EdgeUtils.hs revision 333780eae2be9f20fe46dedbf5eb46ffa0cbfd02
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : jfgerken@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
utility functions for edges of a development graphs.
{- todo: also treat conservativity proof status in computation of proof basis
module Proofs.EdgeUtils where
import Data.List(nub, lookup)
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
delLEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph
delLEdge (v, w, l) g = case match v g of
(Just(p, v', l', s), g') -> (p, v', l', filter (/= (l, w)) s) & g'
_ -> g
-- -------------------------------------
-- methods to check the type of an edge
-- -------------------------------------
isProven :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProven edge = isGlobalDef edge || isLocalDef edge
|| isProvenGlobalThm edge || isProvenLocalThm edge
|| isProvenHidingThm edge
isDefEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isDefEdge edge = isGlobalDef edge || isLocalDef edge || isHidingDef edge
isGlobalEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isGlobalEdge edge = isGlobalDef edge || isGlobalThm edge
isLocalEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isLocalEdge edge = isLocalDef edge || isLocalThm edge
isGlobalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isGlobalThm edge = isProvenGlobalThm edge || isUnprovenGlobalThm edge
isLocalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isLocalThm edge = isProvenLocalThm edge || isUnprovenLocalThm edge
isProvenGlobalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProvenGlobalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(GlobalThm (Proven _ _) _ _) -> True
_ -> False
isUnprovenGlobalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isUnprovenGlobalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(GlobalThm LeftOpen _ _) -> True
_ -> False
isProvenLocalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProvenLocalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(LocalThm (Proven _ _) _ _) -> True
_ -> False
isUnprovenLocalThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isUnprovenLocalThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(LocalThm LeftOpen _ _) -> True
_ -> False
isHidingEdge :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isHidingEdge edge = isHidingDef edge || isHidingThm edge
isHidingDef :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isHidingDef (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
HidingDef -> True
_ -> False
isHidingThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isHidingThm edge = isProvenHidingThm edge || isUnprovenHidingThm edge
isProvenHidingThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isProvenHidingThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(HidingThm _ (Proven _ _)) -> True
_ -> False
isUnprovenHidingThm :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isUnprovenHidingThm (_,_,edgeLab) =
case dgl_type edgeLab of
(HidingThm _ LeftOpen) -> True
_ -> False
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- other methods on edges
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- | returns true, if an identical edge is already in the graph or
marked to be inserted, false otherwise -}
isDuplicate :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> [DGChange] -> Bool
isDuplicate newEdge dgraph changes =
elem (InsertEdge newEdge) changes || elem newEdge (labEdges dgraph)
{- | returns the DGLinkLab of the given LEdge -}
getLabelOfEdge :: (LEdge b) -> b
getLabelOfEdge (_,_,label) = label
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- methods that calculate paths of certain types
-- ----------------------------------------------
{- | returns all paths consisting of edges of the given type in the given
development graph-}
getAllPathsOfType :: DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfType dgraph isType =
[concat (map (getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isType source) targets) |
source <- sources]
edgesOfType = [edge | edge <- filter isType (labEdges dgraph)]
sources = nub (map getSourceNode edgesOfType)
targets = nub (map getTargetNode edgesOfType)
{- | returns a list of all proven global paths of the given morphism between
the given source and target node-}
getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween :: DGraph -> GMorphism -> Node -> Node
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllGlobPathsOfMorphismBetween dgraph morphism src tgt =
filterPathsByMorphism morphism allPaths
allPaths = getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt
{- | returns all paths from the given list whose morphism is equal to the
given one-}
filterPathsByMorphism :: GMorphism -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterPathsByMorphism morphism paths =
[path| path <- paths, (calculateMorphismOfPath path) == (Just morphism)]
{- | returns all paths consisting of global edges only
of one local edge followed by any number of global edges-}
getAllLocGlobPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllLocGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt =
locGlobPaths ++ globPaths
outEdges = out dgraph src
locEdges = [(edge,target)|edge@(_,target,_) <-
(filter isLocalEdge outEdges)]
locGlobPaths = concat
[map ([edge]++)
$ getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph isGlobalEdge node tgt []
| (edge, node) <- locEdges]
globPaths = getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph isGlobalEdge src tgt []
{- | returns all paths of globalDef edges or globalThm edges
between the given source and target node -}
getAllGlobPathsBetween :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllGlobPathsBetween dgraph src tgt =
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph (liftOr isGlobalDef isGlobalThm) src tgt []
{- | returns all paths consiting of edges of the given type between the
given node -}
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween :: DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> Node
-> Node -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeBetween dgraph isType src tgt =
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph isType src tgt []
{- | returns all paths consisting of edges of the given types between
the given nodes -}
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween :: DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> Node
-> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph types src tgt path =
[edge:path| edge <- edgesFromSrc]
++ (concat
[getAllPathsOfTypesBetween dgraph types src nextTgt (edge:path)|
(edge,nextTgt) <- nextStep] )
inGoingEdges = inn dgraph tgt
edgesOfTypes =
[edge| edge <- filter types inGoingEdges, notElem edge path]
edgesFromSrc =
[edge| edge@(source,_,_) <- edgesOfTypes, source == src]
nextStep =
[(edge, source)| edge@(source,_,_) <- edgesOfTypes, source /= src]
getAllPathsOfTypeFrom :: DGraph -> Node -> (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool)
-> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeFrom = getAllPathsOfTypeFromAux []
getAllPathsOfTypeFromAux :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> Node
-> (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
getAllPathsOfTypeFromAux path dgraph src isType =
[path ++ [edge]| edge <- edgesFromSrc, notElem edge path && isType edge]
[getAllPathsOfTypeFromAux (path ++ [edge]) dgraph nextSrc isType|
(edge,nextSrc) <- nextStep])
edgesFromSrc = out dgraph src
nextStep = [(edge,tgt)| edge@(_,tgt,_) <- edgesFromSrc,
tgt /= src && notElem edge path && isType edge]
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
-- methods to determine the inserted edges in the given dgchange
-- --------------------------------------------------------------
{- | returns all insertions of edges from the given list of changes -}
getInsertedEdges :: [DGChange] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getInsertedEdges [] = []
getInsertedEdges (change:list) =
case change of
(InsertEdge edge) -> edge:(getInsertedEdges list)
_ -> getInsertedEdges list
-- ----------------------------------------
-- methods to check and select proof basis
-- ----------------------------------------
{- | determines all proven paths in the given list and tries to select a
proof basis from these (s. selectProofBasisAux);
if this fails the same is done for the rest of the given paths, i.e.
