XMLstate.hs revision 56c56b2181e76c239929ddade2925ba5c3f3fffd
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : after parsing XML file a XML state is produced, containing
commands that need to be executed
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.XMLstate contains the description of the XMLstate and a function
that produces such a state
module PGIP.XMLstate
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow
-- | List of all possible commands inside an XML packet
data CMDL_XMLstate =
XML_Execute String
| XML_Exit
| XML_ProverInit
| XML_StartQuiet
| XML_StopQuiet
| XML_OpenGoal String
| XML_CloseGoal String
| XML_GiveUpGoal String
| XML_Unknown String
| XML_Undo
| XML_Redo
| XML_Forget String
| XML_OpenTheory String
| XML_CloseTheory String
| XML_CloseFile String
| XML_LoadFile String deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Given a xml packet (as a string), the function converts it into a
-- list of XML commands
parseXMLString :: String -> IO [CMDL_XMLstate]
parseXMLString input
= do
let al = [(a_validate,v_0)]
elemsNms <- runX $ elementsName al input
elemsData <- runX $ elementsText al input
let elems = map (\(name,cnt) -> case name of
"proverinit" -> XML_ProverInit
"proverexit" -> XML_Exit
"startquiet" -> XML_StartQuiet
"stopquiet" -> XML_StopQuiet
"opengoal" -> XML_OpenGoal cnt
"proofstep" -> XML_Execute cnt
"closegoal" -> XML_CloseGoal cnt
"giveupgoal" -> XML_GiveUpGoal cnt
"spurioscmd" -> XML_Execute cnt
"dostep" -> XML_Execute cnt
"undostep" -> XML_Undo
"redostep" -> XML_Redo
"forget" -> XML_Forget cnt
"opentheory" -> XML_OpenTheory cnt
"closetheory"-> XML_CloseTheory cnt
"closefile" -> XML_CloseFile cnt
"loadfile" -> XML_LoadFile cnt
_ -> XML_Unknown name
) $ zip elemsNms elemsData
return elems
-- | For a xml packet (contained into a string) the function extracts
-- the name of the tags
elementsName :: Attributes -> String -> IOSArrow b String
elementsName al src
= readString al src
deep (isElem >>> hasName "pgip")
-- | For a xml packet (contained into a string) the function extracts
-- the text inside the tags
elementsText :: Attributes -> String -> IOSArrow b String
elementsText al src
= readString al src
deep (isElem >>> hasName "pgip")
(getChildren >>> getText) `orElse` getName