ComputeTheory.hs revision 1780ec6fd307212ae6834d85ae6b5d38e059c444
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : compute the theory of a node
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
compute the theory of a node
module Proofs.ComputeTheory
( computeTheory
, computeLabelTheory
, theoremsToAxioms
) where
import Logic.Prover
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Control.Monad
-- | compute the theory of a node, using normal forms when available
computeLabelTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Result G_theory
computeLabelTheory libEnv dg (n, nodelab) =
let localTh = dgn_theory nodelab in
if isDGRef nodelab then do
let refNode = dgn_node nodelab
dg' = lookupDGraph (dgn_libname nodelab) libEnv
newLab = labDG dg' refNode
refTh <- computeLabelTheory libEnv dg' (refNode, newLab)
joinG_sentences (theoremsToAxioms refTh) localTh
else do
ths <- mapM (computePathTheory libEnv dg) $ sortBy
(\ (_, _, l1) (_, _, l2) -> compare (dgl_id l2) $ dgl_id l1)
$ filter (liftE (\ l -> isDefEdge l && not (isHidingEdge l)))
$ innDG dg n
flatG_sentences localTh ths
computeNodeTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> Result G_theory
computeNodeTheory libEnv dg n = computeLabelTheory libEnv dg (n, labDG dg n)
computeTheory :: LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> Node -> Result G_theory
computeTheory libEnv ln = computeNodeTheory libEnv $ lookupDGraph ln libEnv
computePathTheory :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Result G_theory
computePathTheory libEnv dg e@(src, _, link) = do
th <- if liftE isLocalDef e then computeLocalNodeTheory libEnv dg src
else computeNodeTheory libEnv dg src
-- translate theory and turn all imported theorems into axioms
translateG_theory (dgl_morphism link) $ theoremsToAxioms th
theoremsToAxioms :: G_theory -> G_theory
theoremsToAxioms (G_theory lid sign ind1 sens ind2) =
G_theory lid sign ind1 (markAsAxiom True sens) ind2