XMLparsing.hs revision 56c56b2181e76c239929ddade2925ba5c3f3fffd
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : XML processing for the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.XMLparsing contains commands for parsing or creating XML messages
module PGIP.XMLparsing
import Network
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
import PGIP.XMLstate
import PGIP.Interface
import PGIP.DataTypes
import Data.List
interactTCP :: Int-> (String ->CMDL_State ->IO (CMDL_State,String,Bool))
-> IO CMDL_State
interactTCP port f = withSocketsDo $ do
servSock <- connectTo "localhost" $ PortNumber (fromIntegral port)
lSt <- waitLoop f servSock emptyCMDL_State
return lSt
waitLoop::(String ->CMDL_State -> IO (CMDL_State,String,Bool)) -> Handle
-> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
waitLoop f servSock st = do
(cont,nSt) <- bracket (do
hPutStrLn servSock "<pgip><ready/></pgip>"
return servSock)
(\h -> do
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
tmp <- hGetContents h
putStrLn tmp
(nwSt,tmp',c) <- f tmp st
hPutStr h tmp'
return (c,nwSt)
case cont of
True -> waitLoop f servSock nSt
False -> do
hClose servSock
return nSt
cmdlConnect2Port :: Int -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlConnect2Port portNb
= do
putStrLn ("Starting hets with port " ++ (show portNb))
lSt <- interactTCP portNb talk2Broker
return lSt
talk2Broker :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO (CMDL_State, String, Bool)
talk2Broker pck state
putStrLn ("PCK :: " ++pck)
cmds <- parseXMLString pck
putStrLn $ show cmds
(nwSt, answ,c) <- processCmds cmds state
return (nwSt,answ,c)
processCmd :: [CMDL_XMLstate] -> CMDL_State -> String -> Bool ->
IO (CMDL_State, String, Bool)
processCmd cmds state answ c
= case cmds of
[] -> return (state,answ,c)
(XML_Execute str):l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString str state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
XML_Exit :l -> do
processCmd l state answ False
XML_ProverInit :l -> do
processCmd l emptyCMDL_State answ c
XML_StartQuiet :l -> do
processCmd l state answ c
XML_StopQuiet :l -> do
processCmd l state answ c
(XML_OpenGoal str) :l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals "++str++"\n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
(XML_CloseGoal str) :l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals "++str++"\n prove \n")
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
(XML_GiveUpGoal str) :l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del goals "++str++"\n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
(XML_Unknown _) :l -> do
processCmd l state answ c
XML_Undo : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("undo \n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
XML_Redo : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("redo \n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
(XML_Forget str) :l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del axioms "++str++"\n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
(XML_OpenTheory str) :l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("select "++str ++ "\n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
(XML_CloseTheory _) :l -> do
let hst = history state
uI = undoInstances hst
nwSt = state {
proveState = Nothing,
history = hst {
undoInstances = ([],[]): uI
processCmd l nwSt answ c
(XML_CloseFile _) :l -> do
processCmd l emptyCMDL_State answ c
(XML_LoadFile str) : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("use "++str++"\n") state
let nwAnsw = case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> answ
err -> ( answ++"<errorresponse>"++
err ++ "</errorresponse>")
let nwAnsw' = case outputMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> nwAnsw
msg -> (nwAnsw++"<normalresponse>"++
processCmd l nwSt nwAnsw' c
processCmds::[CMDL_XMLstate] -> CMDL_State -> IO (CMDL_State, String, Bool)
processCmds cmds state
= do
let answ = "<pgip>"
(nwSt,nwAnsw,c) <- processCmd cmds state answ True
let answ' = nwAnsw ++ "<ready/></pgip>"
return (nwSt, answ',c)