Proofs.hs revision aa0ef8adb2833838c1954e6f93c61d85d2cb226a
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Proofs in development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
Integrate stuff from Saarbr�cken
Add proof status information
what should be in proof status:
- proofs of thm links according to rules
- cons, def and mono annos, and their proofs
module Proofs.Proofs where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.Result
import Common.Lib.Graph
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import List(nub)
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Print_AS_Library
{- proof status = (DG0,[(R1,DG1),...,(Rn,DGn)])
DG0 is the development graph resulting from the static analysis
Ri is a list of rules that transforms DGi-1 to DGi
With the list of intermediate proof states, one can easily implement
an undo operation
type ProofStatus = (GlobalContext,[([DGRule],[DGChange])],DGraph)
data DGRule =
| HideTheoremShift
| Borrowing
| ConsShift
| DefShift
| MonoShift
| ConsComp
| DefComp
| MonoComp
| DefToMono
| MonoToCons
| FreeIsMono
| MonoIsFree
| Composition
| GlobDecomp (LEdge DGLinkLab) -- edge in the conclusion
| LocDecomp (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| GlobSubsumption (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| LocalInference
| BasicInference Edge BasicProof
| BasicConsInference Edge BasicConsProof
data DGChange = InsertNode (LNode DGNodeLab)
| DeleteNode Node
| InsertEdge (LEdge DGLinkLab)
| DeleteEdge (LEdge DGLinkLab)
data BasicProof =
forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
BasicProof lid (Proof_status sentence proof_tree)
| Guessed
| Conjectured
| Handwritten
data BasicConsProof = BasicConsProof -- more detail to be added ...
{- todo: implement apply for GlobDecomp and Subsumption
the list of DGChage must be constructed in parallel to the
new DGraph -}
applyRule :: DGRule -> DGraph -> Maybe ([DGChange],DGraph)
applyRule = error "Proofs.hs:applyRule"
-- ---------------------
-- global decomposition
-- ---------------------
{- apply rule GlobDecomp to all global theorem links in the current DG
current DG = DGm
add to proof status the pair ([GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en],DGm+1)
where e1...en are the global theorem links in DGm
DGm+1 results from DGm by application of GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en -}
{- applies global decomposition to all unproven global theorem edges
if possible -}
globDecomp :: ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
globDecomp proofStatus@(globalContext,history,dgraph) =
(globalContext, ((newHistoryElem):history), newDgraph)
globalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm (labEdges dgraph)
(newDgraph, newHistoryElem) = globDecompAux dgraph globalThmEdges ([],[])
{- auxiliary function for globDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompAux :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
globDecompAux dgraph [] historyElem = (dgraph, historyElem)
globDecompAux dgraph (edge:edges) historyElem =
globDecompAux newDGraph edges newHistoryElem
(newDGraph, newChanges) = globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge
newHistoryElem =
if null newChanges then historyElem
else (((GlobDecomp edge):(fst historyElem)),
(newChanges++(snd historyElem)))
-- applies global decomposition to a single edge
globDecompForOneEdge :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> (DGraph,[DGChange])
globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge =
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge [] paths
pathsToSource = getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo dgraph (getSourceNode edge) []
paths = [(node, path++(edge:[]))| (node,path) <- pathsToSource]
{- auxiliary funktion for globDecompForOneEdge (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange] ->
[(Node, [LEdge DGLinkLab])] -> (DGraph,[DGChange])
{- if the list of paths is empty from the beginning, nothing is done
otherwise the unprovenThm edge is replaced by a proven one -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge@(source,target,edgeLab) changes [] =
if null changes then (dgraph, [])
else ((insEdge provenEdge (delLEdge edge dgraph)),
((DeleteEdge edge):((InsertEdge provenEdge):changes)))
(GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
proofBasis = getLabelsOfInsertedEdges changes
provenEdge = (source,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab,
dgl_type =
(GlobalThm (Proven proofBasis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
-- for each path an unproven localThm edge is inserted
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge@(source,target,edgeLab) changes
((node,path):list) =
globDecompForOneEdgeAux newGraph edge newChanges list
morphism = case calculateMorphismOfPath path of
Just morph -> morph
Nothing ->
error "globDecomp: could not determine morphism of new edge"
newEdge = (node,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (LocalThm (Static.DevGraph.Open)
None (Static.DevGraph.Open)),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newGraph = insEdge newEdge dgraph
newChanges = ((InsertEdge newEdge):changes)
-- -------------------
-- global subsumption
-- -------------------
-- applies global subsumption to all unproven global theorem edges if possible
globSubsume :: ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
globSubsume proofStatus@(globalContext,history,dGraph) =
(globalContext, nextHistoryElem:history, nextDGraph)
globalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm (labEdges dGraph)
result = globSubsumeAux dGraph ([],[]) globalThmEdges
nextDGraph = fst result
nextHistoryElem = snd result
{- auxiliary function for globSubsume (above)
the actual implementation -}
globSubsumeAux :: DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange]) -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
globSubsumeAux dgraph historyElement [] = (dgraph, historyElement)
