HideTheoremShift.hs revision 3fe83d4c932a8266edcf0304a97814c59821d91f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : hide theorem shift proof rule for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : ken@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
hide theorem shift proof rule for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
module Proofs.HideTheoremShift
( interactiveHideTheoremShift
, automaticHideTheoremShift
, automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList
) where
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import GUI.Utils
import Control.Monad.Identity
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- hide theorem shift
-- ----------------------------------------------
type ListSelector m a = [a] -> m (Maybe a)
type PathTuple = ([LEdge DGLinkLab], [LEdge DGLinkLab])
type ProofBaseSelector m = DGraph -> ListSelector m PathTuple
interactiveHideTheoremShift :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> IO LibEnv
interactiveHideTheoremShift =
hideTheoremShift hideTheoremShift_selectProofBase
automaticHideTheoremShift :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
automaticHideTheoremShift ln libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
ls = filter (liftE isUnprovenHidingThm) $ labEdgesDG dgraph
in automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList ln ls libEnv
automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]-> LibEnv -> LibEnv
automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList ln ls = runIdentity. hideTheoremShiftFromList
(const $ \ l -> return $ case l of
[a] -> Just a -- maybe take the first one always ?
_ -> Nothing) ln ls
hideTheoremShiftFromList :: Monad m => ProofBaseSelector m -> LIB_NAME
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> m LibEnv
hideTheoremShiftFromList proofBaseSel ln hidingThmEdges proofStatus = do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
finalHidingThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenHidingThm) hidingThmEdges
result <- hideTheoremShiftAux dgraph ([],[])
finalHidingThmEdges proofBaseSel
let (nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) = result
= mkResultProofStatus ln proofStatus nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
return newProofStatus
hideTheoremShift :: Monad m => ProofBaseSelector m -> LIB_NAME
-> LibEnv -> m LibEnv
hideTheoremShift proofBaseSel ln proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
hidingThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenHidingThm) $ labEdgesDG dgraph
in hideTheoremShiftFromList proofBaseSel ln hidingThmEdges proofStatus
--hideTheoremShift :: Monad m => ProofBaseSelector m -> LIB_NAME
-- -> LibEnv -> m LibEnv
--hideTheoremShift proofBaseSel ln proofStatus = do
-- let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
-- hidingThmEdges = filter isUnprovenHidingThm (labEdges dgraph)
-- result <- hideTheoremShiftAux dgraph ([],[]) hidingThmEdges proofBaseSel
-- let nextDGraph = fst result
-- nextHistoryElem = snd result
-- newProofStatus
-- = mkResultProofStatus ln proofStatus nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
-- return newProofStatus
{- | auxiliary method for hideTheoremShift.
it contains three steps: inserting of the proof basis, deleting of the
current edge and inserting of the new proven edge.
hideTheoremShiftAux :: Monad m => DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> ProofBaseSelector m
-> m (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
hideTheoremShiftAux dgraph historyElement [] _ =
return (dgraph, historyElement)
hideTheoremShiftAux dgraph (rules,changes) (ledge:list) proofBaseSel =
do proofbasis <- findProofBaseForHideTheoremShift dgraph ledge proofBaseSel
if (null proofbasis)
then hideTheoremShiftAux dgraph (rules,changes) list proofBaseSel
else do
let ((auxDGraph,auxChanges), finalProofBasis) =
insertNewEdges (dgraph, changes) proofbasis emptyProofBasis
newEdge = makeProvenHidingThmEdge finalProofBasis ledge
(newDGraph2, newChanges2) = updateWithOneChange (DeleteEdge ledge)
(newDGraph, newChanges) =
insertDGLEdge newEdge newDGraph2 newChanges2
newRules = (HideTheoremShift ledge):rules
hideTheoremShiftAux newDGraph (newRules,newChanges) list proofBaseSel
{- | inserts the given edges into the development graph and adds a
corresponding entry to the changes, while getting the proofbasis.
Notice that EdgeId is enough to represent an edge and can therefore
be used as proof basis.
