AbstractState.hs revision db5f94b6009ee3a1a4f62a3bd1583a7b3ee96db8
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : State data structure used by the goal management GUI.
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2005-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : luecke@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
The 'ProofState' data structure abstracts the GUI implementation details
away by allowing callback function to use it as the sole input and output.
It is also used by the CMDL interface.
module Proofs.AbstractState
( ProverOrConsChecker (..)
, G_prover (..)
, G_proof_tree (..)
, getProverName
, getCcName
, getCcBatch
, coerceProver
, G_cons_checker (..)
, coerceConsChecker
, ProofActions (..)
, ProofState (..)
, sublogicOfTheory
, logicId
, initialState
, resetSelection
, toAxioms
, getAxioms
, getGoals
, recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory
, markProved
, G_theory_with_prover (..)
, G_theory_with_cons_checker (..)
, prepareForProving
, prepareForConsChecking
, isSubElemG
, pathToComorphism
, getAllProvers
, getUsableProvers
, getConsCheckers
, getAllConsCheckers
, lookupKnownProver
, lookupKnownConsChecker
, autoProofAtNode
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.Result as Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Utils
import Common.GraphAlgo (yen)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Comorphisms.KnownProvers
import Static.GTheory
-- import Interfaces.DataTypes (IntState)
-- * Provers
data ProverOrConsChecker = Prover G_prover
| ConsChecker G_cons_checker
deriving (Show)
-- | provers and consistency checkers for specific logics
data G_prover =
forall lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
. Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> G_prover lid (Prover sign sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree)
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_prover where
show = getProverName
getProverName :: G_prover -> String
getProverName (G_prover _ p) = proverName p
usable :: G_prover -> IO Bool
usable (G_prover _ p) = fmap isNothing $ proverUsable p
coerceProver ::
( Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
, Monad m )
=> lid1 -> lid2 -> String
-> Prover sign1 sentence1 morphism1 sublogics1 proof_tree1
-> m (Prover sign2 sentence2 morphism2 sublogics2 proof_tree2)
coerceProver = primCoerce
data G_cons_checker =
forall lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
. Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> G_cons_checker lid
(ConsChecker sign sentence sublogics morphism proof_tree)
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show G_cons_checker where
show _ = "G_cons_checker "
getCcName :: G_cons_checker -> String
getCcName (G_cons_checker _ p) = ccName p
getCcBatch :: G_cons_checker -> Bool
getCcBatch (G_cons_checker _ p) = ccBatch p
usableCC :: G_cons_checker -> IO Bool
usableCC (G_cons_checker _ p) = fmap isNothing $ ccUsable p
coerceConsChecker ::
( Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
, Monad m )
=> lid1 -> lid2 -> String
-> ConsChecker sign1 sentence1 sublogics1 morphism1 proof_tree1
-> m (ConsChecker sign2 sentence2 sublogics2 morphism2 proof_tree2)
coerceConsChecker = primCoerce
-- | provers and consistency checkers for specific logics
data G_proof_tree =
forall lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
. Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> G_proof_tree lid proof_tree
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_proof_tree where
show (G_proof_tree _ pt) = show pt
-- | Possible actions for GUI which are manipulating ProofState
data ProofActions = ProofActions {
-- | called whenever the "Prove" button is clicked
proveF :: ProofState
-> IO (Result.Result ProofState),
-- | called whenever the "More fine grained selection" button is clicked
fineGrainedSelectionF :: ProofState
-> IO (Result.Result ProofState),
-- | called whenever a (de-)selection occured for updating sublogic
recalculateSublogicF :: ProofState
-> IO ProofState
{- |
Represents the global state of the prover GUI.
