ConsistencyCheck.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : devGraph rule that calls consistency checker for specific logics
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
devGraph rule that calls consistency checker for specific logics
module Proofs.ConsistencyCheck
( consistencyCheck
, SType (..)
, ConsistencyStatus (..)
) where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.FreeDefLinks
import Common.DocUtils (showDoc)
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Time.LocalTime (timeToTimeOfDay)
import Data.Time.Clock (secondsToDiffTime)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import System.Timeout
data SType = CSUnchecked
| CSTimeout
| CSError
| CSInconsistent
| CSConsistent
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data ConsistencyStatus = ConsistencyStatus { sType :: SType
, sMessage :: String }
instance Show ConsistencyStatus where
show cs = case sType cs of
CSUnchecked -> "Unchecked"
_ -> sMessage cs
instance Eq ConsistencyStatus where
(==) cs1 cs2 = compare cs1 cs2 == EQ
instance Ord ConsistencyStatus where
compare = comparing sType
-- TODO instead of LibEnv.. get FreeDefs as Input. create wrapper that calcs FreeDefs
-- from LibEnv, DGraph and LibName (so that the call remains the same).
consistencyCheck :: Bool -> G_cons_checker -> AnyComorphism -> LibName -> LibEnv
-> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Int -> IO ConsistencyStatus
consistencyCheck includeTheorems (G_cons_checker lid4 cc) (Comorphism cid) ln
le dg (n', lbl) t'' = do
let lidS = sourceLogic cid
lidT = targetLogic cid
thName = shows (getLibId ln) "_" ++ getDGNodeName lbl
t = t'' * 1000000
t' = timeToTimeOfDay $ secondsToDiffTime $ toInteger t''
ts = TacticScript $ if ccNeedsTimer cc then "" else show t''
mTimeout = "No results within: " ++ show t'
case do
(G_theory lid1 (ExtSign sign _) _ axs _) <- getGlobalTheory lbl
let namedSens = toNamedList axs
sens = if includeTheorems then
map (\ s -> s { isAxiom = True }) namedSens
else namedSens
bTh'@(sig1, _) <- coerceBasicTheory lid1 lidS "" (sign, sens)
(sig2, sens2) <- wrapMapTheory cid bTh'
incl <- subsig_inclusion lidT (empty_signature lidT) sig2
return (sig1, TheoryMorphism
{ tSource = emptyTheory lidT
, tTarget = Theory sig2 $ toThSens sens2
, tMorphism = incl }) of
Result ds Nothing ->
return $ ConsistencyStatus CSError $ unlines $ map diagString ds
Result _ (Just (sig1, mor)) -> do
cc' <- coerceConsChecker lid4 lidT "" cc
ret <- (if ccNeedsTimer cc then timeout t else ((return . Just) =<<))
(ccAutomatic cc' thName ts mor $ getCFreeDefMorphs lidT le ln dg n')
return $ case ret of
Just ccStatus -> case ccResult ccStatus of
Just b -> if b then let
Result ds ms = extractModel cid sig1 $ ccProofTree ccStatus
msgLines = map diagString ds ++ lines (show $ ccProofTree ccStatus)
in case ms of
Nothing -> ConsistencyStatus CSConsistent $ unlines
("consistent, but could not reconstruct a model" : msgLines)
Just (sig3, sens3) -> let
thTxt = showDoc
(G_theory lidS (mkExtSign sig3) startSigId (toThSens sens3)
startThId) ""
in ConsistencyStatus CSConsistent $
case filterDiags 2 ds of
[] -> thTxt
_ -> unlines $ lines thTxt ++ "%[" : msgLines ++ ["]%"]
else ConsistencyStatus CSInconsistent $ show (ccProofTree ccStatus)
Nothing -> if ccUsedTime ccStatus >= t' then
ConsistencyStatus CSTimeout mTimeout
else ConsistencyStatus CSError $ show (ccProofTree ccStatus)
Nothing -> ConsistencyStatus CSTimeout mTimeout