Shell.hs revision 83e814d7ac048930de2fe34b5b23d883654a1777
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : shell related functions
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.Shell contains almost all functions related the
the CMDL shell or shellac
module PGIP.Shell
( shellacCmd
, cDetails
, cComment
, cOpenComment
, cCloseComment
, nodeNames
, checkCom
, subtractCommandName
, getTypeOf
, cmdlCompletionFn
) where
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Utils
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Logic
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List
import System.Directory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import System.IO
import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.AS_Annotation
-- | Creates a shellac command
shellacCmd :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> Sh CMDL_State ()
shellacCmd cmd
= do
newState<- getShellSt >>= \state -> liftIO(checkCom cmd state {
output = (output state){
errorMsg = [],
outputMsg = [],
warningMsg = []
let result = output newState
if errorMsg result /= []
then shellPutErrLn
("The following error(s) occured :\n"++(errorMsg result))
else return ()
if warningMsg result /= []
then shellPutErrLn
("The following warning(s) occured :\n"++(warningMsg result))
else return ()
if outputMsg result /= []
then shellPutStrLn $ outputMsg result
else return ()
putShellSt newState
register2history :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> IO CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
register2history dscr state_io
= do
state <- state_io
let oldHistory = i_hist $ intState state
case undoList oldHistory of
[] -> return state
h:r -> case cmdName h of
[] ->do
let nwh = h {
cmdName = head $ cmdNames dscr }
return $ state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_hist = oldHistory {
undoList = nwh:r,
redoList = []
} } }
_ -> return state
-- process a comment line
processComment :: CMDL_State -> String -> CMDL_State
processComment st inp
= case isInfixOf "}%" inp of
True -> st { openComment = False }
False -> st
-- gets the function
getFn :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> (CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
getFn desc
= case cmdFn desc of
CmdNoInput fn -> fn
CmdWithInput fn -> fn (cmdInput desc)
-- adds a line to the script
addToScript :: CMDL_State -> IntIState -> String -> CMDL_State
addToScript st ist str
= let olds = script ist
oldextOpts = ts_extraOpts olds
in st {
intState = (intState st) {
i_state = Just ist {
script = olds { ts_extraOpts = str:oldextOpts } }
} }
checkCom :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
checkCom descr state
--check the priority of the current command
case cmdPriority descr of
CmdNoPriority ->
-- check if there is open comment
case openComment state of
True -> return $ processComment state $ cmdInput descr
False ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
Just ist ->
-- check if there is inside a script
case loadScript ist of
False->register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
True->return $ addToScript state ist
((head $ cmdNames descr) ++ " " ++ (cmdInput descr))
CmdGreaterThanComments ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
Just ist ->
case loadScript ist of
False -> register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
True ->return $ addToScript state ist
((head $ cmdNames descr)++ " " ++(cmdInput descr))
CmdGreaterThanScriptAndComments ->
(getFn descr) state
-- | Prints details about the syntax of the interface
cDetails :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cDetails state
= do
return state {
output = CMDL_Message {
errorMsg = [],
outputMsg = printDetails,
warningMsg = []
-- | Function handle a comment line
cComment::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cComment _ state
= return state
-- | Produces a string containing a detailed description
-- of the interface grammar
printDetails :: String
printDetails =
"\n\n Hets Interactive mode.The available grammar is\n\n" ++
" use [PATH] -- open a file with a HetCASL"++
" library\n" ++
" -- this will compute a "++
"development graph\n" ++
" -- and a list of open proof"++
" obligations\n" ++
" dg [DG-COMMAND] [GOAL*] -- apply a proof step of the"++
" dg calculus\n" ++
" dg-all [DG-COMMAND] -- same as dg, but for all"++
" open goals\n" ++
" show-dg-goals -- display list of open dg"++
" goals\n" ++
" show-theory-goals -- display list of theory"++
" goals\n" ++
" show-theory -- show current theory and"++
" proof goals\n" ++
" node-info -- show info about current\n" ++
" -- dg node (name, origin,"++
" sublogic)\n"++
" show-taxonomy -- show taxonomy graph\n" ++
" show-concepts -- show conecpt graph\n" ++
" translate [COMORPHISM] -- translate theory goals \n" ++
" -- along comorphism\n" ++
" prover [PROVER] -- select a prover\n" ++
