Conservativity.hs revision cd6354cc2af5958c304c84e65707435293c5ccc7
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : conservativity proof rule for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Markus Gross, DFKI 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
conservativity proof rule for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Proofs.Conservativity
( conservativity
) where
import Common.Amalgamate(Amalgamates(Amalgamates), CASLAmalgOpt(..))
import Common.LibName(LIB_NAME)
import Common.Result(resultToMaybe)
import Proofs.EdgeUtils(changesDGH, isFreeEdge, isGlobalEdge, isGlobalThm,
import Proofs.ComputeColimit(makeDiagram)
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory(gEnsuresAmalgamability)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph(LEdge, LNode)
import Data.List(nubBy, nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Conservativity rules
{- A pair is defined as:
(e1, e2)
n ---- e2 ----> n
type Pair = (LEdge DGLinkLab, LEdge DGLinkLab)
{- A quad is defined as:
((e1, e2), (e3, e4))
n ---- e2 ----> n
| |
| |
e1 e4
| |
| |
v v
n ---- e3 ----> n
type Quad = (Pair, Pair)
-- Main function, calls all rules.
conservativity :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
conservativity = Map.adjust (shift . freeIsMono . monoIsFree . compCons)
-- Shift-Rule.
-- First a list of edge pairs with the same source node is generated.
-- Then all pairs are positioned correctly. All pairs which have
-- one edge with a cons value are kept.
-- A list of quads (pair, pair) is generated. Each input pair is combined with
-- another pair, which has the same target and where the edges have the same
-- source nodes. (See type Quad for a picture.)
-- The target node of the quads must be isolated and the quad has to be
-- amalgamable.
-- Afterwards the quad is positioned correctly and the edges are updated.
shift :: DGraph -> DGraph
shift dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "conservativityShift") $
changesDGH dg changes
edgs = filter (liftE isGlobalEdge) $ labEdgesDG dg
globThmEdges = filter (liftE isGlobalThm) edgs
consEdgs = [ e | e <-globThmEdges, getConservativity e > None ]
pairs1 = nubBy nubPair [ (e1, e2) | e1@(s1,t1,_)<-consEdgs,
e1 /= e2, s1 == s2, t1 /= s1, t2 /= s2 ]
pairs2 = nubBy nubPair [ (e3, e4) | e3@(_,t3,_)<-edgs, e4@(_,t4,_)<-edgs,
e3 /= e4 && t3 == t4 ]
quads = filter (isAmalgamable dg) $
filter (isolated edgs . snd) $ map posQuad
[ ((e1, e2), (e3, e4)) | (e1@(_,t1,_), e2@(_,t2,_))<-pairs1,
(e3@(s3,_,_), e4@(s4,_,_))<-pairs2,
(t1 == s3 && t2 == s4) ||
(t1 == s4 && t2 == s3) ]
changes = concatMap process quads
-- Updates the e4 edge with the cons value from the e1 edge.
-- The quads have to be positioned correctly before using this function.
process :: Quad -> [DGChange]
process ((e1, _), (_, e4)) =
let cons = getConservativity e1
in genEdgeChange
(\ (ConsStatus co pc tl) -> ConsStatus (max cons co) pc tl) e4
-- Checks if a quad is amalgamable.
isAmalgamable :: DGraph -> Quad -> Bool
isAmalgamable dg ((e1@(s1,_,_), e2), (e3@(s3,_,l3), e4@(s4,t4,l4))) =
case resultToMaybe amal of
Just Amalgamates -> True
_ -> False
sink = [(s3, dgl_morphism l3), (s4, dgl_morphism l4)]
diag = makeDiagram dg [s1, s3, s4, t4] [e1, e2, e3, e4]
amal = gEnsuresAmalgamability [ColimitThinness,Cell] diag sink
-- Checks wether a pair is duplicate.
nubPair :: Pair -> Pair -> Bool
nubPair (e1, e2) (e3, e4) = (e1 == e3 && e2 == e4) || (e1 == e4) && (e2 == e3)
-- Positions a quad so that the e4 edge is the one whose source node is the
-- target node of e2. Also checks if the e4 has no conservativity value.
posQuad :: Quad -> Quad
posQuad q@((e1@(_,t1,_), e2@(_,t2,_)), (e3@(s3,_,_), e4))
| s3 == t1 = q
| s3 == t2 = ((e1, e2), (e4, e3))
| otherwise = error "Proofs.Conservativity.posQuad"
-- Checks wether the node of the pair is isolated.
