NormalForm.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : compute the normal forms of all nodes in development graphs
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
compute normal forms
module Proofs.NormalForm
( normalFormLibEnv
, normalForm
, normalFormRule
) where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.History
import Static.WACocone
import Proofs.ComputeColimit
import Common.Consistency
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Common.Utils (nubOrd)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad
normalFormRule :: DGRule
normalFormRule = DGRule "NormalForm"
-- | compute normal form for a library and imported libs
normalForm :: LibName -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
normalForm ln le = normalFormLNS (dependentLibs ln le) le
-- | compute norm form for all libraries
normalFormLibEnv :: LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
normalFormLibEnv le = normalFormLNS (getTopsortedLibs le) le
normalFormLNS :: [LibName] -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
normalFormLNS lns libEnv = foldM (\ le ln -> do
let dg = lookupDGraph ln le
newDg <- normalFormDG le dg
return $ Map.insert ln
(groupHistory dg normalFormRule newDg) le)
libEnv lns
normalFormDG :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Result DGraph
normalFormDG libEnv dgraph = foldM (\ dg (node, nodelab) ->
if labelHasHiding nodelab then case dgn_nf nodelab of
Just _ -> return dg -- already computed
Nothing -> if isDGRef nodelab then do
{- the normal form of the node
is a reference to the normal form of the node it references
careful: here not refNf, but a new Node which references refN -}
let refLib = dgn_libname nodelab
refNode = dgn_node nodelab
refGraph' = lookupDGraph refLib libEnv
refLabel = labDG refGraph' refNode
case dgn_nf refLabel of
Nothing -> warning dg
(getDGNodeName refLabel ++ " (node " ++ show refNode
++ ") from '" ++ show (getLibId refLib)
++ "' without normal form") nullRange
Just refNf -> do
let refNodelab = labDG refGraph' refNf
-- the label of the normal form ^
nfNode = getNewNodeDG dg
-- the new reference node in the old graph ^
refLab = refNodelab
{ dgn_name = extName "NormalForm" $ dgn_name nodelab
, dgn_nf = Just nfNode
, dgn_sigma = Just $ ide $ dgn_sign refNodelab
, nodeInfo = newRefInfo refLib refNf
, dgn_lock = Nothing }
newLab = nodelab
{ dgn_nf = Just nfNode,
dgn_sigma = dgn_sigma refLabel }
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
changes = [InsertNode (nfNode, refLab), chLab]
newGraph = changesDGH dgraph changes
return newGraph
else do
let gd = insNode (node, dgn_theory nodelab) empty
g0 = Map.fromList [(node, node)]
(diagram, g) = computeDiagram dg [node] (gd, g0)
fsub = finalSubcateg diagram
Result ds res = gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone fsub
es = map (\ d -> if isErrorDiag d then d { diagKind = Warning }
else d) ds
appendDiags es
case res of
Nothing -> warning dg
("cocone failure for " ++ getDGNodeName nodelab
++ " (node " ++ shows node ")") nullRange
Just (sign, mmap) -> do
{- we don't know that node is in fsub
if it's not, we have to find a tip accessible from node
and dgn_sigma = edgeLabel(node, tip); mmap (g Map.! tip) -}
morNode <- if node `elem` nodes fsub then let
gn = Map.findWithDefault (error "gn") node g
phi = Map.findWithDefault (error "mor") gn mmap
in return phi else let
leaves = filter (\ x -> outdeg fsub x == 0) $
nodes fsub
paths = map (\ x ->
(x, propagateErrors "normalFormDG"
$ dijkstra diagram node x))
$ filter (\ x -> node `elem` subgraph
diagram x) leaves
case paths of
[] -> fail "node should reach a tip"
(xn, xf) : _ -> comp xf $ mmap Map.! xn
