Conservativity.hs revision 54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : conservativity proof rule for development graphs
Copyright : (c) Markus Gross, DFKI 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
conservativity proof rule for development graphs
Follows Sect. IV:4.4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual.
module Proofs.Conservativity (conservativity) where
import Common.Amalgamate(Amalgamates(Amalgamates), CASLAmalgOpt(..))
import Common.Consistency
import Common.LibName(LibName)
import Common.Result(resultToMaybe)
import Proofs.EdgeUtils(changesDGH, isFreeEdge, isGlobalEdge, isGlobalThm,
import Proofs.ComputeColimit(makeDiagram)
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory(gEnsuresAmalgamability)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph(LEdge, LNode)
import Data.List(nubBy, nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Conservativity rules
{- A pair is defined as:
(e1, e2)
n ---- e2 ----> n
type Pair = (LEdge DGLinkLab, LEdge DGLinkLab)
{- A quad is defined as:
((e1, e2), (e3, e4))
n ---- e2 ----> n
| |
| |
e1 e4
| |
| |
v v
n ---- e3 ----> n
type Quad = (Pair, Pair)
-- Main function, calls all rules.
conservativity :: LibName -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
conservativity = Map.adjust (shift . freeIsMono . monoIsFree . compCons)
-- Shift-Rule.
-- First a list of edge pairs with the same source node is generated.
-- Then all pairs are positioned correctly. All pairs which have
-- one edge with a cons value are kept.
-- A list of quads (pair, pair) is generated. Each input pair is combined with
-- another pair, which has the same target and where the edges have the same
-- source nodes. (See type Quad for a picture.)
-- The target node of the quads must be isolated and the quad has to be
-- amalgamable.
-- Afterwards the quad is positioned correctly and the edges are updated.
shift :: DGraph -> DGraph
shift dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "conservativityShift") $
changesDGH dg changes
edgs = filter (liftE isGlobalEdge) $ labEdgesDG dg
globThmEdges = filter (liftE isGlobalThm) edgs
consEdgs = [ e | e <-globThmEdges, getConservativity e > None ]
pairs1 = nubBy nubPair [ (e1, e2) | e1@(s1,t1,_)<-consEdgs,
e1 /= e2, s1 == s2, t1 /= s1, t2 /= s2 ]
pairs2 = nubBy nubPair [ (e3, e4) | e3@(_,t3,_)<-edgs, e4@(_,t4,_)<-edgs,
e3 /= e4 && t3 == t4 ]
quads = filter (isAmalgamable dg) $
filter (isolated edgs . snd) $ map posQuad
[ ((e1, e2), (e3, e4)) | (e1@(_,t1,_), e2@(_,t2,_))<-pairs1,
(e3@(s3,_,_), e4@(s4,_,_))<-pairs2,
(t1 == s3 && t2 == s4) ||
(t1 == s4 && t2 == s3) ]
changes = concatMap process quads
-- Updates the e4 edge with the cons value from the e1 edge.
-- The quads have to be positioned correctly before using this function.
process :: Quad -> [DGChange]
process ((e1, _), (_, e4)) =
let cons = getConservativity e1
in genEdgeChange
(\ (ConsStatus co pc tl) -> ConsStatus (max cons co) pc tl) e4
-- Checks if a quad is amalgamable.
isAmalgamable :: DGraph -> Quad -> Bool
isAmalgamable dg ((e1@(s1,_,_), e2), (e3@(s3,_,l3), e4@(s4,t4,l4))) =
case resultToMaybe amal of
Just Amalgamates -> True
_ -> False
sink = [(s3, dgl_morphism l3), (s4, dgl_morphism l4)]
diag = makeDiagram dg [s1, s3, s4, t4] [e1, e2, e3, e4]
amal = gEnsuresAmalgamability [ColimitThinness,Cell] diag sink
-- Checks wether a pair is duplicate.
nubPair :: Pair -> Pair -> Bool
nubPair (e1, e2) (e3, e4) = (e1 == e3 && e2 == e4) || (e1 == e4) && (e2 == e3)
-- Positions a quad so that the e4 edge is the one whose source node is the
-- target node of e2. Also checks if the e4 has no conservativity value.
posQuad :: Quad -> Quad
posQuad q@((e1@(_,t1,_), e2@(_,t2,_)), (e3@(s3,_,_), e4))
| s3 == t1 = q
| s3 == t2 = ((e1, e2), (e4, e3))
| otherwise = error "Proofs.Conservativity.posQuad"
-- Checks wether the node of the pair is isolated.
