DevGraph.hs revision a389e88e0acb83d8489bdc5e55bc5522b152bbec
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{- |
Module : ./Persistence.DevGraph.hs
Copyright : (c) Uni Magdeburg 2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Eugen Kuksa <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Persistence.DevGraph (exportLibEnv) where
import Persistence.Database
import Persistence.DevGraph.Cleaning
import Persistence.Diagnosis
import Persistence.FileVersion
import Persistence.LogicGraph
import Persistence.Schema as SchemaClass
import Persistence.Schema.MappingOrigin (MappingOrigin)
import qualified Persistence.Schema.MappingOrigin as MappingOrigin
import Persistence.Range
import Persistence.Schema.MappingType (MappingType)
import qualified Persistence.Schema.Enums as Enums
import qualified Persistence.Schema.EvaluationStateType as EvaluationStateType
import qualified Persistence.Schema.MappingType as MappingType
import Persistence.Schema.OMSOrigin (OMSOrigin)
import qualified Persistence.Schema.OMSOrigin as OMSOrigin
import qualified Persistence.Schema.ReasoningStatusOnConjectureType as ReasoningStatusOnConjectureType
import Persistence.Utils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Consistency
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.FileType
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI (IRI (..), setAngles)
import Common.Json (ppJson)
import Common.Lib.Graph as Graph hiding (nodeLabel)
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Graph (nodeLabel)
import Common.Lib.Rel (Rel)
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result (maybeResult, Diagnosis(..), DiagKind(..))
import Common.ResultT (runResultT)
import Common.Utils
import Driver.Options
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck hiding (gMorphism)
import Logic.Logic as Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Static.DevGraph hiding (getLogic)
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.GTheory
import qualified Static.ToJson as ToJson
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (foldM, foldM_, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Char (toLower)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, stripPrefix)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql
-- TODO: replace this by the `symbol` type variable and find a string representation that is unique such that there can be a unique index in the database
type SymbolMapIndex = (String, String) -- (SymbolKind, FullSymbolName)
data DBCache = DBCache
{ documentMap :: Map LibName LocIdBaseId -- Here, LocIdBaseId is DocumentId
, nodeMap :: Map (LibName, Node) (LocIdBaseId, SignatureId) -- Here, LocIdBaseId is OMSId
, signatureMap :: Map (LibName, SigId) SignatureId
, signatureMorphismMap :: Map (LibName, MorId)
(SignatureMorphismId, [SymbolMappingId], GMorphism)
, symbolKeyMap :: Map (LibName, Int, SymbolMapIndex) LocIdBaseId -- Here, LocIdBaseId is SymbolId
} deriving Show
emptyDBCache :: DBCache
emptyDBCache = DBCache { documentMap = Map.empty
, nodeMap = Map.empty
, signatureMap = Map.empty
, signatureMorphismMap = Map.empty
, symbolKeyMap = Map.empty
exportLibEnv :: HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> IO ()
exportLibEnv opts libEnv = do
onDatabase dbConfig $
setFileVersionState dbContext EvaluationStateType.Processing
Control.Exception.catch export saveErrorAndRethrow
dbConfig = databaseConfig opts
dbContext = databaseContext opts
export :: IO ()
export = onDatabase dbConfig $ do
let dependencyLibNameRel = getLibDepRel libEnv
let dependencyOrderedLibsSetL = Rel.depSort dependencyLibNameRel
dbCache1 <-
createDocuments opts libEnv emptyDBCache dependencyOrderedLibsSetL
createDocumentLinks dbCache1 dependencyLibNameRel
setFileVersionState dbContext EvaluationStateType.FinishedSuccessfully
return ()
saveErrorAndRethrow :: SomeException -> IO ()
saveErrorAndRethrow exception = do
let message = show exception
saveDiagnoses dbConfig dbContext 5 [Diag { diagKind = Error
, diagString = message
, diagPos = nullRange
fail message
createDocuments :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> DBCache -> [Set LibName]
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createDocuments opts libEnv dbCache0 dependencyOrderedLibsSetL = do
fileVersion <- getFileVersion $ databaseContext opts
dbCache1 <-
createDocumentsInDependencyRelation opts libEnv fileVersion dbCache0 $
reverse dependencyOrderedLibsSetL
createDocumentsThatAreIndependent opts libEnv fileVersion dbCache1
createDocumentsInDependencyRelation :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv
-> Entity FileVersion -> DBCache -> [Set LibName]
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createDocumentsInDependencyRelation opts libEnv fileVersion =
(\ outerAcc libNameSet ->
(\ dbCacheAcc libName ->
createDocument opts libEnv fileVersion dbCacheAcc libName
) outerAcc libNameSet
createDocumentsThatAreIndependent :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv
-> Entity FileVersion -> DBCache
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createDocumentsThatAreIndependent opts libEnv fileVersion dbCache =
(\ dbCacheAcc libName ->
let alreadyInserted = isJust $ Map.lookup libName $ documentMap dbCacheAcc
in if alreadyInserted
then return dbCacheAcc
else createDocument opts libEnv fileVersion dbCacheAcc libName
) dbCache $ Map.keys libEnv
createDocument :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> Entity FileVersion -> DBCache
-> LibName -> DBMonad m DBCache
createDocument opts libEnv parentFileVersion dbCache0 libName =
let dGraph = fromJust $ Map.lookup libName libEnv
globalAnnotations = globalAnnos dGraph
name = show $ pretty $ getLibId libName
displayName = show $ setAngles False $ getLibId libName
location = fmap show $ locIRI libName
version = fmap (intercalate "." . (\ (VersionNumber v _) -> v)) $
libVersion libName
locId = locIdOfDocument opts location displayName
in do
-- We need to find the FileVersion of the corresponding document
-- if it is located inside the libdir.
