Global.hs revision 58aa0caa9f05787b4bffc2e32d1494cc1766b8cf
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
global proofs in development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
todo for Jorina:
- bei GlobDecomp hinzuf�gen:
zus�tzlich alle Pfade K<--theta-- M --sigma-->N in den aktuellen
Knoten N, die mit einem HidingDef anfangen, und danach nur GlobalDef
theta ist der Signaturmorphismus des HidingDef's (geht "falsch rum")
sigma ist die Komposition der Signaturmorphismen auf dem restl. Pfad
f�r jeden solchen Pfad: einen HidingThm theta einf�gen. sigma ist
der normale Morphismus (wie bei jedem anderen Link)
siehe auch Seite 302 des CASL Reference Manual
module Proofs.Global (globSubsume, globDecomp, globDecompAux, globDecompFromList, globSubsumeFromList) where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
-- ---------------------
-- global decomposition
-- ---------------------
{- apply rule GlobDecomp to all global theorem links in the current DG
current DG = DGm
add to proof status the pair ([GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en],DGm+1)
where e1...en are the global theorem links in DGm
DGm+1 results from DGm by application of GlobDecomp e1,...,GlobDecomp en -}
{- applies global decomposition to the list of edges given (global theorem edges)
if possible, if empty list is given then to all unproven global theorems -}
globDecompFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globDecompFromList ln globalThmEdges proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
finalGlobalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm globalThmEdges
(newDGraph, newHistoryElem)= globDecompAux dgraph finalGlobalThmEdges ([],[])
in mkResultProofStatus ln proofStatus newDGraph newHistoryElem
{- applies global decomposition to all unproven global theorem edges
if possible -}
globDecomp ::LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globDecomp ln proofStatus =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
globalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm (labEdges dgraph)
in globDecompFromList ln globalThmEdges proofStatus
{- applies global decomposition to all unproven global theorem edges
if possible -}
--globDecomp :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
--globDecomp ln proofStatus =
-- let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln proofStatus
-- globalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm (labEdges dgraph)
-- (newDGraph, newHistoryElem) = globDecompAux dgraph globalThmEdges ([],[])
-- (finalDGraph, finalHistoryElem)
-- = removeSuperfluousInsertions newDGraph newHistoryElem
-- in mkResultProofStatus ln proofStatus newDGraph newHistoryElem
--finalDGraph finalHistoryElem
{- removes all superfluous insertions from the list of changes as well as
from the development graph (i.e. insertions of edges that are
equivalent to edges or paths resulting from the other insertions) -}
removeSuperfluousInsertions :: DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
removeSuperfluousInsertions dgraph (rules,changes)
= (newDGraph,(rules,newChanges))
localThms = [edge | (InsertEdge edge)
<- filter isLocalThmInsertion changes]
(newDGraph, localThmsToInsert)
= removeSuperfluousEdges dgraph localThms
newChanges = (filter (not.isLocalThmInsertion) changes)
++ [InsertEdge edge | edge <- localThmsToInsert]
{- auxiliary function for globDecomp (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompAux :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
-> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
globDecompAux dgraph [] historyElem = (dgraph, historyElem)
globDecompAux dgraph (edge:list) historyElem =
globDecompAux newDGraph list newHistoryElem
(newDGraph, newChanges) = globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge
newHistoryElem = (((GlobDecomp edge):(fst historyElem)),
(newChanges++(snd historyElem)))
-- applies global decomposition to a single edge
globDecompForOneEdge :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> (DGraph,[DGChange])
globDecompForOneEdge dgraph edge =
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge [] paths
source = getSourceNode edge
defEdgesToSource = [e | e <- labEdges dgraph,
isDefEdge e && (getTargetNode e) == source]
paths = map (\e -> [e,edge]) defEdgesToSource ++ [[edge]]
--getAllLocOrHideGlobDefPathsTo dgraph (getSourceNode edge) []
-- paths = [(node, path++(edge:[]))| (node,path) <- pathsToSource]