data ProofState =
{ -- | theory name
theoryName :: String,
-- | Grothendieck theory
currentTheory :: G_theory,
-- | currently known provers
proversMap :: KnownProversMap,
-- | currently selected goals
selectedGoals :: [String],
-- | axioms to include for the proof
includedAxioms :: [String],
-- | theorems to include for the proof
includedTheorems :: [String],
-- | whether a prover is running or not
proverRunning :: Bool,
-- | accumulated Diagnosis during Proofs
accDiags :: [Diagnosis],
-- | comorphisms fitting with sublogic of this G_theory
comorphismsToProvers :: [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)],
-- | which prover (if any) is currently selected
selectedProver :: Maybe String,
-- | which consistency checker (if any) is currently selected
selectedConsChecker :: Maybe String,
-- | theory based on selected goals, axioms and proven theorems
selectedTheory :: G_theory
} deriving Show
resetSelection :: ProofState -> ProofState
resetSelection s = case currentTheory s of
G_theory _ _ _ _ sens _ ->
let (aMap, gMap) = OMap.partition isAxiom sens
gs = Map.keys gMap
in s
{ selectedGoals = Map.keys gMap
, includedAxioms = Map.keys aMap
, includedTheorems = gs }
toAxioms :: ProofState -> [String]
toAxioms = map (\ (k, wTh) -> if wTh then "(Th) " ++ k else k)
. getAxioms
getAxioms :: ProofState -> [(String, Bool)]
getAxioms = getThAxioms . currentTheory
getGoals :: ProofState -> [(String, Maybe BasicProof)]
getGoals = getThGoals . currentTheory
{- |
Creates an initial State.
initialState :: String
-> G_theory
-> KnownProversMap
-> ProofState
initialState thN th pm = resetSelection
{ theoryName = thN
, currentTheory = th
, proversMap = pm
, selectedGoals = []
, includedAxioms = []
, includedTheorems = []
, proverRunning = False
, accDiags = []
, comorphismsToProvers = []
, selectedProver =
let prvs = Map.keys pm
in if null prvs
then Nothing
if defaultGUIProver `elem` prvs
then Just defaultGUIProver
else Nothing
, selectedConsChecker = Nothing
, selectedTheory = th }
logicId :: ProofState -> String
logicId s = case currentTheory s of
G_theory lid _ _ _ _ _ -> language_name lid
sublogicOfTheory :: ProofState -> G_sublogics
sublogicOfTheory = sublogicOfTh . selectedTheory
data G_theory_with_cons_checker =
forall lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
. Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> G_theory_with_cons_checker lid
(TheoryMorphism sign sentence morphism proof_tree)
(ConsChecker sign sentence sublogics morphism proof_tree)
-- | a Grothendieck pair of prover and theory which are in the same logic
data G_theory_with_prover =
forall lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
. Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> G_theory_with_prover lid
(Theory sign sentence proof_tree)
(Prover sign sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree)
data GPlainTheory =
forall lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
. Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> GPlainTheory lid (Theory sign sentence proof_tree)
prepareForConsChecking :: ProofState
-> (G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)
-> Result G_theory_with_cons_checker
prepareForConsChecking st (G_cons_checker lid4 p, co) = do
GPlainTheory lidT th@(Theory sign'' _) <- prepareTheory st co
incl <- subsig_inclusion lidT (empty_signature lidT) sign''
let mor = TheoryMorphism
{ tSource = emptyTheory lidT
, tTarget = th
, tMorphism = incl }
p' <- coerceConsChecker lid4 lidT "" p
return $ G_theory_with_cons_checker lidT mor p'
prepareTheory :: ProofState -> AnyComorphism -> Result GPlainTheory
prepareTheory st (Comorphism cid) = case selectedTheory st of
G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sign _) _ sens _ -> do
bTh' <- coerceBasicTheory lid (sourceLogic cid)
"Proofs.AbstractState.prepareTheory: basic theory"
(sign, toNamedList sens)
(sign'', sens'') <- wrapMapTheory cid bTh'
return . GPlainTheory (targetLogic cid) . Theory sign''
$ toThSens sens''
{- | prepare the selected theory of the state for proving with the
