Automatic.hs revision 45a9a2c4d15f9849bca7907717416339a3b9db2a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Jorina F. Gerken, Mossakowski, L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
automatic proofs in development graphs.
Follows Sect. IV:4.4 of the CASL Reference Manual.
T. Mossakowski, S. Autexier and D. Hutter:
Extending Development Graphs With Hiding.
H. Hussmann (ed.): Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 2001,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2029, p. 269-283,
Springer-Verlag 2001.
todo in general:
Order of rule application: try to use local links induced by %implies
for subsumption proofs (such that the %implied formulas need not be
Integrate stuff from Saarbr�cken
Add proof status information
what should be in proof status:
- proofs of thm links according to rules
- cons, def and mono annos, and their proofs
module Proofs.Automatic (automatic) where
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Print_AS_Library()
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Proofs.Global
import Proofs.Local
import Proofs.HideTheoremShift
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
{- todo: implement apply for GlobDecomp and Subsumption
the list of DGChage must be constructed in parallel to the
new DGraph -}
applyRule :: DGRule -> DGraph -> Maybe ([DGChange],DGraph)
applyRule = error "Proofs.hs:applyRule"
{- | automatically applies all rules to the library
denoted by the library name of the given proofstatus-}
automatic :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
automatic ln = fromJust . mergeHistories 0 2 .
localInference ln . automaticRecursive ln 0
{- | applies the rules recursively until no further changes can be made -}
automaticRecursive :: LIB_NAME -> Int -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
automaticRecursive ln cnt proofstatus =
let auxProofstatus = automaticApplyRules ln proofstatus
finalProofstatus = mergeHistories cnt noRules auxProofstatus
in case finalProofstatus of
Nothing -> proofstatus
Just p -> automaticRecursive ln 1 p
-- | list of rules to use
rules :: [LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv]
rules =
, locDecomp
, globDecomp
, globSubsume
-- , theoremHideShift
-- | number of rukes
noRules :: Int
noRules = length rules
{- | sequentially applies all rules to the given proofstatus,
ie to the library denoted by the library name of the proofstatus -}
automaticApplyRules :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
automaticApplyRules ln = foldl (.) id $ map (\ f -> f ln) rules
{- | merges for every library the new history elements
to one new history element -}
mergeHistories :: Int -> Int -> LibEnv -> Maybe LibEnv
mergeHistories cnt lenNewHistory libEnv =
let (numChanges,newProofstatus) = mergeHistoriesAux cnt lenNewHistory
(Map.keys libEnv) libEnv
in if numChanges > 0 then
Just newProofstatus
else Nothing
{- | auxiliary method for mergeHistories:
determined the library names and recursively applies mergeHistory -}
mergeHistoriesAux :: Int -> Int -> [LIB_NAME] -> LibEnv -> (Int, LibEnv)
mergeHistoriesAux _ _ [] proofstatus = (0, proofstatus)
mergeHistoriesAux cnt lenNewHistory (ln:list) proofstatus =
let ps = mergeHistory cnt lenNewHistory ln proofstatus
in case ps of
Just newProofstatus -> let
(i,finalProofstatus) = mergeHistoriesAux cnt lenNewHistory list
in (i+1,finalProofstatus)
Nothing -> mergeHistoriesAux cnt lenNewHistory list proofstatus
{- | merges the new history elements of a single library
to one new history elemebt-}
mergeHistory :: Int -> Int -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Maybe LibEnv
mergeHistory cnt lenNewHistory ln proofstatus =
let history = lookupHistory ln proofstatus
(newHistoryPart, oldHistory) = splitAt (lenNewHistory+cnt) history
in if null (concatMap snd $ take lenNewHistory newHistoryPart)
&& cnt == 1 then
let (dgrules, changes) = concatHistoryElems (reverse newHistoryPart)
newHistoryElem = (dgrules, removeContraryChanges changes)
newHistory = newHistoryElem:oldHistory
in Just $ Map.update (\ c -> Just c { proofHistory = newHistory })
ln proofstatus
{- | concats the given history elements to one history element-}
concatHistoryElems :: [([DGRule],[DGChange])] -> ([DGRule],[DGChange])
concatHistoryElems [] = ([], [])
concatHistoryElems ((dgrules, changes) : elems) =
(dgrules ++ fst (concatHistoryElems elems),
changes ++ snd (concatHistoryElems elems))