BatchProcessing.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Batch processing functions.
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Rainer Grabbe 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : ?
Functions for batch processing. Used by SoftFOL provers.
module Proofs.BatchProcessing where
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import GUI.GenericATPState
-- * Non-interactive Batch Prover
-- ** Constants
{- |
Time limit used by the batch mode prover.
batchTimeLimit :: Int
batchTimeLimit = 20
-- ** Utility Functions
{- |
Checks whether an ATPRetval indicates that the time limit was
isTimeLimitExceeded :: ATPRetval -> Bool
isTimeLimitExceeded ATPTLimitExceeded = True
isTimeLimitExceeded _ = False
{- |
Adjusts the configuration associated to a goal by applying the supplied
function or inserts a new emptyConfig with the function applied if there's
no configuration associated yet.
Uses Map.member, Map.adjust, and Map.insert for the corresponding tasks
adjustOrSetConfig :: (Ord proof_tree) =>
(GenericConfig proof_tree -> GenericConfig proof_tree)
-- ^ function to be applied against the current
-- configuration or a new emptyConfig
-> String -- ^ name of the prover
-> ATPIdentifier -- ^ name of the goal
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree -- ^ current GenericConfigsMap
-> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree
-- ^ resulting GenericConfigsMap with the changes applied
adjustOrSetConfig f prName k pt m = if (Map.member k m)
then Map.adjust f k m
else Map.insert k
(f $ emptyConfig prName k pt) m
filterOpenGoals :: GenericConfigsMap proof_tree -> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree
filterOpenGoals = Map.filter isOpenGoal
where isOpenGoal cf = case (goalStatus $ proof_status cf) of
Open -> True
_ -> False
{- |
Checks whether a goal in the results map is marked as proved.
checkGoal :: GenericConfigsMap proof_tree -> ATPIdentifier -> Bool
checkGoal cfgMap goal =
maybe False (isProvedStat . proof_status) $ Map.lookup goal cfgMap
-- ** Callbacks
{- |
Called every time a goal has been processed in the batch mode gui.
goalProcessed :: (Ord proof_tree, Show proof_tree) =>
Conc.MVar (GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst)
-- ^ IORef pointing to the backing State data structure
-> Int -- ^ batch time limit
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> Int -- ^ total number of goals
-> String -- ^ name of the prover
-> Int -- ^ number of goals processed so far
-> AS_Anno.Named sentence -- ^ goal that has just been processed
-> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig proof_tree)
-> IO Bool
goalProcessed stateMVar tLimit extOpts numGoals prName processedGoalsSoFar
nGoal (retval, res_cfg) = do
seq (length $ show res_cfg) $
Conc.modifyMVar_ stateMVar (\s -> return (s{
configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(\ c -> c{timeLimitExceeded =
isTimeLimitExceeded retval,
timeLimit = Just tLimit,
extraOpts = extOpts,
proof_status = proof_status res_cfg,
resultOutput = resultOutput res_cfg,
timeUsed = timeUsed res_cfg})
prName (AS_Anno.senName nGoal)
(proof_tree s)
(configsMap s)}))
return (case retval of
ATPError _ -> False
ATPBatchStopped -> False
_ -> numGoals - processedGoalsSoFar > 0)
-- ** Implementation
{- |
A non-GUI batch mode prover. The list of goals is processed sequentially.
Proved goals are inserted as axioms.
genericProveBatch :: (Ord proof_tree) =>
Bool -- ^ True means use tLimit\/options from GenericState
-> Int -- ^ batch time limit
-> [String] -- ^ extra options passed
-> Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- True means save problem file
-> (Int
-> AS_Anno.Named sentence
-> Maybe (AS_Anno.Named sentence)
-> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig proof_tree)
-> IO Bool)
-- ^ called after every prover run.
-- return True if you want the prover to continue.
