SyslogTypes.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
-- file: ch27/SyslogTypes.hs
module SyslogTypes where
-- | Priorities define how important a log message is.
data Priority =
DEBUG -- ^ Debug messages
| INFO -- ^ Information
| NOTICE -- ^ Normal runtime conditions
| WARNING -- ^ General Warnings
| ERROR -- ^ General Errors
| CRITICAL -- ^ Severe situations
| ALERT -- ^ Take immediate action
| EMERGENCY -- ^ System is unusable
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum)
{- | Facilities are used by the system to determine where messages
are sent. -}
data Facility =
KERN -- ^ Kernel messages
| USER -- ^ General userland messages
| MAIL -- ^ E-Mail system
| DAEMON -- ^ Daemon (server process) messages
| AUTH -- ^ Authentication or security messages
| SYSLOG -- ^ Internal syslog messages
| LPR -- ^ Printer messages
| NEWS -- ^ Usenet news
| UUCP -- ^ UUCP messages
| CRON -- ^ Cron messages
| AUTHPRIV -- ^ Private authentication messages
| FTP -- ^ FTP messages
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
facToCode = [
(KERN, 0),
(USER, 1),
(MAIL, 2),
(DAEMON, 3),
(AUTH, 4),
(SYSLOG, 5),
(LPR, 6),
(NEWS, 7),
(UUCP, 8),
(CRON, 9),
(FTP, 11),
(LOCAL0, 16),
(LOCAL1, 17),
(LOCAL2, 18),
(LOCAL3, 19),
(LOCAL4, 20),
(LOCAL5, 21),
(LOCAL6, 22),
(LOCAL7, 23)
codeToFac = map (\ (x, y) -> (y, x)) facToCode
-- | We can't use enum here because the numbering is discontiguous
codeOfFac :: Facility -> Int
codeOfFac f = case lookup f facToCode of
Just x -> x
_ -> error "Internal error in codeOfFac"
facOfCode :: Int -> Facility
facOfCode f = case lookup f codeToFac of
Just x -> x
_ -> error "Invalid code in facOfCode"