Global.hs revision da955132262baab309a50fdffe228c9efe68251d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : global proof rules for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
global proof rules for development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Proofs.Global
( globSubsume
, globDecomp
, globDecompAux -- for Test.hs
, globDecompFromList
, globSubsumeFromList
) where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
-- ---------------------
-- global decomposition
-- ---------------------
{- apply rule GlobDecomp to all global theorem links in the current DG
current DG = DGm
add to proof status the pair ([GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en],DGm+1)
where e1...en are the global theorem links in DGm
DGm+1 results from DGm by application of GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en -}
{- applies global decomposition to the list of edges given (global
theorem edges) if possible, if empty list is given then to all
unproven global theorems -}
globDecompFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globDecompFromList ln globalThmEdges proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
finalGlobalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) globalThmEdges
(auxGraph, auxChanges) = updateDGraph dgraph proofStatus []
$ map getLEdgeSrc finalGlobalThmEdges
(newDGraph, newHistoryElem) =
globDecompAux auxGraph finalGlobalThmEdges ([], [])
in mkResultProofStatus ln proofStatus newDGraph
(fst newHistoryElem, auxChanges ++ snd newHistoryElem)
updateDGraph :: DGraph -> LibEnv -> [DGChange] -> [Node]
-> (DGraph, [DGChange])
updateDGraph dg _ changes [] = (dg, changes)
updateDGraph dg le changes (x:xs) =
case lookupInRefNodesDG x dg of
Just (refl, refn) ->
parents = getRefParents le refl refn
-- to be continued with undo...
(auxDG, auxChanges) = updateDGraphAux le
(deleteFromRefNodesDG x dg) changes x refl parents
updateDGraph auxDG le auxChanges xs
_ -> updateDGraph dg le changes xs
getRefParents :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> [(LNode DGNodeLab, [DGLinkLab])]
getRefParents le refl refn =
dg = lookupDGraph refl le
(pres, _, _ , _) = safeContextDG "Proofs.Global.getRefParents" dg refn
in modifyPs dg pres
modifyPs :: DGraph -> [(DGLinkLab, Node)] -> [(LNode DGNodeLab, [DGLinkLab])]
modifyPs dg ls =
(\(n, x) -> ((n, lab' $ safeContextDG "Proofs.Global.modifyPs" dg n), x))
$ modifyPsAux ls
modifyPsAux :: Ord a => [(b, a)] -> [(a, [b])]
modifyPsAux l =
Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (++) [(k, [v])|(v, k)<-l]
updateDGraphAux :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> [DGChange] -> Node -> LIB_NAME
-> [(LNode DGNodeLab, [DGLinkLab])] -> (DGraph, [DGChange])
updateDGraphAux _ dg changes _ _ [] = (dg, changes)
updateDGraphAux libenv dg changes n refl ((pnl, pls):xs) =
((auxDG, auxChanges), newN) = addParentNode libenv dg changes refl pnl
(finalDG, finalChanges) = addParentLinks auxDG [] newN n pls
updateDGraphAux libenv finalDG (auxChanges++finalChanges) n refl xs
addParentNode :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> [DGChange] -> LIB_NAME
-> LNode DGNodeLab -> ((DGraph, [DGChange]), Node)
addParentNode libenv dg changes refl (refn, oldNodelab) =
-- to be modified due to undo function...
(nodelab, newRefl, newRefn) = if isDGRef oldNodelab then
tempRefl = dgn_libname oldNodelab
tempRefn = dgn_node oldNodelab
originDG = lookupDGraph tempRefl libenv
(lab' $ safeContextDG "Proofs.Global.addParentNode"
originDG tempRefn,
tempRefl, tempRefn)
else (oldNodelab, refl, refn)
(sgMap, s) = sigMapI dg
(tMap, t) = thMapI dg
newGTh = createGThWith (dgn_theory nodelab) (s+1) (t+1)
newRefNode =
DGRef{ dgn_name = dgn_name nodelab
, dgn_libname = newRefl
, dgn_node = newRefn
, dgn_theory = newGTh
, dgn_nf = Nothing
, dgn_sigma = Nothing
, dgn_lock = error "uninitialized MVar of DGRef"
case (lookupInAllRefNodesDG (newRefl, newRefn) dg) of
Nothing ->
newN = getNewNodeDG dg
(InsertNode (newN, newRefNode))
(setThMapDG (Map.insert (t+1) newGTh tMap)
$ setSigMapDG (Map.insert (s+1) (signOf newGTh) sgMap)
$ addToRefNodesDG (newN, newRefl, newRefn) dg)
changes, newN)
Just extN -> ((dg, changes), extN)
addParentLinks :: DGraph -> [DGChange] -> Node -> Node -> [DGLinkLab]
-> (DGraph, [DGChange])
addParentLinks dg changes src tgt ls =
updateWithChanges [InsertEdge (src, tgt, x)|x<-ls] dg changes
{- applies global decomposition to all unproven global theorem edges
if possible -}
globDecomp ::LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globDecomp ln proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
globalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) $ labEdgesDG dgraph
in -- trace (show $ refNodes dgraph)
globDecompFromList ln globalThmEdges proofStatus
{- auxiliary function for globDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompAux :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
globDecompAux dgraph [] historyElem = (dgraph, historyElem)
globDecompAux dgraph (edge:list) historyElem =
globDecompAux newDGraph list newHistoryElem
