StaticAnaPLpatt.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module PLpatt.StaticAnaPLpatt
import qualified PLpatt.AS_BASIC_PLpatt as As
import qualified PLpatt.Sign as Sign
import PLpatt.Tools
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Id
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified MMT.XMLtoPT as XML
import qualified MMT.Tools as PT
import System.IO.Temp
import System.IO
import qualified MMT.Hets2mmt as MMT
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import Debug.Trace
basicAna :: (As.Basic_spec, Sign.Sigs, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (
ExtSign Sign.Sigs As.Symb,
[Named As.Bool']
basicAna (bs, Sign.Sigs sg, ann) = let
def_namespace = ""
namespace = case Map.lookup "namespace:"
(prefix_map ann) of
Just x -> show x
Nothing -> def_namespace
(newsg, symbs) = mmtAna namespace bs
(sens, sgdcl) = getSens $ Sign.Sigs newsg
sgn = ExtSign (Sign.Sigs (sgdcl ++ sg))
return (bs, sgn, sens)
-- logic id is inserted by MMT
lid :: String
lid = "PLpatt"
hetslib :: String
hetslib = unsafePerformIO $ getEnvDef "HETS_LIB" ""
mmtAna :: String -> As.Basic_spec -> ([As.Decl], Set.Set As.Symb)
mmtAna namespace (As.Basic_spec bs) = let
tdecls = unsafePerformIO $
getDecls namespace bs
decls = map decl2decl tdecls
symbs = newSymbs $ map (fromJust . maybeResult) tdecls
(map (fromJust . maybeResult) decls, symbs)
-- separators used by MMT: group s, unit s, record s
gs :: String
gs = "\29"
us :: String
us = "\31"
rs :: String
rs = "\30"
-- compile lines into a temp file
compileMMTsrc :: String -> [String] -> IO FilePath
compileMMTsrc ns rest = do let cont = "namespace " ++ ns ++ gs ++ "\n" ++
"theory " ++ lid ++ "spec : " ++
"?" ++ lid ++
" = \n" ++ "\n" ++
unlines (map (++ rs) rest) ++
"\n" ++ gs
(fpath, fhand) <- openTempFile "MMTtmp"
hPutStr fhand cont
hClose fhand
return fpath
-- sort declarations
arrangeFileSrc :: String -> [String] -> [String]
arrangeFileSrc (stripPrefix "namespace" -> Just uri) ls =
("namespace" ++ uri) : ls
arrangeFileSrc s ls = ls ++ [s]
-- grab namespace uri
getNamespace :: String -> Maybe String
getNamespace (stripPrefix "namespace " -> Just uri) = Just uri
getNamespace _ = Nothing
getDecls :: String -> [String] -> IO [Result PT.Decl]
getDecls ns sl = do
fp <- compileMMTsrc ns $ filter (/= "") sl
MMT.callSpec fp
XML.parse $ hetslib ++ "MMT/xml/" ++ lid ++ "spec.xml"
{- helper method that translates
parse tree declarations to logic declarations -}
decl2decl :: Result PT.Decl -> Result As.Decl
decl2decl rsptdcl = let dcl = maybeResult rsptdcl
case dcl of
Just mbds -> case decl_from_pt mbds of
(Just ds) -> Result [] (Just ds )
Nothing -> fatal_error
"failed to parse parse-tree"
Nothing -> fatal_error "Result of parse tree failure"
isSen :: As.Decl -> Bool
isSen (As.Dot_decl _) = True
isSen _ = False
splitSen :: [As.Decl] -> ([As.Decl], [As.Decl])
splitSen = partition isSen
decl2sen :: As.Decl -> Maybe (Named As.Bool')
decl2sen (As.Dot_decl (As.Dot name f)) = Just $ makeNamed name f
decl2sen _ = Nothing
getSens :: Sign.Sigs -> ([Named As.Bool'], [As.Decl])
getSens (Sign.Sigs decls) = let
(sendcl, sgsdcl) = splitSen decls
sens = map (fromJust . decl2sen) sendcl
(sens, sgsdcl)
decl2symb :: PT.Decl -> As.Symb
decl2symb (PT.Decl _ iname _) = As.Symb iname
newSymbs :: [PT.Decl] -> Set.Set As.Symb
newSymbs dcls = let sls = map decl2symb dcls
in foldr Set.insert Set.empty sls