Server.hs revision 232c13ff6847a6f2bac7163392f80ab692cd7774
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : run hets as server
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
module PGIP.Server (hetsServer) where
import PGIP.Query as Query
import Driver.Options
import Driver.ReadFn
import Network.Wai.Handler.SimpleServer
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Parse
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.ApplyChanges
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.DotGraph
import Static.FromXml
import Static.GTheory
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Static.ToXml as ToXml
import Syntax.ToXml
import Interfaces.Command
import Interfaces.CmdAction
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Logic
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Text.XML.Light
import Text.XML.Light.Cursor hiding (findChild)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty, pretty, showGlobalDoc, showDoc)
import Common.ExtSign (ExtSign (..))
import Common.GtkGoal
import Common.LibName
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.ToXml
import Common.Utils
import Common.XUpdate
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (lab)
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Random
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
data Session = Session
{ sessLibEnv :: LibEnv
, sessLibName :: LibName
, _previousKeys :: [Int]
, _sessStart :: UTCTime }
randomKey :: IO Int
randomKey = randomRIO (100000000, 999999999)
sessGraph :: DGQuery -> Session -> Maybe (LibName, DGraph)
sessGraph dgQ (Session le ln _ _) = case dgQ of
DGQuery _ (Just path) ->
find (\ (n, _) -> show (getLibId n) == path)
$ Map.toList le
_ -> fmap (\ dg -> (ln, dg)) $ Map.lookup ln le
hetsServer :: HetcatsOpts -> IO ()
hetsServer opts1 = do
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let tempHetsLib = tempDir </> "MyHetsLib"
permFile = tempDir </> "empty.txt"
opts = opts1 { libdirs = tempHetsLib : libdirs opts1 }
createDirectoryIfMissing False tempHetsLib
writeFile permFile ""
sessRef <- newIORef IntMap.empty
run 8000 $ \ re -> do
let (query, splitQuery) = queryToString $ queryString re
rhost = shows (remoteHost re) "\n"
bots = ["crawl", "ffff:66.249."]
queryToString s = let r = B8.unpack s in
(r, map ((\ l -> case l of
[] -> error "queryToString"
[x] -> (x, Nothing)
x : t -> (x, Just $ intercalate "=" t))
. splitOn '=') . concatMap (splitOn ';') . splitOn '&'
. dropWhile (== '?') $ filter (not . isSpace) r)
path = dropWhile (== '/') . B8.unpack $ pathInfo re
pathBits = splitOn '/' path
liftRun = id
queryToString s = let
r = map (\ (bs, ms) -> (B8.unpack bs, fmap B8.unpack ms)) s
in (('?' :) . intercalate "&" $ map
(\ (x, ms) -> x ++ case ms of
Nothing -> ""
Just y -> '=' : y) r, r)
pathBits = map T.unpack $ pathInfo re
path = intercalate "/" pathBits
liftRun = liftIO
liftRun $ do
time <- getCurrentTime
createDirectoryIfMissing False tempHetsLib
m <- readIORef sessRef
appendFile permFile $ shows time " sessions: "
++ shows (IntMap.size m) "\n"
appendFile permFile rhost
appendFile permFile $ shows (requestHeaders re) "\n"
-- better try to read hosts to exclude from a file
if any (`isInfixOf` rhost) bots then return $ mkResponse status403 "" else
case B8.unpack (requestMethod re) of
"GET" -> liftRun $ if query == "?menus" then mkMenuResponse else do
dirs@(_ : cs) <- getHetsLibContent opts path query
if null cs then getHetsResponse opts [] sessRef path splitQuery