-> (pst -> AS_Anno.Named sentence -> pst)
-- ^ inserts a Namend sentence into a logicalPart
-> RunProver sentence proof_tree pst -- prover to run batch
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst
-> Maybe (Conc.MVar (Result [Proof_status proof_tree]))
-> IO ([Proof_status proof_tree])
-- ^ proof status for each goal
genericProveBatch useStOpt tLimit extraOptions inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
inSen runGivenProver prName thName st resultMVar = do
batchProve (proverState st) 0 [] (goalsList st)
openGoals = filterOpenGoals (configsMap st)
addToLP g res pst =
if isProvedStat res && inclProvedThs
then inSen pst (g{AS_Anno.isAxiom = True})
else pst
batchProve _ _ resDone [] = return (reverse resDone)
batchProve pst goalsProcessedSoFar resDone (g:gs) =
let gName = AS_Anno.senName g
pt = proof_tree st
if Map.member gName openGoals
then do
-- putStrLn $ "Trying to prove goal: " ++ gName
let initEmptyCfg = (emptyConfig prName gName pt)
curCfg = Map.findWithDefault initEmptyCfg gName openGoals
runConfig = initEmptyCfg
{ timeLimit = Just $
if useStOpt then maybe tLimit id $
timeLimit curCfg
else tLimit
, extraOpts = if useStOpt && (not . null $ extraOpts curCfg)
then extraOpts curCfg
else extraOptions }
(err, res_cfg) <-
runGivenProver pst runConfig saveProblem_batch thName g
-- putStrLn $ prName ++ " returned: " ++ (show err)
-- if the batch prover runs in a separate thread
-- that's killed via killThread
-- runGivenProver will return ATPBatchStopped. We have to stop the
-- recursion in that case
-- add proved goals as axioms
let res = proof_status res_cfg
pst' = addToLP g res pst
goalsProcessedSoFar' = goalsProcessedSoFar+1
ioProofStatus = (reverse (res:resDone)) ++
(map (\ gl -> openProof_status
(AS_Anno.senName gl) prName pt)
maybe (return ())
(\rr -> do
let newResult =
(appendDiags $ case err of
ATPError msg -> [Diag {
diagKind = Error,
diagString = msg,
diagPos = Id.nullRange }]
ATPTLimitExceeded -> [Diag {
diagKind = Warning,
diagString = [],
diagPos = Id.nullRange }]
_ -> [])
{ maybeResult = Just ioProofStatus }
Conc.tryTakeMVar rr -- ensure that MVar is empty
Conc.putMVar rr newResult)
cont <- afterEachProofAttempt goalsProcessedSoFar' g
(find ((flip Map.member) openGoals .
AS_Anno.senName) gs)
(err, res_cfg)
if cont
then batchProve pst' goalsProcessedSoFar' (res:resDone) gs
else return ioProofStatus
else batchProve (addToLP g (proof_status $
(emptyConfig prName gName pt)
gName $ configsMap st)
goalsProcessedSoFar resDone gs
-- * Generic command line prover functions
{- |
Automatic command line prover which only proves the first goal (if possible).
genericCMDLautomatic ::
(Ord proof_tree, Ord sentence, Show proof_tree, Show sentence)
=> ATPFunctions sign sentence proof_tree pst
-- ^ prover specific functions
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPTactic_script -- ^ default prover specific tactic script
-> Theory sign sentence proof_tree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and a list of Named sentence
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> IO (Result ([Proof_status proof_tree]))
-- ^ proof status for goals and lemmas
genericCMDLautomatic atpFun prName thName def_TS th pt = do
let iGS = initialGenericState prName
(initialProverState atpFun)
(atpTransSenName atpFun) th pt
openGoals = filterOpenGoals (configsMap iGS)
emptyResult = Result { diags = [], maybeResult = Just [] }
goals = goalsList iGS
if (null goals) then return emptyResult
else do
let g = head goals
gName = AS_Anno.senName g
if Map.member gName openGoals then do
-- putStrLn $ "Trying to prove goal: " ++ gName
let initEmptyCfg = (emptyConfig prName gName pt)
curCfg = Map.findWithDefault initEmptyCfg gName openGoals
runConfig = initEmptyCfg
{ timeLimit = Just $
maybe (ts_timeLimit def_TS) id $
timeLimit curCfg
, extraOpts = if (not . null $ extraOpts curCfg)
then extraOpts curCfg
else ts_extraOpts def_TS }
(err, res_cfg) <-
(runProver atpFun) (proverState iGS) runConfig False thName g
-- putStrLn $ prName ++ " returned: " ++ (show err)
return $ (appendDiags $ case err of
ATPError msg -> [Diag {
diagKind = Error,
diagString = msg,
diagPos = Id.nullRange }]
_ -> [])
{ maybeResult = Just [proof_status res_cfg] }
else return emptyResult
{- |
Automatic command line prover using batch mode.
genericCMDLautomaticBatch ::
(Ord proof_tree, Ord sentence, Show proof_tree, Show sentence)
=> ATPFunctions sign sentence proof_tree pst -- ^ prover specific
-- functions
-> Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Conc.MVar (Result [Proof_status proof_tree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPTactic_script -- ^ default prover specific tactic script
-> Theory sign sentence proof_tree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and a list of Named sentence
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> IO (Conc.ThreadId,Conc.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
genericCMDLautomaticBatch atpFun inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
prName thName defaultTactic_script th pt = do
let iGS = initialGenericState prName
(initialProverState atpFun)
(atpTransSenName atpFun) th pt
stateMVar <- Conc.newMVar iGS
let tLimit = ts_timeLimit defaultTactic_script
extOpts = ts_extraOpts defaultTactic_script
numGoals = Map.size $ filterOpenGoals $ configsMap iGS
mvar <- Conc.newEmptyMVar
threadID <- Conc.forkIO
(do genericProveBatch True tLimit extOpts inclProvedThs
(\ gPSF nSen _ conf ->
goalProcessed stateMVar tLimit extOpts numGoals
prName gPSF nSen conf)
(atpInsertSentence atpFun) (runProver atpFun)
prName thName iGS (Just resultMVar)
return ()
`Exception.finally` Conc.putMVar mvar ())
return (threadID, mvar)