fileVersionKey <- findFileVersionByPath opts parentFileVersion location
kind <- kindOfDocument opts location
let fileVersionKeyS =
show $ unSqlBackendKey $ unFileVersionKey fileVersionKey
advisoryLocked opts (fileVersionKeyS ++ "-" ++ show kind ++ "-" ++ locId) $ do
documentM <- selectFirst [ LocIdBaseLocId ==. locId
, LocIdBaseFileVersionId ==. fileVersionKey
, LocIdBaseKind ==. kind
] []
case documentM of
Just document -> when (databaseReanalyze opts) $
Persistence.DevGraph.Cleaning.clean document
Nothing -> return ()
(doSave, documentKey, documentLocIdBaseValue) <-
case (databaseReanalyze opts, documentM) of
(False, Just (Entity documentKey documentLocIdBaseValue)) ->
return (False, documentKey, documentLocIdBaseValue)
_ -> do
let documentLocIdBaseValue = LocIdBase
{ locIdBaseFileVersionId = fileVersionKey
, locIdBaseKind = kind
, locIdBaseLocId = locId
documentKey <- insert documentLocIdBaseValue
let document = Document
{ documentDisplayName = displayName
, documentName = name
, documentLocation = location
, documentVersion = version
insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey documentKey) document]
return (True, documentKey, documentLocIdBaseValue)
let dbCache1 = addDocumentToCache libName documentKey dbCache0
createAllOmsOfDocument opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache1 doSave dGraph
globalAnnotations libName (Entity documentKey documentLocIdBaseValue)
locIdOfDocument :: HetcatsOpts -> Maybe String -> String -> String
locIdOfDocument opts location displayName =
let base = fromMaybe displayName location
in if null $ libdirs opts
then base
else fromMaybe base $ stripPrefix (firstLibdir opts) base
firstLibdir :: HetcatsOpts -> String
firstLibdir opts =
let libdir' = head $ libdirs opts
in if last libdir' == '/' then libdir' else libdir' ++ "/"
-- A FileVersion only exists for the commit that actually changed the file, but
-- the file itself also exists in future commits that changed other files.
-- This function finds the FileVersion of the file at `location` (i.e. the
-- commit that last changed that file).
findFileVersionByPath :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> Entity FileVersion -> Maybe String
-> DBMonad m FileVersionId
findFileVersionByPath opts (Entity fileVersionKey _) location =
let isInLibdir = not (null $ libdirs opts)
&& isJust location
&& head (libdirs opts) `isPrefixOf` fromJust location
path = fromJust $ stripPrefix (firstLibdir opts) $ fromJust location
queryString = Text.pack (
++ "FROM file_versions "
++ "INNER JOIN file_version_parents "
++ " ON file_version_parents.last_changed_file_version_id = "
++ "INNER JOIN file_versions AS backreference "
++ " ON file_version_parents.queried_sha = backreference.commit_sha "
++ "WHERE (file_versions.path = ? "
++ " AND = ?);")
in if isInLibdir
then do
results <-
rawSql queryString [ toPersistValue path
, toPersistValue fileVersionKey
if null results
then return fileVersionKey
else return $ head results
else return fileVersionKey
-- Guess the kind of the Document. First, by the filepath only and then, by
-- searching for keywords in the content. If the type cannot be guessed,
-- default to Library.
kindOfDocument :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> Maybe FilePath -> m Enums.LocIdBaseKindType
kindOfDocument opts filepathM = case filepathM of
Nothing -> return Enums.Library
Just filepath -> case guess filepath (intype opts) of
GuessIn -> do
mimeR <-
liftIO $ runResultT $ getMagicFileType (Just "--mime-type") filepath
case maybeResult mimeR of
Just mime -> return $ determineTypeByMime mime
Nothing -> return Enums.Library
t -> return $ determineType t
determineType :: InType -> Enums.LocIdBaseKindType
determineType t = if show t `elem` ["casl", "het", "dol"]
then Enums.Library
else Enums.NativeDocument
determineTypeByMime :: String -> Enums.LocIdBaseKindType
determineTypeByMime t = if t `elem` ["text/casl", "text/het", "text/dol"]
then Enums.Library
else Enums.NativeDocument
createAllOmsOfDocument :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache
-> Bool -> DGraph -> GlobalAnnos -> LibName
-> Entity LocIdBase -> DBMonad m DBCache
createAllOmsOfDocument opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave dGraph
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase =
let labeledNodes = labNodes $ dgBody dGraph
labeledEdges = labEdges $ dgBody dGraph
in do
dbCache1 <- foldM
(\ dbCacheAcc labeledNode ->
fmap (\ (_, _, dbCache) -> dbCache) $
findOrCreateOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase labeledNode
) dbCache0 labeledNodes
(\ dbCacheAcc labeledEdge ->
createMapping opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase labeledEdge
) dbCache1 labeledEdges
findOrCreateOMSM :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool
-> GlobalAnnos -> LibName -> Entity LocIdBase -> Maybe Int
-> DBMonad m (Maybe LocIdBaseId, Maybe SignatureId, DBCache)
findOrCreateOMSM opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave globalAnnotations
libName documentLocIdBase nodeIdM =
case nodeIdM of
Nothing -> return (Nothing, Nothing, dbCache0)
Just nodeId ->
let nodeLabel = getNodeLabel libEnv libName nodeId
in do
(omsKey, signatureKey, dbCache1) <-
findOrCreateOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase (nodeId, nodeLabel)
return (Just omsKey, Just signatureKey, dbCache1)
findOrCreateOMS :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool
-> GlobalAnnos -> LibName -> Entity LocIdBase
-> (Int, DGNodeLab)
-> DBMonad m (LocIdBaseId, SignatureId, DBCache)
findOrCreateOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave globalAnnotations
libName documentLocIdBase (nodeId, nodeLabel) =
case cachedOMSKey libName nodeId dbCache0 of
Just (omsKey, signatureKey) -> return (omsKey, signatureKey, dbCache0)
Nothing -> case nodeInfo nodeLabel of
DGRef { ref_node = refNodeId
, ref_libname = refLibName
} -> do
let refNodeLabel = getNodeLabel libEnv refLibName refNodeId
(omsKey, signatureKey, dbCache1) <-
findOrCreateOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave
globalAnnotations refLibName documentLocIdBase (refNodeId, refNodeLabel)
return ( omsKey
, signatureKey
, addNodeToCache libName nodeId omsKey signatureKey dbCache1
DGNode _ consStatus -> do
omsKeyM <- findOMSAndSignature fileVersionKey documentLocIdBase nodeLabel
case (doSave, omsKeyM) of
(True, Just (omsKey, signatureKey)) ->
return ( omsKey
, signatureKey
, addNodeToCache libName nodeId omsKey signatureKey dbCache0
_ ->
createOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase (nodeId, nodeLabel)
createOMS :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool
-> GlobalAnnos -> LibName -> Entity LocIdBase -> (Int, DGNodeLab)
-> ConsStatus -> DBMonad m (LocIdBaseId, SignatureId, DBCache)
createOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave globalAnnotations libName
documentLocIdBase@(Entity documentKey _) (nodeId, nodeLabel) consStatus =
let gTheory = dgn_theory nodeLabel
internalNodeName = dgn_name nodeLabel
name = show $ getName internalNodeName
nameExtension = extString internalNodeName
nameExtensionIndex = extIndex internalNodeName
displayName = showName internalNodeName
locId = locIdOfOMS documentLocIdBase nodeLabel
in do
languageKey <- case gTheory of
G_theory { gTheoryLogic = lid } -> findLanguage lid
(signatureKey, signatureIsNew, dbCache1) <- case gTheory of
G_theory { gTheoryLogic = lid
, gTheorySignIdx = sigId
, gTheorySign = extSign
} -> do
omsKeyM <-
findOMSAndSignature fileVersionKey documentLocIdBase nodeLabel
case omsKeyM of
Just (_, signatureKey) ->
return ( signatureKey
, False
, addSignatureToCache libName sigId signatureKey dbCache0
Nothing ->
findOrCreateSignature dbCache0 libName lid extSign sigId
(normalFormKeyM, normalFormSignatureKeyM, dbCache2) <-
findOrCreateOMSM opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache1 doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase $ dgn_nf nodeLabel
(freeNormalFormKeyM, freeNormalFormSignatureKeyM, dbCache3) <-
findOrCreateOMSM opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache2 doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase $ dgn_freenf nodeLabel
(normalFormSignatureMorphismKeyM, _, dbCache4) <-
findOrCreateSignatureMorphismM opts libEnv dbCache3 doSave libName
(nodeId, dgn_nf nodeLabel) globalAnnotations
(signatureKey, normalFormSignatureKeyM) $
dgn_sigma nodeLabel
(freeNormalFormSignatureMorphismKeyM, _, dbCache5) <-
findOrCreateSignatureMorphismM opts libEnv dbCache4 doSave libName
(nodeId, dgn_freenf nodeLabel) globalAnnotations
(signatureKey, freeNormalFormSignatureKeyM) $
dgn_sigma nodeLabel
omsLocIdBaseEntity@(Entity omsKey _) <-
if not doSave
then do
omsM <- selectFirst [ LocIdBaseLocId ==. locId
, LocIdBaseFileVersionId ==. fileVersionKey
, LocIdBaseKind ==. Enums.OMS
] []
case omsM of
Just entity -> return entity
Nothing -> fail ("Persistence.DevGraph.createOMS: OMS not found"
++ locId)
else do
conservativityStatusKey <- createConservativityStatus consStatus
nodeNameRangeKey <- createRange $ srcRange internalNodeName
serializationKey <- case gTheory of
G_theory { gTheorySyntax = syntaxM } ->
findOrCreateSerializationM languageKey syntaxM
logicKey <- case sublogicOfTh gTheory of
G_sublogics lid sublogics -> findOrCreateLogic' opts lid sublogics
let omsLocIdBaseValue = LocIdBase
{ locIdBaseFileVersionId = fileVersionKey
, locIdBaseKind = Enums.OMS
, locIdBaseLocId = locId
omsKey <- insert omsLocIdBaseValue
let oms = OMS
{ oMSDocumentId = documentKey
, oMSLanguageId = languageKey
, oMSLogicId = logicKey
, oMSSerializationId = serializationKey
, oMSSignatureId = signatureKey
, oMSNormalFormId = normalFormKeyM
, oMSNormalFormSignatureMorphismId = normalFormSignatureMorphismKeyM
, oMSFreeNormalFormId = freeNormalFormKeyM
, oMSFreeNormalFormSignatureMorphismId = freeNormalFormSignatureMorphismKeyM
, oMSOrigin = omsOrigin
, oMSConservativityStatusId = conservativityStatusKey
, oMSNameFileRangeId = nodeNameRangeKey
, oMSDisplayName = displayName
, oMSName = name
, oMSNameExtension = nameExtension
, oMSNameExtensionIndex = nameExtensionIndex
, oMSLabelHasHiding = labelHasHiding nodeLabel
, oMSLabelHasFree = labelHasFree nodeLabel
insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey omsKey) oms]
return $ Entity omsKey omsLocIdBaseValue
dbCache6 <- case gTheory of
G_theory { gTheoryLogic = lid
, gTheorySign = extSign
} ->
createSymbols libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache5 doSave libName nodeId
omsLocIdBaseEntity lid extSign
dbCache7 <- case gTheory of
G_theory { gTheoryLogic = lid
, gTheorySign = ExtSign { plainSign = sign }
, gTheorySens = sentences
} ->
createSentences libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache6 doSave
globalAnnotations libName nodeId omsLocIdBaseEntity lid sign
dbCache8 <- case gTheory of
G_theory { gTheoryLogic = lid
, gTheorySign = extSign
} ->
if doSave && signatureIsNew
then associateSymbolsOfSignature libEnv dbCache7 libName nodeId
lid extSign signatureKey
else return dbCache7
return ( omsKey
, signatureKey
, addNodeToCache libName nodeId omsKey signatureKey dbCache8
omsOrigin :: OMSOrigin
omsOrigin = case node_origin $ nodeInfo nodeLabel of
DGEmpty -> OMSOrigin.DGEmpty
DGBasic -> OMSOrigin.DGBasic
DGBasicSpec{} -> OMSOrigin.DGBasicSpec
DGExtension -> OMSOrigin.DGExtension
DGLogicCoercion -> OMSOrigin.DGLogicCoercion
DGTranslation _ -> OMSOrigin.DGTranslation
DGUnion -> OMSOrigin.DGUnion
DGIntersect -> OMSOrigin.DGIntersect
DGExtract -> OMSOrigin.DGExtract
DGRestriction _ _ -> OMSOrigin.DGRestriction
DGRevealTranslation -> OMSOrigin.DGRevealTranslation
DGFreeOrCofree Free -> OMSOrigin.Free
DGFreeOrCofree Cofree -> OMSOrigin.Cofree
DGFreeOrCofree NPFree -> OMSOrigin.NPFree
DGFreeOrCofree Minimize -> OMSOrigin.Minimize
DGLocal -> OMSOrigin.DGLocal
DGClosed -> OMSOrigin.DGClosed
DGLogicQual -> OMSOrigin.DGLogicQual
DGData -> OMSOrigin.DGData
DGFormalParams -> OMSOrigin.DGFormalParams
DGVerificationGeneric -> OMSOrigin.DGVerificationGeneric
