UndoRedo.hs revision 36f69d35e01d2d6b6bdc165b49661f2a80af8687
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : description of undo and redo functions
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.UnDoRedo contains the implementation of the undo and redo commads
module PGIP.UndoRedo
( cUndo
, cRedo
) where
-- import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Static.DevGraph
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
-- import PGIP.Shell
import PGIP.DgCommands
-- import PGIP.InfoCommands
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
-- import PGIP.ProveCommands
-- | Local datatype used to differentiate between the two action (so that
-- code does not get duplicated
data UndoOrRedo =
| DoRedo
-- This function done the preliminary actions to leave the interface
-- in a operational state after an undo command or redo command
beforeEnding :: UndoOrRedo -> CMDL_State -> CMDL_State
beforeEnding actionType state
= let ls = case actionType of
DoUndo -> undoList $ history state
DoRedo -> redoList $ history state
case ls of
[] -> genMessage [] "Nothing to undo" state
_ ->
let action = head $ ls
rest = tail $ ls
oH = history state
in case actionType of
DoUndo ->
genMessage [] ("Action '"++(head$cmdNames action)++
"' is now undone")
state {
history = oH {
undoList = rest,
redoList = (action: (redoList oH))
DoRedo ->
genMessage [] ("Action '"++(head$cmdNames action)++
"' is now redone")
state {
history = oH {
redoList = rest,
undoList = (action :(undoList oH))
-- This function describes the behaviour of undo when the last action
-- did not change the enviroment
noAction :: UndoOrRedo -> CMDL_State ->IO CMDL_State
noAction actionType state =
return $ beforeEnding actionType state
dgCmd :: UndoOrRedo -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
dgCmd actionType state =
case devGraphState state of
-- should I return an error message??
Nothing -> return $ genMessage [] "No library loaded yet" state
Just dgS ->
case oldEnv $ history state of
Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "Internal Error ! Please reload the library" state
Just initEnv ->
oldLn = ln dgS
old_Env= libEnv dgS
dg = lookupDGraph oldLn old_Env
initdg = lookupDGraph oldLn initEnv
hist = case actionType of
DoUndo -> proofHistory dg
DoRedo -> redoHistory dg
if hist == [emptyHistory] then return state
change = head hist
phist' = case actionType of
DoUndo -> tail $ proofHistory dg
DoRedo -> change : (proofHistory dg)
rhist' = case actionType of
DoUndo -> change:(redoHistory dg)
DoRedo -> tail $ redoHistory dg
dg' = (applyProofHistory (init phist') initdg)
{redoHistory = rhist' }
newEnv = Map.insert oldLn dg' old_Env
newst = state {
devGraphState = Just dgS {
libEnv = newEnv
return $ beforeEnding actionType newst
processList :: [CMDL_ListChange]-> [CMDL_ProofAbstractState]
-> ([CMDL_ProofAbstractState],[CMDL_ListChange])
-> ([CMDL_ProofAbstractState],[CMDL_ListChange])
processList ls elems (acc1,acc2)
= case elems of
[] -> (acc1,acc2)
(Element ps nb):ll ->
case find (\x -> case x of
AxiomsChange _ nb' -> nb == nb'
GoalsChange _ nb' -> nb == nb') ls of
Nothing -> processList ls ll ((Element ps nb):acc1,acc2)
Just smth ->
case smth of
AxiomsChange l _ ->
processList ls ll ((Element ps {
includedAxioms = l
} nb) :acc1, (AxiomsChange
(includedAxioms ps)
GoalsChange l _ ->
processList ls ll ((Element ps {
selectedGoals = l
} nb):acc1, (GoalsChange
(selectedGoals ps)
redoAll:: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
redoAll state
= case snd $ head $ undoInstances $ history state of
[] -> return state
_ -> do
nwSt <- proveCmd DoRedo state
redoAll nwSt
-- | Creates from history the old prove state
genPs:: CMDL_State ->IO CMDL_State
genPs state
-- function to find out the last call of select (dg basic)
= let getScmd ls = case ls of
[] -> []
c:l -> case cmdType c of
SelectCmd -> [c]
SelectCmdAll-> [c]
_ -> getScmd l
-- find the last call of select
scmd = getScmd $ undoList $ history state
in case scmd of
-- if such call not found then just end
[] -> return state
c:_ ->
-- else re-run the select command to create an initial prove state
nwSt <- case cmdType c of
SelectCmd -> cDgSelect (cmdInput c) state
SelectCmdAll -> cDgSelectAll state
_ -> return state
-- get all the "done" action and exectue them
let oH = history nwSt
inst = undoInstances oH