for the unproven ones -}
selectProofBasis :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
selectProofBasis dg ledge paths =
if null provenProofBasis then selectProofBasisAux dg ledge unprovenPaths
else provenProofBasis
provenPaths = filterProvenPaths paths
provenProofBasis = selectProofBasisAux dg ledge provenPaths
unprovenPaths = filter (`notElem` provenPaths) paths
{- | selects the first path that does not form a proof cycle with the given
label (if such a path exits) and returns the labels of its edges -}
selectProofBasisAux :: DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
selectProofBasisAux _ _ [] = []
selectProofBasisAux dg ledge (path:list) =
if not (roughElem ledge b) then {- OK, no cyclic proof -} b
else selectProofBasisAux dg ledge list
where b = calculateProofBasis dg path []
{- | calculates the proofBasis of the given path,
i.e. (recursively) close the list of DGLinkLabs under the relation
'is proved using'. If a DGLinkLab has proof status LeftOpen,
look up in the development graph for its current status -}
calculateProofBasis :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
calculateProofBasis _ [] acc = acc
calculateProofBasis dg (ledge@(src,tgt,label):list) acc =
if roughElem ledge acc
then calculateProofBasis dg list acc
case oneStepProofBasis label of
Left proofBasis -> calculateProofBasis dg (proofBasis++list) (ledge:acc)
Right True -> calculateProofBasis dg (curProofBasis++list) (ledge:acc)
Right False -> calculateProofBasis dg list (ledge:acc)
where curProofBasis =
case lookup tgt (lsuc dg src) >>= (thmLinkStatus . dgl_type) of
Just (Proven _ proofBasis) -> proofBasis
_ -> []
oneStepProofBasis :: DGLinkLab -> Either [LEdge DGLinkLab] Bool
oneStepProofBasis label =
case dgl_type label of
(GlobalThm (Proven _ proofBasis) _ _) -> Left proofBasis
(LocalThm (Proven _ proofBasis) _ _) -> Left proofBasis
(HidingThm _ (Proven _ proofBasis)) -> Left proofBasis
(GlobalThm LeftOpen _ _) -> Right True
(LocalThm LeftOpen _ _) -> Right True
(HidingThm _ LeftOpen) -> Right True
_ -> Right False -- todo: also treat conservativity proof status
{- | returns all proven paths from the given list -}
filterProvenPaths :: [[LEdge DGLinkLab]] -> [[LEdge DGLinkLab]]
filterProvenPaths = filter (all isProven)
{- | adopts the edges of the old node to the new node -}
adoptEdges :: DGraph -> Node -> Node -> (DGraph, [DGChange])
adoptEdges dgraph oldNode newNode =
let ingoingEdges = inn dgraph oldNode
outgoingEdges = [outEdge| outEdge <- out dgraph oldNode,
not (elem outEdge ingoingEdges)]
(auxGraph, changes) = adoptEdgesAux dgraph ingoingEdges newNode True
(finalGraph, furtherChanges)
= adoptEdgesAux auxGraph outgoingEdges newNode False
in (finalGraph, changes ++ furtherChanges)
{- | auxiliary method for adoptEdges -}
adoptEdgesAux :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Node -> Bool
-> (DGraph,[DGChange])
adoptEdgesAux dgraph [] _ _ = (dgraph,[])
adoptEdgesAux dgraph (oldEdge@(src,tgt,edgelab):list) node areIngoingEdges =
(finalGraph, [DeleteEdge oldEdge,InsertEdge newEdge]++furtherChanges)
(newSrc,newTgt) = if src == tgt then (node,node) else (src,tgt)
newEdge = if areIngoingEdges then (newSrc,node,edgelab)
else (node,newTgt,edgelab)
auxGraph = insEdge newEdge (delLEdge oldEdge dgraph)
= adoptEdgesAux auxGraph list node areIngoingEdges
{- | adjusts a node whose label is changed -}
adjustNode :: DGraph -> (Node,DGNodeLab) -> DGNodeLab -> (DGraph, [DGChange])
adjustNode dgraph (node,oldLab) newLab =
let es = nub (inn dgraph node ++ out dgraph node)
changes = map DeleteEdge es ++ [DeleteNode (node,oldLab)]
++ [InsertNode (node,newLab)] ++ map InsertEdge es
newDgraph = insEdges es $ insNode (node,newLab) $
delNode node $ dgraph
in (newDgraph,changes)