globSubsumeAux dgraph (rules,changes) ((ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab)):list) =
if null proofBasis
globSubsumeAux dgraph (rules,changes) list
globSubsumeAux (insEdge newEdge (delLEdge ledge dgraph)) (newRules,newChanges) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
allPaths = getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt
proofBasis = selectProofBasis edgeLab allPaths
(GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
newEdge = (src,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (GlobalThm (Proven proofBasis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newRules = (GlobSubsumption ledge):rules
newChanges = (DeleteEdge ledge):((InsertEdge newEdge):changes)
{- returns the DGLinkLab of the given LEdge -}
getLabelOfEdge :: (LEdge b) -> b
getLabelOfEdge (_,_,label) = label
-- --------------------
-- local decomposition
-- --------------------
{- a merge of the rules local subsumption, local decomposition I and
local decomposition II -}
-- applies this merge of rules to all unproven localThm edges if possible
locDecomp :: ProofStatus -> ProofStatus
locDecomp proofStatus@(globalContext,history,dGraph) =
(globalContext, nextHistoryElem:history, nextDGraph)
localThmEdges = filter isUnprovenLocalThm (labEdges dGraph)
result = locDecompAux dGraph ([],[]) localThmEdges
nextDGraph = fst result
nextHistoryElem = snd result
{- auxiliary function for locDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
locDecompAux :: DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange]) -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
locDecompAux dgraph historyElement [] = (dgraph, historyElement)
locDecompAux dgraph (rules,changes) ((ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab)):list) =
if null proofBasis
globSubsumeAux dgraph (rules,changes) list
globSubsumeAux newGraph (newRules,newChanges) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
allPaths = getAllThmDefPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt
-- getAllProvenLocGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism source target
proofBasis = selectProofBasis edgeLab allPaths
auxGraph = delLEdge ledge dgraph
(LocalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
newEdge = (src,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type =
(LocalThm (Proven proofBasis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newGraph = insEdge newEdge auxGraph
newRules = (LocDecomp ledge):rules
newChanges = (DeleteEdge ledge):((InsertEdge newEdge):changes)
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- methods that calculate paths of certain types
-- ----------------------------------------------
{- returns a list of all proven global paths of the given morphism between
the given source and target node-}
getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween :: DGraph -> GMorphism -> Node -> Node
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt =
filterPathsByMorphism morphism allPaths
allPaths = getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
{- Benutzung dieser Methode derzeit auskommentiert - wird wahrscheinlich weggeschmissen -}
{- returns a list of all proven loc-glob paths of the given morphism between
the given source and target node -}
{-getAllProvenLocGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween :: DGraph -> GMorphism -> Node
-> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllProvenLocGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt =
filterPathsByMorphism morphism allPaths
allPaths = getAllProvenLocGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
{- returns all paths from the given list whose morphism is equal to the
given one-}
filterPathsByMorphism :: GMorphism -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterPathsByMorphism morphism paths =
[path| path <- paths, (calculateMorphismOfPath path) == (Just morphism)]
{- returns a list of all paths to the given node
that consist of globalDef edges only
that consist of a localDef edge followed by any number of globalDef edges -}
getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [(Node, [LEdge DGLinkLab])]
getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo dgraph node path =
(node,path):(locGlobPaths ++
(concat (
[getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo dgraph (getSourceNode edge) path|
(_, path@(edge:edges)) <- globalPaths]))
inEdges = inn dgraph node
globalEdges = filter isGlobalDef inEdges
localEdges = filter isLocalDef inEdges
globalPaths = [(getSourceNode edge, (edge:path))| edge <- globalEdges]
locGlobPaths = [(getSourceNode edge, (edge:path))| edge <- localEdges]
{- Benutzung dieser Methode derzeit auskommentiert - wird wahrscheinlich weggeschmissen -}
{- returns all paths consisting of globalDef and proven global thm edges only
of one localDef or proven local thm followed by any number of globalDef or
proven global thm edges-}
{- getAllProvenLocGlobPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllProvenLocGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt =
getAllLocGlobPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph src tgt
[isLocalDef,isProvenLocalThm] [isGlobalDef,isProvenGlobalThm] -}
{- Benutzung dieser Methode derzeit auskommentiert - wird wahrscheinlich weggeschmissen -}
{- returns all paths consisting only of edges of the types in the snd list
of one edge of one of the types of the fst list followed by any number
of edges of the types of the snd list -}
{- getAllLocGlobPathsOfTypesBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllLocGlobPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph src tgt locTypes globTypes =
locGlobPaths ++ globPaths
outEdges = out dgraph src
locEdges = [(edge,getTargetNode edge)|edge <-
(filterByTypes locTypes outEdges)]
locGlobPaths = (concat [map ([edge]++)
(getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph globTypes node tgt [])|
