XMLstate.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : after parsing XML message a list of XMLcommands is produced,
containing commands that need to be executed
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.XMLstate contains the description of the XMLstate and a function
that produces such a state
module PGIP.XMLstate where
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef, trim)
import Common.ToXml
import Driver.Options
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.List (find, intercalate)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import System.IO (Handle, hPutStrLn, hFlush)
{- Converts any line text that does not stand for a
comment into a theoryitem element -}
genProofStep :: String -> Element
genProofStep str = let
iname = case trim str of
"" -> "whitespace" -- empty line generates a whitespace element
'#' : _ -> "comment" -- comments start with #
_ -> "theoryitem" -- convert line into a theoryitem element
in unode iname $ mkText $ str ++ "\n"
-- | adds xml structure to unstructured code
addPGIPMarkup :: String -> Element
addPGIPMarkup str = case lines str of
[] -> error "addPgipMarkUp.empty"
hd : tl ->
unode "parseresult"
$ add_attr (mkAttr "thyname" "whatever") (unode "opentheory" $ mkText hd)
: map genProofStep tl
++ [unode "closetheory" ()]
- other types of mark ups :
- opengoal / closegoal
- openblock / closeblock
-- generates a pgipelem element that contains the input text
genPgipElem :: String -> Element
genPgipElem = unode "pgipelem" . mkText
{- generates a normalresponse element that has a pgml element
containing the output text -}
genNormalResponse :: Node t => String -> t -> Element
genNormalResponse areaValue = unode "normalresponse"
. add_attr (mkAttr "area" areaValue)
. unode "pgml"
-- same as above, just for an error instead of normal output
genErrorResponse :: Bool -> String -> Element
genErrorResponse fatality =
add_attrs [ mkAttr "fatality" "fatal" | fatality]
. unode "errorresponse"
. unode "pgmltext" . mkText
{- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
normal output -}
addPGIPAnswer :: String -> String -> CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
addPGIPAnswer msgtxt errmsg st =
if useXML st
then let resp = if null msgtxt then st else
addPGIPElement st $ genNormalResponse "message"
$ mkText msgtxt
in if null errmsg then resp
else addPGIPElement resp $ genErrorResponse False errmsg
else addToMsg errmsg $ addToMsg msgtxt st
{- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
error output -}
addPGIPError :: String -> CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
addPGIPError str st = case str of
"" -> st
_ | useXML st -> addPGIPElement st $ genErrorResponse True str
_ -> addToMsg str st
-- extracts the xml package in XML.Light format (namely the Content type)
addPGIPAttributes :: CmdlPgipState -> Element -> Element
addPGIPAttributes pgipData e = (add_attrs
((case refSeqNb pgipData of
Nothing -> []
Just v -> [mkAttr "refseq" v])
++ [ mkAttr "tag" $ name pgipData
, mkAttr "class" "pg"
, mkAttr "id" $ pgipId pgipData
, mkAttr "seq" $ show $ seqNb pgipData ])
$ unode "pgip" ()) { elContent = [Elem e]}
{- adds one element to the end of the content of the xml packet that represents
the current output of the interface to the broker -}
addPGIPElement :: CmdlPgipState -> Element -> CmdlPgipState
addPGIPElement pgData el =
pgData { xmlElements = addPGIPAttributes pgData el : xmlElements pgData
, seqNb = seqNb pgData + 1 }
{- adds a ready element at the end of the xml packet that represents the
current output of the interface to the broker -}
addPGIPReady :: CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
addPGIPReady pgData = addPGIPElement pgData $ unode "ready" ()
-- | State that keeps track of the comunication between Hets and the Broker
data CmdlPgipState = CmdlPgipState
{ pgipId :: String
, name :: String
, seqNb :: Int
, refSeqNb :: Maybe String
, msgs :: [String]
, xmlElements :: [Element]
, hout :: Handle
, hin :: Handle
, stop :: Bool
, resendMsgIfTimeout :: Bool
, useXML :: Bool
, maxWaitTime :: Int }
-- | Generates an empty CmdlPgipState
genCMDLPgipState :: Bool -> Handle -> Handle -> Int -> IO CmdlPgipState
genCMDLPgipState swXML h_in h_out timeOut = do