(uhist,_) = head $ inst
nwSt' = nwSt {
history = oH {undoInstances = ([],uhist):(tail inst)}
redoAll nwSt'
undoSelect :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
undoSelect state =
let oH = history state
ul = head $ undoInstances oH
return $ beforeEnding DoUndo
( state {
proveState = Nothing,
history = oH {
undoInstances = tail $ undoInstances oH,
redoInstances = ul:(redoInstances oH)
-- undo commands using prove internal history
proveCmd :: UndoOrRedo -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
proveCmd actionType st =
state <- case actionType of
DoRedo -> return st
DoUndo -> case proveState st of
Just _ -> return st
Nothing -> genPs st
case proveState state of
Nothing -> return $ genMessage [] "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case head $ undoInstances $ history state of
([],_) -> return $ genMessage [] "History is empty" state
(uel,rel) ->
let cg = case actionType of
DoUndo -> head uel
DoRedo -> head rel
oH = history state
inst = tail $ undoInstances oH
genNwst nwst el1 el2 = case actionType of
DoUndo ->
nwst {
proveState = Just el1,
history = oH {
undoInstances= (tail uel,el2:rel):inst
} }
DoRedo ->
nwst {
proveState = Just el1,
history = oH {
undoInstances= (el2:uel,tail rel):inst
} }
case cg of
UseThmChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state (pS{useTheorems = x})
(UseThmChange $ useTheorems pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
Save2FileChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state (pS{save2file = x})
(Save2FileChange $ save2file pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
ProverChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state (pS{prover = x})
(ProverChange $ prover pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
ConsCheckerChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state(pS{consChecker = x})
(ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
ScriptChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state (pS{script = x})
(ScriptChange $ script pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
LoadScriptChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state (pS{loadScript = x})
(LoadScriptChange $ loadScript pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
CComorphismChange x ->
let nwState = genNwst state (pS{cComorphism = x})
(CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
ProveChange x cls ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "Internal Error ! Please reload the library"
Just dgS ->
let nwDgS = dgS {
libEnv = x
ls = elements pS
nwls = concatMap(\(Element _ xx) ->
selectANode xx nwDgS) ls
(cgdls,ncgls) = processList cls nwls ([],[])
nwst1 = genNwst state (pS{elements = cgdls})
(ProveChange (libEnv dgS) ncgls)
nwState = nwst1 {
devGraphState = Just dgS {
libEnv = x
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
ListChange ls ->
(cgdls,ncgls) = processList ls (elements pS) ([],[])
nwState = genNwst state (pS{elements = cgdls}) (ListChange ncgls)
return $ beforeEnding actionType nwState
redoSelect :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
redoSelect state =
let cmdd = head $ redoList $ history state
nwSt <- case cmdType cmdd of
SelectCmd -> do
cDgSelect (cmdInput cmdd) state
SelectCmdAll -> do
cDgSelectAll state
_ -> do
return state
let oH = history nwSt
ul = undoInstances oH
rl = redoInstances oH
return $beforeEnding DoRedo
(nwSt {
history = oH {
redoInstances = tail rl,
undoInstances = (head rl): ul
processAny :: UndoOrRedo -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
processAny actype state =
let hist = case actype of
DoUndo -> undoList $ history state
DoRedo -> redoList $ history state
case hist of
[] -> return $ genMessage [] "History empty" state
x:_ -> case cmdType x of
DgCmd -> dgCmd actype state
InfoCmd -> noAction actype state
ProveCmd -> proveCmd actype state
SelectCmd -> case actype of
DoUndo -> undoSelect state
DoRedo -> redoSelect state
SelectCmdAll -> case actype of
DoUndo -> undoSelect state
DoRedo -> redoSelect state
EvalCmd -> proveCmd actype state
SystemCmd -> noAction actype state
UndoRedoCmd -> return state
-- | Undoes the last command entered
cUndo :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cUndo state =
processAny DoUndo state
cRedo :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cRedo state =
processAny DoRedo state