XMLparsing.hs revision 9a80079e082fdf4fe8e19f8fc61e6cd8799b47a7
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian Maeder{- |
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederModule :$Header$
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederDescription : XML processing for the CMDL interface
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederCopyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
04e997a04af808d95ee338278c490e7f66e40bc8Christian MaederLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederMaintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederStability : provisional
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederPortability : portable
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian Maeder
2a2c652d2445d76e28ca75da2a5392f8cf870820Christian MaederPGIP.XMLparsing contains commands for parsing or creating XML messages
module PGIP.XMLparsing
import Network
import System.IO
-- import Control.Exception
import PGIP.XMLstate
import PGIP.Interface
import PGIP.DataTypes
import Data.List
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
-- | Generates the XML packet that contains information about the interface
genHandShake :: CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_PgipState
genHandShake pgipData
let msg = ( "<usespgip version = \"2.0\">"++
" </acceptedpgipelems>"++
in case useXML pgipData of
True -> addToMsg msg [] pgipData
False -> pgipData
-- | The function executes a communication step, i.e. waits for input,
-- processes the message and outputs the answer
communicationStep:: CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_State ->
IO (CMDL_PgipState, CMDL_State)
communicationStep pgD st =
tmp <- timeoutReadPacket (maxWaitTime pgD) pgD
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Input : "++(show tmp)++"\n")
case tmp of
Nothing -> case resendMsgIfTimeout pgD of
True -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++
(theMsg pgD) ++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) $ theMsg pgD
hFlush $ hout pgD
communicationStep pgD st
False -> communicationStep pgD st
Just smtxt -> do
cmds <- parseMsg pgD smtxt
let pgipSt = case useXML pgD of
True ->
addToMsg "<normalresponse></pgmltext>" []$
genPgipTag $ resetMsg [] pgD{
seqNb = (seqNb pgD)+1,
nonFatalErrMsg = []
False -> resetMsg [] pgD{
seqNb = (seqNb pgD)+1,
nonFatalErrMsg = []
(nwSt, nwPgipState) <- processCmds cmds st pgipSt
let nwPgipSt = case useXML pgD of
True ->
addToMsg "<ready/></pgip>" [] nwPgipState
False -> nwPgipState
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++ (theMsg pgD)++
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) $ theMsg nwPgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgD
return (nwPgipSt, nwSt)
-- | Comunicates over a port at which the prover should listen
cmdlListen2Port :: Bool -> Int -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlListen2Port swXML portNb
= do
putStrLn("Starting hets. Listen to port "++(show portNb))
servSock <- listenOn $ PortNumber (fromIntegral portNb)
(servH,_,_) <- accept servSock
pgData <- genCMDL_PgipState swXML servH servH
let pgD = case swXML of
True -> addToMsg "<ready/></pgip>" []
$ genHandShake
$ genPgipTag
$ resetMsg [] pgData
False -> resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgD emptyCMDL_State
waitLoop pgipD st =
(nwpgD,nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
case stop nwpgD of
False -> waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
True -> return nwSt
-- | Comunicates over a port to which the prover has to connect
cmdlConnect2Port :: Bool -> String -> Int -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlConnect2Port swXML hostName portNb
= do
putStrLn ("Starting hets. Connecting to port "++(show portNb))
sockH <- connectTo hostName $ PortNumber (fromIntegral portNb)
pgData <- genCMDL_PgipState swXML sockH sockH
let pgD = case swXML of
True -> addToMsg "<ready/></pgip>" []
$ genHandShake
$ genPgipTag
$ resetMsg [] pgData
False -> resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgD emptyCMDL_State
waitLoop pgipD st =
(nwpgD,nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
case stop nwpgD of
False -> waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
True -> return nwSt
-- | Reads from a handle, it waits only for a certain amount of time,
-- if no input comes it will return Nothing
timeoutReadPacket :: Int -> CMDL_PgipState -> IO (Maybe String)
timeoutReadPacket untilTimeout st
= do
smtmp <- hWaitForInput (hin st) untilTimeout
case smtmp of
True -> do
ms <- case useXML st of
True -> readPacket [] $ hin st
False -> hGetLine $ hin st
return $ Just ms
False -> return Nothing