DGImports -> OMSOrigin.DGImports
DGInst _ -> OMSOrigin.DGInst
DGFitSpec -> OMSOrigin.DGFitSpec
DGFitView _ -> OMSOrigin.DGFitView
DGProof -> OMSOrigin.DGProof
DGNormalForm _ -> OMSOrigin.DGNormalForm
DGintegratedSCC -> OMSOrigin.DGintegratedSCC
DGFlattening -> OMSOrigin.DGFlattening
DGAlignment -> OMSOrigin.DGAlignment
DGTest -> OMSOrigin.DGTest
createConservativityStatus :: MonadIO m
=> ConsStatus -> DBMonad m ConservativityStatusId
createConservativityStatus (ConsStatus r p _) =
insert SchemaClass.ConservativityStatus
{ conservativityStatusRequired = toString r
, conservativityStatusProved = toString p
toString :: Conservativity -> String
toString c = case c of
Unknown s -> s
_ -> map toLower $ show c
findOrCreateSignatureMorphismM :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> DBCache -> Bool
-> LibName -> (Int, Maybe Int) -> GlobalAnnos
-> (SignatureId, Maybe SignatureId)
-> Maybe GMorphism
-> DBMonad m ( Maybe SignatureMorphismId
, [SymbolMappingId]
, DBCache
findOrCreateSignatureMorphismM opts libEnv dbCache doSave libName
(sourceId, targetIdM) globalAnnotations
(sourceSignatureKey, targetSignatureKeyM) gMorphismM =
case gMorphismM of
Nothing -> return (Nothing, [], dbCache)
Just gMorphism -> do
(signatureMorphismKey, symbolMappingKeys, dbCache1) <-
findOrCreateSignatureMorphism opts libEnv dbCache doSave libName
(sourceId, fromJust targetIdM) globalAnnotations
(sourceSignatureKey, fromJust targetSignatureKeyM) gMorphism
return (Just signatureMorphismKey, symbolMappingKeys, dbCache1)
findOrCreateSignatureMorphism :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> DBCache -> Bool
-> LibName -> (Int, Int) -> GlobalAnnos
-> (SignatureId, SignatureId)
-> GMorphism
-> DBMonad m ( SignatureMorphismId
, [SymbolMappingId]
, DBCache
findOrCreateSignatureMorphism opts libEnv dbCache doSave libName edge
globalAnnotations (sourceSignatureKey, targetSignatureKey) gMorphism =
case gMorphism of
GMorphism { gMorphismComor = cid
, gMorphismMorIdx = morphismId
} ->
case Map.lookup (libName, morphismId) $ signatureMorphismMap dbCache of
Just (signatureMorphismKey, symbolMappingKeys, _) ->
return (signatureMorphismKey, symbolMappingKeys, dbCache)
Nothing ->
let json = ppJson $ ToJson.gmorph opts globalAnnotations gMorphism
in do
(_, logicMappingKey) <-
findOrCreateLanguageMappingAndLogicMapping opts $ Comorphism cid
signatureMorphismKey <-
if doSave
then insert SignatureMorphism
{ signatureMorphismLogicMappingId = logicMappingKey
, signatureMorphismAsJson = json
, signatureMorphismSourceId = sourceSignatureKey
, signatureMorphismTargetId = targetSignatureKey
else do
signatureMorphismM <-
selectFirst [ SignatureMorphismLogicMappingId ==. logicMappingKey
, SignatureMorphismSourceId ==. sourceSignatureKey
, SignatureMorphismTargetId ==. targetSignatureKey
, SignatureMorphismAsJson ==. json
] []
case signatureMorphismM of
Nothing -> fail "Persistence.DevGraph.findOrCreateSignatureMorphism: not found "
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
(symbolMappingKeys, dbCache1) <-
findOrCreateSymbolMappings libEnv dbCache doSave libName edge
signatureMorphismKey gMorphism
let signatureMorphismMap' =
Map.insert (libName, morphismId)
(signatureMorphismKey, symbolMappingKeys, gMorphism) $
signatureMorphismMap dbCache1
let dbCache2 =
dbCache1 { signatureMorphismMap = signatureMorphismMap' }
return ( signatureMorphismKey
, symbolMappingKeys
, dbCache2
findOrCreateSymbolMappings :: MonadIO m
=> LibEnv -> DBCache -> Bool -> LibName -> (Int, Int)
-> SignatureMorphismId -> GMorphism
-> DBMonad m ([SymbolMappingId], DBCache)
findOrCreateSymbolMappings libEnv dbCache doSave libName edge
signatureMorphismKey gMorphism = case gMorphism of
GMorphism { gMorphismComor = cid
, gMorphismMor = morphism
, gMorphismSign = extSign@ExtSign { plainSign = sign }
} ->
let sourceLid = sourceLogic cid
targetLid = targetLogic cid
symbolMap = symmap_of targetLid morphism
in do
symbolMappingKeys <-
(\ sourceSymbol ->
(\ translatedSymbol ->
case Map.lookup translatedSymbol symbolMap of
Nothing -> return []
Just targetSymbol -> do
symbolMappingKey <-
findOrCreateSymbolMapping libEnv dbCache doSave
libName edge signatureMorphismKey sourceLid
targetLid sourceSymbol targetSymbol
return [symbolMappingKey]
) $ Set.toList $ map_symbol cid sign sourceSymbol
) $ Set.toList $ symset_of sourceLid $ plainSign extSign
return (symbolMappingKeys, dbCache)
findOrCreateSymbolMapping :: ( MonadIO m
, Sentences lid1 sentence1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1
, Sentences lid2 sentence2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2
=> LibEnv -> DBCache -> Bool -> LibName -> (Int, Int)
-> SignatureMorphismId
-> lid1 -> lid2 -> symbol1 -> symbol2
-> DBMonad m SymbolMappingId
findOrCreateSymbolMapping libEnv dbCache doSave libName (sourceId, targetId)
signatureMorphismKey sourceLid targetLid sourceSymbol targetSymbol = do
sourceKey <-
fromJustFail (symbolErrorMessage libEnv libName sourceId sourceSymbol sourceLid "source") $
findSymbolInCache libEnv libName sourceId sourceLid sourceSymbol dbCache
targetKey <-
fromJustFail (symbolErrorMessage libEnv libName targetId targetSymbol targetLid "target") $
findSymbolInCache libEnv libName targetId targetLid targetSymbol dbCache
symbolMappingM <-
selectFirst [ SymbolMappingSignatureMorphismId ==. signatureMorphismKey
, SymbolMappingSourceId ==. sourceKey
, SymbolMappingTargetId ==. targetKey
] []
case symbolMappingM of
Just (Entity symbolMappingKey _) -> return symbolMappingKey
Nothing ->
if doSave
then insert SymbolMapping
{ symbolMappingSignatureMorphismId = signatureMorphismKey
, symbolMappingSourceId = sourceKey
, symbolMappingTargetId = targetKey
else fail "Persistence.DevGraph.findOrCreateSymbolMapping: not found"
symbolErrorMessage :: Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> LibName -> Node -> symbol -> lid -> String
-> String
symbolErrorMessage libEnv libName nodeId symbol lid end =
let (libNameDereferenced, nodeIdDereferenced) = dereferenceNodeId libEnv libName nodeId
