EdgeUtils.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : utility functions for edges of development graphs
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
utility functions for edges of development graphs
module Proofs.EdgeUtils where
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Common.Consistency
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic (elfilter)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Exception (assert)
-- * other methods on edges
eqLEdge :: (DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
eqLEdge f (v, w, l) (v2, w2, l2) = v == v2 && w == w2 && f l l2
noPath :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Bool
noPath e l = case l of
[e2] -> not $ eqLEdge eqDGLinkLabById e e2
_ -> True
{- | try to get the given edge from the given DGraph or the given list of
DGChange to advoid duplicate inserting of an edge. -}
tryToGetEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
tryToGetEdge (src, tgt, lb) dgraph = fmap (\ l -> (src, tgt, l))
$ find (eqDGLinkLabContent lb) $ Tree.getLEdges src tgt $ dgBody dgraph
{- | try to insert an edge into the given dgraph, if the edge exists, the
edge's id should match, too. -}
insertDGLEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
insertDGLEdge edge dgraph =
case tryToGetEdge edge dgraph of
Nothing -> changeDGH dgraph $ InsertEdge edge
Just _ -> dgraph
-- | get the edge id out of a given edge
getEdgeId :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> EdgeId
getEdgeId (_, _, label) = dgl_id label
-- * methods that calculate paths of certain types
getAllPathsOfTypeFromGoalList :: DGraph -> (DGLinkType -> Bool)
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeFromGoalList dgraph isType ls = let
sources = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map (\ (s, _, _) -> s) ls
targets = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map (\ (_, t, _) -> t) ls
in concatMap (\ source ->
concatMap (getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isType source) targets)
{- | returns all paths consisting of edges of the given type in the given
development graph -}
getAllPathsOfType :: DGraph -> (DGLinkType -> Bool) -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfType dgraph isType =
getAllPathsOfTypeFromGoalList dgraph isType $ labEdgesDG dgraph
-- | morphisms of (co)free definitions are identities
realMorphism :: DGLinkLab -> Maybe GMorphism
realMorphism lbl = let mor = dgl_morphism lbl in case dgl_type lbl of
ScopedLink {} -> return mor
HidingDefLink -> fail "hiding definition link"
FreeOrCofreeDefLink _ _ -> return $ ide $ cod mor
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm {} -> fail "hiding or free thm link"
-- | determines the morphism of a given path
calculateMorphismOfPath :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Maybe GMorphism
calculateMorphismOfPath p = case p of
(_, _, lbl) : r -> do
morphism <- realMorphism lbl
if null r then return morphism else do
rmor <- calculateMorphismOfPath r
resultToMaybe $ composeMorphisms morphism rmor
[] -> error "calculateMorphismOfPath"
{- | returns all paths from the given list whose morphism is equal to the
given one -}
filterPathsByMorphism :: GMorphism -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterPathsByMorphism morphism =
filter ((== Just morphism) . calculateMorphismOfPath)
{- | returns all paths consisting of global edges only
or of one local edge followed by any number of global edges -}
getAllLocGlobPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllLocGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt = let
outEdges = outDG dgraph src
locEdges = filter (liftE isLocalEdge) outEdges
locGlobPaths =
concatMap (\ edge@(_, node, _) -> map (edge :)
$ getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph node tgt) locEdges
globPaths = getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
in locGlobPaths ++ globPaths
{- | returns all paths of globalDef edges or globalThm edges
between the given source and target node -}
getAllGlobPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph = getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isGlobalEdge
{- | returns all cyclic paths consisting of edges of the given type between the
given two nodes -}
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween :: DGraph -> (DGLinkType -> Bool) -> Node
-> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isType src tgt =
Tree.getPathsTo src tgt . elfilter (isType . dgl_type) $ dgBody dgraph
-- | return all non-cyclic paths starting from the given node
getAllPathsOfTypeFrom :: DGraph -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeFrom dgraph src =
Tree.getPaths src . elfilter (not . isHidingEdge . dgl_type) $ dgBody dgraph
-- * methods to check and select proof basis
checkEdgeIds :: DGraph -> Maybe [EdgeId]
checkEdgeIds dg =
let pBl = map (\ (_, _, l) -> dgl_id l) $ labEdges $ dgBody dg
pBs = Set.fromList pBl
pBl2 = Set.toList pBs
in case pBl \\ pBl2 of
[] -> if Set.member defaultEdgeId pBs
then Just [defaultEdgeId] else Nothing
l -> Just l
{- | determines all proven paths in the given list and tries to select a
proof basis from these (s. selectProofBasisAux);
if this fails the same is done for the rest of the given paths, i.e.
