BatchProcessing.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Batch processing functions.
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Rainer Grabbe 2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : ?
Functions for batch processing. Used by SoftFOL provers.
module Proofs.BatchProcessing ( batchTimeLimit
, isTimeLimitExceeded
, adjustOrSetConfig
, filterOpenGoals
, checkGoal
, goalProcessed
, genericProveBatch
, genericCMDLautomaticBatch
) where
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import Control.Monad (when)
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
-- * Non-interactive Batch Prover
-- ** Constants
{- |
Time limit used by the batch mode prover.
batchTimeLimit :: Int
batchTimeLimit = 20
-- ** Utility Functions
{- |
Checks whether an ATPRetval indicates that the time limit was
isTimeLimitExceeded :: ATPRetval -> Bool
isTimeLimitExceeded ATPTLimitExceeded = True
isTimeLimitExceeded _ = False
{- |
Adjusts the configuration associated to a goal by applying the supplied
function or inserts a new emptyConfig with the function applied if there's
no configuration associated yet.
Uses Map.member, Map.adjust, and Map.insert for the corresponding tasks
adjustOrSetConfig :: (Ord proof_tree) =>
(GenericConfig proof_tree -> GenericConfig proof_tree)
-- ^ function to be applied against the current
-- configuration or a new emptyConfig
-> String -- ^ name of the prover
-> ATPIdentifier -- ^ name of the goal
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree -- ^ current GenericConfigsMap
-> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree
-- ^ resulting GenericConfigsMap with the changes applied
adjustOrSetConfig f prName k pt m = if Map.member k m
then Map.adjust f k m
else Map.insert k
(f $ emptyConfig prName k pt) m
filterOpenGoals :: GenericConfigsMap proof_tree -> GenericConfigsMap proof_tree
filterOpenGoals = Map.filter $ isOpenGoal . goalStatus . proofStatus
{- |
Checks whether a goal in the results map is marked as proved.
checkGoal :: GenericConfigsMap proof_tree -> ATPIdentifier -> Bool
checkGoal cfgMap goal =
maybe False (isProvedStat . proofStatus) $ Map.lookup goal cfgMap
-- ** Callbacks
{- |
Called every time a goal has been processed in the batch mode.
goalProcessed :: (Ord proof_tree) =>
Conc.MVar (GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst)
-- ^ IORef pointing to the backing State data structure
-> Int -- ^ batch time limit
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> Int -- ^ total number of goals
-> String -- ^ name of the prover
-> Int -- ^ number of goals processed so far
-> AS_Anno.Named sentence -- ^ goal that has just been processed
-> Bool -- ^ wether to be verbose: print goal status (CMDL mode)
-> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig proof_tree)
-> IO Bool
goalProcessed stateMVar tLimit extOpts numGoals prName processedGoalsSoFar
nGoal verbose (retval, res_cfg) = do
Conc.modifyMVar_ stateMVar (\s -> return (s{
configsMap = adjustOrSetConfig
(\ c -> c{timeLimitExceeded =
isTimeLimitExceeded retval,
timeLimit = Just tLimit,
extraOpts = extOpts,
proofStatus = ((proofStatus res_cfg)
{usedTime = timeUsed res_cfg}),
resultOutput = resultOutput res_cfg,
timeUsed = timeUsed res_cfg})
prName (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal)
(currentProofTree s)
(configsMap s)}))
when verbose (let toPrint n = let txt = "Goal " ++ goalName n ++ " is "
in case goalStatus n of
Open _ -> txt ++ "still open."
Disproved -> txt ++ "disproved."
Proved _ -> txt ++ "proved."
in putStrLn $ toPrint $ proofStatus res_cfg)
return (case retval of
ATPError _ -> False
ATPBatchStopped -> False
_ -> numGoals - processedGoalsSoFar > 0)
-- ** Implementation
{- |
A non-GUI batch mode prover. The list of goals is processed sequentially.
Proved goals are inserted as axioms.
genericProveBatch :: (Ord sentence, Ord proof_tree) =>
Bool -- ^ True means use tLimit\/options from GenericState
-> Int -- ^ batch time limit
-> [String] -- ^ extra options passed
-> Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- True means save problem file
-> (Int
-> AS_Anno.Named sentence
-> Maybe (AS_Anno.Named sentence)
-> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig proof_tree)
-> IO Bool)
-- ^ called after every prover run.
-- return True if you want the prover to continue.