(edge,node) <- locEdges])
globPaths = getAllProvenGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
{- returns all paths of globalDef edges or globalThm edges
between the given source and target node -}
getAllGlobPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt =
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph [isGlobalDef,isGlobalThm] src tgt []
{- gets all paths consisting of local/global thm/def edges
of the given morphism -}
getAllThmDefPathsOfMorphismBetween :: DGraph -> GMorphism -> Node -> Node
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllThmDefPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt =
filterPathsByMorphism morphism allPaths
allPaths = getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph types src tgt []
types =
{- returns all paths of globalDef edges between the given source and
target node -}
getAllGlobDefPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllGlobDefPathsBetween dgraph src tgt =
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isGlobalDef src tgt
{- returns all paths consiting of edges of the given type between the
given node -}
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween :: DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> Node
-> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isType src tgt =
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph (isType:[]) src tgt []
{- returns all paths consisting of edges of the given types between
the given nodes -}
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool] -> Node
-> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph types src tgt path =
[edge:path| edge <- edgesFromSrc]
++ (concat
[getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph types src nextTgt (edge:path)|
(edge,nextTgt) <- nextStep] )
inGoingEdges = inn dgraph tgt
edgesOfTypes = filterByTypes types inGoingEdges
edgesFromSrc =
[edge| edge@(source,_,_) <- edgesOfTypes, source == src]
nextStep =
[(edge, source)| edge@(source,_,_) <- edgesOfTypes, source /= src]
-- removes all edges that are not of the given types
filterByTypes :: [LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
filterByTypes [] edges = []
filterByTypes (isType:typeChecks) edges =
(filter isType edges)++(filterByTypes typeChecks edges)
-- --------------------------------------
-- methods to determine or get morphisms
-- --------------------------------------
-- determines the morphism of a given path
calculateMorphismOfPath :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Maybe GMorphism
calculateMorphismOfPath [] = Nothing
calculateMorphismOfPath path@((src,tgt,edgeLab):furtherPath) =
case maybeMorphismOfFurtherPath of
Nothing -> if null furtherPath then Just morphism else Nothing
Just morphismOfFurtherPath ->
comp Grothendieck morphism morphismOfFurtherPath
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
maybeMorphismOfFurtherPath = calculateMorphismOfPath furtherPath
-- ------------------------------------
-- methods to get the nodes of an edge
-- ------------------------------------
getSourceNode :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Node
getSourceNode (source,_,_) = source
{- Benutzung derzeit auskommentiert ... -}
{-getTargetNode :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Node
getTargetNode (_,target,_) = target -}
-- -------------------------------------
-- methods to check the type of an edge
-- -------------------------------------
isProven :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProven edge = isGlobalDef edge || isLocalDef edge
|| isProvenGlobalThm edge || isProvenLocalThm edge
isGlobalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isGlobalThm edge = isProvenGlobalThm edge || isUnprovenGlobalThm edge
isProvenGlobalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProvenGlobalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(GlobalThm (Proven _) _ _) -> True
otherwise -> False
isUnprovenGlobalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isUnprovenGlobalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(GlobalThm Static.DevGraph.Open _ _) -> True
otherwise -> False
isProvenLocalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProvenLocalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(LocalThm (Proven _) _ _) -> True
otherwise -> False
isUnprovenLocalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isUnprovenLocalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(LocalThm (Static.DevGraph.Open) _ _) -> True
otherwise -> False
isGlobalDef :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isGlobalDef (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
GlobalDef -> True
otherwise -> False
isLocalDef :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isLocalDef (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
LocalDef -> True
otherwise -> False
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- methods to determine the labels of the inserted edges in the given dgchange
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- filters the list of changes for insertions of edges and returns the label
of one of these; or Nothing if no insertion was found -}
getLabelsOfInsertedEdges :: [DGChange] -> [DGLinkLab]
getLabelsOfInsertedEdges changes =
[label | (_,_,label) <- getInsertedEdges changes]
{- returns all insertions of edges from the given list of changes -}
getInsertedEdges :: [DGChange] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getInsertedEdges [] = []
getInsertedEdges (change:list) =
case change of
(InsertEdge edge) -> edge:(getInsertedEdges list)
otherwise -> getInsertedEdges list
-- ----------------------------------------
-- methods to check and select proof basis
-- ----------------------------------------
{- determines all proven paths in the given list and tries to selet a
proof basis from these (s. selectProofBasisAux);
if this fails the same is done for the rest of the given paths, i.e.