" proof-script [FORMULA] [PROOF-SCRIPT] end-script\n" ++
" -- process proof script for"++
" one goal\n" ++
" cons-check PROVER -- check consistency\n" ++
" prove [FORMULA*] [AXIOM-SELECTION?]\n" ++
" prove-all [AXIOM-SELECTION?]\n" ++
" q/quit/exit -- exit hets\n\n" ++
" with FORMULA+ -- include only specified"++
" axioms\n" ++
" exlcuding FORMULA+ -- exlcude specified"++
" axioms\n\n" ++
" PROOF-SCRIPT -- can be anything (prover"++
" specific)\n" ++
" -- the end is recognized with"++
" \"end-script\"\n\n" ++
" DG-COMMAND ::= \n" ++
" auto -- automatic tactic\n" ++
" glob-subsume -- global subsumption\n" ++
" glob-decomp -- global decomposition\n"++
" loc-infer -- local inference\n"++
" loc-decomp -- local decomposition\n"++
" comp -- composition\n"++
" comp-new -- composition with speculation of"++
" new egdes\n"++
" hide-thm -- Hide-Theorem-Shift\n"++
" thm-hide -- Theorem-Hide-Shift\n"++
" basic -- start proving at a particular"++
" node,\n"++
" -- i.e. start local proving in a"++
" theory\n\n"++
" GOAL ::= \n"++
" NODE -- select local goals at a"++
" node\n"++
" NODE -> NODE -- select all edges between"++
" two given nodes\n"++
" NODE - DIGIT* -> NODE -- select specific edge"++
" between two nodes\n"++
"\n NODE ::= \n"++
" ID -- specify nodes with their names\n\n"++
" COMORPHISM ::= ID ; ... ; ID -- composite of basic"++
" comorphisms\n\n"++
" PROVER ::= ID -- name of prover\n\n"++
" FORMULA ::= ID -- label of formula\n\n"++
" ID ::= -- identifier (String)\n\n"
-- For normal keyboard input
cOpenComment :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cOpenComment _ state
= return state { openComment = True }
cCloseComment :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cCloseComment state
= return state { openComment = False }
-- | given an input it assumes that it starts with a
-- command name and tries to remove this command name
subtractCommandName::[CMDL_CmdDescription] -> String -> String
subtractCommandName allcmds input
=let inp = trimLeft input
lst = concatMap(\x -> case find(\y -> isPrefixOf y inp)$
cmdNames x of
Nothing -> []
Just tmp -> [tmp]) allcmds
in drop (length $ head lst) inp
-- This function tries to extract the name of command. In most cases this
-- would be the first word of the string but we have a few exceptions :
-- dg * commands
-- dg-all * commands
-- del * commands
-- del-all * commands
-- add * commands
-- set * commands
-- set-all * commands
getCmdName :: String -> String
getCmdName inp
= case words inp of
[] -> []
wds -> case tail wds of
[] -> head wds
lwds -> case head wds of
"dg" -> ("dg " ++ (head lwds))
"dg-all" -> ("dg-all " ++ (head lwds))
"del" -> ("del " ++ (head lwds))
"del-all" -> ("del-all " ++ (head lwds))
"add" -> ("add " ++ (head lwds))
"set" -> ("set " ++ (head lwds))
"set-all" -> ("set-all " ++ (head lwds))
wd -> wd
-- | The function determines the requirements of the command
-- name found at the begining of the string
getTypeOf::[CMDL_CmdDescription] -> String -> CMDL_CmdRequirements
getTypeOf allcmds input
= let nwInput = getCmdName input
tmp =concatMap(\x ->
case find(\y -> y == nwInput )$
cmdNames x of
Nothing -> []
Just _ -> [cmdReq x]) allcmds
in case tmp of
result:[] -> result
_ -> ReqUnknown
nodeNames :: [(a, DGNodeLab)] -> [String]
nodeNames = map (showName . dgn_name . snd)
-- | The function provides a list of possible completion
-- to a given input if any
cmdlCompletionFn :: [CMDL_CmdDescription] -> CMDL_State
-> String -> IO [String]
cmdlCompletionFn allcmds allState input
case getTypeOf allcmds input of
ReqNodes ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
-- a pair, where the first element is what needs
-- to be completed while the second is what is
-- before the word that needs to be completed
let (tC,bC) = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
-- if last character is a white space
-- then there is no word to complete
True -> ([], trimRight input)
-- otherwise is just the last word
-- from the input
False -> (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init
$ words input)
-- get all node names
allNames = nodeNames (getAllNodes state)
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed and add the word that
-- was before the word that needs to be completed
let res = map (\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter (\x -> isPrefixOf tC x) allNames
return res
ReqGNodes ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing-> return []
Just _ ->
--the last unfinished word that needs to be
--completed and what is before it
let (tC,bC) = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
-- if last character is a white space
-- then there is no word to complete
True -> ([], trimRight input)
-- otherwise is just the last word
-- from the input
False -> (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init
$ words input)
-- get all goal node names