-> (pst -> AS_Anno.Named sentence -> pst)
-- ^ inserts a Namend sentence into a logicalPart
-> RunProver sentence proof_tree pst -- prover to run batch
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> GenericState sign sentence proof_tree pst
-> Maybe (Conc.MVar (Result [ProofStatus proof_tree]))
-- ^ empty MVar to be filled after each proof attempt
-> IO ([ProofStatus proof_tree])
-- ^ proof status for each goal
genericProveBatch useStOpt tLimit extraOptions inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
inSen runGivenProver prName thName st resultMVar =
batchProve (proverState st) 0 [] (goalsList st)
openGoals = filterOpenGoals (configsMap st)
addToLP g res pst =
if isProvedStat res && inclProvedThs
then inSen pst (g{AS_Anno.isAxiom = True})
else pst
batchProve _ _ resDone [] = return (reverse resDone)
batchProve pst goalsProcessedSoFar resDone (g:gs) =
let gName = AS_Anno.senAttr g
pt = currentProofTree st
if Map.member gName openGoals
then do
-- putStrLn $ "Trying to prove goal: " ++ gName
let initEmptyCfg = (emptyConfig prName gName pt)
curCfg = Map.findWithDefault initEmptyCfg gName openGoals
runConfig = initEmptyCfg
{ timeLimit = Just $
if useStOpt then fromMaybe tLimit $
timeLimit curCfg
else tLimit
, extraOpts = if useStOpt && (not . null $ extraOpts curCfg)
then extraOpts curCfg
else extraOptions }
(err, res_cfg) <-
runGivenProver pst runConfig saveProblem_batch thName g
-- putStrLn $ prName ++ " returned: " ++ (show err)
-- if the batch prover runs in a separate thread
-- that's killed via killThread
-- runGivenProver will return ATPBatchStopped. We have to stop the
-- recursion in that case
-- add proved goals as axioms
let res0 = proofStatus res_cfg
res = res0 { goalStatus =
case goalStatus res0 of
Open (Reason l) | err == ATPTLimitExceeded ->
Open (Reason $ "Timeout" : l)
r -> r }
pst' = addToLP g res pst
goalsProcessedSoFar' = goalsProcessedSoFar+1
ioProofStatus = reverse (res:resDone)
maybe (return ())
(\rr -> do
mOldVal <- Conc.tryTakeMVar rr
let newRes = (do appendDiags $ atpRetvalToDiags gName err
revertRenamingOfLabels st [res])
-- transform new result in Monad Result
newVal = maybe id (joinResultWith (++)) mOldVal newRes
-- concat the oldValue with the new Result
Conc.putMVar rr newVal)
cont <- afterEachProofAttempt goalsProcessedSoFar' g
(find ((flip Map.member) openGoals .
AS_Anno.senAttr) gs)
(err, res_cfg)
if cont
then batchProve pst' goalsProcessedSoFar' (res:resDone) gs
else return ioProofStatus
else batchProve (addToLP g (proofStatus $
(emptyConfig prName gName pt)
gName $ configsMap st)
goalsProcessedSoFar resDone gs
atpRetvalToDiags :: String -- ^ name of goal
-> ATPRetval -> [Diagnosis]
atpRetvalToDiags gName err =
case err of
ATPError msg ->
[Diag {diagKind = Error, diagString = msg,
diagPos = Id.nullRange }]
ATPTLimitExceeded ->
[Diag {diagKind = Warning,
diagString = "Time limit exceeded (goal \""++gName++
diagPos = Id.nullRange }]
_ -> []
-- * Generic command line prover function
{- |
Automatic command line prover using batch mode.
genericCMDLautomaticBatch ::
(Ord proof_tree, Ord sentence)
=> ATPFunctions sign sentence mor proof_tree pst -- ^ prover specific
-- functions
-> Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Conc.MVar (Result [ProofStatus proof_tree])
-- ^ used to store the result of each attempt in the batch run
-> String -- ^ prover name
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPTacticScript -- ^ default prover specific tactic script
-> Theory sign sentence proof_tree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and a list of Named sentence
-> [FreeDefMorphism sentence mor] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> proof_tree -- ^ initial empty proof_tree
-> IO (Conc.ThreadId,Conc.MVar ())
-- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
-- snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread
genericCMDLautomaticBatch atpFun inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
prName thName defaultTacticScript th freedefs pt = do
-- putStrLn $ show defaultTacticScript
let iGS = initialGenericState prName
(initialProverState atpFun)
(atpTransSenName atpFun) th freedefs pt
stateMVar <- Conc.newMVar iGS
let tLimit = tsTimeLimit defaultTacticScript
extOpts = tsExtraOpts defaultTacticScript
numGoals = Map.size $ filterOpenGoals $ configsMap iGS
mvar <- Conc.newEmptyMVar
threadID <- Conc.forkIO
(when (numGoals > 0)
(do genericProveBatch True tLimit extOpts inclProvedThs
(\ gPSF nSen _ conf ->
goalProcessed stateMVar tLimit extOpts numGoals
prName gPSF nSen True conf)
(atpInsertSentence atpFun) (runProver atpFun)
prName thName iGS (Just resultMVar)
return ())
`Exception.finally` Conc.putMVar mvar ())
return (threadID, mvar)