fullName = show $ fullSymName lid symbol
symbolKind = symKind lid symbol
nodeName = show $ getName $ dgn_name $ getNodeLabel libEnv libName nodeId
in "Could not find " ++ end ++ " symbol for SymbolMapping:"
++ "\nsymbol name: " ++ fullName
++ "\nsymbol kind: " ++ symbolKind
++ "\nnode name: " ++ nodeName
++ "\nnode ID: " ++ show nodeIdDereferenced
++ "\nlibrary name: " ++ show libNameDereferenced
++ "\nThis is a system error. Please report it at"
findOrCreateSerializationM :: MonadIO m
=> LanguageId -> Maybe IRI
-> DBMonad m (Maybe SerializationId)
findOrCreateSerializationM languageKey syntaxM =
case syntaxM of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just syntaxIRI -> do
let syntaxIRIString = show $ setAngles False syntaxIRI
serializationM <- selectFirst [SerializationName ==. syntaxIRIString] []
case serializationM of
Just (Entity serializationKey _) -> return $ Just serializationKey
Nothing -> do
serializationKey <- insert Serialization
{ serializationLanguageId = languageKey
, serializationSlug = parameterize syntaxIRIString
, serializationName = syntaxIRIString
return $ Just serializationKey
findLanguage :: ( MonadIO m
, Logic.Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> lid -> DBMonad m LanguageId
findLanguage lid = do
languageM <- selectFirst [LanguageSlug ==. parameterize (show lid)] []
case languageM of
Just (Entity key _) -> return key
Nothing -> fail ("Language not found in the database: " ++ show lid)
findOrCreateLogic' :: ( MonadIO m
, Logic.Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
=> HetcatsOpts -> lid -> sublogics -> DBMonad m LogicId
findOrCreateLogic' opts lid sublogic = do
languageKey <- findLanguage lid
findOrCreateLogic opts languageKey lid sublogic
findOrCreateSignature :: ( MonadIO m
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> DBCache -> LibName -> lid -> ExtSign sign symbol
-> SigId -> LanguageId
-> DBMonad m (SignatureId, Bool, DBCache)
findOrCreateSignature dbCache libName lid extSign sigId languageKey =
case Map.lookup (libName, sigId) $ signatureMap dbCache of
Just signatureKey -> return (signatureKey, False, dbCache)
Nothing -> do
signatureKey <- insert Signature
{ signatureLanguageId = languageKey
, signatureAsJson = ppJson $ ToJson.symbols lid extSign
return ( signatureKey
, True
, addSignatureToCache libName sigId signatureKey dbCache
createSymbols :: ( MonadIO m
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool -> LibName -> Int
-> Entity LocIdBase -> lid -> ExtSign sign symbol
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createSymbols libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache doSave libName nodeId omsLocIdBase
lid ExtSign { plainSign = sign } =
foldM (\ dbCacheAcc symbol ->
findOrCreateSymbol libEnv fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc doSave libName
nodeId omsLocIdBase lid symbol
) dbCache $ symlist_of lid sign
findOrCreateSymbol :: ( MonadIO m
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool -> LibName
-> Int -> Entity LocIdBase -> lid -> symbol
-> DBMonad m DBCache
findOrCreateSymbol libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache doSave libName nodeId
(Entity omsKey omsLocIdBaseValue) lid symbol =
let name = show $ sym_name lid symbol
fullName = fullSymName lid symbol
symbolKind' = symKind lid symbol
symbolKind = if null symbolKind' then "symbol" else symbolKind'
locId = locIdBaseLocId omsLocIdBaseValue ++ "/symbols/" ++ symbolKind ++ "/" ++ name
in if symbolIsCached libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol dbCache
then return dbCache
else do
symbolKey <-
if doSave
then do
symbolKey <- insert LocIdBase
{ locIdBaseFileVersionId = fileVersionKey
, locIdBaseKind = Enums.Symbol
, locIdBaseLocId = locId
let symbolValue = Symbol
{ symbolOmsId = omsKey
, symbolFileRangeId = Nothing
, symbolSymbolKind = symbolKind
, symbolName = name
, symbolFullName = Text.pack fullName
insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey symbolKey) symbolValue]
return symbolKey
else do
symbolM <- selectFirst [ LocIdBaseLocId ==. locId
, LocIdBaseFileVersionId ==. fileVersionKey
, LocIdBaseKind ==. Enums.Symbol
] []
case symbolM of
Nothing -> fail ("Persistence.DevGraph.findOrCreateSymbol: "
++ "Symbol not found: " ++ locId)
Just (Entity symbolKey _) -> return symbolKey
return $ addSymbolToCache libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol symbolKey dbCache
createSentences :: ( MonadIO m
, GetRange sentence
, Pretty sentence
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool -> GlobalAnnos
-> LibName -> Int -> Entity LocIdBase -> lid -> sign
-> ThSens sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof)
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createSentences libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave globalAnnotations libName
nodeId omsLocId lid sign sentences =
let (axioms, conjectures) = OMap.partition isAxiom sentences
namedAxioms = toNamedList axioms
orderedConjectures = OMap.toList conjectures
in do
dbCache1 <- createAxioms libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache0 doSave
globalAnnotations libName nodeId omsLocId lid sign namedAxioms
createConjectures libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache1 doSave
globalAnnotations libName nodeId omsLocId lid sign orderedConjectures
createAxioms :: ( MonadIO m
, Foldable t
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool -> GlobalAnnos
-> LibName -> Int -> Entity LocIdBase -> lid -> sign
-> t (Named sentence)
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createAxioms libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache doSave globalAnnotations libName
nodeId omsLocId lid sign =
foldM (\ dbCacheAcc namedAxiom -> do
(axiomKey, dbCacheAcc1) <-
createSentence fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc doSave globalAnnotations
omsLocId lid sign False False namedAxiom
associateSymbolsOfSentence libEnv fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc1 doSave
