Global.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : global proof rules for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
global proof rules for development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Proofs.Global
( globSubsume
, globDecomp
, globDecompAux -- for Test.hs
, globDecompFromList
, globSubsumeFromList
) where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
globDecompRule :: EdgeId -> DGRule
globDecompRule = DGRuleWithEdge "Global-Decomposition"
{- apply rule GlobDecomp to all global theorem links in the current DG
current DG = DGm
add to proof status the pair ([GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en],DGm+1)
where e1...en are the global theorem links in DGm
DGm+1 results from DGm by application of GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en -}
{- | applies global decomposition to the list of edges given (global
theorem edges) if possible, if empty list is given then to all
unproven global theorems.
Notice: (for ticket 5, which solves the problem across library border)
1. before the actual global decomposition is applied, the whole DGraph is
updated firstly by calling the function updateDGraph.
2. The changes of the update action should be added as the head of the
globDecompFromList :: LibName -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globDecompFromList ln globalThmEdges proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
finalGlobalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) globalThmEdges
auxGraph = foldl (updateDGraph proofStatus) dgraph
$ nubOrd $ map (\ (src, _, _) -> src) finalGlobalThmEdges
newDGraph = foldl globDecompAux auxGraph finalGlobalThmEdges
in Map.insert ln newDGraph proofStatus
{- | update the given DGraph with source nodes of all global unproven
The idea is, to expand the given DGraph by adding all the referenced
nodes related to the given source nodes in other libraries and the
corresponding links as well.
If a certain node is a referenced node and not expanded yet, then its
parents will be found by calling getRefParents.
These parents will be added into current DGraph using updateDGraphAux
updateDGraph :: LibEnv -> DGraph
-> Node -- source nodes of all global unproven links
-> DGraph
updateDGraph le dg x =
{- checks if it is an unexpanded referenced node
the function lookupInRefNodesDG only checks the
nodes which are not expanded. -}
case lookupInRefNodesDG x dg of
Just (refl, refn) ->
parents = getRefParents le refl refn
{- important for those, who's doing redo/undo function:
notice that if the node is expanded, then it should be
deleted out of the unexpanded map using
deleteFromRefNodesDG -}
auxDG = foldl (updateDGraphAux le x refl)
dg parents
in auxDG
_ -> dg
{- | get all the parents, namely the related referenced nodes and the links
between them and the present to be expanded node.
getRefParents :: LibEnv -> LibName
-> Node -- the present to be expanded node
-> [(LNode DGNodeLab, [DGLinkLab])]
getRefParents le refl refn =
-- get the previous objects to the current one
dg = lookupDGraph refl le
pres = innDG dg refn
in modifyPs dg pres
{- | modify the parents to a better form.
e.g. if the list is like:
[(a, 1), (b, 1), (c, 2), (d, 2), (e, 2)]
which means that node 1 is related via links a and b, and node 2 is
related via links c, d and e.
then to advoid too many checking by inserting, we can modify the list
above to a form like this:
[(1, [a, b]), (2, [c, d, e])]
which simplifies the inserting afterwards ;)
modifyPs :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [(LNode DGNodeLab, [DGLinkLab])]
modifyPs dg ls =
(\ (n, x) -> ((n, labDG dg n), x))
$ modifyPsAux ls
modifyPsAux :: Ord a => [(a, t, b)] -> [(a, [b])]
modifyPsAux l =
Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (++) [(k, [v]) | (k, _, v) <- l ]
{- | the actual update function to insert a list of related parents to the
present to be expanded node.
It inserts the related referenced node firstly by calling addParentNode.
Then it inserts the related links by calling addParentLinks
Notice that nodes have to be added firstly, so that the links can be
connected to the inserted nodes ;), especially by adding to the change
updateDGraphAux :: LibEnv -> Node -- the present to be expanded node
-> LibName -> DGraph -> (LNode DGNodeLab, [DGLinkLab])
-> DGraph
updateDGraphAux libenv n refl dg (pnl, pls) =
(auxDG, newN) = addParentNode libenv dg refl pnl
in addParentLinks auxDG newN n pls
-- | add the given parent node into the current dgraph
addParentNode :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LibName
-> LNode DGNodeLab -- the referenced parent node
-> (DGraph, Node)
addParentNode libenv dg refl (refn, oldNodelab) =
To advoid the chain which is desribed in ticket 5, the parent node should
be a non referenced node firstly, so that the actual parent node can be
(nodelab, newRefl, newRefn) = if isDGRef oldNodelab then
tempRefl = dgn_libname oldNodelab
tempRefn = dgn_node oldNodelab
originDG = lookupDGraph tempRefl libenv
(labDG originDG tempRefn, tempRefl, tempRefn)
else (oldNodelab, refl, refn)
Set the sgMap and tMap too.
