Logic_PLpatt.hs revision b5bb29b09bbb00b75612ca99edc13119bf2c8a05
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
the following code is automatically generated by
static analysis is performed by MMT, therefore static analysis functions are absent
module PLpatt.Logic_PLpatt where
import Logic.Logic -- Logic and accompanying classes
import qualified PLpatt.Sign as Sign
import qualified PLpatt.Morphism as Morphism
import qualified PLpatt.AS_BASIC_PLpatt as AS
-- import qualified PLpatt.Tools as Tools
import qualified MMT.Tools as Generic
-- import qualified PLpatt.Sublogic as SL
import Common.Id
import Common.DocUtils
-- import Common.Lib.Pretty
import ATerm.Conversion
-- import Common.Consistency
-- import ATC.AS_Annotation
import Data.Typeable.Internal
import qualified Common.DocUtils as DU
import qualified ATerm.Conversion as AT
-- Logic ID lid
data PLpatt = PLpatt deriving Show
-- language
instance Language PLpatt where
description _ = "This is some logic generated by MMT\n"
instance (Ord Sign.Sigs) where
instance (Eq Sign.Sigs) where
instance (Ord Morphism.Morphism) where
instance (Eq Morphism.Morphism) where
instance (Ord AS.Form) where
instance (Eq AS.Form) where
instance (Ord AS.Symb) where
instance (Eq AS.Symb) where
instance (Common.Id.GetRange AS.Form) where
instance (Common.Id.GetRange AS.Symb) where
instance (Pretty Sign.Sigs) where
pretty = DU.pretty
instance (ShATermConvertible Sign.Sigs) where
toShATermAux = AT.toShATermAux
fromShATermAux = AT.fromShATermAux
instance (ShATermConvertible Generic.Tree) where
instance (Ord Generic.Tree) where
instance (Eq Generic.Tree) where
instance (Data.Typeable.Internal.Typeable Generic.Tree) where
instance (Show Sign.Sigs) where
instance (ShATermConvertible Morphism.Morphism) where
instance (Pretty Morphism.Morphism) where
instance (ShATermConvertible AS.Form) where
instance (Pretty AS.Form) where
instance (ShATermConvertible AS.Symb) where
instance (Pretty AS.Symb) where
instance (Show Morphism.Morphism) where
instance (Show AS.Form) where
instance (Show AS.Symb) where
instance (Typeable Sign.Sigs) where
instance (Typeable Morphism.Morphism) where
instance (Typeable AS.Form) where
instance (Typeable AS.Symb) where
-- static analysis should in fact be performed by MMT
instance StaticAnalysis PLpatt
instance Syntax PLpatt () () () where
-- instance of category
instance Category Sign.Sigs Morphism.Morphism where
--TODO place Morphism functions here
instance Sentences PLpatt
AS.Form Sign.Sigs Morphism.Morphism
-- Logic instance, see Logic/Logic.hs:867
instance Logic PLpatt
() -- SL.Sublogic -- sublogic
() -- basic_spec
() -- symb_items
() -- symb_map_items
Sign.Sigs -- sign
Morphism.Morphism -- sentence
AS.Symb -- Symb
AS.Symb -- raw Symb
Generic.Tree -- proof tree
logic_name = show
id lid = Morphism.id
comp lid = Morphism.comp
parse_basic_spec lid = Generic.parseSpec
map_sen lid = Morphism.mapSen
basic_analysis lid = Tools.theo_from_pt
stat_symb_map lid = Tools.mor_from_pt
minSublogic lid = SL.minSublogic