else mkHtmlPage path dirs
"POST" -> do
(params, files) <- parseRequestBody tempFileSink re
liftRun $ print params
mTmpFile <- liftRun $ case lookup "content"
$ map (\ (a, b) -> (B8.unpack a, b)) params of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just areatext -> let content = B8.unpack areatext in
if all isSpace content then return Nothing else do
tmpFile <- getTempFile content "temp.het"
copyPermissions permFile tmpFile
return $ Just tmpFile
let res tmpFile = getHetsResponse opts [] sessRef tmpFile splitQuery
mRes = maybe (return $ mkResponse status400 "nothing submitted")
res mTmpFile
liftRun $ case files of
[] -> if isPrefixOf "?prove=" query then
getHetsResponse opts [] sessRef path
$ splitQuery ++ map
(\ (a, b) -> (B8.unpack a, Just $ B8.unpack b)) params
else mRes
[(_, f)] | query /= "?update" -> do
let fn = takeFileName $ B8.unpack $ fileName f
if any isAlphaNum fn then do
let tmpFile = tempHetsLib </> fn
snkFile = fileContent f
copyPermissions permFile snkFile
copyFile snkFile tmpFile
maybe (res tmpFile) res mTmpFile
else mRes
_ -> getHetsResponse opts (map snd files) sessRef path splitQuery
_ -> return $ mkResponse status405 ""
mkMenuResponse :: IO Response
mkMenuResponse = return $ mkOkResponse $ ppTopElement $ unode "menus" mkMenus
mkMenus :: [Element]
mkMenus = menuTriple "" "Get menu triples" "menus"
: menuTriple "/DGraph" "update" "update"
: map (\ (c, _) -> menuTriple "/" (menuTextGlobCmd c) $ cmdlGlobCmd c)
++ map (\ nc -> menuTriple "/DGraph/DGNode" ("Show " ++ nc) nc) nodeCommands
++ [menuTriple "/DGraph/DGLink" "Show edge info" "edge"]
menuTriple :: String -> String -> String -> Element
menuTriple q d c = unode "triple"
[ unode "xquery" q
, unode "displayname" d
, unode "command" c ]
mkHtmlString :: FilePath -> [Element] -> String
mkHtmlString path dirs = htmlHead ++ mkHtmlElem
("Listing of" ++ if null path then " repository" else ": " ++ path)
(headElems path ++ [unode "ul" dirs])
mkHtmlElem :: String -> [Element] -> String
mkHtmlElem title body = ppElement $ unode "html"
[ unode "head" $ unode "title" title, unode "body" body ]
-- include a script within page (manual tags to avoid encoding)
mkHtmlElemScript :: String -> String -> [Element] -> String
mkHtmlElemScript title scr body = "<html>\n<head>\n"
++ ppElement (unode "title" title) ++ "\n<script type=text/javascript>"
++ scr ++ "</script>\n</head>\n" ++ ppElement (unode "body" body)
++ "</html>"
mkHtmlPage :: FilePath -> [Element] -> IO Response
mkHtmlPage path = return . mkOkResponse . mkHtmlString path
mkResponse :: Status -> String -> Response
mkResponse st =
Response st [] . ResponseLBS
responseLBS st []
. BS.pack
mkOkResponse :: String -> Response
mkOkResponse = mkResponse status200
addNewSess :: IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> Session -> IO Int
addNewSess sessRef sess = do
k <- randomKey
atomicModifyIORef sessRef
(\ m -> (IntMap.insert k sess m, k))
nextSess :: IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> LibEnv -> Int -> IO Session
nextSess sessRef newLib k =
atomicModifyIORef sessRef
(\ m -> case IntMap.lookup k m of
Nothing -> error "nextSess"
Just s -> let newSess = s { sessLibEnv = newLib }
in (IntMap.insert k newSess m, newSess))
ppDGraph :: DGraph -> Maybe PrettyType -> ResultT IO String
ppDGraph dg mt = let ga = globalAnnos dg in case optLibDefn dg of
Nothing -> fail "parsed LIB-DEFN not avaible"
Just ld ->
let latex = renderLatex Nothing (toLatex ga $ pretty ld) in case mt of
