InferBasic.hs revision 46b5fe38c0c8cd7b8a92ccb44e683e4996aea19c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : devGraph rule that calls provers for specific logics
Copyright : (c) J. Gerken, T. Mossakowski, K. Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
devGraph rule that calls provers for specific logics
Proof rule "basic inference" in the development graphs calculus.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
module Proofs.InferBasic
( basicInferenceNode
) where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.FreeDefLinks
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Comorphisms.KnownProvers
import GUI.Utils
import GUI.ProverGUI
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
import Data.IORef
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Debug.Trace
selectProver :: [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
-> ResultT IO (G_prover, AnyComorphism)
selectProver ps = case ps of
[] -> fail "No prover available"
[p] -> return p
_ -> do
sel <- lift $ listBox "Choose a translation to a prover-supported logic"
$ map (\ (aGN, cm) -> shows cm $ " (" ++ getProverName aGN ++ ")") ps
i <- case sel of
Just j -> return j
_ -> fail "Proofs.Proofs: selection"
return $ ps !! i
proveTheory :: Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> Prover sign sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree
-> String -> Theory sign sentence proof_tree
-> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]
-> IO ( [ProofStatus proof_tree]
, [(Named sentence, ProofStatus proof_tree)])
proveTheory _ =
fromMaybe (\ _ _ -> fail "proveGUI not implemented") . proveGUI
{- | applies basic inference to a given node. The result is a theory which is
either a model after a consistency check or a new theory for the node
label -}
basicInferenceNode :: LogicGraph -> LibName -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> LibEnv -> IORef IntState
-> IO (Result G_theory)
basicInferenceNode lg ln dGraph (node, lbl) libEnv intSt =
runResultT $ do
-- compute the theory (that may contain proved theorems) and its name
thForProof <- liftR $ getGlobalTheory lbl
let thName = shows (getLibId ln) "_" ++ getDGNodeName lbl
freedefs = getCFreeDefMorphs libEnv ln dGraph node
let ps = getAllProvers ProveGUI (sublogicOfTh thForProof) lg
kpMap <- liftR knownProversGUI
{-let kpMap = foldl (\m (G_prover _ p,c) ->
case Map.lookup (proverName p) m of
Just cs -> Map.insert (proverName p) (c:cs) m
Nothing -> Map.insert (proverName p) [c] m) Map.empty ps-}
ResultT $ proverGUI ProofActions
{ proveF = proveKnownPMap lg intSt freedefs
, fineGrainedSelectionF = proveFineGrainedSelect lg intSt freedefs
, recalculateSublogicF = return . recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory
} thName (hidingLabelWarning lbl) thForProof kpMap ps
proveKnownPMap :: LogicGraph
-> IORef IntState
-> [GFreeDefMorphism]
-> ProofState -> IO (Result ProofState)
proveKnownPMap lg intSt freedefs st =
maybe (proveFineGrainedSelect lg intSt freedefs st)
(callProver st intSt False freedefs) $
lookupKnownProver st ProveGUI
callProver :: ProofState
-> IORef IntState
-> Bool -- indicates if a translation was chosen
-> [GFreeDefMorphism]
-> (G_prover, AnyComorphism) -> IO (Result ProofState)
callProver st intSt trans_chosen freedefs p_cm@(_, acm) =
runResultT $ do
(_, exit) <- lift $ pulseBar "prepare for proving" "please wait..."
G_theory_with_prover lid th p <- liftR $ prepareForProving st p_cm
freedefs1 <- mapM (\ (GFreeDefMorphism fdlid fd) ->
coerceFreeDefMorphism fdlid lid "" fd) freedefs
lift exit
(ps, _) <- lift $ proveTheory lid p (theoryName st) th freedefs1
let st' = markProved acm lid ps st
lift $ addCommandHistoryToState intSt st'
(if trans_chosen then Just p_cm else Nothing) ps
return st'
proveFineGrainedSelect :: LogicGraph
-> IORef IntState
-> [GFreeDefMorphism]
-> ProofState -> IO (Result ProofState)
proveFineGrainedSelect lg intSt freedefs st =
runResultT $ do
let sl = sublogicOfTheory st
cmsToProvers = getAllProvers ProveGUI sl lg
pr <- selectProver cmsToProvers
ResultT $ callProver st { comorphismsToProvers = cmsToProvers }
intSt True freedefs pr