for the unproven ones -}
selectProofBasis :: DGLinkLab -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [DGLinkLab]
selectProofBasis label paths =
if null provenProofBasis then selectProofBasisAux label unprovenPaths
else provenProofBasis
provenPaths = filterProvenPaths paths
provenProofBasis = selectProofBasisAux label provenPaths
unprovenPaths = [path | path <- paths, notElem path provenPaths]
{- selects the first path that does not form a proof cycle with the given
label (if such a path exits) and returns the labels of its edges -}
selectProofBasisAux :: DGLinkLab -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [DGLinkLab]
selectProofBasisAux _ [] = []
selectProofBasisAux label (path:list) =
if notProofCycle label path then nub (calculateProofBasis path)
else selectProofBasisAux label list
{- calculates the proofBasis of the given path,
i.e. the list of all DGLinkLabs the proofs of the edges contained in the path
are based on, plus the DGLinkLabs of the edges themselves;
duplicates are not removed here, but in the calling method
selectProofBasisAux -}
calculateProofBasis :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [DGLinkLab]
calculateProofBasis [] = []
calculateProofBasis ((_,_,lab):edges) =
lab:((getProofBasis lab)++(calculateProofBasis edges))
{- returns the proofBasis contained in the given DGLinkLab -}
getProofBasis :: DGLinkLab -> [DGLinkLab]
getProofBasis lab =
case dgl_type lab of
(GlobalThm (Proven proofBasis) _ _) -> proofBasis
(LocalThm (Proven proofBasis) _ _) -> proofBasis
_ -> []
{- returns all proven paths from the given list -}
filterProvenPaths :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterProvenPaths [] = []
filterProvenPaths (path:list) =
if (and [isProven edge| edge <- path]) then path:(filterProvenPaths list)
else filterProvenPaths list
{- opposite of isProofCycle -}
notProofCycle :: DGLinkLab -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Bool
notProofCycle label = not.(isProofCycle label)
{- checks if the given label is contained in the ProofBasis of one of the
edges of the given path -}
isProofCycle :: DGLinkLab -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Bool
isProofCycle _ [] = False
isProofCycle label (edge:path) =
if (elemOfProofBasis label edge) then True else (isProofCycle label path)
{- checks if the given label is contained in the ProofBasis of the given
edge -}
elemOfProofBasis :: DGLinkLab -> (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> Bool
elemOfProofBasis label (_,_,dglink) =
case dgl_type dglink of
(GlobalThm (Proven proofBasis) _ _) -> elem label proofBasis
(LocalThm (Proven proofBasis) _ _) -> elem label proofBasis
_ -> False
sensOfNode :: DGraph -> DGNodeLab -> G_l_sentence_list
sensOfNode dg (DGNode {dgn_sens = sens}) = sens
sensOfNode dg _ = undefined -- ??? to simplistic
-- | Calculate the morphism of a path with given start node
calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart :: DGraph -> (Node,[LEdge DGLinkLab])
-> Maybe GMorphism
calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart dg (n,[]) = do
ctx <- fst $ match n dg
return $ ide Grothendieck (dgn_sign (lab' ctx)) -- ??? to simplistic
calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart _ (_,p) = calculateMorphismOfPath p
-- | Compute the theory of a node (CASL Reference Manual, p. 294, Def. 4.9)
computeTheory :: DGraph -> Node -> Result (G_sign,G_l_sentence_list)
computeTheory dg n = do
ctx <- maybeToResult nullPos ("Could node find node "++show n)
$ fst $ match n dg
let nlab = lab' ctx