Just pty -> case pty of
PrettyXml -> return $ ppTopElement $ xmlLibDefn ga ld
PrettyAscii -> return $ showGlobalDoc ga ld "\n"
PrettyHtml -> return $ htmlHead ++ renderHtml ga (pretty ld)
PrettyLatex -> return latex
Nothing -> lift $ do
tmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
tmpFile <- writeTempFile (latexHeader ++ latex ++ latexFooter)
tmpDir "temp.tex"
copyPermissions (tmpDir </> "empty.txt") tmpFile
mapM_ (\ s -> do
let sty = (</> "hetcasl.sty")
f = sty s
ex <- doesFileExist f
when ex $ copyFile f $ sty tmpDir)
[ "utils", "Hets/utils"
, "/home/" ]
withinDirectory tmpDir $ do
(ex1, out1, err1) <- readProcessWithExitCode "pdflatex" [tmpFile] ""
(ex2, out2, err2) <- readProcessWithExitCode "pdflatex" [tmpFile] ""
let pdfFile = replaceExtension tmpFile "pdf"
pdf <- doesFileExist pdfFile
if ex1 == ExitSuccess && ex2 == ExitSuccess && pdf then do
pdfHdl <- openBinaryFile pdfFile ReadMode
str <- hGetContents pdfHdl
when (length str < 0) $ putStrLn "pdf file too large"
hClose pdfHdl
return str
else return $ "could not create pdf:\n"
++ unlines [out1, err1, out2, err2]
getDGraph :: HetcatsOpts -> IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> DGQuery
-> ResultT IO (Session, Int)
getDGraph opts sessRef dgQ = case dgQ of
NewDGQuery file -> do
(ln, le) <- case guess file GuessIn of
DgXml -> do
mf <- lift $ findFileOfLibName opts file
case mf of
Just f -> readDGXmlR opts f Map.empty
Nothing -> liftR $ fail "xml file not found"
_ -> anaSourceFile logicGraph opts
{ outputToStdout = False, useLibPos = True }
Set.empty emptyLibEnv emptyDG file
time <- lift getCurrentTime
let sess = Session le ln [] time
k <- lift $ addNewSess sessRef sess
return (sess, k)
DGQuery k _ -> do
m <- lift $ readIORef sessRef
case IntMap.lookup k m of
Nothing -> liftR $ fail "unknown development graph"
Just sess -> return (sess, k)
getSVG :: String -> String -> DGraph -> ResultT IO String
getSVG title url dg = do
(exCode, out, err) <- lift $ readProcessWithExitCode "dot" ["-Tsvg"]
$ dotGraph title False url dg
case exCode of
ExitSuccess -> liftR $ extractSVG dg out
_ -> fail err
enrichSVG :: DGraph -> Element -> Element
enrichSVG dg e = processSVG dg $ fromElement e
processSVG :: DGraph -> Cursor -> Element
processSVG dg c = case nextDF c of
Nothing -> case toTree (root c) of
Elem e -> e
_ -> error "processSVG"
Just c2 -> processSVG dg
$ modifyContent (addSVGAttribs dg) c2
nodeAttrib :: DGNodeLab -> String
nodeAttrib l = let nt = getRealDGNodeType l in
(if isRefType nt then "Ref" else "")
++ (if hasSenKind (const True) l then
(if isProvenNode nt then "P" else "Unp") ++ "roven"
++ if isProvenCons nt then "Cons" else ""
else "LocallyEmpty")
++ (if isInternalSpec nt then "Internal" else "")
++ if labelHasHiding l then "HasIngoingHidingLink" else ""
edgeAttrib :: DGLinkLab -> String
edgeAttrib l = show (pretty $ dgl_type l) ++
if dglPending l then "IncompleteProofChain" else ""
addSVGAttribs :: DGraph -> Content -> Content
addSVGAttribs dg c = case c of
Elem e -> case getAttrVal "id" e of
Just istr | isNat istr -> let i = read istr in
case getAttrVal "class" e of
Just "node" -> case lab (dgBody dg) i of
Nothing -> c
Just l -> Elem $ add_attr (mkAttr "type" $ nodeAttrib l) e
Just "edge" -> case getDGLinksById (EdgeId i) dg of
[(_, _, l)] ->
Elem $ add_attr (mkAttr "type" $ edgeAttrib l) e
_ -> c
_ -> c
_ -> c
_ -> c
extractSVG :: DGraph -> String -> Result String
extractSVG dg str = case parseXMLDoc str of
