ComputeColimit.hs revision 3fe83d4c932a8266edcf0304a97814c59821d91f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Heterogeneous colimit of the displayed graph
Copyright : (c) Mihai Codescu, and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
Computes the colimit and displays the graph after its insertion.
- error messages when the algorithm fails to compute
- insert edges just from a subset of nodes in the original graph
module Proofs.ComputeColimit where
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Static.DevGraph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Common.Result
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift(makeDiagram)
computeColimit :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
computeColimit ln le = let
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln le
(nextDGraph, nextHistoryElem) = insertColimitInGraph dgraph
in mkResultProofStatus ln le nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
insertColimitInGraph :: DGraph -> (DGraph,([DGRule],[DGChange]))
insertColimitInGraph dgraph = let
diag = makeDiagram dgraph (nodes $ dgBody dgraph) (labEdges $ dgBody dgraph)
in case maybeResult $ gWeaklyAmalgamableCocone diag of
Nothing -> (dgraph,([],[])) -- here not ok, see later
Just (gth, morFun) -> let
newNode = DGNodeLab{
dgn_name = emptyNodeName,
-- assign new name here, gn_Signature_Colimit?
dgn_theory = gth,
dgn_nf = Nothing,
dgn_sigma = Nothing,
nodeInfo = DGNode{
node_origin = DGProof,
node_cons = None,
node_cons_status = LeftOpen},
dgn_lock = error "uninitialized MVar of DGNode"}
newNodeNr = getNewNodeDG dgraph
edgeList = map (\n -> (n, newNodeNr,DGLink{
dgl_morphism = (Map.!)morFun n,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGProof,
dgl_id = defaultEdgeId})) $
nodes $ dgBody dgraph
--dgl_id field is filled when displayed
changes = [InsertNode (newNodeNr, newNode)] ++ map InsertEdge edgeList
(newGraph,newChanges) = updateWithChanges changes dgraph []
rules = [ComputeColimit]
in (newGraph, (rules,newChanges))