pgId <- genPgipID
return CmdlPgipState
{ pgipId = pgId
, name = "Hets"
, seqNb = 1
, refSeqNb = Nothing
, msgs = []
, xmlElements = []
, hin = h_in
, hout = h_out
, stop = False
, resendMsgIfTimeout = True
, useXML = swXML
, maxWaitTime = timeOut }
-- | Generates the id of the session between Hets and the Broker
genPgipID :: IO String
genPgipID =
t1 <- getEnvDef "HOSTNAME" ""
t2 <- getEnvDef "USER" ""
t3 <- getPOSIXTime
return $ t1 ++ "/" ++ t2 ++ "/" ++ show t3
-- | Concatenates the input string to the message stored in the state
addToMsg :: String -> CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
addToMsg str pgD = if null str then pgD else pgD { msgs = str : msgs pgD }
-- | Resets the content of the message stored in the state
resetPGIPData :: CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
resetPGIPData pgD = pgD
{ msgs = []
, xmlElements = [] }
{- the PGIP protocol defines the pgip element as containing a single
subelement. -}
convertPGIPDataToString :: CmdlPgipState -> String
convertPGIPDataToString =
intercalate "\n" . reverse . map showElement . xmlElements
isRemote :: HetcatsOpts -> Bool
isRemote opts = connectP opts /= -1 || listen opts /= -1
sendPGIPData :: HetcatsOpts -> CmdlPgipState -> IO CmdlPgipState
sendPGIPData opts pgData =
let xmlMsg = convertPGIPDataToString pgData
pgData' = addToMsg xmlMsg pgData
sendMSGData opts pgData'
sendMSGData :: HetcatsOpts -> CmdlPgipState -> IO CmdlPgipState
sendMSGData opts pgData = do
let msg = intercalate "\n" $ reverse $ msgs pgData
if isRemote opts
then hPutStrLn (hout pgData) msg
else putIfVerbose opts 1 msg
hFlush $ hout pgData
return pgData
-- | List of all possible commands inside an XML packet
data CmdlXMLcommands =
XmlExecute String
| XmlExit
| XmlProverInit
| XmlAskpgip
| XmlStartQuiet
| XmlStopQuiet
| XmlOpenGoal String
| XmlCloseGoal String
| XmlGiveUpGoal String
| XmlUnknown String
| XmlParseScript String
| XmlUndo
| XmlRedo
| XmlForget String
| XmlOpenTheory String
| XmlCloseTheory String
| XmlCloseFile String
| XmlLoadFile String deriving (Eq, Show)
-- extracts the seq attribute value to be used as reference number elsewhere
getRefseqNb :: String -> Maybe String
getRefseqNb input =
let xmlTree = parseXML input
elRef = find (\ x -> case x of
Elem dt -> qName (elName dt) == "pgip"
_ -> False) xmlTree
in case elRef of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just el -> case el of
Elem dt -> case find (\ x -> qName (attrKey x) == "seq") $
elAttribs dt of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just elatr -> Just $ attrVal elatr
_ -> Nothing
{- | parses the xml message creating a list of commands that it needs to
execute -}
parseXMLTree :: [Content] -> [CmdlXMLcommands] -> [CmdlXMLcommands]
parseXMLTree xmltree acc = case xmltree of
Elem info : ls -> case parseXMLElement info of
Just c -> parseXMLTree ls (c : acc)
Nothing -> parseXMLTree (elContent info ++ ls) acc
_ : ls -> parseXMLTree ls acc
[] -> acc
parseXMLElement :: Element -> Maybe CmdlXMLcommands
parseXMLElement info = let cnt = strContent info in
case qName $ elName info of
"proverinit" -> Just XmlProverInit
"proverexit" -> Just XmlExit
"startquiet" -> Just XmlStartQuiet
"stopquiet" -> Just XmlStopQuiet
"opengoal" -> Just $ XmlOpenGoal cnt
"proofstep" -> Just $ XmlExecute cnt
"closegoal" -> Just $ XmlCloseGoal cnt
"giveupgoal" -> Just $ XmlGiveUpGoal cnt
"spurioscmd" -> Just $ XmlExecute cnt
"dostep" -> Just $ XmlExecute cnt
"editobj" -> Just $ XmlExecute cnt
"undostep" -> Just XmlUndo
"redostep" -> Just XmlRedo
"forget" -> Just $ XmlForget cnt
"opentheory" -> Just $ XmlOpenTheory cnt
"theoryitem" -> Just $ XmlExecute cnt
"closetheory" -> Just $ XmlCloseTheory cnt
"closefile" -> Just $ XmlCloseFile cnt
"loadfile" -> Just $ XmlLoadFile cnt
"askpgip" -> Just XmlAskpgip
"parsescript" -> Just $ XmlParseScript cnt
"pgip" -> Nothing
s -> Just $ XmlUnknown s
{- | Given a packet (a normal string or a xml formated string), the function
converts it into a list of commands -}
parseMsg :: CmdlPgipState -> String -> [CmdlXMLcommands]
parseMsg st input = if useXML st
then parseXMLTree (parseXML input) []
else concatMap (\ x -> [ XmlExecute x | not $ null $ trim x ]) $ lines input