Nothing -> fail "did not recognize svg element"
Just e -> return $ showTopElement $ enrichSVG dg e
cmpFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Ordering
cmpFilePath f1 f2 = case comparing hasTrailingPathSeparator f2 f1 of
EQ -> compare f1 f2
c -> c
getHetsResponse :: HetcatsOpts -> [FileInfo FilePath]
-> IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> FilePath
-> [QueryPair] -> IO Response
getHetsResponse opts updates sessRef path query = do
Result ds ms <- getHetsResult opts updates sessRef path query
return $ case ms of
Nothing -> mkResponse status400 $ showRelDiags 1 ds
Just s -> mkOkResponse s
getHetsResult :: HetcatsOpts -> [FileInfo FilePath]
-> IORef (IntMap.IntMap Session) -> FilePath
-> [QueryPair] -> IO (Result String)
getHetsResult opts updates sessRef file query =
runResultT $ case anaUri file query of
Left err -> fail err
Right (Query dgQ qk) -> do
sk@(sess, k) <- getDGraph opts sessRef dgQ
let libEnv = sessLibEnv sess
case sessGraph dgQ sess of
Nothing -> fail $ "unknown library given by: " ++ file
Just (ln, dg) -> let title = show $ getLibId ln in do
svg <- getSVG title ('/' : show k) dg
case qk of
DisplayQuery ms -> case ms of
Just "svg" -> return svg
Just "xml" -> liftR $ return $ ppTopElement
$ ToXml.dGraph libEnv ln dg
Just "dot" -> liftR $ return $ dotGraph title False title dg
Just "session" -> liftR $ return $ ppElement
$ aRef (mkPath sess ln k) (show k)
Just str | elem str ppList
-> ppDGraph dg $ lookup str $ zip ppList prettyList
_ -> liftR $ return $ sessAns ln svg sk
GlobCmdQuery s ->
case find ((s ==) . cmdlGlobCmd . fst) allGlobLibAct of
Nothing -> if s == "update" then
case filter ((== ".xupdate") . takeExtension . B8.unpack
. fileName) updates of
ch : _ -> do
str <- lift $ readFile $ fileContent ch
(newLn, newLib) <- dgXUpdate opts str libEnv ln dg
newSess <- lift $ nextSess sessRef newLib k
liftR $ return $ sessAns newLn svg (newSess, k)
[] -> liftR $ return $ sessAns ln svg sk
else fail "getHetsResult.GlobCmdQuery"
Just (_, act) -> do
newLib <- liftR $ act ln libEnv
newSess <- lift $ nextSess sessRef newLib k
liftR $ return $ sessAns ln svg (newSess, k)
NodeQuery ein nc -> do
nl@(i, dgnode) <- case ein of
Right n -> case lookupNodeByName n dg of
p : _ -> return p
[] -> fail $ "no node name: " ++ n
Left i -> case lab (dgBody dg) i of
Nothing -> fail $ "no node id: " ++ show i
Just dgnode -> return (i, dgnode)
let fstLine = (if isDGRef dgnode then ("reference " ++) else
if isInternalNode dgnode then ("internal " ++) else id)
"node " ++ getDGNodeName dgnode ++ " (#" ++ show i ++ ")\n"
ins = getImportNames dg i
showN d = showGlobalDoc (globalAnnos dg) d "\n"
case nc of
NcCmd cmd | elem cmd [Query.Node, Info, Symbols]
-> case cmd of
Symbols -> return $ showSymbols ins (globalAnnos dg) dgnode
_ -> return $ fstLine ++ showN dgnode
_ -> case maybeResult $ getGlobalTheory dgnode of
Nothing -> fail $
"cannot compute global theory of:\n" ++ fstLine
Just gTh -> let subL = sublogicOfTh gTh in case nc of
ProveNode incl mp mt tl thms -> do
(newLib, sens) <- proveNode libEnv ln dg nl
gTh subL incl mp mt tl thms
if null sens then return "nothing to prove" else do
lift $ nextSess sessRef newLib k
return $ formatResults k $ unode "results" $
map (\ (n, e) -> unode "goal"
[unode "name" n, unode "result" e]) sens
_ -> return $ case nc of
NcCmd Query.Theory ->
showGlobalTh dg i gTh k fstLine
NcProvers mt -> getProvers mt subL
NcTranslations mp -> getComorphs mp subL
_ -> error "getHetsResult.NodeQuery."