libName nodeId omsLocId axiomKey lid sign namedAxiom
) dbCache
createConjectures :: ( MonadIO m
, Foldable t
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool -> GlobalAnnos
-> LibName -> Int -> Entity LocIdBase -> lid -> sign
-> t (String, SenStatus sentence (AnyComorphism, BasicProof))
-> DBMonad m DBCache
createConjectures libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache doSave globalAnnotations libName
nodeId omsLocId lid sign =
foldM (\ dbCacheAcc (name, senStatus) ->
let namedConjecture = toNamed name senStatus
isProved = isProvenSenStatus senStatus
in do
(conjectureKey, dbCacheAcc1) <-
createSentence fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc doSave globalAnnotations
omsLocId lid sign True isProved namedConjecture
associateSymbolsOfSentence libEnv fileVersionKey dbCacheAcc1 doSave
libName nodeId omsLocId conjectureKey lid sign namedConjecture
) dbCache
createSentence :: ( MonadIO m
, GetRange sentence
, Pretty sentence
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool -> GlobalAnnos
-> Entity LocIdBase -> lid -> sign -> Bool -> Bool
-> Named sentence -> DBMonad m (LocIdBaseId, DBCache)
createSentence fileVersionKey dbCache doSave globalAnnotations
(Entity omsKey omsLocIdBaseValue) lid sign isConjecture isProved namedSentence =
let name = senAttr namedSentence
range = getRangeSpan $ sentence namedSentence
locId = locIdBaseLocId omsLocIdBaseValue ++ "/sentences/" ++ name
text = show $ useGlobalAnnos globalAnnotations $
print_named lid $ makeNamed "" $
simplify_sen lid sign $ sentence namedSentence
kind =
if isConjecture
then if isProved
then Enums.Theorem
else Enums.OpenConjecture
else Enums.Axiom
evaluationState =
if isProved
then EvaluationStateType.FinishedSuccessfully
else EvaluationStateType.NotYetEnqueued
reasoningStatus =
if isProved
then ReasoningStatusOnConjectureType.THM
else ReasoningStatusOnConjectureType.OPN
in do
sentenceKey <-
if doSave
then do
rangeKeyM <- createRange range
sentenceKey <- insert LocIdBase
{ locIdBaseFileVersionId = fileVersionKey
, locIdBaseKind = kind
, locIdBaseLocId = locId
let sentenceValue = Sentence
{ sentenceOmsId = omsKey
, sentenceFileRangeId = rangeKeyM
, sentenceName = name
, sentenceText = Text.pack text
insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey sentenceKey) sentenceValue]
if isConjecture
then let conjecture = Conjecture
{ conjectureEvaluationState = evaluationState
, conjectureReasoningStatus = reasoningStatus
in insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey sentenceKey) conjecture]
else let axiom = Axiom { }
in insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey sentenceKey) axiom]
return sentenceKey
else do
sentenceM <- selectFirst [ LocIdBaseLocId ==. locId
, LocIdBaseFileVersionId ==. fileVersionKey
, LocIdBaseKind ==. kind
] []
case sentenceM of
Nothing -> fail ("Persistence.DevGraph.createSentence: Sentence not found"
++ locId)
Just (Entity sentenceKey _) -> return sentenceKey
return (sentenceKey, dbCache)
associateSymbolsOfSentence :: ( MonadIO m
, GetRange sentence
, Pretty sentence
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool
-> LibName -> Int -> Entity LocIdBase -> LocIdBaseId
-> lid -> sign -> Named sentence
-> DBMonad m DBCache
associateSymbolsOfSentence libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache doSave libName nodeId
omsLocIdBase sentenceKey lid sign namedSentence =
let symbolsOfSentence = symsOfSen lid sign $ sentence namedSentence
in do
(dbCache', _) <-
foldM (\ (dbCacheAcc, associatedSymbols) symbol ->
let mapIndex = symbolMapIndex lid symbol
in if Set.member mapIndex associatedSymbols
then return (dbCacheAcc, associatedSymbols)
else case findSymbolInCache libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol dbCacheAcc of
Just symbolKey -> do
when doSave $
insert SentenceSymbol
{ sentenceSymbolSentenceId = sentenceKey
, sentenceSymbolSymbolId = symbolKey
} >> return ()
return ( dbCacheAcc
, Set.insert mapIndex associatedSymbols
Nothing -> do
dbCacheAcc' <-
findOrCreateSymbol libEnv fileVersionKey
dbCacheAcc doSave libName nodeId omsLocIdBase
lid symbol
return ( dbCacheAcc'
, Set.insert mapIndex associatedSymbols
) (dbCache, Set.empty) symbolsOfSentence
return dbCache'
associateSymbolsOfSignature :: ( MonadIO m
, Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> DBCache -> LibName -> Int -> lid
-> ExtSign sign symbol -> SignatureId
-> DBMonad m DBCache
associateSymbolsOfSignature libEnv dbCache libName nodeId lid extSign signatureKey =
let ownSymbols = nonImportedSymbols extSign
allSymbols = symset_of lid $ plainSign extSign
in do
(\ associatedSymbols symbol ->
let mapIndex = symbolMapIndex lid symbol
symbolKey =
fromJust $ findSymbolInCache libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol
imported = Set.member symbol ownSymbols
in if Set.member mapIndex associatedSymbols
then return associatedSymbols
else do
insert SignatureSymbol
{ signatureSymbolSignatureId = signatureKey
, signatureSymbolSymbolId = symbolKey
, signatureSymbolImported = imported
return $ Set.insert mapIndex associatedSymbols
) Set.empty allSymbols
return dbCache
createMapping :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> FileVersionId -> DBCache -> Bool
-> GlobalAnnos -> LibName -> Entity LocIdBase
-> (Int, Int, DGLinkLab) -> DBMonad m DBCache
createMapping opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache doSave globalAnnotations
libName documentLocIdBase@(Entity _ documentLocIdBaseValue)
(sourceId, targetId, linkLabel) = do
(sourceOMSKey, sourceSignatureKey) <-
case Map.lookup (libName, sourceId) $ nodeMap dbCache of
Just (omsKey, signatureKey) -> return (omsKey, signatureKey)
Nothing -> fail ("Persistence.DevGraph.createMapping: Could not find source node with ID " ++ show (libName, sourceId))
(targetOMSKey, targetSignatureKey) <-
case Map.lookup (libName, targetId) $ nodeMap dbCache of
Just (omsKey, signatureKey) -> return (omsKey, signatureKey)
