LogicGraph.hs revision a389e88e0acb83d8489bdc5e55bc5522b152bbec
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackmodule Persistence.LogicGraph ( migrateLogicGraphKey
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack , exportLogicGraph
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack , findOrCreateLogic
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack , findOrCreateLanguageMappingAndLogicMapping
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack ) where
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Persistence.Database
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Persistence.Schema as SchemaClass
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Persistence.Utils
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport qualified Comorphisms.LogicGraph as LogicGraph (logicGraph)
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Driver.Options
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Driver.Version
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Logic.Grothendieck
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Logic.Logic as Logic
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Logic.Comorphism as Comorphism
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Control.Monad (unless)
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mackimport Database.Persist
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel MackmigrateLogicGraphKey :: String
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel MackmigrateLogicGraphKey = "migrateLogicGraph"
1433efd219a6df414a1821b3d3d70d86201ed3e4Lennart Poettering
1433efd219a6df414a1821b3d3d70d86201ed3e4Lennart PoetteringexportLogicGraph :: HetcatsOpts -> IO ()
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel MackexportLogicGraph opts =
f3c4724635951c5b8a2b3f3c3f25798ce4d290cdDaniel Mack onDatabase (databaseConfig opts) $
5e2de0eb1dff7bb86b40c16a0a9c9c4de33e77d1Daniel Mack advisoryLocked opts migrateLogicGraphKey $ migrateLogicGraph opts
migrateLogicGraph :: MonadIO m => HetcatsOpts -> DBMonad m ()
migrateLogicGraph opts = do
let versionKeyName = "lastMigratedVersion"
lastMigratedVersionM <- selectFirst [HetsKey ==. versionKeyName] []
case lastMigratedVersionM of
Nothing ->
insert (Hets versionKeyName hetsVersionNumeric) >> migrateLogicGraph' opts
Just (Entity _ value) ->
unless (hetsValue value == hetsVersionNumeric) $ migrateLogicGraph' opts
migrateLogicGraph' :: MonadIO m => HetcatsOpts -> DBMonad m ()
migrateLogicGraph' opts = do
exportLanguagesAndLogics opts LogicGraph.logicGraph
exportLanguageMappingsAndLogicMappings opts LogicGraph.logicGraph
-- Export all Languages and Logics. Add those that have been added since a
-- previous version of Hets. This does not delete Languages or Logics.
exportLanguagesAndLogics :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LogicGraph -> DBMonad m ()
exportLanguagesAndLogics opts logicGraph =
mapM_ (\ (Logic.Logic lid) -> do
languageKey <- findOrCreateLanguage lid
mapM_ (findOrCreateLogic opts languageKey lid) $ all_sublogics lid
) $ logics logicGraph
findOrCreateLanguage :: ( MonadIO m
, Logic.Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence
symb_items symb_map_items sign morphism symbol
raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> DBMonad m LanguageId
findOrCreateLanguage lid = do
let languageSlugS = parameterize $ show lid
languageM <- selectFirst [LanguageSlug ==. languageSlugS] []
case languageM of
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
Nothing -> insert Language
{ languageSlug = languageSlugS
, languageName = show lid
, languageDescription = description lid
, languageStandardizationStatus = "TODO" -- TODO: add to class Logic
, languageDefinedBy = "registry" -- TODO: add to class Logic (URL)
findOrCreateLogic :: ( MonadIO m
, Logic.Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence
symb_items symb_map_items sign morphism symbol
raw_symbol proof_tree
=> HetcatsOpts -> LanguageId -> lid -> sublogics
-> DBMonad m LogicId
findOrCreateLogic opts languageKey lid sublogic = do
let logicNameS = sublogicNameForDB lid sublogic
let logicSlugS = parameterize logicNameS
logicM <- selectFirst [LogicSlug ==. logicSlugS] []
case logicM of
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
Nothing ->
-- This is a two-staged process to save some performance:
-- Case 1: If the logic existed beforehand, then we don't lock the
-- database and return the logic ID. This is expected to happen very
-- frequently.