EdgeQuery i _ ->
case getDGLinksById i dg of
[e@(_, _, l)] -> return $ showLEdge e ++ "\n" ++ showDoc l ""
[] -> fail $ "no edge found with id: " ++ showEdgeId i
_ -> fail $ "multiple edges found with id: " ++ showEdgeId i
formatResults :: Int -> Element -> String
formatResults sessId rs = let
goBack = aRef ('/' : show sessId) "return to DGraph"
in ppElement $ unode "html" [ unode "head"
[ unode "title" "Results", (add_attr (mkAttr "type" "text/css")
$ unode "style" resultStyles), goBack ], rs ]
resultStyles :: String
resultStyles = unlines
[ "results { margin: 5px; padding:5px; display:block; }"
, "goal { display:block; margin-left:15px; }"
, "name { display:inline; margin:5px; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; }"
, "result { display:inline; padding:30px; }" ]
{- | displays the global theory for a node with the option to prove theorems
and select proving options -}
showGlobalTh :: DGraph -> Int -> G_theory -> Int -> String -> String
showGlobalTh dg i gTh sessId fstLine = case simplifyTh gTh of
sGTh@(G_theory lid (ExtSign sig _) _ thsens _) -> let
ga = globalAnnos dg
-- links to translations and provers xml view
transBt = aRef ('/' : show sessId ++ "?translations=" ++ show i)
prvsBt = aRef ('/' : show sessId ++ "?provers=" ++ show i) "provers"
headr = unode "h3" fstLine
thShow = renderHtml ga $ vcat $ map (print_named lid) $ toNamedList thsens
sbShow = renderHtml ga $ pretty sig
in case getThGoals sGTh of
-- show simple view if no goals are found
[] -> mkHtmlElem fstLine [ headr, transBt, prvsBt,
unode "h4" "Theory" ] ++ sbShow ++ "\n<br />" ++ thShow
-- else create proving functionality
gs -> let
-- create list of theorems, selectable for proving
thmSl = map (\(nm, bp) -> let gSt = maybe GOpen basicProofToGStatus bp
in add_attrs [ mkAttr "type" "checkbox", mkAttr "name" $ escStr nm
, mkAttr "goalstatus" $ showSimple gSt ] $ unode "input" $ nm
++ " (" ++ showSimple gSt ++ ")" ) gs
-- create prove button and prover/comorphism selection
(prSl, cmrSl, jvScr1) = showProverSelection $ sublogicOfTh gTh
prBt = [ mkAttr "type" "submit", mkAttr "value" "Prove" ]
`add_attrs` inputNode
-- create timeout field
timeout = add_attrs [mkAttr "type" "text", mkAttr "name" "timeout"
, mkAttr "value" "1", mkAttr "size" "3"]
$ unode "input" "Sec/Goal "
-- select unproven goals by button
selUnPr = add_attrs [mkAttr "type" "button", mkAttr "value" "Unproven"
, mkAttr "onClick" "chkUnproven()"] inputNode
-- select or deselect all theorems by button
selAll = add_attrs [mkAttr "type" "button", mkAttr "value" "All"
, mkAttr "onClick" "chkAll(true)"] inputNode
deSelAll = add_attrs [mkAttr "type" "button", mkAttr "value" "None"
, mkAttr "onClick" "chkAll(false)"] inputNode
-- hidden param field
hidStr = add_attrs [ mkAttr "name" "prove"
, mkAttr "type" "hidden", mkAttr "style" "display:none;"
, mkAttr "value" $ show i ]
-- combine elements within a form
thmMenu = let br = unode "br " () in add_attrs [mkAttr "name" "thmSel",
mkAttr "method" "get"] $ unode "form" $ [hidStr, prSl, cmrSl, br,
selAll, deSelAll, selUnPr, timeout] ++ intersperse br (prBt : thmSl)
goBack = aRef ('/' : show sessId) "return to DGraph"
-- javascript features
jvScr = unlines [ jvScr1
-- select unproven goals by button
, "\nfunction chkUnproven() {"
