XMLparsing.hs revision 124c859ba4741d5e36d5d98634886b430b7af093
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : XML processing for the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.XMLparsing contains commands for parsing or creating XML messages
module PGIP.XMLparsing
import Network
import System.IO
import PGIP.XMLstate
import CMDL.Interface
import CMDL.DataTypes
import Data.List
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils
import qualified Text.XML.Light.Types as XmlT
import Text.XML.Light.Output
-- | Generates the XML packet that contains information about the interface
genHandShake :: CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_PgipState
genHandShake pgipData
= let el_askpgip = genPgipElem "askpgip"
el_askpgml = genPgipElem "askpgml"
el_askprefs = genPgipElem "askprefs"
el_getprefs = genPgipElem "getprefs"
el_setprefs = genPgipElem "setprefs"
el_proverinit = genPgipElem "proverinit"
el_proverexit = genPgipElem "proverexit"
el_startquiet = genPgipElem "startquiet"
el_stopquiet = genPgipElem "stopquiet"
el_pgmlsymbolon = genPgipElem "pgmlsymbolon"
el_pgmlsymboloff = genPgipElem "pgmlsymboloff"
el_dostep = genPgipElem "dostep"
el_undostep = genPgipElem "undostep"
el_redostep = genPgipElem "redostep"
el_abortgoal = genPgipElem "abortgoal"
el_forget = genPgipElem "forget"
el_restoregoal = genPgipElem "restoregoal"
el_askids = genPgipElem "askids"
el_showid = genPgipElem "showid"
el_askguise = genPgipElem "askguise"
el_parsescript = genPgipElem "parsescript"
el_showproofstate = genPgipElem "showproofstate"
el_showctxt = genPgipElem "showctxt"
el_searchtheorems = genPgipElem "searchtheorems"
el_setlinewidth = genPgipElem "setlinewidth"
el_viewdoc = genPgipElem "viewdoc"
el_doitem = genPgipElem "doitem"
el_undoitem = genPgipElem "undoitem"
el_redoitem = genPgipElem "redoitem"
el_aborttheory = genPgipElem "aborttheory"
el_retracttheory = genPgipElem "retracttheory"
el_loadfile = genPgipElem "loadfile"
el_openfile = genPgipElem "openfile"
el_closefile = genPgipElem "closefile"
el_abortfile = genPgipElem "abortfile"
el_changecwd = genPgipElem "changecwd"
el_systemcmd = genPgipElem "systemcmd"
pgip_elems =
: el_askpgml
: el_askprefs
: el_getprefs
: el_setprefs
: el_proverinit
: el_proverexit
: el_startquiet
: el_stopquiet
: el_pgmlsymbolon
: el_pgmlsymboloff
: el_dostep
: el_undostep
: el_redostep
: el_abortgoal
: el_forget
: el_restoregoal
: el_askids
: el_showid
: el_askguise
: el_parsescript
: el_showproofstate
: el_showctxt
: el_searchtheorems
: el_setlinewidth
: el_viewdoc
: el_doitem
: el_undoitem
: el_redoitem
: el_aborttheory
: el_retracttheory
: el_loadfile
: el_openfile
: el_closefile
: el_abortfile
: el_changecwd
: el_systemcmd
: []
xmlrootElem = XmlT.Elem $ XmlT.blank_element {
XmlT.elName = genQName "usespgip",
XmlT.elAttribs = [XmlT.Attr { XmlT.attrKey = genQName "version",
XmlT.attrVal = "2.0" } ],
XmlT.elContent = [
XmlT.Elem $ XmlT.Element {
XmlT.elName = genQName "acceptedpgipelems",
XmlT.elAttribs = [],
XmlT.elContent = pgip_elems,
XmlT.elLine = Nothing } ],
XmlT.elLine = Nothing }
in case useXML pgipData of
True -> addToContent pgipData xmlrootElem
False -> pgipData
-- | The function executes a communication step, i.e. waits for input,
-- processes the message and outputs the answer
communicationStep:: CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_State ->
IO (CMDL_PgipState, CMDL_State)
communicationStep pgD st =
tmp <- timeoutReadPacket (maxWaitTime pgD) pgD
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Input : "++(show tmp)++"\n")
case tmp of
Nothing -> case resendMsgIfTimeout pgD of
True -> do
-- appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++
-- (theMsg pgD) ++ "\n")
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) $ theMsg pgD
hFlush $ hout pgD
communicationStep pgD st
False -> communicationStep pgD st
Just smtxt -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" "Processing input"
cmds <- parseMsg pgD smtxt
(nwSt, nwPgD) <-processCmds cmds st $ resetMsg [] pgD
let nwPgipSt = case useXML pgD of
True ->
addToMsg (showContent $ xmlContent nwPgD)
[] nwPgD
False -> nwPgD
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++ (theMsg pgD)++
hPutStrLn (hout pgD) $ theMsg nwPgipSt
hFlush $ hout pgD
return (nwPgipSt, nwSt)
-- | Comunicates over a port at which the prover should listen
cmdlListen2Port :: Bool -> Int -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlListen2Port swXML portNb
= do
putStrLn("Starting hets. Listen to port "++(show portNb))
servSock <- listenOn $ PortNumber (fromIntegral portNb)
(servH,_,_) <- accept servSock
pgData <- genCMDL_PgipState swXML servH servH
let pgD = case swXML of
True -> addReadyXml
$ genHandShake
$ resetMsg [] pgData
False -> resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgD emptyCMDL_State
waitLoop pgipD st =
(nwpgD,nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
case stop nwpgD of
False -> waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
True -> return nwSt
-- | Comunicates over a port to which the prover has to connect
cmdlConnect2Port :: Bool -> String -> Int -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlConnect2Port swXML hostName portNb
= do
putStrLn ("Starting hets. Connecting to port "++(show portNb))
sockH <- connectTo hostName $ PortNumber (fromIntegral portNb)
pgData <- genCMDL_PgipState swXML sockH sockH
let pgD = case swXML of
