Examples.hs revision ec7a83ac4ba478fbe923e8919d89758dd2ecef03
module PGIP.Server.Examples where
dol :: String
dol = "%% a simple parthood ontology in OWL\n\
\logic OWL\n\
\ontology Parthood_OWL =\n\
\ ObjectProperty: isPartOf\n\
\ ObjectProperty: isProperPartOf\n\
\ Characteristics: Asymmetric\n\
\ SubPropertyOf: isPartOf\n\
\%% we cannot specify an object property to be both asymmetric and transitive in OWL. Therefore, we switch to Common Logic\n\
\logic CommonLogic\n\
\ontology Parthood_CL =\n\
\ Parthood_OWL\n\
\ with translation OWL22CommonLogic\n\
\ (if (and (isProperPartOf x y) (isProperPartOf y z))\n\
\ (isProperPartOf x z))\n\
casl :: String
casl = "spec Strict_Partial_Order =\n\
\sort Elem\n\
\pred __<__ : Elem * Elem\n\
\forall x, y, z:Elem\n\
\. not x < x %(irreflexive)%\n\
\. x < y /\\ y < z => x < z %(transitive)%\n\
\%% the following is logically entailed\n\
\. x < y => not y < x %(asymmetric)% %implied\n\
owl :: String
owl = "Prefix: : <http://example.org/>\n\
\Ontology: <http://example.org/Family>\n\
\AnnotationProperty: Implied\n\
\Class: Person\n\
\Class: Woman SubClassOf: Person\n\
\ObjectProperty: hasChild\n\
\Class: Mother \n\
\ EquivalentTo: Woman and hasChild some Person\n\
\Individual: mary Types: Woman Facts: hasChild john\n\
\Individual: john Types: Person\n\
\Individual: mary \n\
\ Types: Annotations: Implied \"true\"^^xsd:boolean\n\
\ Mother"
clif :: String
clif = "(cl-text strict_partial_order.clif\n\
\ (forall (x) (not (< x x))) // irreflexive\n\
\ (forall (x y z) (if (and (< x y) (< y z)) (< x z))) // transitive\n\
\ (forall (x y) (if (< x y) (not (< y x)))) // asymmetric\n\