(newDGraph, newChanges) = globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge
newHistoryElem = (((GlobDecomp edge):(fst historyElem)),
(newChanges++(snd historyElem)))
-- applies global decomposition to a single edge
globDecompForOneEdge :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> (DGraph,[DGChange])
globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge@(source, _, _) =
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge [] paths []
defEdgesToSource = [e | e@(_, tgt, lbl) <- labEdgesDG dgraph,
isDefEdge (dgl_type lbl) && tgt == source]
paths = map (\e -> [e,edge]) defEdgesToSource ++ [[edge]]
{- auxiliary funktion for globDecompForOneEdge (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [EdgeID]
-> (DGraph,[DGChange])
{- if the list of paths is empty from the beginning, nothing is done
otherwise the unprovenThm edge is replaced by a proven one -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge@(source,target,edgeLab) changes
[] proof_basis =
insertDGLEdge provenEdge auxDGraph auxChanges
(GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
provenEdge = (source,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab,
dgl_type =
(GlobalThm (Proven (GlobDecomp edge) proof_basis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = dgl_id edgeLab}
(auxDGraph, auxChanges) =
updateWithOneChange (DeleteEdge edge) dgraph changes
-- for each path an unproven localThm edge is inserted
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge@(_,target,_) changes
(path:list) proof_basis =
case (tryToGetEdge newEdge dgraph changes) of
Nothing -> globDecompForOneEdgeAux newGraph edge newChanges list
(getEdgeID finalEdge:proof_basis)
Just e -> globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge changes list
(getEdgeID e:proof_basis)
if isDuplicate newEdge dgraph changes-- list
then globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge changes list
else globDecompForOneEdgeAux newGraph edge newChanges list
(node, _, lbl) = head path
lbltype = dgl_type lbl
isHiding = not (null path) && isHidingDef lbltype
morphismPath = if isHiding then tail path else path
morphism = case calculateMorphismOfPath morphismPath of
Just morph -> morph
Nothing ->
error "globDecomp: could not determine morphism of new edge"
newEdge = if isHiding then hidingEdge
else if isGlobalDef lbltype
then globalEdge
else localEdge
hidingEdge =
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = HidingThm (dgl_morphism $ lbl) LeftOpen,
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = defaultEdgeID})
globalEdge = (node,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (GlobalThm LeftOpen
None LeftOpen),
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = defaultEdgeID}
localEdge = (node,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (LocalThm LeftOpen
None LeftOpen),
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = defaultEdgeID}
(newGraph, newChanges) = updateWithOneChange (InsertEdge newEdge)
dgraph changes
finalEdge = case (head newChanges) of
(InsertEdge final_e) -> final_e
_ -> error "Proofs.Global.globDecompForOneEdgeAux"
-- -------------------
-- global subsumption
-- -------------------
globSubsumeFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globSubsumeFromList ln globalThmEdges libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
finalGlobalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) globalThmEdges
(nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph ([],[]) finalGlobalThmEdges
in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
-- | tries to apply global subsumption to all unproven global theorem edges
globSubsume :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globSubsume ln libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
globalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) $ labEdgesDG dgraph
in globSubsumeFromList ln globalThmEdges libEnv
{- auxiliary function for globSubsume (above) the actual implementation -}
globSubsumeAux :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
globSubsumeAux _ dgraph historyElement [] = (dgraph, historyElement)
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph (rules,changes) (ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab) : list) =
if not (null proofBasis) || isIdentityEdge ledge libEnv dgraph
(auxDGraph, auxChanges) =
updateWithOneChange (DeleteEdge ledge) dgraph changes
(newDGraph, newChanges) =
insertDGLEdge newEdge auxDGraph auxChanges
globSubsumeAux libEnv newDGraph (newRules, newChanges) list
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph (rules,changes) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
allPaths = getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt
filteredPaths = filter (notElem ledge) allPaths
proofBasis = selectProofBasis dgraph ledge filteredPaths
(GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = dgl_type edgeLab
newEdge = (src,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (GlobalThm (Proven (GlobSubsumption ledge)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = dgl_id edgeLab}
newRules = (GlobSubsumption ledge):rules