db_mapping.txt revision a389e88e0acb83d8489bdc5e55bc5522b152bbec
documentation of the mapping of Hets/DG datatypes to the database
Symbols in this document:
[ ] means: Not done yet
[x] means: Done
[o] means: nothing to do - just an explanation
[-] means: partially done
[?] means: there is an open question
Hets - database
[o] LibEnv - need not be represented in the database
[x] instead, all contained (LibName,DGraph)s will be stored as Documents
[x] proceed from the leaves of the LibEnv graph to the top. Then each DGRef can be resolved.
[x] Note that the current Document is needed in all contained OMS and Mappings.
[x] call getLibDepRel in order to compute (and then store) dependency relation on Documents
(LibName,DGraph) - Document
[x] LibName: store version and both IRIs (one is the location, one is the id of the Document)
[o] globalAnnos - leave for later
[o] optLibDefn - leave for later
[o] globalEnv - leave for later
[-] dgBody - go through the graph and represent all nodes and edges, and these
link to the respective Document. Hence a DGraph can be recovered using all nodes and edges of a given Document
[o] currentBaseTheory - ignore
[o] refTree - leave for later
[o] specRoots - ignore
[o] nameMap - ignore
[o] archSpecDiags - leave for later
[o] getNewEdgeId - ignore
[o] allRefNodes - ignore
[x] sigMap - use it in order to index signatures of a document (avoid duplicates)
[?] thMap - use it in order to index OMS of a document (avoid duplicates)
optionally add association OMS -- Theory -- Sentence
[x] morMap - use it in order to index signature morphisms of a document (avoid duplicates)
[o] proofHistory - ignore
[o] redoHistory - ignore
[x] Range - Range [S]
[x] only two Pos are needed, and only one filename
[x] NodeName - NodeName
[o] xpath is caching information and can be ignored
[x] DGOrigin - OMSOrigin
[x] just an enumeration (additional data can be ignored)
[x] Conservativtiy - String (for Unknown, take the argument string)
[x] ConsStatus - ConsStatus represent 2x Conservativtiy, omit ThmLinkStatus
[-] (DGNodeLab,Node) - OMS (create a new OMS only if nodeInfo is a DGNode)
[x] note that Node is just an integer, pointing to a development graph node, aka OMS
[x] dgn_theory: the G_theory can be represented inline:
[x] gTheoryLogic, gTheorySign can be stored as Signature
[x] gTheorySyntax is stored as an assoication to Serialization
only fill the url, there can be one or none
[x] gTheorySignIdx, gTheorySelfIdx is the index of the theory in thMap above (use it to avoid duplicates)
[x] gTheorySens is stored as an assoication to Sentence. The proof info can be ignored
[o] globalTheory is caching information and can be ignored
[x] labelHasHiding should be represented
[x] labelHasFree should be represented
[x] dgn_nf pointer to OMS
[x] dgn_sigma :: Maybe GMorphism -- inclusion of signature into nf signature
[x] dgn_freenf pointer to OMS
[x] dgn_phi :: Maybe GMorphism -- morphism from signature to nffree signature
[x] nodeInfo respent directly:
[x] DGNode
[x] node_origin represent as enumeration
[x] node_cons_status repredent as ConsStatus
[x] DGRef - here, no new OMS needs be created. Instead, lookup the ref_node (pointer to OMS)
[o] nodeMod - can be ignored
[o] xnode - can be ignored
[o] dgn_lock - can be ignored
[o] (dgn_symbolpathlist - can be ignored)
[x] an OMS should also contain a pointer (association) to its Document, which can be obtained through the enclosing LibEnv
[x] G_theory - represented only as part of OMS
[x] G_sign - Signature
[x] gSignLogic the logic, store it
[x] gSign
[x] plainSign Store signature as XML string or JSON.
[x] nonImportedSymbols indicates whether a symbol has been imported or not. Store it using an association class SignatureSymbol
[x] gSignSelfIdx is the index of the signature in sigMap above (use it to avoid duplicates)
[x] (DGLinkLab,Node,Node) - Mapping
[x] dgl_morphism see GMorphism
[x] dgl_type - represent only the enumerations, ConsStatus: see above
[x] dgl_origin - use an enumeration
[x] dglPending - store
[o] dgl_id - ingore
[x] dglName - store
[x] MaybeNode - pointer to OMS
[x] should we use inheritance table or not?
[?] in case of EmptyNode create a new OMS with empty signature and given logic (if not existing yet) - make the target null at first
[?] each logic should point to an OMS with the empty signature over that logic (association from Logic to Signature) - Leave it out at first.
[x] GMorphism - SignatureMorphism
[x] gMorphismComor - store as LogicMapping
[o] gMorphismSign - ignore
[o] gMorphismSignIdx - ignore
[x] gMorphismMor - Store as XML string or JSON.
[x] gMorphismMorIdx - use it to eliminate duplicates, using morMap above
[x] Signature to JSON: Is the symbols function in ToJson the correct one?
anwer: yes
[x] There is no SymbolMapping in the schema.
use Logic.Logic.symmap_of
[ ] languageStandardizationStatus = "TODO" -- TODO: add to class Logic
create a ticket for till
[ ] languageDefinedBy = "registry" -- TODO: add to class Logic
leave it for till - #1753
[x] use options to determine Document Kind