Nothing -> fail ("Persistence.DevGraph.createMapping: Could not find target node with ID " ++ show (libName, targetId))
(signatureMorphismKey, _, dbCache1) <-
findOrCreateSignatureMorphism opts libEnv dbCache True libName
(sourceId, targetId) globalAnnotations
(sourceSignatureKey, targetSignatureKey) $ dgl_morphism linkLabel
let displayName = if null $ dglName linkLabel
then show (dgl_id linkLabel)
else dglName linkLabel
let locId = locIdBaseLocId documentLocIdBaseValue ++ "//mappings/" ++ displayName
mappingM <- selectFirst [ LocIdBaseFileVersionId ==. fileVersionKey
, LocIdBaseKind ==. Enums.Mapping
, LocIdBaseLocId ==. locId
] []
if isJust mappingM
then return dbCache1
else do
conservativityStatusKeyM <- case dgl_type linkLabel of
ScopedLink _ _ consStatus ->
fmap Just $ createConservativityStatus consStatus
_ -> return Nothing
(freenessParameterOMSKeyM, dbCache2) <- case dgl_type linkLabel of
FreeOrCofreeDefLink _ (JustNode NodeSig { getNode = nodeId }) -> do
let nodeLabel = getNodeLabel libEnv libName nodeId
(freenessParameterOMSKey, _, dbCache') <-
findOrCreateOMS opts libEnv fileVersionKey dbCache1 doSave
globalAnnotations libName documentLocIdBase (nodeId, nodeLabel)
return (Just freenessParameterOMSKey, dbCache')
_ -> return (Nothing, dbCache)
freenessParameterLanguageKeyM <- case dgl_type linkLabel of
FreeOrCofreeDefLink _ (EmptyNode (Logic.Logic lid)) ->
fmap Just $ findLanguage lid
_ -> return Nothing
mappingKey <- insert LocIdBase
{ locIdBaseFileVersionId = fileVersionKey
, locIdBaseKind = Enums.Mapping
, locIdBaseLocId = locId
let mapping = Mapping
{ mappingSourceId = sourceOMSKey
, mappingTargetId = targetOMSKey
, mappingSignatureMorphismId = signatureMorphismKey
, mappingConservativityStatusId = conservativityStatusKeyM
, mappingFreenessParameterOMSId = freenessParameterOMSKeyM
, mappingFreenessParameterLanguageId = freenessParameterLanguageKeyM
, mappingDisplayName = displayName
, mappingName = dglName linkLabel
, mappingType = mappingTypeOfLinkLabel
, mappingOrigin = mappingOriginOfLinkLabel
, mappingPending = dglPending linkLabel
insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey mappingKey) mapping]
return dbCache2
mappingOriginOfLinkLabel :: MappingOrigin
mappingOriginOfLinkLabel = case dgl_origin linkLabel of
SeeTarget -> MappingOrigin.SeeTarget
SeeSource -> MappingOrigin.SeeSource
TEST -> MappingOrigin.TEST
DGLinkVerif -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkVerif
DGImpliesLink -> MappingOrigin.DGImpliesLink
DGLinkExtension -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkExtension
DGLinkTranslation -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkTranslation
DGLinkClosedLenv -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkClosedLenv
DGLinkImports -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkImports
DGLinkIntersect -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkIntersect
DGLinkMorph _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkMorph
DGLinkInst _ _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkInst
DGLinkInstArg _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkInstArg
DGLinkView _ _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkView
DGLinkAlign _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkAlign
DGLinkFitView _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkFitView
DGLinkFitViewImp _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkFitViewImp
DGLinkProof -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkProof
DGLinkFlatteningUnion -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkFlatteningUnion
DGLinkFlatteningRename -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkFlatteningRename
DGLinkRefinement _ -> MappingOrigin.DGLinkRefinement
mappingTypeOfLinkLabel :: MappingType
mappingTypeOfLinkLabel = case dgl_type linkLabel of
ScopedLink Local DefLink _ -> MappingType.LocalDef
ScopedLink Local (ThmLink LeftOpen) _ -> MappingType.LocalThmOpen
ScopedLink Local (ThmLink (Proven _ _)) _ -> MappingType.LocalThmProved
ScopedLink Global DefLink _ -> MappingType.GlobalDef
ScopedLink Global (ThmLink LeftOpen) _ -> MappingType.GlobalThmOpen
ScopedLink Global (ThmLink (Proven _ _)) _ -> MappingType.GlobalThmProved
HidingDefLink -> MappingType.HidingDef
FreeOrCofreeDefLink Free _ -> MappingType.FreeDef
FreeOrCofreeDefLink Cofree _ -> MappingType.CofreeDef
FreeOrCofreeDefLink NPFree _ -> MappingType.NPFreeDef
FreeOrCofreeDefLink Minimize _ -> MappingType.MinimizeDef
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm Nothing _ _ LeftOpen -> MappingType.HidingOpen
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm Nothing _ _ (Proven _ _) -> MappingType.HidingProved
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just Free) _ _ LeftOpen -> MappingType.FreeOpen
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just Cofree) _ _ LeftOpen -> MappingType.CofreeOpen
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just NPFree) _ _ LeftOpen -> MappingType.NPFreeOpen
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just Minimize) _ _ LeftOpen -> MappingType.MinimizeOpen
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just Free) _ _ (Proven _ _) -> MappingType.FreeProved
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just Cofree) _ _ (Proven _ _) -> MappingType.CofreeProved
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just NPFree) _ _ (Proven _ _) -> MappingType.NPFreeProved
HidingFreeOrCofreeThm (Just Minimize) _ _ (Proven _ _) -> MappingType.MinimizeProved
cachedOMSKey :: LibName -> Int -> DBCache -> Maybe (LocIdBaseId, SignatureId)
cachedOMSKey libName nodeId = Map.lookup (libName, nodeId) . nodeMap
symbolIsCached :: Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> LibName -> Int -> lid -> symbol -> DBCache -> Bool
symbolIsCached libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol =
isJust . findSymbolInCache libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol
-- Gives the node label to an id. Use only if the combination exists.