-- Case 2: If the logic did not exist at this point, we need to create
-- it atomically. To do this, we do a find-or-create pattern inside a
-- mutex. This is expected to happen only a few times.
advisoryLocked opts migrateLogicGraphKey $ do
logicM' <- selectFirst [LogicSlug ==. logicSlugS] []
case logicM' of
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
Nothing -> insert SchemaClass.Logic
{ logicLanguageId = languageKey
, logicSlug = logicSlugS
, logicName = logicNameS
-- Export all LanguageMappings and LogicMappings. Add those that have been added
-- since a previous version of Hets. This does not delete any of the old
-- mappings.
exportLanguageMappingsAndLogicMappings :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts
-> LogicGraph -> DBMonad m ()
exportLanguageMappingsAndLogicMappings opts logicGraph =
mapM_ (findOrCreateLanguageMappingAndLogicMapping opts) $
comorphisms logicGraph
findOrCreateLanguageMappingAndLogicMapping :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> AnyComorphism
-> DBMonad m ( LanguageMappingId
, LogicMappingId
findOrCreateLanguageMappingAndLogicMapping opts (Comorphism.Comorphism cid) =
let sourceLanguageSlugS = parameterize $ show $ sourceLogic cid
targetLanguageSlugS = parameterize $ show $ targetLogic cid
in do
-- Find the IDs in the databases:
Just (Entity sourceLanguageKey _) <-
selectFirst [LanguageSlug ==. sourceLanguageSlugS] []
Just (Entity targetLanguageKey _) <-
selectFirst [LanguageSlug ==. targetLanguageSlugS] []
sourceLogicKey <-
findOrCreateLogic opts sourceLanguageKey (sourceLogic cid) $ sourceSublogic cid
targetLogicKey <-
findOrCreateLogic opts targetLanguageKey (targetLogic cid) $ targetSublogic cid
languageMappingKey <-
findOrCreateLanguageMapping sourceLanguageKey targetLanguageKey
logicMappingKey <-
findOrCreateLogicMapping sourceLogicKey targetLogicKey languageMappingKey $ Comorphism.Comorphism cid
return (languageMappingKey, logicMappingKey)
findOrCreateLanguageMapping :: MonadIO m
=> LanguageId -> LanguageId
-> DBMonad m LanguageMappingId
findOrCreateLanguageMapping sourceLanguageKey targetLanguageKey = do
languageMappingM <-
selectFirst [ LanguageMappingSourceId ==. sourceLanguageKey
, LanguageMappingTargetId ==. targetLanguageKey
] []
case languageMappingM of
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
Nothing -> insert LanguageMapping
{ languageMappingSourceId = sourceLanguageKey
, languageMappingTargetId = targetLanguageKey
findOrCreateLogicMapping :: MonadIO m
=> LogicId -> LogicId -> LanguageMappingId -> AnyComorphism
-> DBMonad m LogicMappingId
findOrCreateLogicMapping sourceLogicKey targetLogicKey languageMappingKey (Comorphism.Comorphism cid) = do
let name = language_name cid
let logicMappingSlugS = parameterize name
logicMappingM <-
selectFirst [ LogicMappingLanguageMappingId ==. languageMappingKey
, LogicMappingSlug ==. logicMappingSlugS
] []
case logicMappingM of
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
Nothing -> insert LogicMapping
{ logicMappingLanguageMappingId = languageMappingKey
, logicMappingSourceId = sourceLogicKey
, logicMappingTargetId = targetLogicKey
, logicMappingSlug = logicMappingSlugS
, logicMappingName = name
, logicMappingIsInclusion = isInclusionComorphism cid
, logicMappingHasModelExpansion = has_model_expansion cid
, logicMappingIsWeaklyAmalgamable = is_weakly_amalgamable cid
sublogicNameForDB :: Logic.Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence symb_items
symb_map_items sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> sublogics -> String
sublogicNameForDB lid sublogic =
let hetsName = sublogicName sublogic
in if null hetsName then show lid else hetsName