True -> addReadyXml
$ genHandShake
$ resetMsg [] pgData
False -> resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgD emptyCMDL_State
waitLoop pgipD st =
(nwpgD,nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
case stop nwpgD of
False -> waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
True -> return nwSt
-- | Reads from a handle, it waits only for a certain amount of time,
-- if no input comes it will return Nothing
timeoutReadPacket :: Int -> CMDL_PgipState -> IO (Maybe String)
timeoutReadPacket untilTimeout st
= do
smtmp <- hWaitForInput (hin st) untilTimeout
case smtmp of
True -> do
ms <- case useXML st of
True -> readPacket [] $ hin st
False -> hGetLine $ hin st
return $ Just ms
False -> return Nothing
-- | Waits until it reads an entire XML packet
readPacket :: String -> Handle -> IO String
readPacket acc hf
= do
tmp <- hGetLine hf
case isInfixOf "</pgip>" tmp of
True -> return (acc++tmp++"\n")
False -> readPacket (acc++tmp++"\n") hf
-- | Runs a shell in which the communication is expected to be
-- through XML packets
cmdlRunXMLShell :: IO CMDL_State
= do
pgData <- genCMDL_PgipState True stdin stdout
let pgD = addReadyXml
$ genHandShake
$ resetMsg [] pgData
waitLoop pgD emptyCMDL_State
waitLoop pgipD st =
(nwpgD,nwSt) <- communicationStep pgipD st
case stop nwpgD of
False -> waitLoop nwpgD nwSt
True -> return nwSt
-- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
-- normal output
genAnswer :: String -> String -> CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_PgipState
genAnswer msgtxt errmsg st
= case useXML st of
True ->
case errmsg of
[] -> addToContent st $ genNormalResponse $ msgtxt
_ -> addToContent (addToContent st $ genNormalResponse msgtxt) $
genErrorResponse False $ errmsg
False -> addToMsg msgtxt errmsg st
-- | It inserts a given string into the XML packet as
-- error output
genErrAnswer :: String -> CMDL_PgipState -> CMDL_PgipState
genErrAnswer str st
= case str of
[] -> st
_ -> case useXML st of
True ->
addToContent st $ genErrorResponse True str
False -> addToMsg [] str st
-- | Executes given commands and returns output message and the new state
processCmds :: [CMDL_XMLcommands] -> CMDL_State -> CMDL_PgipState ->
IO (CMDL_State, CMDL_PgipState)
processCmds cmds state pgipState
= do
let pgipSt = pgipState {resendMsgIfTimeout = False,
maxWaitTime = 2000}
case cmds of
[] -> case useXML pgipSt of
True -> return (state, addReadyXml pgipSt )
False -> return (state, pgipSt)
(XML_Execute str):l -> do
-- appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++
-- (theMsg pgipSt)++"\n")
-- hPutStrLn (hout pgipSt) $ theMsg pgipSt
-- hFlush $ hout pgipSt
let nPGIP = resetMsg [] pgipSt
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("\n\n" ++ str)
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString str state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt)
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer
(errorMsg $ output nwSt) nPGIP)
XML_Exit :l -> do
processCmds l state $ genAnswer "Exiting prover" []
pgipSt { stop = True }
XML_Askpgip:_ -> do
case useXML pgipSt of
True -> return (state, genHandShake pgipSt)
False -> return (state, resetMsg [] pgipSt)
XML_ProverInit :l -> do
processCmds l emptyCMDL_State $ genAnswer
"Prover state was reseted" [] pgipSt
XML_StartQuiet :l -> do
-- Quiet not yet implemented !!
processCmds l state $ genAnswer
"Quiet mode doesn't work properly" [] pgipSt {
quietOutput = True }
XML_StopQuiet :l -> do
-- Quiet not yet implemented !!
processCmds l state $ genAnswer
"Quiet mode doesn't work properly" [] pgipSt {
quietOutput = False }
(XML_OpenGoal str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_CloseGoal str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : " ++(theMsg pgipSt)
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("add goals "++str++"\n prove \n")
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_GiveUpGoal str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del goals "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_Unknown str) :_ -> do
return (state, genAnswer [] ("Unknown command : "++str)
XML_Undo : l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("undo \n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
XML_Redo : l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("redo \n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_Forget str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("del axioms "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_OpenTheory str) :l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("select "++str ++ "\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)
(XML_CloseTheory _) :l -> do
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing ->
processCmds l state (genAnswer "Theory closed" [] pgipSt)
Just ist -> do
let nwSt =
add2hist [IStateChange $ Just ist] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just $ emptyIntIState
(i_libEnv ist) (i_ln ist)
processCmds l nwSt (genAnswer "Theory closed" [] pgipSt)
(XML_CloseFile _) :l -> do
processCmds l emptyCMDL_State (genAnswer "File closed" []
(XML_LoadFile str) : l -> do
appendFile "/tmp/razvan.txt" ("Output : "++(theMsg pgipSt)
++ "\n")
nwSt <- cmdlProcessString ("use "++str++"\n") state
case errorMsg $ output nwSt of
[] -> processCmds l nwSt $
genAnswer (outputMsg $ output nwSt)
(warningMsg $ output nwSt) pgipSt
_ -> return (nwSt, genErrAnswer (errorMsg $ output nwSt)