)
composeWithMorphism dir mor rmor (s, t, lb) = do
let lmor = dgl_morphism lb
nmor <- if dir /= isHidingEdge (dgl_type lb)
then comp lmor mor else comp rmor lmor
return (s, t, lb { dgl_morphism = nmor})