, " var e = document.forms[0].elements;"
, " for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {"
, " if( e[i].type == 'checkbox' )"
, " e[i].checked = e[i].getAttribute('goalstatus') != 'Proved';"
, " }"
-- select or deselect all theorems by button
, "}\nfunction chkAll(b) {"
, " var e = document.forms[0].elements;"
, " for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {"
, " if( e[i].type == 'checkbox' ) e[i].checked = b;"
, " }"
-- autoselect SPASS if possible
, "}\nwindow.onload = function() {"
, " prSel = document.forms[0].elements.namedItem('prover');"
, " prs = prSel.getElementsByTagName('option');"
, " for ( i=0; i<prs.length; i++ ) {"
, " if( prs[i].value == 'SPASS' ) {"
, " prs[i].selected = 'selected';"
, " updCmSel('SPASS');"
, " return;"
, " }"
, " }"
-- if SPASS unable, select first one in list
, " prs[0].selected = 'selected';"
, " updCmSel( prs[0].value );"
, "}" ]
in mkHtmlElemScript fstLine jvScr [ headr, transBt, prvsBt, plain " ",
goBack, unode "h4" "Theorems", thmMenu, unode "h4" "Theory" ]
++ sbShow ++ "\n<br />" ++ thShow
-- | create prover and comorphism menu and combine them using javascript
showProverSelection :: G_sublogics -> (Element, Element, String)
showProverSelection subL = let
jvScr = unlines
-- the chosen prover is passed as param
[ "\nfunction updCmSel(pr) {"
, " var cmrSl = document.forms[0].elements.namedItem('translation');"
-- then, all selectable comorphisms are gathered and iterated
, " var opts = cmrSl.getElementsByTagName('option');"
-- try to keep current comorph-selection
, " var selAccept = false;"
, " for( var i = opts.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {"
, " var cmr = opts.item( i );"
-- the list of supported provers is extracted
, " var prs = cmr.getAttribute('4prover').split(';');"
, " var pFit = false;"
, " for( var j = 0; ! pFit && j < prs.length; j++ ) {"
, " pFit = prs[j] == pr;"
, " }"
-- if prover is supported, remove disabled attribute
, " if( pFit ) {"
, " cmr.removeAttribute('disabled');"
, " selAccept = selAccept || cmr.selected;"
-- else create and append a disabled attribute
, " } else {"
, " var ds = document.createAttribute('disabled');"
, " ds.value = 'disabled';"
, " cmr.setAttributeNode(ds);"
, " }"
, " }"
-- check if selected comorphism fits, and select fst. in list otherwise
, " if( ! selAccept ) {"
, " for( i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) {"
, " if( ! opts.item(i).disabled ) {"
, " opts.item(i).selected = 'selected';"
, " return;"
, " }"
, " }"
, " }"
, "}" ]
allPrCm = getProversAux Nothing subL
-- create prover selection (drop-down)
prs = add_attr (mkAttr "name" "prover") $ unode "select" $ map (\ p ->
add_attrs [mkAttr "value" p, mkAttr "onClick" $ "updCmSel('" ++ p ++ "')"]
$ unode "option" p) $ showProversOnly allPrCm
-- create comorphism selection (drop-down)
cmrs = add_attr (mkAttr "name" "translation") $ unode "select"
$ map (\ (cm, ps) -> let c = showComorph cm in
add_attrs [mkAttr "value" c, mkAttr "4prover" $ intercalate ";" ps]
$ unode "option" c) allPrCm
in (prs, cmrs, jvScr)
getAllAutomaticProvers :: G_sublogics -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getAllAutomaticProvers subL = getAllProvers ProveCMDLautomatic subL logicGraph
filterByProver :: Maybe String -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
-> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
filterByProver mp = case mp of
Nothing -> id
Just p -> filter ((== p) . getWebProverName . fst)
filterByComorph :: Maybe String -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
-> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
filterByComorph mt = case mt of
Nothing -> id
Just c -> filter ((== c) . showComorph . snd)
getProverAndComorph :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> G_sublogics
-> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getProverAndComorph mp mc subL =
let ps = filterByComorph mc $ getAllAutomaticProvers subL
spps = case filterByProver (Just "SPASS") ps of
[] -> ps
fps -> fps
in case mp of
Nothing -> spps
_ -> case filterByProver mp ps of
[] -> spps
mps -> mps
showComorph :: AnyComorphism -> String
showComorph (Comorphism cid) = removeFunnyChars . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':')
. map (\ c -> if c == ';' then ':' else c)
$ language_name cid
removeFunnyChars :: String -> String
removeFunnyChars = filter (\ c -> isAlphaNum c || elem c "_.-")
getWebProverName :: G_prover -> String
getWebProverName = removeFunnyChars . getProverName
getProvers :: Maybe String -> G_sublogics -> String
getProvers mt subL = ppTopElement . unode "provers" $ map (unode "prover")
$ showProversOnly $ getProversAux mt subL
showProversOnly :: [(AnyComorphism, [String])] -> [String]
showProversOnly = nubOrd . concatMap snd
{- | gather provers and comoprhisms and resort them to
(comorhism, supported provers) while not changing orig comorphism order -}
getProversAux :: Maybe String -> G_sublogics -> [(AnyComorphism, [String])]
getProversAux mt subL = foldl insertCmL [] $ filterByComorph mt
$ getAllAutomaticProvers subL where
insertCmL [] (p, c) = [(c, [getWebProverName p])]
insertCmL ((c', pL) : r) (p, c) | c' == c = (c, getWebProverName p : pL) : r
| otherwise = (c', pL) : insertCmL r (p, c)
getComorphs :: Maybe String -> G_sublogics -> String
getComorphs mp subL = ppTopElement . unode "translations"
. map (unode "comorphism")
. nubOrd . map (showComorph . snd)
. filterByProver mp
$ getAllAutomaticProvers subL
proveNode :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> (Int, DGNodeLab) -> G_theory
-> G_sublogics -> Bool -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe Int
-> [String] -> ResultT IO (LibEnv, [(String, String)])
proveNode le ln dg nl gTh subL useTh mp mt tl thms = case
getProverAndComorph mp mt subL of
[] -> fail "no prover found"
cp : _ -> do
let ks = map fst $ getThGoals gTh
diffs = Set.difference (Set.fromList thms)
$ Set.fromList ks
unless (Set.null diffs) $ fail $ "unknown theorems: " ++ show diffs
(res, prfs) <- lift
$ autoProofAtNode useTh (maybe 1 (max 1) tl) thms gTh cp
case prfs of
Nothing -> fail "proving failed"
Just sens -> if null sens then return (le, sens) else
case res of
Nothing -> error "proveNode"
Just nTh -> return
(Map.insert ln (updateLabelTheory le dg nl nTh) le, sens)
mkPath :: Session -> LibName -> Int -> String
mkPath sess l k =
'/' : concat [ show (getLibId l) ++ "?session="
| l /= sessLibName sess ]
++ show k
extPath :: Session -> LibName -> Int -> String
extPath sess l k = mkPath sess l k ++
if l /= sessLibName sess then "&" else "?"