-- Both edges of the pair have the same target node.
isolated :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Pair -> Bool
isolated edgs (e1@(_,t1,_), e2) =
not $ any (\ x@(_,t,_) -> x /= e1 && x /= e2 && t == t1 ) $
filter (liftE isGlobalDef) edgs
-- First get all free links in the graph. Then all cons links.
-- When the free and cons link point to the same node, the cons link is upgraded
-- to mono.
freeIsMono :: DGraph -> DGraph
freeIsMono dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "freeIsMono") $ changesDGH dg changes
edgs = labEdgesDG dg
free = filter (liftE isFreeEdge) edgs
cons = [ e | e<-edgs, liftE isGlobalThm e, getConservativity e == Cons ]
mono = nub [ c | c@(_, ct, _)<-cons, (_, ft, _)<-free, ct == ft ]
changes = concatMap (genEdgeChange
(\ (ConsStatus _ pc tl) -> ConsStatus Mono pc tl)) mono
-- Generates a list of changes for the development graph.
genEdgeChange :: (ConsStatus -> ConsStatus) -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange]
genEdgeChange f e = [ DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge $ modifyEdgeCons e f ]
-- Modifies the ConsStatus of an edge.
modifyEdgeCons :: LEdge DGLinkLab
-> (ConsStatus -> ConsStatus) -> LEdge DGLinkLab
modifyEdgeCons (s, t, l) f =
(s, t, l {
dgl_type = case dgl_type l of
ScopedLink sc dl cs -> ScopedLink sc dl $ f cs
tp -> tp
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof
, dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
monoIsFree :: DGraph -> DGraph
monoIsFree dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "monoIsFree") $ changesDGH dg changes
mono = filter (\ n -> getNodeConservativity n == Mono) $ labNodesDG dg
thmEdges = filter (\ e -> getConservativity e == None) $
filter (liftE isGlobalThm) $ labEdgesDG dg
freeEdges = [ e | (n,_)<-mono, e@(s,_,_)<-thmEdges, n == s ]
changes = concatMap process freeEdges
process :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange]
process e@(s, t, l) = [ DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge (s, t, l {
dgl_type = case dgl_type l of
ScopedLink _ _ (ConsStatus _ _ ls) -> HidingFreeOrCofreeThm
(Just Free)
(dgl_morphism l) ls
tp -> tp
-- If Node n is cons and the path to Node m is also cons then m is cons too.
compCons :: DGraph -> DGraph
compCons dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "compCons") $ changesDGH dg changes
consNodes = filter (\ n -> getNodeConservativity n /= None) $ labNodesDG dg
changes = concatMap (compConsAux dg) consNodes
-- First get all paths. Check if the path cons matches with the node cons.
-- If the target node cons is weaker than the path cons replace it.
compConsAux :: DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> [DGChange]
compConsAux dg n@(i, _) = changes
nodeCons = getNodeConservativity n
nodePaths = getAllPathsOfTypeFrom dg i
consPaths = filter (\ p -> snd p == nodeCons) $ zip nodePaths
(map getConservativityOfPath nodePaths)
changes = concatMap process consPaths
process :: ([LEdge DGLinkLab], Conservativity) -> [DGChange]
process (path, sourceCons) =
[ SetNodeLab lab (node, lab') | targetNodeCons < sourceCons ]
(_, node, _) = last path
lab = labDG dg node
targetNodeCons = getNodeCons lab
nInfo = nodeInfo lab
lab' = lab {
nodeInfo = nInfo { node_cons_status = mkConsStatus sourceCons }