-- Both edges of the pair have the same target node.
isolated :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Pair -> Bool
isolated edgs (e1@(_,t1,_), e2) =
not $ any (\ x@(_,t,_) -> x /= e1 && x /= e2 && t == t1 ) $
filter (liftE isGlobalDef) edgs
-- First get all free links in the graph. Then all cons links.
-- When the free and cons link point to the same node, the cons link is upgraded
-- to mono.
freeIsMono :: DGraph -> DGraph
freeIsMono dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "freeIsMono") $ changesDGH dg changes
edgs = labEdgesDG dg
free = filter (liftE isFreeEdge) edgs
cons = [ e | e<-edgs, liftE isGlobalThm e, getConservativity e == Cons ]
mono = nub [ c | c@(_, ct, _)<-cons, (_, ft, _)<-free, ct == ft ]
changes = concatMap (genEdgeChange
(\ (ConsStatus _ pc tl) -> ConsStatus Mono pc tl)) mono
-- Generates a list of changes for the development graph.
genEdgeChange :: (ConsStatus -> ConsStatus) -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange]
genEdgeChange f e = [ DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge $ modifyEdgeCons e f ]
-- Modifies the ConsStatus of an edge.
modifyEdgeCons :: LEdge DGLinkLab
-> (ConsStatus -> ConsStatus) -> LEdge DGLinkLab
modifyEdgeCons (s, t, l) f =
(s, t, l {
dgl_type = case dgl_type l of
ScopedLink sc dl cs -> ScopedLink sc dl $ f cs
tp -> tp
, dgl_origin = DGLinkProof
, dgl_id = defaultEdgeId
monoIsFree :: DGraph -> DGraph
monoIsFree dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "monoIsFree") $ changesDGH dg changes
mono = filter (\ n -> getNodeConservativity n == Mono) $ labNodesDG dg
thmEdges = filter (\ e -> getConservativity e == None) $
filter (liftE isGlobalThm) $ labEdgesDG dg
freeEdges = [ e | (n,_)<-mono, e@(s,_,_)<-thmEdges, n == s ]
changes = concatMap process freeEdges
process :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> [DGChange]
process e@(s, t, l) = [ DeleteEdge e, InsertEdge (s, t, l {
dgl_type = case dgl_type l of
ScopedLink _ _ (ConsStatus _ _ ls) -> HidingFreeOrCofreeThm
(Just Free)
(dgl_morphism l) ls
tp -> tp
-- If Node n is cons and the path to Node m is also cons then m is cons too.
compCons :: DGraph -> DGraph
compCons dg = groupHistory dg (DGRule "compCons") $ changesDGH dg changes
consNodes = filter (\ n -> getNodeConservativity n /= None) $ labNodesDG dg
changes = concatMap (compConsAux dg) consNodes
-- First get all paths. Check if the path cons matches with the node cons.
-- If the target node cons is weaker than the path cons replace it.
compConsAux :: DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> [DGChange]
compConsAux dg n@(i, _) = changes
nodeCons = getNodeConservativity n
nodePaths = getAllPathsOfTypeFrom dg i
consPaths = filter (\ p -> snd p == nodeCons) $ zip nodePaths
(map getConservativityOfPath nodePaths)
changes = concatMap process consPaths
process :: ([LEdge DGLinkLab], Conservativity) -> [DGChange]
process (path, sourceCons) =
[ SetNodeLab lab (node, lab') | targetNodeCons < sourceCons ]
(_, node, _) = last path
lab = labDG dg node
targetNodeCons = getNodeCons lab
nInfo = nodeInfo lab
lab' = lab {
nodeInfo = nInfo { node_cons_status = mkConsStatus sourceCons }