XMLparsing.hs revision 3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : XML processing for the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.XMLparsing contains commands for parsing or creating XML messages
module PGIP.XMLparsing where
import PGIP.MarkPgip(genQName, addPgipMarkUp)
import PGIP.XMLstate
import CMDL.Interface(cmdlProcessString, emptyCmdlState)
import CMDL.DataTypes
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils(add2hist)
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils(emptyIntIState)
import Driver.Options
import Text.XML.Light as XML
import Network(connectTo, PortID(PortNumber), accept, listenOn)
import System.IO
import Data.List(isInfixOf)
-- | Generates the XML packet that contains information about what
-- commands can the interface respond to
genHandShake :: CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
genHandShake pgipData
= let el_askpgip = genPgipElem "askpgip"
el_askpgml = genPgipElem "askpgml"
el_askprefs = genPgipElem "askprefs"
el_getprefs = genPgipElem "getprefs"
el_setprefs = genPgipElem "setprefs"
el_proverinit = genPgipElem "proverinit"
el_proverexit = genPgipElem "proverexit"
el_startquiet = genPgipElem "startquiet"
el_stopquiet = genPgipElem "stopquiet"
el_pgmlsymbolon = genPgipElem "pgmlsymbolon"
el_pgmlsymboloff = genPgipElem "pgmlsymboloff"
el_dostep = genPgipElem "dostep"
el_undostep = genPgipElem "undostep"
el_redostep = genPgipElem "redostep"
el_abortgoal = genPgipElem "abortgoal"
el_forget = genPgipElem "forget"
el_restoregoal = genPgipElem "restoregoal"
el_askids = genPgipElem "askids"
el_showid = genPgipElem "showid"
el_askguise = genPgipElem "askguise"
el_parsescript = genPgipElem "parsescript"
el_showproofstate = genPgipElem "showproofstate"
el_showctxt = genPgipElem "showctxt"
el_searchtheorems = genPgipElem "searchtheorems"
el_setlinewidth = genPgipElem "setlinewidth"
el_viewdoc = genPgipElem "viewdoc"
el_doitem = genPgipElem "doitem"
el_undoitem = genPgipElem "undoitem"
el_redoitem = genPgipElem "redoitem"
el_aborttheory = genPgipElem "aborttheory"
el_retracttheory = genPgipElem "retracttheory"
el_loadfile = genPgipElem "loadfile"
el_openfile = genPgipElem "openfile"
el_closefile = genPgipElem "closefile"
el_abortfile = genPgipElem "abortfile"
el_changecwd = genPgipElem "changecwd"
el_systemcmd = genPgipElem "systemcmd"
pgip_elems =
[ el_askpgip
, el_askpgml
, el_askprefs
, el_getprefs
, el_setprefs
, el_proverinit
, el_proverexit
, el_startquiet
, el_stopquiet
, el_pgmlsymbolon
, el_pgmlsymboloff
, el_dostep
, el_undostep
, el_redostep
, el_abortgoal
, el_forget
, el_restoregoal
, el_askids
, el_showid
, el_askguise
, el_parsescript
, el_showproofstate
, el_showctxt
, el_searchtheorems
, el_setlinewidth
, el_viewdoc
, el_doitem
, el_undoitem
, el_redoitem
, el_aborttheory
, el_retracttheory
, el_loadfile
, el_openfile
, el_closefile
, el_abortfile
, el_changecwd
, el_systemcmd
xmlrootElem = Elem $ blank_element {
elName = genQName "usespgip",
elAttribs = [Attr { attrKey = genQName "version",
attrVal = "2.0" } ],
elContent = [
Elem XML.Element {
elName = genQName "acceptedpgipelems",
elAttribs = [],
elContent = pgip_elems,
elLine = Nothing } ],
elLine = Nothing }
in if useXML pgipData
then addToContent pgipData xmlrootElem
else pgipData
-- | The function executes a communication step, i.e. waits for input,
-- processes the message and outputs the answer
communicationStep:: CmdlPgipState -> CmdlState ->
IO (CmdlPgipState, CmdlState)
communicationStep pgD st = do
-- tries to read a packet from the input
tmp <- timeoutReadPacket (maxWaitTime pgD) pgD
case tmp of
Nothing -> if resendMsgIfTimeout pgD
-- if the interface receives nothing in the given timeframe
-- described by maxWaitTime and the flag resendMsgIfTimeout is