for the unproven ones -}
selectProofBasis :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> ProofBasis
selectProofBasis dg ledge paths = let
(provenPaths, unprovenPaths) = partition (all $ liftE isProven) paths
pBl = map (\ (_, _, l) ->
(dgl_id l, proofBasis $ getProofBasis l))
$ labEdges $ dgBody dg
rel = assert (isNothing (checkEdgeIds dg) &&
all (\ (e, pB) -> not (Set.member e pB)) pBl) $
Rel.toMap $ Rel.transClosure $ Rel.fromMap $ Map.fromList pBl
in selectProofBasisAux rel ledge $ provenPaths ++ unprovenPaths
{- | selects the first path that does not form a proof cycle with the given
label (if such a path exits) and returns the labels of its edges -}
selectProofBasisAux :: Map.Map EdgeId (Set.Set EdgeId) -> LEdge DGLinkLab
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> ProofBasis
selectProofBasisAux _ _ [] = emptyProofBasis
selectProofBasisAux rel ledge (path : list) =
let b = calculateProofBasis rel path in
if edgeInProofBasis (getEdgeId ledge) b
then selectProofBasisAux rel ledge list
else b -- OK, no cyclic proof
{- | calculates the proofBasis of the given path,
i.e. (recursively) close the list of DGLinkLabs under the relation
'is proved using'. If a DGLinkLab has proof status LeftOpen,
look up in the development graph for its current status -}
calculateProofBasis :: Map.Map EdgeId (Set.Set EdgeId) -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> ProofBasis
calculateProofBasis rel = ProofBasis . foldr
(\ (_, _, l) -> let eid = dgl_id l in Set.insert eid
. Set.union (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty eid rel))
invalidateProof :: DGLinkType -> DGLinkType
invalidateProof t = case t of
ScopedLink sc dl (ConsStatus c _ _) ->
ScopedLink sc (case dl of
ThmLink _ -> ThmLink LeftOpen
_ -> dl) $ ConsStatus c None LeftOpen
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm mh n gm _ -> HidingFreeOrCofreeThm mh n gm LeftOpen
_ -> t
-- | adopts the edges of the old node to the new node
adoptEdges :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> DGraph
adoptEdges dgraph oldNode newNode =
if oldNode == newNode then dgraph else
let (inEdges', _, _, outEdges') = safeContextDG "adoptEdges" dgraph oldNode
inEdges = map ( \ (l, v) -> (v, oldNode, l)) inEdges'
outEdges = map ( \ (l, v) -> (oldNode, v, l)) outEdges'
newIn = map (adoptEdgesAux newNode True) inEdges
newOut = map (adoptEdgesAux newNode False) outEdges
allChanges = map DeleteEdge (inEdges ++ outEdges)
++ map InsertEdge (newIn ++ newOut)
in changesDGH dgraph allChanges
-- | auxiliary method for adoptEdges
adoptEdgesAux :: Node -> Bool -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> LEdge DGLinkLab
adoptEdgesAux node areIngoingEdges (src, tgt, edgelab) =
let (newSrc, newTgt) = if src == tgt then (node, node) else (src, tgt)
in if areIngoingEdges then (newSrc, node, edgelab)
else (node, newTgt, edgelab)
getAllOpenNodeGoals :: [DGNodeLab] -> [DGNodeLab]
getAllOpenNodeGoals = filter hasOpenGoals
{- | return a warning text if the given label has incoming hiding edge,
otherwise just an empty string. -}
hidingLabelWarning :: DGNodeLab -> String
hidingLabelWarning lbl = if labelHasHiding lbl then
unlines $ "<Warning>" : map (" " ++) hidingWarning ++ ["</Warning>"]
else ""
{- | return a warning text if the given node has incoming hiding edge,
otherwise just an empty string. -}
addHasInHidingWarning :: DGraph -> Node -> String
addHasInHidingWarning dgraph = hidingLabelWarning . labDG dgraph
hidingWarning :: [String]
hidingWarning =
[ "This node has incoming hiding links!"
, "The theory shown may be too weak for proving."
, "A consistency check may wrongly succeed."
, "If possible use the normal form of this node." ]