Local.hs revision e509b6f97f98f96ef258c1c3f7968241da8bde5d
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : jfgerken@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
local proofs in development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
Order of rule application: try to use local links induced by %implies
for subsumption proofs (such that the %implied formulas need not be
module Proofs.Local (localInference, locDecomp) where
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Utils
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Syntax.AS_Library
-- --------------------
-- local decomposition
-- --------------------
{- a merge of the rules local subsumption, local decomposition I and
local decomposition II -}
-- applies this merge of rules to all unproven localThm edges if possible
locDecomp :: ProofStatus -> IO ProofStatus
locDecomp proofStatus@(ln,libEnv,_) = do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
localThmEdges = filter isUnprovenLocalThm (labEdges dgraph)
result = locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph ([],[]) localThmEdges
nextDGraph = fst result
nextHistoryElem = snd result
= mkResultProofStatus proofStatus nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
return newProofStatus
{- auxiliary function for locDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
locDecompAux :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange]) -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
locDecompAux _ _ dgraph historyElement [] = (dgraph, historyElement)
locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) ((ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab)):list) =
if (null proofBasis && not (isIdentityEdge ledge libEnv dgraph))
locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
if isDuplicate newEdge dgraph changes
then locDecompAux libEnv ln auxGraph
(newRules,(DeleteEdge ledge):changes) list
else locDecompAux libEnv ln newGraph (newRules,newChanges) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
allPaths = getAllLocGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
th = computeLocalTheory libEnv (ln, src)
pathsWithoutEdgeItself = [path|path <- allPaths, notElem ledge path]
filteredPaths = filterByTranslation th morphism pathsWithoutEdgeItself
proofBasis = selectProofBasis ledge filteredPaths
auxGraph = delLEdge ledge dgraph
(LocalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
newEdge = (src,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type =
(LocalThm (Proven (LocDecomp ledge) proofBasis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newGraph = insEdge newEdge auxGraph
newRules = (LocDecomp ledge):rules
newChanges = (DeleteEdge ledge):((InsertEdge newEdge):changes)
{- removes all paths from the given list of paths whose morphism does not translate the given sentence list to the same resulting sentence list as the given morphism-}
filterByTranslation :: Maybe G_theory -> GMorphism -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterByTranslation maybeTh morphism paths =
case maybeTh of
Just th -> [path| path <- paths, isSameTranslation th morphism path]
Nothing -> []
-- isSameTranslation th morphism (calculateMorphismOfPath path)]
{- checks if the given morphism and the morphism of the given path translate the given sentence list to the same resulting sentence list -}
isSameTranslation :: G_theory -> GMorphism -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Bool
isSameTranslation th morphism path =
case calculateMorphismOfPath path of
Just morphismOfPath ->
translateG_theory morphism th == translateG_theory morphismOfPath th
Nothing -> False
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- local subsumption
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- applies local subsumption to all unproven local theorem edges
localInference :: ProofStatus -> IO ProofStatus
localInference proofStatus@(ln,libEnv,_) = do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
localThmEdges = filter isUnprovenLocalThm (labEdges dgraph)
result <- localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph ([],[]) localThmEdges
let nextDGraph = fst result
nextHistoryElem = snd result
= mkResultProofStatus proofStatus nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
return newProofStatus
-- auxiliary method for localInference
localInferenceAux :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange]) -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> IO (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
localInferenceAux _ _ dgraph historyElement [] = return (dgraph, historyElement)
localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) ((ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab)):list) =
case (getDGNode libEnv dgraph tgt, maybeThSrc) of
(Just (target,_), Just thSrc) ->
case (maybeResult (computeTheory libEnv (ln, target)),
maybeResult (translateG_theory morphism thSrc)) of
(Just (G_theory lidTgt sig sensTgt), Just (G_theory lidSrc _ sensSrc)) ->
case maybeResult (coerceThSens lidTgt lidSrc "" sensTgt) of
Nothing -> localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
Just sentencesTgt -> do
-- check if all source axioms are also axioms in the target
let goals = Set.filter (isAxiom . value) sensSrc
Set.\\ sentencesTgt
goals' = markAsGoal goals
newTh = case (dgn_theory oldContents) of
G_theory lid sig sens ->
case coerceThSens lidSrc lid "" goals' of
Nothing -> G_theory lid sig sens
Just goals'' ->
G_theory lid sig (sens `joinSens` goals'')
if Set.null goals
then do
let newEdge = (src, tgt, newLab)
newGraph = insEdge newEdge auxGraph
newChanges = changes ++ [DeleteEdge ledge, InsertEdge newEdge]
localInferenceAux libEnv ln newGraph (newRules,newChanges) list
else do
let n = getNewNode auxGraph
newNode = (n, oldContents{dgn_theory = newTh})
newList = map (replaceNode tgt n) list
(newGraph,changes') <- adoptEdges (insNode newNode $ auxGraph) tgt n
let newEdge = (src, n, newLab)
newGraph' = insEdge newEdge $ delNode tgt $ newGraph
newLibEnv = Map.adjust adjMap ln libEnv
adjMap (annos,env,dg) = (annos,env,newGraph')
newChanges = changes ++ DeleteEdge ledge :
InsertNode newNode : changes' ++
[DeleteNode oldNode,InsertEdge newEdge]
localInferenceAux newLibEnv ln newGraph' (newRules,newChanges) newList
_ -> localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
_ -> -- showDiags defaultHetcatsOpts (errSrc++errTgt)
localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
maybeThSrc = computeLocalTheory libEnv (ln, src)
auxGraph = delLEdge ledge dgraph
(LocalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
newLab = DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type =
(LocalThm (Proven (LocInference ledge) [])
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newRules = (LocInference ledge):rules
oldNode = labNode' (safeContext "localInferenceAux" dgraph tgt)
(_,oldContents) = oldNode
replaceNode from to (src,tgt,lab) =
(replaceNodeAux from to src, replaceNodeAux from to tgt,lab)
replaceNodeAux from to n = if n==from then to else n