-- set, that the interface resends last packet assuming that last
-- send was a fail
then do
let nwpgD = addToMsg (showContent $ xmlContent pgD)
[] pgD { seqNb = seqNb pgD + 1 }
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++
theMsg nwpgD ++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout nwpgD) $ theMsg nwpgD
hFlush $ hout nwpgD
communicationStep nwpgD st
-- if the flag is not set, that the network waits some more for the
-- broker to respond or give a new command
else communicationStep pgD st
-- if something is received, that the commands are parsed and executed
-- and a response is generated
Just smtxt ->
let cmds = parseMsg pgD smtxt
refseqNb = getRefseqNb smtxt
(nwSt, nwPgD) <- processCmds cmds st $ resetMsg []
$ pgD { refSeqNb = refseqNb }
if useXML pgD then do
let nwPgipSt = addToMsg (showContent $ xmlContent nwPgD)
[] nwPgD { seqNb = seqNb nwPgD + 1 }
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) $ theMsg nwPgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgD
-- this lines take care for each response to have
-- a corresponding id and sequence number
let refNb = case refseqNb of
Just rNb -> " refseq=\""++rNb++"\" "
Nothing -> " "
mSg = "<pgip tag=\"Hets\" class=\"pg\" id=\"" ++
pgip_id pgD ++ "\"" ++ refNb ++ " seq=\"" ++
show (seqNb pgD + 1)++"\"><ready /></pgip>"
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) mSg
hFlush $ hout pgD
return (nwPgipSt { seqNb = seqNb nwPgipSt + 1}, nwSt)
else do
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) $ theMsg nwPgD
hFlush $ hout pgD
return (nwPgD, nwSt)
-- | Comunicate over a port
cmdlListenOrConnect2Port :: HetcatsOpts -> IO CmdlState
cmdlListenOrConnect2Port opts = do
let portNb = listen opts
conPN = connectP opts
hostName = connectH opts
swXML = xmlFlag opts
servH <- if portNb /= -1 then do
putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Starting hets. Listen to port " ++ show portNb
servSock <- listenOn $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral portNb
(servH, _, _) <- accept servSock
return servH
else if conPN /= -1 then do
putIfVerbose opts 1 $ "Starting hets. Connecting to port "
++ show conPN ++ " on host " ++ hostName
connectTo hostName $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral conPN
else error "cmdlListenOrConnect2Port: missing port number"
cmdlLoop opts swXML servH servH 1000
-- | Reads from a handle, it waits only for a certain amount of time,
-- if no input comes it will return Nothing
timeoutReadPacket :: Int -> CmdlPgipState -> IO (Maybe String)
timeoutReadPacket untilTimeout st = do
smtmp <- hWaitForInput (hin st) untilTimeout
if smtmp then do
ms <- if useXML st
then readPacket [] $ hin st
else hGetLine $ hin st
return $ Just ms
else return Nothing
-- | Waits until it reads an entire XML packet
readPacket :: String -> Handle -> IO String
readPacket acc hf = do
tmp <- hGetLine hf
let str = acc ++ tmp ++ "\n"
if isInfixOf "</pgip>" tmp
then return str
else readPacket str hf
cmdlLoop :: HetcatsOpts -> Bool -> Handle -> Handle -> Int -> IO CmdlState
cmdlLoop opts swXML h_in h_out timeOut = do
pgData <- genCMDLPgipState swXML h_in h_out timeOut
let pgD = addReadyXml $ genHandShake $ resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgipD st = do
(nwpgD, nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
if stop nwpgD then return nwSt else waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
waitLoop pgD $ emptyCmdlState opts
-- | Runs a shell in which the communication is expected to be
-- through XML packets
cmdlRunXMLShell :: HetcatsOpts -> IO CmdlState
cmdlRunXMLShell opts = cmdlLoop opts True stdin stdout (-1)
-- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
-- normal output
genAnswer :: String -> String -> CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
genAnswer msgtxt errmsg st =