let nfNode = getNewNodeDG dg -- new node for normal form
info = nodeInfo nodelab
ConsStatus c cp pr = node_cons_status info
nfLabel = newInfoNodeLab
(extName "NormalForm" $ dgn_name nodelab)
{ node_origin = DGNormalForm node
, node_cons_status = mkConsStatus c }
newLab = nodelab -- the new label for node
{ dgn_nf = Just nfNode
, dgn_sigma = Just morNode
, nodeInfo = info
{ node_cons_status = ConsStatus None cp pr }
-- add the nf to the label of node
chLab = SetNodeLab nodelab (node, newLab)
-- insert the new node and add edges from the predecessors
insNNF = InsertNode (nfNode, nfLabel)
makeEdge src tgt m = (src, tgt, globDefLink m DGLinkProof)
insStrMor = map (\ (x, f) -> InsertEdge $ makeEdge x nfNode f)
$ nubOrd $ map (\ (x, y) -> (g Map.! x, y))
$ (node, morNode) : Map.toList mmap
allChanges = insNNF : chLab : insStrMor
newDG = changesDGH dg allChanges
return $ changeDGH newDG $ SetNodeLab nfLabel (nfNode, nfLabel
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory libEnv newDG
(nfNode, nfLabel) })
else return dg) dgraph $ topsortedNodes dgraph -- only change relevant nodes
{- | computes the diagram associated to a node N in a development graph,
adding common origins for multiple occurences of nodes, whenever
computeDiagram :: DGraph -> [Node] -> (GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node)
-> (GDiagram, Map.Map Node Node)
-- as described in the paper for now
computeDiagram dgraph nodeList (gd, g) =
case nodeList of
[] -> (gd, g)
_ ->
let -- defInEdges is list of pairs (n, edges of target g(n))
defInEdges = map (\ n -> (n, filter (\ e@(s, t, _) -> s /= t &&
liftE (liftOr isGlobalDef isHidingDef) e) $
innDG dgraph $ g Map.! n)) nodeList
{- TO DO: no local links, and why edges with s=t are removed
add normal form nodes
sources of each edge must be added as new nodes -}
nodeIds = zip (newNodes (length $ concatMap snd defInEdges) gd)
$ concatMap (\ (n, l) -> map (\ x -> (n, x)) l ) defInEdges
newLNodes = zip (map fst nodeIds) $
map (\ (s, _, _) -> dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph s) $
concatMap snd defInEdges
g0 = Map.fromList $
map (\ (newS, (_newT, (s, _t, _))) -> (newS, s)) nodeIds
morphEdge (n1, (n2, (_, _, el))) =
if isHidingDef $ dgl_type el
then (n2, n1, (x, dgl_morphism el))
else (n1, n2, (x, dgl_morphism el))
where EdgeId x = dgl_id el
newLEdges = map morphEdge nodeIds
gd' = insEdges newLEdges $ insNodes newLNodes gd
g' = Map.union g g0
in computeDiagram dgraph (map fst nodeIds) (gd', g')
finalSubcateg :: GDiagram -> GDiagram
finalSubcateg graph = let
leaves = filter (\ (n, _) -> outdeg graph n == 0) $ labNodes graph
in buildGraph graph (map fst leaves) leaves [] $ nodes graph
subgraph :: Gr a b -> Node -> [Node]
subgraph graph node = let
descs nList descList =
case nList of
[] -> descList
_ -> let
newDescs = concatMap (pre graph) nList
nList' = filter (`notElem` nList) newDescs
descList' = nubOrd $ descList ++ newDescs
in descs nList' descList'
in descs [node] []
buildGraph :: GDiagram -> [Node]
-> [LNode G_theory]
-> [LEdge (Int, GMorphism)]
-> [Node]
-> GDiagram
buildGraph oGraph leaves nList eList nodeList =
case nodeList of
[] -> mkGraph nList eList
n : nodeList' ->
case outdeg oGraph n of
1 -> buildGraph oGraph leaves nList eList nodeList'
-- the node is simply removed
0 -> buildGraph oGraph leaves nList eList nodeList'
-- the leaves have already been added to nList
_ -> let
Just l = lab oGraph n
nList' = (n, l) : nList
accesLeaves = filter (\ x -> n `elem` subgraph oGraph x) leaves
eList' = map (\ x -> (n, x, (1 :: Int,
propagateErrors "buildGraph" $ dijkstra oGraph n x)))
in buildGraph oGraph leaves nList' (eList ++ eList') nodeList'
-- branch, must add n to the nList and edges in eList