Local.hs revision 1842453990fed8a1bd7a5ac792d7982c1d2bfcd5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : local proof rukes for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : till@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
local proof rukes for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
Order of rule application: try to use local links induced by %implies
for subsumption proofs (such that the %implied formulas need not be
module Proofs.Local
( localInference
, locDecomp
, locDecompFromList
, localInferenceFromList
) where
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe
-- --------------------
-- local decomposition
-- --------------------
locDecompFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
locDecompFromList ln localThmEdges libEnv=
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
finalLocalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenLocalThm) localThmEdges
(nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph ([],[]) finalLocalThmEdges
in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
locDecomp :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
locDecomp ln libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
localThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenLocalThm) (labEdgesDG dgraph)
in locDecompFromList ln localThmEdges libEnv
{- a merge of the rules local subsumption, local decomposition I and
local decomposition II -}
-- applies this merge of rules to all unproven localThm edges if possible
--locDecomp :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
--locDecomp ln libEnv =
-- let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
-- localThmEdges = filter isUnprovenLocalThm (labEdges dgraph)
-- (nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
-- locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph ([],[]) localThmEdges
-- in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
{- auxiliary function for locDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
locDecompAux :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
locDecompAux _ _ dgraph historyElement [] = (dgraph, historyElement)
locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes)
(ledge@(src, tgt, edgeLab) : list) =
if (null proofBasis && not (isIdentityEdge ledge libEnv dgraph))
locDecompAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules, changes) list
locDecompAux libEnv ln newGraph (newRules,newChanges) list
if isDuplicate newEdge dgraph changes
then locDecompAux libEnv ln auxGraph
(newRules, auxChanges) list
--(newRules, DeleteEdge ledge : changes) list
else locDecompAux libEnv ln newGraph (newRules,newChanges) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
allPaths = getAllLocGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
th = computeLocalTheory libEnv ln src
pathsWithoutEdgeItself = filter (notElem ledge) allPaths
filteredPaths = filterByTranslation th morphism pathsWithoutEdgeItself
proofBasis = selectProofBasis dgraph ledge filteredPaths
--auxGraph = deLLEdge ledge dgraph
(auxGraph, auxChanges) = updateWithOneChange (DeleteEdge ledge) dgraph changes
LocalThm _ conservativity conservStatus = dgl_type edgeLab
newEdge = (src,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type =
(LocalThm (Proven (LocDecomp ledge) proofBasis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = dgl_id edgeLab}
(newGraph, newChanges) =
insertDGLEdge newEdge auxGraph auxChanges
--updateWithChanges [DeleteEdge ledge, InsertEdge newEdge] dgraph changes
--newGraph = insEdge newEdge auxGraph
newRules = LocDecomp ledge : rules
--newChanges = DeleteEdge ledge : InsertEdge newEdge : changes
{- | removes all paths from the given list of paths whose morphism does
not translate the given sentence list to the same resulting sentence
list as the given morphism. -}
filterByTranslation :: Maybe G_theory -> GMorphism -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterByTranslation maybeTh morphism paths =
case maybeTh of
Just th -> filter (isSameTranslation th morphism) paths
Nothing -> []
-- isSameTranslation th morphism (calculateMorphismOfPath path)]
{- | checks if the given morphism and the morphism of the given path
translate the given sentence list to the same resulting sentence list. -}
isSameTranslation :: G_theory -> GMorphism -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Bool
isSameTranslation th morphism path =
case calculateMorphismOfPath path of
Just morphismOfPath ->
maybeResult (translateG_theory morphism th) ==
maybeResult (translateG_theory morphismOfPath th)
Nothing -> False
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- local inference
-- ----------------------------------------------
localInferenceFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
localInferenceFromList ln localThmEdges libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
finalLocalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenLocalThm) localThmEdges
(nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph ([],[]) finalLocalThmEdges
in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
localInference :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
localInference ln libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
localThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenLocalThm) (labEdgesDG dgraph)
in localInferenceFromList ln localThmEdges libEnv
-- applies local subsumption to all unproven local theorem edges
--localInference :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
--localInference ln libEnv =
-- let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
-- localThmEdges = filter isUnprovenLocalThm (labEdges dgraph)
-- (nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
-- localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph ([],[]) localThmEdges
-- in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
-- auxiliary method for localInference
localInferenceAux :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
localInferenceAux _ _ dgraph (rules, changes) [] = (dgraph, (reverse rules, reverse changes))
localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules, changes)
(ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab) : list) =
case maybeThSrc of
Just thSrc ->
case (maybeResult (computeTheory libEnv ln tgt),
maybeResult (translateG_theory morphism thSrc)) of
(Just (G_theory lidTgt _ _ sensTgt _),
Just (G_theory lidSrc _ _ sensSrc _)) ->
case maybeResult (coerceThSens lidTgt lidSrc "" sensTgt) of
Nothing -> localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
Just sentencesTgt ->
-- check if all source axioms are also axioms in the target
let goals = OMap.filter isAxiom sensSrc
`diffSens` sentencesTgt
goals' = markAsGoal goals
newTh = case (dgn_theory oldContents) of
G_theory lid sig ind sens ind' ->
case coerceThSens lidSrc lid "" goals' of
Nothing -> G_theory lid sig ind sens ind'
Just goals'' ->
G_theory lid sig ind
(sens `joinSens` goals'') 0
in if OMap.null goals
let {-newEdge = (src, tgt, newLab)
newGraph = insEdge newEdge auxGraph
newChanges = changes ++
[DeleteEdge ledge, InsertEdge newEdge]-}
(newGraph, newChanges) =
updateWithChanges [DeleteEdge ledge, InsertEdge newEdge] dgraph changes
in localInferenceAux libEnv ln newGraph
(newRules,newChanges) list
let newNodeLab = oldContents{dgn_theory = newTh}
(newGraph,changes') =
adjustNode auxGraph (oldNode, newNodeLab)
newEdge = (src, tgt, newLab)
newGraph' = insEdge newEdge newGraph
newChanges = changes ++ DeleteEdge ledge :
changes' ++ [InsertEdge newEdge]
(newGraph, newChanges) =
[ DeleteEdge ledge
, SetNodeLab (error "localInferenceAux")
(oldNode, newNodeLab)
, InsertEdge newEdge]
dgraph changes
newLibEnv = Map.adjust (const newGraph) ln libEnv
in localInferenceAux newLibEnv ln newGraph
(newRules,newChanges) list
_ -> localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
_ -> localInferenceAux libEnv ln dgraph (rules,changes) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
maybeThSrc = computeLocalTheory libEnv ln src
--auxGraph = deLLEdge ledge dgraph
(LocalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
newLab = DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type =
(LocalThm (Proven (LocInference ledge) [])
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = dgl_id edgeLab}
newEdge = (src, tgt, newLab)
newRules = LocInference ledge : rules
(oldNode, oldContents) = labNode' (safeContextDG "localInferenceAux" dgraph tgt)
replaceNode from to (src',tgt',labl) =
(replaceNodeAux from to src', replaceNodeAux from to tgt',labl)
replaceNodeAux from to n = if n==from then to else n