if useXML st
then let resp = addToContent st $ genNormalResponse msgtxt in
if null errmsg then resp
else addToContent resp $ genErrorResponse False errmsg
else addToMsg msgtxt errmsg st
-- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
-- error output
genErrAnswer :: String -> CmdlPgipState -> CmdlPgipState
genErrAnswer str st = case str of
"" -> st
_ | useXML st -> addToContent st $ genErrorResponse True str
_ -> addToMsg [] str st
-- | Executes given commands and returns output message and the new state
processCmds :: [CmdlXMLcommands] -> CmdlState -> CmdlPgipState
-> IO (CmdlState, CmdlPgipState)
processCmds cmds state pgipSt = do
let opts = hetsOpts state
processRest tl newState newPgipSt =
let outSt = output newState in
case errorMsg outSt of
[] -> processCmds tl newState
$ genAnswer (outputMsg outSt) (warningMsg outSt) newPgipSt
eMsg -> return (newState, genErrAnswer eMsg newPgipSt)
case cmds of
[] -> if useXML pgipSt
-- ensures that the response is ended with a ready element
-- such that the broker does wait for more input
then return (state, addReadyXml pgipSt )
else return (state, pgipSt)
XmlExecute str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString str state
processRest l nwSt $ resetMsg [] pgipSt
XmlExit : l -> processCmds l state
$ genAnswer "Exiting prover" [] pgipSt { stop = True }
XmlAskpgip : _ -> if useXML pgipSt
then return (state, genHandShake pgipSt)
else return (state, resetMsg [] pgipSt)
XmlProverInit : l -> processCmds l (emptyCmdlState opts)
$ genAnswer "Prover state was reset" [] pgipSt
XmlStartQuiet : l ->
-- Quiet not yet implemented !!
processCmds l state $ genAnswer
"Quiet mode doesn't work properly" [] pgipSt {
quietOutput = True }
XmlStopQuiet : l ->
-- Quiet not yet implemented !!
-- use proper tmp-files and avoid duplicate code!
processCmds l state $ genAnswer
"Quiet mode doesn't work properly" [] pgipSt {
quietOutput = False }
XmlOpenGoal str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals " ++ str ++ "\n") state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt
XmlCloseGoal str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del goals " ++ str ++ "\n prove \n") state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt
XmlGiveUpGoal str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del goals " ++ str ++ "\n") state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt
XmlUnknown str : _ ->
return (state, genAnswer [] ("Unknown command : " ++ str) pgipSt)
XmlUndo : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString "undo \n" state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt
XmlRedo : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString "redo \n" state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt
XmlForget str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del axioms "++str++"\n") state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt
XmlOpenTheory str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("select "++str ++ "\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processRest l nwSt pgipSt
eMsg -> processCmds [] nwSt $ genErrAnswer eMsg pgipSt
XmlCloseTheory _ : l ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing ->
processCmds l state (genAnswer "Theory closed" [] pgipSt)
Just ist -> do
let nwSt =
add2hist [IStateChange $ Just ist] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just $ emptyIntIState
(i_libEnv ist) (i_ln ist)
processCmds l nwSt (genAnswer "Theory closed" [] pgipSt)
XmlCloseFile _ : l -> processCmds l (emptyCmdlState opts)
(genAnswer "File closed" [] pgipSt)
XmlParseScript str : _ ->
processCmds [] state $ addToContent pgipSt (addPgipMarkUp str)
XmlLoadFile str : l -> do
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("use " ++ str ++ "\n") state
processRest l nwSt pgipSt