insertNewEdges :: (DGraph, [DGChange]) -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] ->
ProofBasis -> ((DGraph,[DGChange]), ProofBasis)
insertNewEdges res [] proofbasis = (res, proofbasis)
insertNewEdges (dgraph, changes) (edge:list) proofbasis =
case tryToGetEdge edge dgraph changes of
Just e -> insertNewEdges (dgraph, changes) list
$ addEdgeId proofbasis $ getEdgeId e
Nothing -> let
(tempDGraph, tempChanges) =
(updateWithOneChange (InsertEdge edge) dgraph changes)
-- checks if the edge is actually inserted
tempProofBasis = case head tempChanges of
InsertEdge tempE -> addEdgeId proofbasis $ getEdgeId tempE
_ -> error ("Proofs"++
insertNewEdges (tempDGraph, tempChanges)
{- | creates a new proven HidingThm edge from the given
HidingThm edge using the edge list as the proofbasis
makeProvenHidingThmEdge :: ProofBasis -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> LEdge DGLinkLab
makeProvenHidingThmEdge proofBasisEdges ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab) =
DGLink { dgl_morphism = morphism
, dgl_type = (HidingThm hidingMorphism
(Proven (HideTheoremShift ledge) proofBasisEdges))
, dgl_origin = DGProof
, dgl_id = dgl_id edgeLab
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
(HidingThm hidingMorphism _) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
{- | selects a proof basis for 'hide theorem shift' if there is one
:: Monad m => DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> ProofBaseSelector m -> m [LEdge DGLinkLab]
findProofBaseForHideTheoremShift dgraph (ledge@(src,tgt,edgelab))
proofBaseSel =
do pb <- proofBaseSel dgraph pathPairsFilteredByProveStatus
case pb of
Nothing -> return []
Just proofbasis -> do let fstPath = fst proofbasis
sndPath = snd proofbasis
return [createEdgeForPath fstPath,
createEdgeForPath sndPath]
pathsFromSrc = getAllPathsOfTypeFrom dgraph src (ledge /=)
pathsFromTgt = getAllPathsOfTypeFrom dgraph tgt (ledge /=)
possiblePathPairs = selectPathPairs pathsFromSrc pathsFromTgt
(HidingThm hidingMorphism _) = (dgl_type edgelab)
morphism = dgl_morphism edgelab
= filterPairsByResultingMorphisms possiblePathPairs
hidingMorphism morphism
= filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath pathPairsFilteredByMorphism
-- advoiding duplicate to be selected proofbasis.
= filterPairsByGlobalProveStatus pathPairsFilteredByConservativity
{- | advoiding duplicate to be selected proofbasis.
filterPairsByGlobalProveStatus :: [([LEdge DGLinkLab], [LEdge DGLinkLab])] -> [([LEdge DGLinkLab], [LEdge DGLinkLab])]
filterPairsByGlobalProveStatus = filter bothAreProven
bothAreProven (pb1,pb2) = (allAreProven pb1) && (allAreProven pb2)
allAreProven = all $ liftE (\l -> (isProven l) && (isGlobalEdge l))
{- removes all pairs from the given list whose second path does not have a
conservativity greater than or equal to Cons -}
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath ::
[([LEdge DGLinkLab],[LEdge DGLinkLab])]
-> [([LEdge DGLinkLab],[LEdge DGLinkLab])]
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath [] = []
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath (([],_):list) =
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath list
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath ((_,[]):list) =
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath list
filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath (pair:list) =
if (and [cons >= Cons | cons <- map getConservativity (snd pair)])
then pair:(filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath list)
else filterPairsByConservativityOfSecondPath list
{- | selects a proofBasis (i.e. a path tuple) from the list of possible ones:
If there is exaclty one proofBasis in the list, this is returned.
If there are more than one and the method is called in automatic mode
Nothing is returned.
In non-automatic mode the user is asked to select a proofBasis via
listBox, then the selected one will be returned.
hideTheoremShift_selectProofBase ::
DGraph -> [([LEdge DGLinkLab], [LEdge DGLinkLab])]
-> IO (Maybe ([LEdge DGLinkLab], [LEdge DGLinkLab]))
hideTheoremShift_selectProofBase dgraph basisList =
case basisList of
[] -> return Nothing
[basis] -> return $ Just basis
_ -> do
sel <- listBox
"Choose a path tuple as the proof basis"
(map (prettyPrintPathTuple dgraph) basisList)
case sel of
Just j -> return $ Just (basisList !! j)
_ -> return Nothing -- error ("Proofs.Proofs: " ++
-- "selection of proof basis failed")
-- failing or outputting something here may be a bad idea
-- ken's debugging function
debug_show :: [([LEdge DGLinkLab], [LEdge DGLinkLab])] -> String
--debug_show ((a, b):((c, d):_)) = show (debug_show_edge b==debug_show_edge d)
debug_show [] = ""
debug_show ((a, b):xs) = "("++(debug_show_edge a)++", "++(debug_show_edge b)++") "++(debug_show xs)
debug_show_edge :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> String