getNodeLabel :: LibEnv -> LibName -> Int -> DGNodeLab
getNodeLabel libEnv libName nodeId =
fromJust $ fmap Graph.nodeLabel $ IntMap.lookup nodeId $ convertToMap $
dgBody $ fromJust $ Map.lookup libName libEnv
dereferenceNodeId :: LibEnv -> LibName -> Int -> (LibName, Int)
dereferenceNodeId libEnv libName nodeId =
case nodeInfo $ getNodeLabel libEnv libName nodeId of
DGNode {} -> (libName, nodeId)
DGRef { ref_node = refNodeId
, ref_libname = refLibName
} -> dereferenceNodeId libEnv refLibName refNodeId
addDocumentToCache :: LibName -> LocIdBaseId -> DBCache -> DBCache
addDocumentToCache libName documentKey dbCache =
dbCache { documentMap = Map.insert libName documentKey $ documentMap dbCache }
addNodeToCache :: LibName -> Int -> LocIdBaseId -> SignatureId -> DBCache
-> DBCache
addNodeToCache libName nodeId omsKey signatureKey dbCache =
dbCache { nodeMap = Map.insert (libName, nodeId) (omsKey, signatureKey) $
nodeMap dbCache
addSignatureToCache :: LibName -> SigId -> SignatureId -> DBCache -> DBCache
addSignatureToCache libName sigId signatureKey dbCache =
dbCache { signatureMap = Map.insert (libName, sigId) signatureKey $
signatureMap dbCache }
addSymbolToCache :: Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> LibName -> Int -> lid -> symbol -> LocIdBaseId
-> DBCache -> DBCache
addSymbolToCache libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol symbolKey dbCache =
let mapIndex = symbolMapIndex lid symbol
(libNameDereferenced, nodeIdDereferenced) = dereferenceNodeId libEnv libName nodeId
in dbCache { symbolKeyMap =
Map.insert (libNameDereferenced, nodeIdDereferenced, mapIndex) symbolKey $
symbolKeyMap dbCache
findSymbolInCache :: Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> LibEnv -> LibName -> Int -> lid -> symbol
-> DBCache -> Maybe LocIdBaseId
findSymbolInCache libEnv libName nodeId lid symbol dbCache =
let mapIndex = symbolMapIndex lid symbol
(libNameDereferenced, nodeIdDereferenced) = dereferenceNodeId libEnv libName nodeId
in Map.lookup (libNameDereferenced, nodeIdDereferenced, mapIndex) $ symbolKeyMap dbCache
findOMSAndSignature :: MonadIO m
=> FileVersionId -> Entity LocIdBase -> DGNodeLab
-> DBMonad m (Maybe (LocIdBaseId, SignatureId))
findOMSAndSignature fileVersionKey documentLocIdBase nodeLabel = do
omsLocIdM <- selectFirst [ LocIdBaseFileVersionId ==. fileVersionKey
, LocIdBaseKind ==. Enums.OMS
, LocIdBaseLocId ==. locIdOfOMS documentLocIdBase nodeLabel
] []
case omsLocIdM of
Just (Entity omsKey _) -> do
omsValueM <- selectFirst [OMSId ==. toSqlKey (fromSqlKey omsKey)] []
omsValue <- case omsValueM of
Nothing ->
fail ("Persistence.DevGraph.findOMSAndSignature could not find OMS with ID "
++ show (unSqlBackendKey $ unLocIdBaseKey omsKey))
Just (Entity _ omsValue) -> return omsValue
return $ Just (omsKey, oMSSignatureId omsValue)
Nothing -> return Nothing
locIdOfOMS :: Entity LocIdBase -> DGNodeLab -> String
locIdOfOMS (Entity _ documentLocIdBaseValue) nodeLabel =
case locIdBaseKind documentLocIdBaseValue of
Enums.NativeDocument -> showName $ dgn_name nodeLabel
_ -> locIdBaseLocId documentLocIdBaseValue
++ "//oms/" ++ showName (dgn_name nodeLabel)
symbolMapIndex :: Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol
=> lid -> symbol -> SymbolMapIndex
symbolMapIndex lid symbol =
let fullName = show $ fullSymName lid symbol
symbolKind = symKind lid symbol
in (symbolKind, fullName)
createDocumentLinks :: MonadIO m
=> DBCache -> Rel LibName
-> DBMonad m ()
createDocumentLinks dbCache dependencyLibNameRel =
mapM_ (\ (targetLibName, sourceLibNamesSet) ->
mapM_ (createDocumentLink targetLibName) $
Set.toList sourceLibNamesSet
) $ Map.toList $ Rel.toMap dependencyLibNameRel
createDocumentLink :: MonadIO m
=> LibName -> LibName -> DBMonad m ()
createDocumentLink sourceLibName targetLibName = do
-- These libNames must be in the documentMap by construction
let sourceKey = fromJust $ Map.lookup sourceLibName $ documentMap dbCache
let targetKey = fromJust $ Map.lookup targetLibName $ documentMap dbCache
insert DocumentLink { documentLinkSourceId = sourceKey
, documentLinkTargetId = targetKey
return ()
fromJustFail :: MonadIO m => String -> Maybe a -> m a
fromJustFail message maybeValue = case maybeValue of
Just value -> return value
Nothing -> fail message