Server.hs revision 5fb6343a5a2b4bbc67bc83479c84a92d23d30edf
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : run hets as server
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
module PGIP.Server (hetsServer) where
import PGIP.Query
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn
import Network.Wai.Handler.SimpleServer
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Parse
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Static.DotGraph
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.ToXml as ToXml
import Interfaces.Command
import Interfaces.CmdAction
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Text.XML.Light
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.ToXml
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (lab)
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
data Session = Session
{ sessLibEnv :: LibEnv
, sessLibName :: LibName
, previousKeys :: [Int]
, _sessStart :: UTCTime }
sessGraph :: DGQuery -> Session -> Maybe (LibName, DGraph)
sessGraph dgQ (Session le ln _ _) = case dgQ of
DGQuery _ (Just path) ->
find (\ (n, _) -> show (getLibId n) == path)
$ Map.toList le
_ -> fmap (\ dg -> (ln, dg)) $ Map.lookup ln le
hetsServer :: HetcatsOpts -> IO ()
hetsServer opts1 = do
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let tempHetsLib = tempDir </> "MyHetsLib"
opts = opts1 { libdirs = tempHetsLib : libdirs opts1 }
createDirectoryIfMissing False tempHetsLib
sessRef <- newIORef IntMap.empty
run 8000 $ \ re ->
let query = B8.unpack $ queryString re in
case B8.unpack (requestMethod re) of
"GET" -> do
let path = dropWhile (== '/') $ B8.unpack (pathInfo re)
dirs@(_ : cs) <- getHetsLibContent opts path query
if null cs then do
Result ds ms <- getHetsResult opts sessRef path query
return $ case ms of
Nothing -> mkResponse status400
$ showRelDiags 1 ds
Just s -> mkOkResponse s
else mkHtmlPage path dirs
"POST" -> do
(_, files) <- parseRequestBody tempFileSink re
case files of
[] -> return $ mkResponse status400 "no file uploaded"
[(_, f)] -> do
let fn = B8.unpack (fileName f)
if any isAlphaNum fn then do
copyFile (fileContent f) (tempHetsLib </> B8.unpack (fileName f))
dirs <- getHetsLibContent opts "" query
mkHtmlPage "" dirs
else return $ mkResponse status400 $ "illegal file name: " ++ fn
_ -> return $ mkResponse status400 $ "cannot handle multiple files "
++ show (map (fileName . snd) files)
_ -> return $ mkResponse status405 ""
mkHtmlString :: FilePath -> [Element] -> String
mkHtmlString path dirs = htmlHead ++ mkHtmlElem
("Listing of" ++ if null path then " repository" else ": " ++ path)
(headElems path ++ [unode "ul" dirs])
mkHtmlElem :: String -> [Element] -> String
mkHtmlElem title body = ppElement $ unode "html"
[ unode "head" $ unode "title" title
, unode "body" body ]
mkHtmlPage :: FilePath -> [Element] -> IO Response
mkHtmlPage path = return . mkOkResponse . mkHtmlString path
mkResponse :: Status -> String -> Response
mkResponse st = Response st [] . ResponseLBS . BS.pack
mkOkResponse :: String -> Response
mkOkResponse = mkResponse status200
addNewSess :: IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> Session -> IO Int
addNewSess sessRef sess = atomicModifyIORef sessRef
(\ m -> let k = IntMap.size m in (IntMap.insert k sess m, k))
getDGraph :: HetcatsOpts -> IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> DGQuery
-> ResultT IO (Session, Int)
getDGraph opts sessRef dgQ = case dgQ of
NewDGQuery file -> do
(ln, le) <- anaLibFileOrGetEnv logicGraph opts { outputToStdout = False }
Set.empty emptyLibEnv emptyDG (fileToLibName opts file) file
time <- lift getCurrentTime
let sess = Session le ln [] time
k <- lift $ addNewSess sessRef sess
return (sess, k)
DGQuery k _ -> do
m <- lift $ readIORef sessRef
case IntMap.lookup k m of
Nothing -> liftR $ fail "unknown development graph"
Just sess -> return (sess, k)
getSVG :: FilePath -> DGraph -> ResultT IO String
getSVG file dg = do
(exCode, out, err) <- lift $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" ["-Tsvg"]
$ dotGraph file False dg
case exCode of
ExitSuccess -> liftR $ extractSVG out
_ -> fail err
extractSVG :: String -> Result String
extractSVG str = case parseXMLDoc str of
Nothing -> fail "did not recognize svg element"
Just e -> return $ showTopElement e
cmpFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Ordering
cmpFilePath f1 f2 = case comparing hasTrailingPathSeparator f2 f1 of
EQ -> compare f1 f2
c -> c
getHetsResult :: HetcatsOpts -> IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> FilePath
-> String -> IO (Result String)
getHetsResult opts sessRef file query =
runResultT $ case anaUri file $ dropWhile (== '?')