allNames = nodeNames (getAllGoalNodes allState)
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed
return $ map(\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter(\x -> isPrefixOf tC x) allNames
ReqEdges ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
--the last unfinished edge name that needs to be
let tC = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
-- what is before this list
bC = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tC)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes state
-- get all edges
lsE= getAllEdges state
-- get all edge names
allNames = createEdgeNames ls lsE
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed
let res = map (\y -> bC++ " "++y) $
filter(\x->isPrefixOf tC x) allNames
return res
ReqGEdges ->
case i_state$ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
-- the last unfinished edge name that needs to be
-- completed
let tC = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
bC = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tC)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
ls = getAllNodes state
lsGE= getAllGoalEdges allState
allNames = createEdgeNames ls lsGE
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed
return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter(\x-> isPrefixOf tC x) allNames
ReqNodesAndEdges ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
let allnodes = getAllNodes state
alledges = getAllEdges state
penultimum s=lastString $ reverse $ safeTail
$ reverse s
-- same as in the ReqNode case just that we need
-- to take care that the word we trying to complete
-- can also be a node name not only an edge name
(tCN,bCN) = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True ->
case checkArrowLink $ lastString $ words input of
-- we are in the middle of an
-- edge, we shouldn't look for
-- node names
(True,_,_) -> ("Impossible to complete",
-- it may be a node
_ -> ([], trimRight input)
False ->
case checkArrowLink $ penultimum $ words input of
(True,_,_) -> ("Impossible to complete",
_ -> (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init
$ words input)
filteredNodes=map (\y -> bCN++" "++y) $
filter (\x->isPrefixOf tCN x)
$ nodeNames allnodes
tCE = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
bCE = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tCE)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
-- same as in the ReqEdge case
edgeNames = createEdgeNames allnodes alledges
filteredEdges=map (\y -> bCE++" "++y) $
filter (\x->isPrefixOf tCE x)
-- sum up the two cases
return (filteredNodes ++ filteredEdges )
ReqGNodesAndGEdges ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
let allnodes = getAllNodes state
allGE= getAllGoalEdges allState
penultimum s=lastString $ reverse $ safeTail
$ reverse s
-- same as in the ReqNode case just that we need
-- to take care that the word we trying to complete
-- can also be a node name not only an edge name
(tCN,bCN) = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True ->
case checkArrowLink $ lastString $ words input of
-- we are in the middle of an
-- edge, we shouldn't look for
-- node names
(True,_,_) ->("Impossible to complete",
--it may be a node
_ -> ([], trimRight input)
False ->
case checkArrowLink $ penultimum $ words input of
(True,_,_) ->("Impossible to complete",
_ -> (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init $
words input)
filteredNodes=map (\y -> bCN++" "++y) $
filter(\x->isPrefixOf tCN x)
$ nodeNames (getAllGoalNodes allState)
tCE = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
bCE = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tCE)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
-- same as in the ReqEdge case
edgeNames =createEdgeNames allnodes allGE
filteredEdges=map (\y -> bCE++" "++y) $
filter(\x->isPrefixOf tCE x)
--sum up the two cases
return (filteredNodes ++ filteredEdges )
ReqConsCheck ->
let tC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> []
False -> lastString $ words input
bC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> trimRight input
False -> unwords $ init $ words input
addConsCheckers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p -> if hasProverKind
ProveCMDLautomatic p
then (G_cons_checker
(targetLogic cid) p):l
else l)
(cons_checkers $ targetLogic cid)
getPName' x = case x of
(G_cons_checker _ p) -> prover_name p
getConsCheckersAutomatic' cm = foldl addConsCheckers [] cm
createConsCheckersList cm = map (\x -> getPName' x)
(getConsCheckersAutomatic' cm)
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing ->
-- not in proving mode !? you can not choose a consistency
-- checker here
return []
Just proofState ->
case cComorphism proofState of
-- some comorphism was used
Just c-> return $ map (\y->bC++" "++y) $
filter (\x->isPrefixOf tC x) $ createConsCheckersList [c]
Nothing ->
case elements proofState of