-- | Waits until it reads an entire XML packet
readPacket :: String -> Handle -> IO String
readPacket acc hf
= do
tmp <- hGetLine hf
case isInfixOf "</pgip>" tmp of
True -> return (acc++tmp)
False -> readPacket (acc++tmp) hf
-- | Runs a shell in which the communication is expected to be
-- through XML packets
cmdlRunXMLShell :: IO CMDL_State
= do
pgData <- genCMDL_PgipState True stdin stdout
let pgD = addToMsg "<ready/></pgip>" []
$ genHandShake
$ genPgipTag
$ resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgD emptyCMDL_State
waitLoop pgipD st =
(nwpgD,nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
case stop nwpgD of
False -> waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
True -> return nwSt
-- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
-- normal output
genAnswer :: CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_PgipState
genAnswer st
= case useXML st of
True -> case nonFatalErrMsg st of
[] -> st {
theMsg = (theMsg st) ++ "</pgmltext></normalresponse>"
_ -> st {
theMsg = (theMsg st) ++ "</pgmltext></normalresponse>" ++
"<errorresponse fatality=\"nonfatal\">"++
"<pgmltext>"++ (nonFatalErrMsg st) ++
False -> case nonFatalErrMsg st of
[] -> st
stxt -> st {
theMsg = (theMsg st)++"\n"++stxt
-- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
-- error output
genErrAnswer :: String -> CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_PgipState
genErrAnswer str st
= case str of
[] -> st
_ -> case useXML st of
True ->addToMsg ("</pgmltext></normalresponse>"++
"<errorresponse fatality=\"fatal\"><pgmltext>"++
str++"</pgmltext></errorresponse>") [] st
False -> addToMsg str [] st
-- | Executes given commands and returns output message and the new state
processCmds :: [CMDL_XMLcommands] -> CMDL_State -> CMDL_PgipState ->
IO (CMDL_State, CMDL_PgipState)
processCmds cmds state pgipState
= do
let pgipSt = pgipState {resendMsgIfTimeout = False,
maxWaitTime = 2000}
case cmds of
[] -> case useXML pgipSt of
True -> return (state, genAnswer pgipSt )
False -> return (state, pgipSt)
(XML_Execute str):l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++
(theMsg pgipSt)++"\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString str state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt)
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP)
XML_Exit :l -> do
processCmds l state $ addToMsg "Exiting prover" []
pgipSt { stop = True }
XML_Askpgip:_ -> do
case useXML pgipSt of
True -> return (state, genHandShake
$ genPgipTag
$ resetMsg [] pgipSt)
False -> return (state, resetMsg [] pgipSt)
XML_ProverInit :l -> do
processCmds l emptyCMDL_State $ addToMsg
"Prover state was reseted" [] pgipSt
XML_StartQuiet :l -> do
-- Quiet not yet implemented !!
processCmds l state $
addToMsg "Quiet mode doesn't work properly" [] pgipSt {
quietOutput = True }
XML_StopQuiet :l -> do
-- Quiet not yet implemented !!
processCmds l state $
addToMsg "Quiet mode doesn't work properly" [] pgipSt {
quietOutput = False }
(XML_OpenGoal str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_CloseGoal str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : " ++(theMsg pgipSt)
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals "++str++"\n prove \n")
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_GiveUpGoal str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del goals "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_Unknown str) :_ -> do
return (state, addToMsg [] ("Unknown command : "++str)
XML_Undo : l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("undo \n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
XML_Redo : l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("redo \n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_Forget str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del axioms "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_OpenTheory str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("select "++str ++ "\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_CloseTheory _) :l -> do
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing ->
processCmds l state $ addToMsg "Theory closed" [] pgipSt
Just ist -> do
let nwSt =
add2hist [IStateChange $ Just ist] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just $ emptyIntIState
(i_libEnv ist) (i_ln ist)
processCmds l nwSt $ addToMsg "Theory closed" [] pgipSt
(XML_CloseFile _) :l -> do
processCmds l emptyCMDL_State $ addToMsg "File closed" []
(XML_LoadFile str) : l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("use "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
addToMsg (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)