given prover:
* translation along the comorphism
* all coercions
* the lid is valid for the prover and the translated theory
prepareForProving :: ProofState
-> (G_prover, AnyComorphism)
-> Result G_theory_with_prover
prepareForProving st (G_prover lid4 p, co) = do
GPlainTheory lidT th <- prepareTheory st co
p' <- coerceProver lid4 lidT "" p
return $ G_theory_with_prover lidT th p'
-- | creates the currently selected theory
makeSelectedTheory :: ProofState -> G_theory
makeSelectedTheory s = case currentTheory s of
G_theory lid syn sig si sens _ ->
-- axiom map, goal map
let (aMap, gMap) = OMap.partition isAxiom sens
-- proven goals map
pMap = OMap.filter isProvenSenStatus gMap
G_theory lid syn sig si
[ filterMapWithList (selectedGoals s) gMap
, filterMapWithList (includedAxioms s) aMap
, markAsAxiom True $ filterMapWithList (includedTheorems s) pMap
]) startThId
{- |
recalculation of sublogic upon (de)selection of goals, axioms and
proven theorems
recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory :: ProofState -> ProofState
recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory st = let
sTh = makeSelectedTheory st
sLo = sublogicOfTh sTh
in st
{ selectedTheory = sTh
, proversMap = shrinkKnownProvers sLo $ proversMap st }
getConsCheckers :: [AnyComorphism] -> IO [(G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)]
getConsCheckers = filterM (usableCC . fst) . getAllConsCheckers
getAllConsCheckers :: [AnyComorphism] -> [(G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)]
getAllConsCheckers = concatMap (\ cm@(Comorphism cid) ->
map (\ cc -> (G_cons_checker (targetLogic cid) cc, cm))
$ cons_checkers $ targetLogic cid)
lookupKnownConsChecker :: Monad m => ProofState
-> m (G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)
lookupKnownConsChecker st =
let sl = sublogicOfTh (selectedTheory st)
mt = do
pr_s <- selectedConsChecker st
ps <- Map.lookup pr_s (proversMap st)
return (pr_s, ps)
matchingCC s (gp, _) = case gp of
G_cons_checker _ p -> ccName p == s
findCC (pr_n, cms) =
case filter (matchingCC pr_n) $ getAllConsCheckers
$ filter (lessSublogicComor sl) cms of
[] -> fail ("CMDL.ProverConsistency.lookupKnownConsChecker" ++
": no consistency checker found")
p : _ -> return p
in maybe ( fail ("CMDL.ProverConsistency.lookupKnownConsChecker: " ++
"no matching known prover")) findCC mt
lookupKnownProver :: Monad m => ProofState -> ProverKind
-> m (G_prover, AnyComorphism)
lookupKnownProver st pk =
let sl = sublogicOfTh (selectedTheory st)
mt = do -- Monad Maybe
pr_s <- selectedProver st
ps <- Map.lookup pr_s (proversMap st)
return (pr_s, ps)
matchingPr s (gp, _) = case gp of
G_prover _ p -> proverName p == s
findProver (pr_n, cms) =
case filter (matchingPr pr_n) $ getProvers pk sl
$ filter (lessSublogicComor sl) cms of
[] -> fail "Proofs.InferBasic: no prover found"
p : _ -> return p
in maybe (fail "Proofs.InferBasic: no matching known prover")
findProver mt
-- | Pairs each target prover of these comorphisms with its comorphism
getProvers :: ProverKind -> G_sublogics -> [AnyComorphism]
-> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getProvers pk (G_sublogics lid sl) =
foldl addProvers [] where
addProvers acc cm = case cm of
Comorphism cid -> let
slid = sourceLogic cid
tlid = targetLogic cid
in acc ++ foldl
(\ l p ->
if hasProverKind pk p
&& language_name lid == language_name slid
&& maybe False (flip isSubElem $ proverSublogic p)
(mapSublogic cid $ forceCoerceSublogic lid slid sl)
then (G_prover tlid p, cm) : l else l)
[] (provers tlid)
knownProvers :: LogicGraph -> ProverKind -> Map.Map G_sublogics [G_prover]
knownProvers lg pk =
let l = Map.elems $ logics lg
in foldl (\ m (Logic lid) -> foldl (\ m' p ->
let lgx = G_sublogics lid (proverSublogic p)
p' = G_prover lid p
in case Map.lookup lgx m' of
Just ps -> Map.insert lgx (p' : ps) m'
Nothing -> Map.insert lgx [p'] m') m $
filter (hasProverKind pk)
(provers lid)) Map.empty l
unsafeCompComorphism :: AnyComorphism -> AnyComorphism -> AnyComorphism
unsafeCompComorphism c1 c2 = case compComorphism c1 c2 of
