DBConfig.hs revision a389e88e0acb83d8489bdc5e55bc5522b152bbec
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Persistence.DBConfig where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import GHC.Generics
import System.Directory
data DBContext = DBContext { contextFileVersion :: String
, contextFilePath :: FilePath -- a cache of "head $ infiles opts"
} deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyDBContext :: DBContext
emptyDBContext = DBContext { contextFileVersion = ""
, contextFilePath = ""
data ExtDBConfig = ExtDBConfig { development :: Maybe DBConfig
, test :: Maybe DBConfig
, production :: Maybe DBConfig
} deriving (Show, Generic)
data DBConfig = DBConfig { adapter :: Maybe String
, database :: String
, username :: Maybe String
, password :: Maybe String
, host :: Maybe String
, port :: Maybe Int
, template :: Maybe String
, encoding :: Maybe String
, locale :: Maybe String
, pool :: Maybe Int
-- The `Maybe` is only to skip this key during parsing.
-- It is used only for additional information that are
-- taken from the HetcatsOpts:
, needMigration :: Maybe Bool
} deriving (Show, Generic)
doMigrate :: DBConfig -> Bool
doMigrate = (Just True ==) . needMigration
instance FromJSON ExtDBConfig
instance FromJSON DBConfig
emptyDBConfig :: DBConfig
emptyDBConfig = DBConfig { adapter = Nothing
, database = ""
, username = Nothing
, password = Nothing
, host = Nothing
, port = Nothing
, template = Nothing
, encoding = Nothing
, locale = Nothing
, pool = Nothing
, needMigration = Just True
isMySql :: DBConfig -> Bool
isMySql dbConfig = case adapter dbConfig of
Just "mysql" -> True
Just "mysql2" -> True
_ -> False
parseDatabaseConfig :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> Bool -> IO DBConfig
parseDatabaseConfig dbFile dbConfigFile subconfigKey performMigration =
case (null dbFile, null dbConfigFile) of
(True, True) -> fail ("No database configuration supplied. "
++ "Please specify either --database-config "
++ "or --database-file.")
(_, False) -> do
config <- configFromYaml
return config { needMigration = Just performMigration }
(False, _) -> return sqliteConfig { needMigration = Just performMigration }
sqliteConfig :: DBConfig
sqliteConfig = emptyDBConfig { adapter = Just "sqlite"
, database = dbFile
configFromYaml :: IO DBConfig
configFromYaml = do
fileExist <- doesFileExist dbConfigFile
if fileExist
then do
content <- BS.readFile dbConfigFile
case subconfigKey of
"" -> parseDBConfig content
_ | subconfigKey `elem` ["production", "development", "test"] ->
parseExtDBConfig subconfigKey content
_ -> fail "Persistence.DBConfig: Bad database-subconfig specified."
fail "Persistence.DBConfig: Database configuration file does not exist."
parseDBConfig :: BS.ByteString -> IO DBConfig
parseDBConfig content =
let parsedContent = Yaml.decode content :: Maybe DBConfig
in case parsedContent of
Nothing ->
fail "Persistence.DBConfig: Could not parse database config file."
Just dbConfig -> return dbConfig
parseExtDBConfig :: String -> BS.ByteString -> IO DBConfig
parseExtDBConfig key content =
let parsedContent = Yaml.decode content :: Maybe ExtDBConfig
in case parsedContent of
Nothing ->
fail "Persistence.DBConfig: Could not parse database config file."
Just extDbConfig ->
let field = if key == "production" then production
else if key == "development" then development
else test
in case field extDbConfig of
Nothing ->
fail ("Persistence.DBConfig: Could not find subconfig "
++ key ++ " in database configuration file.")
Just dbConfig -> return dbConfig