ComputeColimit.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
0N/A{- |
0N/AModule : $Header$
0N/ADescription : Heterogeneous colimit of the displayed graph
0N/ACopyright : (c) Mihai Codescu, and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
2362N/ALicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
0N/AMaintainer :
0N/AStability : provisional
0N/APortability : non-portable
2362N/AComputes the colimit and displays the graph after its insertion.
0N/A - error messages when the algorithm fails to compute
0N/A - insert edges just from a subset of nodes in the original graph
0N/Amodule Proofs.ComputeColimit where
0N/Aimport Static.ComputeTheory
0N/Aimport Static.DevGraph
0N/Aimport Static.GTheory
0N/Aimport Static.History
0N/Aimport Static.WACocone
0N/Aimport Logic.Comorphism (mkIdComorphism)
0N/Aimport Logic.Grothendieck
0N/Aimport Logic.Logic
0N/Aimport Common.ExtSign
0N/Aimport Common.LibName
0N/Aimport Common.Result
0N/Aimport Common.SFKT
0N/Aimport Common.Id
0N/Aimport Common.Utils (nubOrd)
0N/Aimport qualified Data.Map as Map
0N/Aimport Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
0N/AcomputeColimit :: LibName -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
0N/AcomputeColimit ln le = do
0N/A let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln le
0N/A nextDGraph <- insertColimitInGraph le dgraph
0N/A return $ Map.insert ln nextDGraph le
0N/AinsertColimitInGraph :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Result DGraph
0N/AinsertColimitInGraph le dgraph = do
0N/A let diag = makeDiagram dgraph (nodesDG dgraph) $ labEdgesDG dgraph
(gth, morFun) <- gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone diag
let -- a better node name, gn_Signature_Colimit?
newNode = newInfoNodeLab (makeName $ genToken "Colimit")
(newNodeInfo DGProof) gth
newNodeNr = getNewNodeDG dgraph
edgeList = map (\n -> (n, newNodeNr, globDefLink
(morFun Map.! n) SeeTarget))
$ nodes $ dgBody dgraph
changes = InsertNode (newNodeNr, newNode) : map InsertEdge edgeList
newDg = changesDGH dgraph changes
newGraph = changeDGH newDg $ SetNodeLab newNode
(newNodeNr, newNode
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory le newDg (newNodeNr, newNode) })
return $ groupHistory dgraph (DGRule "Compute-Colimit") newGraph
{- | creates an GDiagram with the signatures of the given nodes as nodes
and the morphisms of the given edges as edges -}
makeDiagram :: DGraph -> [Node] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> GDiagram
makeDiagram dg nl el = makeDiagramAux empty dg (nubOrd nl) el
{- | auxiliary method for makeDiagram: first translates all nodes then
all edges, the descriptors of the nodes are kept in order to make
retranslation easier -}
makeDiagramAux :: GDiagram -> DGraph -> [Node] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> GDiagram
makeDiagramAux diagram _ [] [] = diagram
makeDiagramAux diagram dgraph [] ((src, tgt, labl) : list) =
makeDiagramAux (insEdge morphEdge diagram) dgraph [] list
where EdgeId x = dgl_id labl
morphEdge = if isHidingDef $ dgl_type labl
then (tgt,src,(x,dgl_morphism labl))
else (src,tgt,(x,dgl_morphism labl))
makeDiagramAux diagram dgraph (node:list) es =
makeDiagramAux (insNode sigNode diagram) dgraph list es
where sigNode = (node, dgn_theory $ labDG dgraph node)
-- | weakly amalgamable cocones
gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone :: GDiagram
-> Result (G_theory, Map.Map Int GMorphism)
gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone diag =
if isHomogeneousGDiagram diag then do
case head $ labNodes diag of
(_, G_theory lid _ _ _ _) -> do
graph <- homogeniseGDiagram lid diag
(sig, mor) <- weakly_amalgamable_colimit lid graph
let gth = noSensGTheory lid (mkExtSign sig) startSigId
cid = mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid)
morFun = Map.fromList $
map (\(n, s)->(n, GMorphism cid (mkExtSign s) startSigId
(mor Map.! n) startMorId)) $
labNodes graph
return (gth, morFun)
else if not $ isConnected diag then fail "Graph is not connected"
else if not $ isThin $ removeIdentities diag then
fail "Graph is not thin" else do
let funDesc = initDescList diag
--graph <- observe $ hetWeakAmalgCocone diag funDesc
allGraphs <- runM Nothing $ hetWeakAmalgCocone diag funDesc
case allGraphs of
[] -> fail "could not compute cocone"
_ -> do
let graph = head allGraphs
-- TO DO: modify this function so it would return
-- all possible answers and offer them as choices to the user
buildStrMorphisms diag graph