{- auxiliary funktion for globDecompForOneEdge (above)
actual implementation -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange] ->
[[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> (DGraph,[DGChange])
{- if the list of paths is empty from the beginning, nothing is done
otherwise the unprovenThm edge is replaced by a proven one -}
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge@(source,target,edgeLab) changes [] =
-- if null changes then (dgraph, changes)
-- else
if isDuplicate provenEdge dgraph changes
then (delLEdge edge dgraph,
((DeleteEdge edge):changes))
else ((insEdge provenEdge (delLEdge edge dgraph)),
((DeleteEdge edge):((InsertEdge provenEdge):changes)))
(GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = (dgl_type edgeLab)
proofBasis = getInsertedEdges changes
provenEdge = (source,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab,
dgl_type =
(GlobalThm (Proven (GlobDecomp edge) proofBasis)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
-- for each path an unproven localThm edge is inserted
globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge@(_,target,_) changes
(path:list) =
if isDuplicate newEdge dgraph changes-- list
then globDecompForOneEdgeAux dgraph edge changes list
else globDecompForOneEdgeAux newGraph edge newChanges list
hd = head path
isHiding = not (null path) && isHidingDef hd
morphismPath = if isHiding then tail path else path
morphism = case calculateMorphismOfPath morphismPath of
Just morph -> morph
Nothing ->
error "globDecomp: could not determine morphism of new edge"
newEdge = if isHiding then hidingEdge
else if isGlobalDef hd then globalEdge else localEdge
node = getSourceNode hd
hidingEdge =
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = HidingThm (dgl_morphism $
getLabelOfEdge hd) LeftOpen,
dgl_origin = DGProof})
globalEdge = (node,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (GlobalThm LeftOpen
None LeftOpen),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
localEdge = (node,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (LocalThm LeftOpen
None LeftOpen),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newGraph = insEdge newEdge dgraph
newChanges = ((InsertEdge newEdge):changes)
-- -------------------
-- global subsumption
-- -------------------
globSubsumeFromList :: LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globSubsumeFromList ln globalThmEdges libEnv=
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
finalGlobalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm globalThmEdges
(nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph ([],[]) finalGlobalThmEdges
in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
globSubsume :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
globSubsume ln libEnv =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
globalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm (labEdges dgraph)
in globSubsumeFromList ln globalThmEdges libEnv
-- applies global subsumption to all unproven global theorem edges if possible
--globSubsume :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
--globSubsume ln libEnv =
-- let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
-- globalThmEdges = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm (labEdges dgraph)
-- {- the previous 'nub' is (probably) not needed, because it is
-- (or should be) checked for duplicate edge insertions -}
-- (nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) =
-- globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph ([],[]) globalThmEdges
-- in mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
{- auxiliary function for globSubsume (above)
the actual implementation -}
globSubsumeAux :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> ([DGRule],[DGChange]) ->
[LEdge DGLinkLab] -> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
globSubsumeAux _ dgraph historyElement [] = (dgraph, historyElement)
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph (rules,changes) ((ledge@(src,tgt,edgeLab)):list) =
if not (null proofBasis) || isIdentityEdge ledge libEnv dgraph
if isDuplicate newEdge dgraph changes then
globSubsumeAux libEnv (delLEdge ledge dgraph)
(newRules,(DeleteEdge ledge):changes) list
globSubsumeAux libEnv (insEdge newEdge (delLEdge ledge dgraph))
(newRules,(DeleteEdge ledge):((InsertEdge newEdge):changes)) list
globSubsumeAux libEnv dgraph (rules,changes) list
morphism = dgl_morphism edgeLab
allPaths = getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt
filteredPaths = [path| path <- allPaths, notElem ledge path]
proofBasis = selectProofBasis dgraph ledge filteredPaths
(GlobalThm _ conservativity conservStatus) = dgl_type edgeLab
newEdge = (src,
DGLink {dgl_morphism = morphism,
dgl_type = (GlobalThm (Proven (GlobSubsumption ledge)
conservativity conservStatus),
dgl_origin = DGProof}
newRules = (GlobSubsumption ledge):rules
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- methods for the extension of globDecomp (avoid insertion ofredundant edges)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- returns all paths consisting of local theorem links whose src and tgt nodes
are contained in the given list of nodes -}
localThmPathsBetweenNodes :: DGraph -> [Node] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
localThmPathsBetweenNodes _ [] = []
localThmPathsBetweenNodes dgraph ns = localThmPathsBetweenNodesAux dgraph ns ns
{- auxiliary method for localThmPathsBetweenNodes -}
localThmPathsBetweenNodesAux :: DGraph -> [Node] -> [Node]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
localThmPathsBetweenNodesAux _ [] _ = []
localThmPathsBetweenNodesAux dgraph (node:srcNodes) tgtNodes =
concatMap (getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isUnprovenLocalThm node) tgtNodes
++ localThmPathsBetweenNodesAux dgraph srcNodes tgtNodes
{- combines each of the given paths with matching edges from the given list
(i.e. every edge that has as its source node the tgt node of the path)-}
combinePathsWithEdges :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
combinePathsWithEdges paths = concatMap (combinePathsWithEdge paths)
{- combines the given path with each matching edge from the given list
(i.e. every edge that has as its source node the tgt node of the path)-}
combinePathsWithEdge :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
combinePathsWithEdge [] _ = []
combinePathsWithEdge (path:paths) edge@(src,_,_) =
case path of
[] -> combinePathsWithEdge paths edge
_ :_ -> if getTargetNode (last path) == src
then (path ++ [edge]) : combinePathsWithEdge paths edge
else combinePathsWithEdge paths edge
{- todo: choose a better name for this method...
returns for each of the given paths a pair consisting of the last edge
contained in the path and - as a triple - the src, tgt and morphism of the
complete path
if there is an empty path in the given list or the morphsim cannot be
calculated, it is simply ignored -}
calculateResultingEdges :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [(LEdge DGLinkLab, (Node, Node, GMorphism))]
calculateResultingEdges [] = []
calculateResultingEdges (path : paths) =
case path of
[] -> calculateResultingEdges paths
hd : _ ->
case calculateMorphismOfPath path of
Nothing -> calculateResultingEdges paths
Just morphism -> (lst, (src, tgt, morphism)) :
calculateResultingEdges paths
where lst = last path
src = getSourceNode hd
tgt = getTargetNode lst
{- removes from the given list every edge for which there is already an
equivalent edge or path (i.e. an edge or path with the same src, tgt and
morphsim) -}
removeSuperfluousEdges :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> (DGraph,[LEdge DGLinkLab])
removeSuperfluousEdges dgraph [] = (dgraph,[])
removeSuperfluousEdges dgraph es
= removeSuperfluousEdgesAux dgraph es
(calculateResultingEdges combinedPaths) []
= localThmPathsBetweenNodes dgraph (map (getSourceNode) es)
combinedPaths = combinePathsWithEdges localThmPaths es
{- auxiliary method for removeSuperfluousEdges -}
removeSuperfluousEdgesAux :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [(LEdge DGLinkLab,(Node,Node,GMorphism))]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> (DGraph,[LEdge DGLinkLab])
removeSuperfluousEdgesAux dgraph [] _ edgesToInsert= (dgraph,edgesToInsert)
removeSuperfluousEdgesAux dgraph ((edge@(src,tgt,edgeLab)):list)
resultingEdges edgesToInsert =
if not (null equivalentEdges)
then removeSuperfluousEdgesAux
newDGraph list newResultingEdges edgesToInsert
else removeSuperfluousEdgesAux
dgraph list resultingEdges (edge:edgesToInsert)
= [e | e <- resultingEdges,(snd e) == (src,tgt,dgl_morphism edgeLab)]
newResultingEdges = [e | e <- resultingEdges,(fst e) /= edge]
newDGraph = delLEdge edge dgraph
{- returns true, if the given change is an insertion of an local theorem edge,
false otherwise -}
isLocalThmInsertion :: DGChange -> Bool
isLocalThmInsertion change
= case change of
InsertEdge edge -> isLocalThm edge
_ -> False