Notice for those who are doing undo/redo, because the DGraph is actually
changed if the maps are changed ;)
creates an empty GTh, please check the definition of this function
because there can be some problem or errors at this place. -}
newGTh = case dgn_theory nodelab of
G_theory lid sig ind _ _ -> noSensGTheory lid sig ind
refInfo = newRefInfo newRefl newRefn
newRefNode = (newInfoNodeLab (dgn_name nodelab) refInfo newGTh)
{ globalTheory = globalTheory nodelab }
{- checks if this node exists in the current dg, if so, nothing needs to be
done. -}
case lookupInAllRefNodesDG refInfo dg of
Nothing -> let newN = getNewNodeDG dg in
( changeDGH (addToRefNodesDG newN refInfo dg)
$ InsertNode (newN, newRefNode)
, newN)
Just extN -> (dg, extN)
-- | add a list of links between the given two node ids.
addParentLinks :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [DGLinkLab] -> DGraph
addParentLinks dg src tgt ls =
let oldLinks = map (\ (_, _, l) -> l)
$ filter (\ (s, _, _) -> s == src) $ innDG dg tgt
newLinks = map (\ l -> l
{ dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
, dgl_type = invalidateProof $ dgl_type l }) ls
in if null oldLinks then
changesDGH dg $ map (\ l -> InsertEdge (src, tgt, l)) newLinks
else dg -- assume ingoing links are already properly set
{- applies global decomposition to all unproven global theorem edges
if possible -}
globDecomp :: LibName -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globDecomp ln proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
globalThmEdges = labEdgesDG dgraph
globDecompFromList ln globalThmEdges proofStatus
{- auxiliary function for globDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph
globDecompAux dgraph edge =
let newDGraph = globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge
in groupHistory dgraph (globDecompRule $ getEdgeId edge) newDGraph
-- applies global decomposition to a single edge
globDecompForOneEdge :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph
globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge@(source, target, edgeLab) = let
defEdgesToSource = filter (liftE isDefEdge) $ innDG dgraph source
paths = [edge] : map (: [edge]) defEdgesToSource
(newGr, proof_basis) = foldl
(globDecompForOneEdgeAux target) (dgraph, emptyProofBasis) paths
provenEdge = (source, target, edgeLab
{ dgl_type = setProof (Proven (globDecompRule $ getEdgeId edge)
$ dgl_type edgeLab
, dglPending = True
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof })
in changesDGH newGr [DeleteEdge edge, InsertEdge provenEdge]
{- auxiliary function for globDecompForOneEdge (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux :: Node -> (DGraph, ProofBasis)
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> (DGraph, ProofBasis)
-- for each path an unproven localThm edge is inserted
globDecompForOneEdgeAux target (dgraph, proof_basis) path =
case path of
[] -> error "globDecompForOneEdgeAux"
(node, tar, lbl) : rpath -> let
lbltype = dgl_type lbl
isHiding = isHidingDef lbltype
morphismPath = if isHiding then rpath else path
morphism = fromMaybe
(error "globDecomp: could not determine morphism of new edge")
$ calculateMorphismOfPath morphismPath
defEdgesToTarget = filter
(\ (s, _, l) -> s == node && isGlobalDef (dgl_type l)
&& dgl_morphism l == morphism)
$ innDG dgraph target
newEdgeLbl = defDGLink morphism
(if isHiding then hidingThm tar $ dgl_morphism lbl
else if isGlobalDef lbltype then globalThm else localThm)
newEdge = (node, target, newEdgeLbl)
in case defEdgesToTarget of
(_, _, dl) : _ | not isHiding
-> (dgraph, addEdgeId proof_basis $ dgl_id dl)
_ | node == target && isInc (getRealDGLinkType newEdgeLbl)
&& isGlobalDef lbltype
-> (dgraph, addEdgeId proof_basis $ dgl_id lbl)
_ -> case tryToGetEdge newEdge dgraph of
Nothing -> let
newGraph = changeDGH dgraph $ InsertEdge newEdge
finalEdge = case getLastChange newGraph of
InsertEdge final_e -> final_e
_ -> error "Proofs.Global.globDecompForOneEdgeAux"
in (newGraph, addEdgeId proof_basis $ getEdgeId finalEdge)
Just e -> (dgraph, addEdgeId proof_basis $ getEdgeId e)
globSubsumeFromList :: LibName -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globSubsumeFromList ln globalThmEdges libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
finalGlobalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) globalThmEdges
nextDGraph = foldl
(globSubsumeAux libEnv) dgraph finalGlobalThmEdges
in Map.insert ln nextDGraph libEnv
-- | tries to apply global subsumption to all unproven global theorem edges
globSubsume :: LibName -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globSubsume ln libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
globalThmEdges = labEdgesDG dgraph
in globSubsumeFromList ln globalThmEdges libEnv
-- auxiliary function for globSubsume (above) the actual implementation
globSubsumeAux :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph ledge@(src, tgt, edgeLab) =
let morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
filteredPaths = filterPathsByMorphism morphism $ filter (noPath ledge)
$ getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
proofbasis = selectProofBasis dgraph ledge filteredPaths
in if not (nullProofBasis proofbasis) || isIdentityEdge ledge libEnv dgraph
let globSubsumeRule = DGRuleWithEdge "Global-Subsumption"
$ getEdgeId ledge
newEdge = (src, tgt, edgeLab
{ dgl_type = setProof (Proven globSubsumeRule proofbasis)
$ dgl_type edgeLab
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof })
newDGraph = changesDGH dgraph [DeleteEdge ledge, InsertEdge newEdge]
in groupHistory dgraph globSubsumeRule newDGraph
else dgraph