Utils.hs revision 0f846ba4040d8bcbd1ebda53ceb5760ca70c89b2
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : utilities for Hets commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@iu-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Toghether with PGIP.Common, PGIP.Utils contains all the auxiliary functions
used throughout the interactive interface. The reason for dividing these
functions in two files was that otherwise we would had circular
imports (for example Proof.Automatic requires some of these auxiliary
functions, but some other functions -- that appear now in PGIP.Common --
require some functions from Proof.Automatic)
module PGIP.Utils where
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Data.List (find)
type GDataEdge = LEdge DGLinkLab
type GDataNode = LNode DGNodeLab
data GraphGoals =
GraphNode GDataNode
| GraphEdge GDataEdge
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | The datatype GOAL contains all the information read by the parser from the
-- user
data GOAL =
Node String
| Edge String String
| LabeledEdge String Int String
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | The function 'getGoalList' creates a graph goal list ( a graph goal is
-- defined by the datatype 'GraphGoals') that is a part of the list passed
-- as an argument that corresponds to the parsed goals ( see
-- 'GOAL' datatype)
getGoalList :: [GOAL] -> [GraphGoals] -> [GraphGoals] -> IO [GraphGoals]
getGoalList goalList allg ll
= case goalList of
(Node x):l -> do
tmp2<- getGoalList l allg ll
case extractGraphNode x allg of
Just smth -> return (smth:tmp2)
Nothing -> do
putStr ("Couldn't find node "++x++"\n")
return []
(Edge x y):l -> do
tmp <- extractGraphEdge x y allg ll
tmp2<- getGoalList l allg ll
case tmp of
Just smth -> return (smth:tmp2)
Nothing -> return tmp2
(LabeledEdge x nb y):l -> do
tmp <- extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y allg ll
tmp2<- getGoalList l allg ll
case tmp of
Just smth -> return (smth:tmp2)
Nothing -> return tmp2
[] -> return []
-- | The function 'extractGraphNode' extracts the goal node defined by
-- the ID of the node as a string from the provided list of goals
extractGraphNode :: String -> [GraphGoals] -> Maybe GraphGoals
extractGraphNode x = find ( \ g -> case g of
GraphNode (_, label) -> getDGNodeName label == x
_ -> False)
-- | The function 'extractGraphEdge' extracts the goal edge determined by
-- the two nodes from the provided list of goals
extractGraphEdge:: String -> String -> [GraphGoals] -> [GraphGoals]
-> IO (Maybe GraphGoals)
extractGraphEdge x y allGoals ll
= case allGoals of
[] -> return Nothing
GraphEdge (xx, yy, label) : l ->
case extractGraphNode x ll of
Nothing -> do
putStr ("Couldn't find node "++x++"\n"++
"when looking for edge "++x++" -> "++y++"\n")
return Nothing
Just t1 -> do
case extractGraphNode y ll of
Nothing -> do
putStr ("Couldn't find node "++y++"\n"++
"when looking for edge "++x++" -> "++y++"\n")
return Nothing
Just t2 ->
case t1 of
(GraphNode (tmp1_nb, _)) ->
case t2 of
(GraphNode (tmp2_nb, _)) ->
if (tmp1_nb == xx)
then if (tmp2_nb == yy)
then return (Just (GraphEdge (xx,yy,label)))
else extractGraphEdge x y l ll
else extractGraphEdge x y l ll
_ -> extractGraphEdge x y l ll
_ -> extractGraphEdge x y l ll
_ : l -> extractGraphEdge x y l ll
-- | Same as above but it tries to extract the edge between the nodes
-- with the given number in the order they are found
extractGraphLabeledEdge:: String -> Int -> String ->
[GraphGoals] -> [GraphGoals] -> IO (Maybe GraphGoals)
extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y allGoals ll
= case allGoals of
[] -> return Nothing
GraphEdge (xx, yy, label) : l ->
case extractGraphNode x ll of
Nothing -> do
putStr ("Couldn't find node "++x++"\n"++
"when looking for edge "++x++" - "++(show nb)++" -> "++y++"\n")
return Nothing
Just t1 -> do
case extractGraphNode y ll of
Nothing -> do
putStr ("Couldn't find node "++y++"\n"++
"when looking for edge "++x++" - "++(show nb)++" -> "++y++"\n")
return Nothing
Just t2 -> do
case t1 of
(GraphNode (tmp1_nb, _)) ->
case t2 of
(GraphNode (tmp2_nb, _)) ->
if (tmp1_nb == xx)
then if (tmp2_nb == yy)
then if (nb==0)
then return (Just (GraphEdge (xx,yy,label)))
else extractGraphLabeledEdge x (nb-1) y l ll
else extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y l ll
else extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y l ll
_ -> extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y l ll
_ -> extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y l ll
_:l -> extractGraphLabeledEdge x nb y l ll
-- | The function 'getEdgeGoals' given a list of edges selects all edges that
-- are goals of the graph and returns them as 'GraphGoals'
getEdgeGoals :: [GDataEdge] -> [GraphGoals]
getEdgeGoals = map GraphEdge .
filter ( \ (_, _, l) -> case thmLinkStatsus $ dgl_type l of
Just LeftOpen -> True
_ -> False)
-- | The function 'convToGoal' converts a list of 'GDataNode'
-- into 'GraphGoals' list
convToGoal:: [GDataNode] -> [GraphGoals]
convToGoal = map GraphNode
-- | The function 'convEdgeToGoal' converts a list of 'GDataEdge'
-- into 'GraphGoals' list
convEdgeToGoal :: [GDataEdge] -> [GraphGoals]
convEdgeToGoal = map GraphEdge
-- | The function 'getEdgeList' returns from a list of graph goals just the
-- edge goals as ['GDataEdge']
getEdgeList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GDataEdge]
getEdgeList = foldr (\ g l -> case g of
GraphEdge x -> x : l
_ -> l) []
-- | The function 'createAllGoalsList' given a library (defined by LIB_NAME and
-- LibEnv) generates the list of all goals (both edges and nodes) of the graph
-- coresponding to the library
createAllGoalsList :: LIB_NAME->LibEnv -> [GraphGoals]
createAllGoalsList ln libEnv
= let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
edgeGoals = getEdgeGoals (labEdges dgraph)
nodeGoals = getNodeGoals (labNodes dgraph)
in edgeGoals ++ nodeGoals
-- | The function 'getNodeGoals' given a list of nodes selects all nodes that
-- are goals of the graph and returns them as 'GraphGoals'
getNodeGoals::[GDataNode] -> [GraphGoals]
getNodeGoals = map GraphNode .
filter ( \ (_, x) -> isDGRef x || not (hasOpenGoals x) ||
not (isInternalNode x) && hasOpenConsStatus False x)
-- | The function 'extractGoals' given the list of 'GDataEdge' and
-- the list of goals finds all elemnts of in the first list that are
-- also in the second
extractGoals :: [GDataEdge] -> [GraphGoals] -> [GDataEdge]
extractGoals ls ll = concatMap (flip extractGoal ll) ls
extractGoal :: GDataEdge -> [GraphGoals] -> [GDataEdge]
extractGoal x ls = if any ( \ g -> case g of
GraphEdge y -> y == x
_ -> False) ls then [x] else []