paths = getAllLocGlobDefPathsTo dg n []
--debug 1 ("paths",paths)
mors <- maybeToResult nullPos "Could not calculate morphism of path"
$ sequence $ map (calculateMorphismOfPathWithStart dg) paths
ctxs <- maybeToResult nullPos "Could not find start node of path"
$ sequence $ map (fst . flip match dg . fst) paths
let sens = map (sensOfNode dg . lab') ctxs
sens' <- sequence
$ map (uncurry translateG_l_sentence_list)
$ zip mors sens
sens'' <- maybeToResult nullPos "Logic mismatch for sentences"
$ flatG_l_sentence_list sens'
return (dgn_sign nlab,sens'') -- ??? dgn_sign too simplistic
-- ---------------
-- basic inference
-- ---------------
getGoals :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Result G_l_sentence_list
getGoals dg (n,_,edge) = do
ctx <- maybeToResult nullPos ("Could node find node "++show n)
$ fst $ match n dg
let nlab = lab' ctx
sens = dgn_sens nlab -- ??? To simplistic
mor = dgl_morphism edge
translateG_l_sentence_list mor sens
getProvers :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> [(G_prover,AnyComorphism)]
getProvers lg (Logic lid) =
[(G_prover (targetLogic cid) p,Comorphism cid) |
(_,Comorphism cid) <- cms,
language_name (sourceLogic cid) == language_name lid,
p <- provers (targetLogic cid)]
where cms = Map.toList
$ Map.insert ("Id_"++language_name lid)
(Comorphism (IdComorphism lid))
$ comorphisms lg
-- ??? Should be composites as well!
selectProver :: [(G_prover,AnyComorphism)] -> IOResult (G_prover,AnyComorphism)
selectProver [p] = return p
selectProver [] = resToIORes $ fatal_error "No pover available" nullPos
selectProver (p:_) = return p -- ??? to simplistic
-- applies basic inference to a given node
basicInferenceNode :: LogicGraph -> (LIB_NAME,Node) -> ProofStatus
-> IO (Result ProofStatus)
basicInferenceNode lg (ln,node) proofStatus@(globalContext,history,dGraph) =
ioresToIO (do
(G_sign lid1 sign,G_l_sentence_list lid2 axs) <-
resToIORes $ computeTheory dGraph node
let inEdges = inn dGraph node
localEdges = filter isUnprovenLocalThm inEdges
goalslist <- resToIORes $ sequence $ map (getGoals dGraph) localEdges
G_l_sentence_list lid3 goals <-
resToIORes (maybeToResult nullPos "Logic mismatch for proof goals"
(flatG_l_sentence_list goalslist))
let provers = getProvers lg (Logic lid1)
(G_prover lid4 p,Comorphism cid) <- selectProver provers
let lidS = sourceLogic cid
lidT = targetLogic cid
sign' <- resToIORes $ rcoerce lidS lid1 nullPos sign
axs' <- resToIORes $ rcoerce lidS lid2 nullPos axs
goals' <- resToIORes $ rcoerce lidS lid3 nullPos goals
p' <- resToIORes $ rcoerce lidS lid4 nullPos p
-- Borrowing: translate theory and goal
(sign'',sens'') <- resToIORes
$ maybeToResult nullPos "Could not map signature"
$ map_sign cid sign'
axs'' <- resToIORes
$ maybeToResult nullPos "Could not map sentences"
$ sequence
$ map (mapNamedM (map_sentence cid sign')) axs'
goals'' <- resToIORes
$ maybeToResult nullPos "Could not map sentences"
$ sequence
$ map (mapNamedM (map_sentence cid sign')) goals'
-- compute name ot theory
ctx <- resToIORes
$ maybeToResult nullPos ("Could node find node "++show node)
$ fst $ match node dGraph
let nlab = lab' ctx
nodeName = case nlab of
DGNode _ _ _ _-> dgn_name nlab
DGRef _ _ _ -> dgn_renamed nlab
thName = showPretty ln "_"
++ maybe (show node) (flip showPretty "") nodeName
ps <- ioToIORes $ prove p' thName (sign'',sens''++axs'') goals''
let nextDGraph = dGraph -- ??? to be implemented
nextHistoryElem = undefined -- ??? to be implemented
return (globalContext, {- nextHistoryElem: -} history, nextDGraph)