sessAns :: LibName -> String -> (Session, Int) -> String
sessAns libName svg (sess, k) =
let libEnv = sessLibEnv sess
ln = show $ getLibId libName
libref l =
aRef (mkPath sess l k) (show $ getLibId l) : map (\ d ->
aRef (extPath sess l k ++ d) d) displayTypes
libPath = extPath sess libName k
ref d = aRef (libPath ++ d) d
{- the html quicklinks to nodes and edges have been removed with R.16827 -}
in htmlHead ++ mkHtmlElem
('(' : shows k ")" ++ ln)
(bold ("library " ++ ln)
: map ref displayTypes
++ menuElement : loadXUpdate (libPath ++ "update")
: [plain "commands:"]
++ [mkUnorderedList $ map ref globalCommands]
++ [plain "imported libraries:"]
++ [mkUnorderedList $ map libref $ Map.keys libEnv]
) ++ svg
getHetsLibContent :: HetcatsOpts -> String -> String -> IO [Element]
getHetsLibContent opts dir query = do
let hlibs = libdirs opts
ds <- if null dir then return hlibs else
filterM doesDirectoryExist $ map (</> dir) hlibs
fs <- fmap (sortBy cmpFilePath . filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") . concat)
$ mapM getDirContents ds
return $ map (mkHtmlRef query) $ getParent dir : fs
getParent :: String -> String
getParent = addTrailingPathSeparator . ("/" </>) . takeDirectory
. dropTrailingPathSeparator
-- | a variant that adds a trailing slash
getDirContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirContents d = do
fs <- getDirectoryContents d
mapM (\ f -> doesDirectoryExist (d </> f) >>= \ b -> return
$ if b then addTrailingPathSeparator f else f) fs
aRef :: String -> String -> Element
aRef lnk txt = add_attr (mkAttr "href" lnk) $ unode "a" txt
mkHtmlRef :: String -> String -> Element
mkHtmlRef query entry = unode "dir" $ aRef (entry ++ query) entry
mkUnorderedList :: Node t => [t] -> Element
mkUnorderedList = unode "ul" . map (unode "li")
italic :: String -> Element
italic = unode "i"
bold :: String -> Element
bold = unode "b"
plain :: String -> Element
plain = unode "p"
headElems :: String -> [Element]
headElems path = let d = "default" in unode "strong" "Choose query type:" :
map (\ q -> aRef (if q == d then "/" </> path else '?' : q) q)
(d : displayTypes) ++ [menuElement, uploadHtml]
menuElement :: Element
menuElement = aRef "?menus" "menus"
htmlHead :: String
htmlHead =
let dtd = "PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""
url = "\"\""
in concat ["<!DOCTYPE html ", dtd, " ", url, ">\n"]
inputNode :: Element
inputNode = unode "input" ()
loadNode :: String -> Element
loadNode name = add_attrs
[ mkAttr "type" "file"
, mkAttr "name" name
, mkAttr "size" "40"]
submitNode :: Element
submitNode = add_attrs
[ mkAttr "type" "submit"
, mkAttr "value" "submit"]
mkForm :: String -> [Element] -> Element
mkForm a = add_attrs
[ mkAttr "action" a
, mkAttr "enctype" "multipart/form-data"
, mkAttr "method" "post" ]
. unode "form"
uploadHtml :: Element
uploadHtml = mkForm "/"
[ loadNode "file"
, unode "p" $ add_attrs
[ mkAttr "cols" "68"
, mkAttr "rows" "22"
, mkAttr "name" "content" ] $ unode "textarea" ""
, submitNode ]
loadXUpdate :: String -> Element
loadXUpdate a = mkForm a
[ italic "xupdate"
, loadNode "xupdate"
, italic "impacts"
, loadNode "impacts"
, submitNode ]