debug_show_edge [] = ""
debug_show_edge ((src, tgt, lab):xs) = "("++(show src)++"->"++(show tgt)++" with prove status: "++(debug_show_pro_sta lab)++") -> " ++debug_show_edge xs
debug_show_pro_sta :: DGLinkLab -> String
debug_show_pro_sta lab =
case (dgl_type lab) of
(GlobalThm (Proven _ _) _ _) -> "global proven"
(LocalThm (Proven _ _) _ _) -> "local proven"
(HidingThm _ (Proven _ _)) -> "hiding proven"
(LocalThm LeftOpen _ _) -> "local unproven"
_ -> "other unproven"
{- returns a string representation of the given paths: for each path a
tuple of the names of its nodes is shown, the two are combined by
an \'and\' -}
prettyPrintPathTuple :: DGraph -> ([LEdge DGLinkLab],[LEdge DGLinkLab])
-> String
prettyPrintPathTuple dgraph (p1,p2) =
(prettyPrintPath dgraph p1) ++ " and " ++ (prettyPrintPath dgraph p2)
{- returns the names of the nodes of the path, separated by commas-}
prettyPrintNodesOfPath :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> String
prettyPrintNodesOfPath _ [] = ""
prettyPrintNodesOfPath dgraph (edge:path) =
(prettyPrintSourceNode dgraph edge) ++ ", "
++ (prettyPrintNodesOfPath dgraph path)
++ end
end = case path of
[] -> prettyPrintTargetNode dgraph edge
_ -> ""
{- returns a string reprentation of the path: showing a tuple of its nodes-}
prettyPrintPath :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> String
prettyPrintPath _ [] = "<empty path>"
prettyPrintPath dgraph path =
"(" ++ (prettyPrintNodesOfPath dgraph path) ++ ")"
{- returns the name of the source node of the given edge-}
prettyPrintSourceNode :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
prettyPrintSourceNode dgraph (src,_,_) =
getDGNodeName $ lab' $
safeContextDG "Proofs.HideTheoremShift.prettyPrintSourceNode" dgraph src
{- returns the name of the target node of the given edge-}
prettyPrintTargetNode :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
prettyPrintTargetNode dgraph (_,tgt,_) =
getDGNodeName $ lab' $
safeContextDG "Proofs.HideTheoremShift.prettyPrintTargetNode" dgraph tgt
{- creates a unproven global thm edge for the given path, i.e. with
the same source and target nodes and the same morphism as the path -}
createEdgeForPath :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LEdge DGLinkLab
createEdgeForPath path =
case (calculateMorphismOfPath path, path) of
(Just morphism, (s, _, _) : _) ->
let (_, t, _) = last path
in (s, t,
DGLink { dgl_morphism = morphism
, dgl_type = (GlobalThm LeftOpen None LeftOpen)
, dgl_origin = DGProof
, dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
_ -> error "createEdgeForPath"
{- returns a list of path pairs, as shorthand the pairs are not
returned as path-path tuples but as path-<list of path> tuples. Every
path in the list is a pair of the single path. The path pairs are
selected by having the same target node. -}
selectPathPairs :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [([LEdge DGLinkLab],[[LEdge DGLinkLab]])]
selectPathPairs [] _ = []
selectPathPairs _ [] = []
selectPathPairs paths1 paths2 =
[(p1, [p2| p2 <- paths2, haveSameTgt (last p1) (last p2) ] )| p1 <- paths1]
haveSameTgt :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
haveSameTgt (_,tgt1,_) (_,tgt2,_) = tgt1 == tgt2
{- returns a list of path pairs by keeping those pairs, whose first path composed with the first given morphism and whose second path composed with the second given morphism result in the same morphism, and dropping all other pairs.-}
filterPairsByResultingMorphisms :: [([LEdge DGLinkLab],[[LEdge DGLinkLab]])]
-> GMorphism -> GMorphism
-> [([LEdge DGLinkLab],[LEdge DGLinkLab])]
filterPairsByResultingMorphisms [] _ _ = []
filterPairsByResultingMorphisms (pair:pairs) morph1 morph2 =
[((fst pair),path)| path <- suitingPaths]
++ (filterPairsByResultingMorphisms pairs morph1 morph2)
= compMaybeMorphisms (Just morph1) (calculateMorphismOfPath (fst pair))
suitingPaths :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
suitingPaths = if (compMorph1 /= Nothing) then
[path |path <- (snd pair),
(compMaybeMorphisms (Just morph2)
(calculateMorphismOfPath path))
== compMorph1]
else []
{- if the given maybe morphisms are both not Nothing,
this method composes their GMorphisms -
returns Nothing otherwise -}
compMaybeMorphisms :: Maybe GMorphism -> Maybe GMorphism -> Maybe GMorphism
compMaybeMorphisms morph1 morph2 =
case (morph1, morph2) of
(Just m1, Just m2) -> resultToMaybe $ compHomInclusion m1 m2
-- This should be compInclusion, but this would need the logic graph
_ -> Nothing
{- returns the Conservativity if the given edge has one,
otherwise an error is raised -}
getConservativity :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Conservativity
getConservativity (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(LocalThm _ cons _) -> cons
(GlobalThm _ cons _) -> cons
_ -> None