GUIState.hs revision 61091743da1a9ed6dfd5e077fdcc972553358962
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : State data structure used by the goal management GUI.
Copyright : (c) Rene Wagner, Klaus L�ttich, Rainer Grabbe, Uni Bremen 2005-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
The 'ProofGUIState' data structure abstracts the GUI implementation details
away by allowing callback function to use it as the sole input and output.
module Proofs.GUIState where
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result as Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Utils
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Comorphisms.KnownProvers
import Static.DevGraph
-- | Possible actions for GUI which are manipulating ProofGUIState
data ProofGUIActions lid sentence = ProofGUIActions {
-- | called whenever the "Prove" button is clicked
proveF :: (ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> IO (Result.Result (ProofGUIState lid sentence))),
-- | called whenever the "More fine grained selection" button is clicked
fineGrainedSelectionF :: (ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> IO (Result.Result (ProofGUIState lid sentence))),
-- | called whenever a (de-)selection occured for updating sublogic
recalculateSublogicF :: (ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> IO (ProofGUIState lid sentence))
{- |
Represents the global state of the prover GUI.
data ProofGUIState lid sentence =
{ -- | theory name
theoryName :: String,
-- | Grothendieck theory
theory :: G_theory,
-- | logic id associated with following maps
logicId :: lid,
-- | sublogic of initial G_theory
sublogicOfTheory :: G_sublogics,
-- | last used sublogic to determine fitting comorphisms
lastSublogic :: G_sublogics,
-- | goals are stored in a separate map
goalMap :: ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism,BasicProof),
-- | currently known provers
proversMap :: KnownProversMap,
-- | comorphisms fitting with sublogic of this G_theory
comorphismsToProvers :: [(G_prover,AnyComorphism)],
-- | currently selected goals
selectedGoals :: [String],
-- | axioms to include for the proof
includedAxioms :: [String],
-- | theorems to include for the proof
includedTheorems :: [String],
-- | whether a prover is running or not
proverRunning :: Bool,
-- | accumulated Diagnosis during Proofs
accDiags :: [Diagnosis],
-- | which prover (if any) is currently selected
selectedProver :: Maybe String,
-- | Grothendieck theory based upon currently selected goals, axioms
-- and proven theorems
selectedTheory :: G_theory
{- |
Creates an initial State.
initialState ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Monad m) =>
-> String
-> G_theory
-> KnownProversMap
-> [(G_prover,AnyComorphism)]
-> m (ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1)
initialState lid1 thN th@(G_theory lid2 sig ind thSens _) pm cms =
do let (aMap,gMap) = Map.partition (isAxiom . OMap.ele) thSens
g_th = G_theory lid2 sig ind aMap 0
sublTh = sublogicOfTh th
gMap' <- coerceThSens lid2 lid1 "creating initial GUI State" gMap
return $
ProofGUIState { theoryName = thN,
theory = g_th,
sublogicOfTheory = sublTh,
lastSublogic = sublTh,
logicId = lid1,
goalMap = gMap',
proversMap = pm,
comorphismsToProvers = cms,
selectedGoals = OMap.keys gMap',
includedAxioms = OMap.keys aMap,
includedTheorems = OMap.keys gMap,
accDiags = [],
proverRunning = False,
selectedProver =
let prvs = Map.keys pm
in if null prvs
then Nothing
if defaultGUIProver `elem` prvs
then Just defaultGUIProver
else Nothing
,selectedTheory = g_th
selectedGoalMap :: ProofGUIState lid sentence
-> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism,BasicProof)
selectedGoalMap st = filterMapWithList (selectedGoals st) (goalMap st)
axiomMap ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Monad m) =>
ProofGUIState lid1 sentence1
-> m (ThSens sentence1 (AnyComorphism,BasicProof))
axiomMap s =
case theory s of
G_theory lid1 _ _ aM _ ->
coerceThSens lid1 (logicId s) "Proofs.GUIState.axiomMap" aM