-- no elements selected
[] -> return []
c:_ ->
case c of
Element z _ -> return $ map(\y->bC++" "++y)
$ filter (\x->isPrefixOf tC x)
$ createConsCheckersList
$ findComorphismPaths
(sublogicOfTh $ theory z)
ReqProvers ->
let tC = unwords $ tail $ words input
bC = head $ words input
addProvers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p ->if hasProverKind
ProveCMDLautomatic p
then (G_prover
(targetLogic cid)
else l)
(provers $ targetLogic cid)
-- this function is identical to the one defined
-- in Proofs.InferBasic, but it is redone here
-- because InferBasic does not compile without
getPName' x = case x of
(G_prover _ p)-> prover_name p
-- from the given comorphism generate a list of
-- provers that can be applied to theories in that
-- comorphism
getProversCMDLautomatic cm=foldl addProvers [] cm
createProverList cm = map (\x -> getPName' x)
(getProversCMDLautomatic cm)
-- find the last comorphism used if none use the
-- the comorphism of the first selected node
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing ->
-- not in proving mode !? you can not choose
-- provers here
return []
Just proofState ->
case cComorphism proofState of
-- some comorphism was used
Just c-> do
lst <- checkPresenceProvers $ createProverList [c]
return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter (\x->isPrefixOf tC x) lst
Nothing ->
case elements proofState of
-- no elements selected
[] -> return []
-- use the first element to get a comorphism
c:_ ->
case c of
Element z _->do
lst <- checkPresenceProvers
$ createProverList
$ findComorphismPaths
logicGraph (sublogicOfTh $ theory z)
return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y)
$ filter (\x->isPrefixOf tC x) lst
ReqComorphism ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return []
(Element st _):_ ->
let tC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> []
False ->lastString $ words input
bC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> trimRight input
False-> unwords $ init $ words input
cL = concatMap ( \(Comorphism cid) ->
case (language_name $ sourceLogic cid) ==
(language_name $ logicId st) of
False -> []
True -> [ language_name cid ]
) comorphismList
in return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y)
$ filter (\x->isPrefixOf tC x) cL
ReqFile ->
-- the incomplete path introduced until now
let initwd = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> []
False -> lastString $ words input
-- the folder in which to look for (it might be
-- empty)
tmpPath=reverse $ dropWhile(\x ->case x of
'/' -> False
_ -> True
) $ reverse initwd
-- in case no folder was introduced yet look into
-- current folder
lastPath = case tmpPath of
[] -> "./"
_ -> tmpPath
-- the name of file/directory that needs to be
-- completed from the already introduced path
tC=reverse $ takeWhile(\x -> case x of
'/' -> False
_ -> True
) $ reverse initwd
bC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> input
False -> (unwords $ init $ words input)
++" "++tmpPath
-- leave just folders and files with extenstion .casl
b' <- doesDirectoryExist lastPath
ls <- case b' of
True -> getDirectoryContents lastPath
False -> return []
names<- fileFilter lastPath ls []
-- case list contains only one name
-- then if it is a folder extend it
let names' = filter (\x->isPrefixOf tC x) names
names''<- case safeTail names' of
-- check PGIP.CMDLUtils to see how it
-- works, function should be done with
-- something like map but that can handle
-- functions with IO
-- (mapIO !? couldn't make it work though)
[] -> fileExtend lastPath names' []
_ -> return names'
return $ map (\y -> bC++y) names''
ReqAxm ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing-> return []
Just pS->
let tC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> []
False-> lastString $ words input
bC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> trimRight input
False -> unwords $ init $ words input
return $ map(\y-> bC++" "++y) $
filter (\x -> isPrefixOf tC x) $ nub $
concatMap(\(Element st _)->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
OMap.keys aMap ) $ elements pS
ReqGoal ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing-> return []
Just pS ->
let tC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> []
False -> lastString $ words input
bC = case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> trimRight input
False-> unwords $ init $ words input
return $ map (\y->bC++" "++y) $
filter(\x-> isPrefixOf tC x) $ nub $
concatMap(\(Element _ nb)->
case getTh Do_translate nb allState of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> not (isAxiom s) &&
not (isProvenSenStatus s)) sens)
$ elements pS
ReqNumber -> case words input of
[hd] -> return $ map((hd ++ " ") ++)
_ : _ : [] -> case isWhiteSpace $ lastChar input of
True -> return []
False ->return $ map(input ++)
_ -> return []
ReqNothing -> do return []
ReqUnknown ->
return []