Result _ (Just c_new) -> c_new
r -> propagateErrors "Proofs.AbstractState.unsafeCompComorphism" r
isSubElemG :: G_sublogics -> G_sublogics -> Bool
isSubElemG (G_sublogics lid sl) (G_sublogics lid1 sl1) =
Logic lid == Logic lid1 &&
isSubElem sl (Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce sl1)
pathToComorphism :: ([((G_sublogics, t1), AnyComorphism)], (G_sublogics, t))
-> AnyComorphism
pathToComorphism (path, (G_sublogics lid sub, _)) =
case path of
[] -> Comorphism $ mkIdComorphism lid sub
((G_sublogics lid1 sub1, _), c) : cs ->
foldl unsafeCompComorphism
(Comorphism $ mkIdComorphism lid1 sub1)
(c : snd (unzip cs))
getUsableProvers :: ProverKind -> G_sublogics -> LogicGraph
-> IO [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getUsableProvers pk start =
filterM (usable . fst) . getAllProvers pk start
getAllProvers :: ProverKind -> G_sublogics -> LogicGraph
-> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getAllProvers pk start lg =
let kp = knownProvers lg pk
g = logicGraph2Graph lg
in concatMap (mkComorphism kp) $
concatMap (\ end ->
yen 10 (start, Nothing) (\ (l, _) -> isSubElemG l end) g)
(Map.keys kp)
mkComorphism :: Map.Map G_sublogics [t2]
-> ([((G_sublogics, t1), AnyComorphism)], (G_sublogics, t))
-> [(t2, AnyComorphism)]
mkComorphism kp path@(_, (end, _)) =
let fullComorphism = pathToComorphism path
cs = Map.toList $ Map.filterWithKey (\ l _ -> isSubElemG end l) kp
in concatMap (\ x -> case x of
(_, ps) -> map (\ p -> (p, fullComorphism)) ps) cs
{- | the list of proof statuses is integrated into the goalMap of the state
after validation of the Disproved Statuses -}
markProved ::
( Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree )
=> AnyComorphism -> lid -> [ProofStatus proof_tree]
-> ProofState
-> ProofState
markProved c lid status st = st
{ currentTheory = markProvedGoalMap c lid status (currentTheory st) }
-- | mark all newly proven goals with their proof tree
markProvedGoalMap ::
( Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree )
=> AnyComorphism -> lid -> [ProofStatus proof_tree]
-> G_theory -> G_theory
markProvedGoalMap c lid status th = case th of
G_theory lid1 syn sig si thSens _ ->
let updStat ps s = Just $
s { senAttr = ThmStatus $ (c, BasicProof lid ps) : thmStatus s }
upd pStat = OMap.update (updStat pStat) (goalName pStat)
in G_theory lid1 syn sig si (foldl (flip upd) thSens status)
autoProofAtNode ::
-- use theorems is subsequent proofs
-- Timeout Limit
-> Int
-- selected goals
-> [String]
-- selected axioms
-> [String]
-- Node selected for proving
-> G_theory
-- selected Prover and Comorphism
-> ( G_prover, AnyComorphism )
-- returns new GoalStatus for the Node
-> ResultT IO ((G_theory, [(String, String, String)]),
(ProofState, [ProofStatus G_proof_tree]))
autoProofAtNode useTh timeout goals axioms g_th p_cm = do
let knpr = propagateErrors "autoProofAtNode"
$ knownProversWithKind ProveCMDLautomatic
pf_st = initialState "" g_th knpr
sg_st = if null goals then pf_st else pf_st
{ selectedGoals = filter (`elem` goals) $ selectedGoals pf_st }
sa_st = if null axioms then sg_st else sg_st
{ includedAxioms = filter (`elem` axioms) $ includedAxioms sg_st }
st = recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory sa_st
-- try to prepare the theory
if null $ selectedGoals st then fail "autoProofAtNode: no goals selected"
else do
(G_theory_with_prover lid1 th p) <- liftR $ prepareForProving st p_cm
case proveCMDLautomaticBatch p of
Nothing ->
fail "autoProofAtNode: failed to init CMDLautomaticBatch"
Just fn -> do
let encapsulate_pt ps =
ps {proofTree = G_proof_tree lid1 $ proofTree ps}
d <- lift $ do
-- mVar to poll the prover for results
answ <- newMVar (return [])
(_, mV) <- fn useTh False answ (theoryName st)
(TacticScript $ show timeout) th []
takeMVar mV
takeMVar answ
case maybeResult d of
Nothing -> fail "autoProofAtNode: proving failed"
Just d' ->
return (( currentTheory $ markProved (snd p_cm) lid1 d' st
, map (\ ps -> ( goalName ps
, show $ goalStatus ps
, show $ proofTree ps)) d')
, (st, map encapsulate_pt d'))