$ filter (not . isSpace) query of
Left err -> fail err
Right (Query dgQ qk) -> do
sk@(sess, k) <- getDGraph opts sessRef dgQ
case sessGraph dgQ sess of
Nothing -> fail $ "unknown library given by: " ++ file
Just (ln, dg) ->
case qk of
DisplayQuery ms -> case ms of
Just "svg" -> getSVG file dg
Just "xml" -> liftR $ return $ ppTopElement
$ ToXml.dGraph (sessLibEnv sess) dg
_ -> liftR $ return $ sessAns ln sk
GlobCmdQuery s ->
case find ((s ==) . cmdlGlobCmd . fst) allGlobLibAct of
Nothing -> fail "getHetsResult.GlobCmdQuery"
Just (_, act) -> do
newLib <- liftR $ act ln $ sessLibEnv sess
let newSess = sess
{ sessLibEnv = newLib
, previousKeys = k : previousKeys sess }
nk <- lift $ addNewSess sessRef newSess
liftR $ return $ sessAns ln (newSess, nk)
NodeQuery i ms -> case lab (dgBody dg) i of
Nothing -> fail $ "no node id: " ++ show i
Just dgnode -> return
$ (if isDGRef dgnode then ("reference " ++) else
if isInternalNode dgnode then ("internal " ++) else id)
"node " ++ getDGNodeName dgnode ++ " " ++ show i ++ "\n"
++ case ms of
Just "theory" ->
showDoc (maybeResult $ getGlobalTheory dgnode) "\n"
_ -> showDoc dgnode ""
EdgeQuery i _ ->
case getDGLinksById i dg of
[e@(_, _, l)] -> return $ showLEdge e ++ "\n" ++ showDoc l ""
[] -> fail $ "no edge found with id: " ++ showEdgeId i
_ -> fail $ "multiple edges found with id: " ++ showEdgeId i
sessAns :: LibName -> (Session, Int) -> String
sessAns libName (sess, k) =
let libEnv = sessLibEnv sess
ln = show $ getLibId libName
mkPath l =
'/' : concat [ show (getLibId l) ++ "?dg=" | l /= sessLibName sess ]
++ show k
extPath l = mkPath l ++
if l /= sessLibName sess then "&" else "?"
ref d = aRef (extPath libName ++ d) d
libref l =
aRef (mkPath l) (show $ getLibId l) : map (\ d ->
aRef (extPath l ++ d) d) displayTypes
noderef (n, lbl) = let s = show n in
unode "i" (s ++ " " ++ getDGNodeName lbl) : map (\ c ->
aRef (extPath libName ++ c ++ "=" ++ s) c) nodeCommands
edgeref e@(_, _, lbl) =
aRef (extPath libName ++ "edge=" ++ showEdgeId (dgl_id lbl))
$ showLEdge e
dg = lookupDGraph libName libEnv
nlabs = labNodesDG dg
elabs = labEdgesDG dg
in htmlHead ++ mkHtmlElem
('(' : shows k ")" ++ ln)
(unode "b" ("library " ++ ln) :
map ref displayTypes ++ [unode "p" "commands:"]
++ [unode "ul" $
map (unode "li" . ref) globalCommands]
++ [unode "p" "imported libraries:"]
++ [unode "ul" $
map (unode "li" . libref) $ Map.keys libEnv]
++ [unode "p" (show (length nlabs)
++ " nodes with local and global theories:")]
++ [unode "ul" $
map (unode "li" . noderef) nlabs]
++ [unode "p" (show (length elabs) ++ " edges:")]
++ [unode "ul" $
map (unode "li" . edgeref)
$ sortBy (comparing (\ (_, _, l) -> dgl_id l)) elabs]
getHetsLibContent :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> String -> IO [Element]
getHetsLibContent opts dir query = do
let hlibs = libdirs opts
ds <- if null dir then return hlibs else
filterM doesDirectoryExist $ map (</> dir) hlibs
fs <- fmap (sortBy cmpFilePath . filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") . concat)
$ mapM getDirContents ds
return $ map (mkHtmlRef query) $ getParent dir : fs
getParent :: String -> String
getParent = addTrailingPathSeparator . ("/" </>) . takeDirectory
. dropTrailingPathSeparator
-- | a variant that adds a trailing slash
getDirContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirContents d = do
fs <- getDirectoryContents d
mapM (\ f -> doesDirectoryExist (d </> f) >>= \ b -> return
$ if b then addTrailingPathSeparator f else f) fs
aRef :: String -> String -> Element
aRef lnk txt = add_attr (mkAttr "href" lnk) $ unode "a" txt
mkHtmlRef :: String -> String -> Element
mkHtmlRef query entry = unode "dir" $ aRef (entry ++ query) entry
headElems :: String -> [Element]
headElems path = let d = "default" in unode "strong" "Choose query type:" :
map (\ q -> aRef (if q == d then "/" </> path else '?' : q) q)
(d : displayTypes) ++ [uploadHtml]
htmlHead :: String
htmlHead =
let dtd = "PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""
url = "\"\""
in concat ["<!DOCTYPE html ", dtd, " ", url, ">\n"]
inputNode :: Element
inputNode = unode "input" ()
uploadHtml :: Element
uploadHtml = add_attrs
[ mkAttr "action" "/"
, mkAttr "enctype" "multipart/form-data"
, mkAttr "method" "post" ]
$ unode "form"
[ add_attrs
[ mkAttr "type" "file"
, mkAttr "name" "file"
, mkAttr "size" "40"]
, add_attrs
[ mkAttr "type" "submit"
, mkAttr "value" "submit"]
inputNode ]